
Da Rp

Aug 2nd, 2021
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  1. Ojielra sat alone on the grass of the plains of his people's birth. The feeling of divine energy flowing through his body as he ruminated upon the last almost thirty years of his life. He would digest everything he felt in this moment, allowing himself this private moment to grieve and cry, wail and moan, and recenter himself after everything he had been through that led him to this moment. Gone was his make of indifference, blocked we're the memories and influences of his father. For the time being, he would be Ramiel once more.
  3. He thought fondly about his youngest memories and the chaos that followed them as a child. He recalled vividly the day he drank a vial and become stronger than most in the heavens at the time. The doctor sine's face of shock and his parents' response bringing a smile to his weathered face. He recalled, suddenly saddened, this to be the last time he spent extended time with both his parents.
  5. He thought now on the formation of the first portal, the sundering of the veil. The meeting of his uncle, Edos, his aunt, Kaitora, and his cousin, now the supreme, Azealia. This was the start of the end of his happiness, in all reality. The chaos of the time, his mother's descent, and the brash nature of the demons. He grimaced and let the anger run its course through him. This was a time to feel, to grow.
  7. He thought upon now, the first time he met Genom, the horrific creature wrought of science gone wrong. The blue shelled menace that so casually disregarded the laws of life and death. He recalled his appearance within heaven, the apprehension he had created, and the issues he brought with him. How self-assured he was then, and remains now. How little one who claimed to be a hero, cared for the rules of life and death.
  9. He recalled the second sundering, hazy as it was during a time of rest for him. Edo's death and then the news of his mother's fall, then her death, and finally learning of her fusion. IT was a hard time for Ramiel, and this time was when he began training to take over his father's mantle as the east sage. At the time he recalled others trying for other such placements, North and west. This was a time of rapid change and growth.
  11. He paused now, wiping tears and sweat from his face as he looked upon the grace he sat before. The cape he wore draped back over where he'd found it. He'd always loved his uncle, even if he'd been unable to spend extended time with him. It brought him pain to know he'd never get to truly know his uncle now.
  13. He let himself bask in the feelings left behind here, at the place that held what remained of his uncle. He took a deep cleansing breath, extending the range of his senses. He knew his uncle was gone, but still. He had hoped there might be some small bits of him left. He placed a hand upon the ground and spoke aloud.
  15. "Dear Edos. . .Your Daughter is doing well. . though she is more flighty than I would like as a leader. . I am sorry I never knew you well. Though I strive to rebuild the heavens as a place of balance and understanding. I strive to become more of what we should always have been. I need more help. . "
  17. He paused and then shook his head, returning to his rumination. The rest of his life seemed to blur. The news of Thanatos and his growing threat to all life. The death of his fused mother, and her sacrilegious actions in the living world. The mortals brazenly coming and going from life and death. The fusion of his father unto him created the being he was now.
  19. It filled him with rage and sorrow at the same time. So much so he could do nothing more than weep and wail, his voice ringing out amongst the empty plains of the heavens. He felt truly alone and without hope in this hour of need. He didn't know what else to do by vent it all into the heavens, that his voice might be heard.
  21. Finally, he was up to current, and the strange circumstances he found himself now in. The being Thanatos training him, to make him a more worthy battle. How hard he had to struggle to keep up with everyone else. The defeat at the hands of Kotori, and his cybernetic enhancements. The loss of Arkis, the new north sage, and his cousin's ascension to that of the Supreme, only to loaf about and do nothing.
  23. All of this came to a head now, as he let it all pass through him like he was unblocking the blockages of his soul. He was cleaning his chakra, one movement at a time. He had to be pure for what he intended to do now. He would turn and walk into the waters to this right. Submerging his body and letting his clothing fade away. The cold waters shocking his body and mind, washing away all that was impure.
  25. He rested now, in the water, letting all he had come to feel and rage against be washed away in this holy water. He let its cold nature temper and alleviate the heat of his rage and soothe the soreness of his sorrow. Once finished he rose, cleaned, and purified for his intentions that could follow. He had no idea if this would work, but he would do his best regardless.
  27. He returned to his place before the grave of his uncle, allowing new clothing to adorn his frame, and his divine energy to surge, as he finally did as he had intended to do. He would reach out, with the holy choir, his divine energy, and even his very soul, to reach out to the immortal El, who guided his people.
  29. "Oh my lord. . Most holy of ones. . I ask from your guidance. I ask for your boon. I ask for much and offer all that I am in return. I know my cousin means well, and I trust in your judgment! However, I ask you to make me a supreme to stand beside her! I ask you to let me train mortals and the demigods to ascend to the place of sages. I ask you to help me right the wrongs committed in this afterlife. . Please oh lord. . .I wish nothing more than to bring balance. . to right the wrongs committed. To return things how they should be. . To defeat Thanatos! In his vein self-interested desire to wipe out humanity and then challenge even you! Let me be your avatar! Let me be your holy spear! Please oh lord. . "
  31. He called out, he cried out in holy and honest desire. He wanted to be more than he was than he had become. He wanted to serve the balance of this world, and bring it back in check. He wanted to bring all that was meant to be to the forefront and more! He would wait, in silent meditation, for any sign of response.
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