
smart IRC convo, against Logical fallacy

Jun 12th, 2020
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  1. Jun 10 16:02:53 <DomLS3> But as far as telling the truth... not sure what they could do legally since that's part of the first amendment
  2. Jun 10 16:03:52 <oxipital> first amendment only protects from government action
  3. Jun 10 16:04:10 <genr8_> i just had a huge argument about the whitelist/blacklist master/slave thing and all it led to was everyone calling out the other person for "strawmans" and me responding with "stop saying strawman, its derogatory towards farmers"
  4. un 10 16:04:42 <DomLS3> yeah I guess that's right
  5. Jun 10 16:05:07 <DomLS3> but again, if you didn't agree to not say *anything* about them, true or false, then I think you're clear
  6. Jun 10 16:05:21 <oxipital> genr8_: strawman, false equivalency, etc are all mis-applied rhetorical fallacies that people use to shoot down dissent
  7. Jun 10 16:06:46 <genr8_> oxipital, agreed
  8. Jun 10 16:07:07 <oxipital> genr8_: i fucking hate when people use them.
  9. Jun 10 16:07:29 <genr8_> my other response was "just re-define every word and phrase before you attempt to use it. then we wont have any strawmen ever"
  10. Jun 10 16:07:31 <oxipital> there's so many rhetorical fallacies that you could find one to fit any situation.
  11. Jun 10 16:07:43 <genr8_> yeah its a tool to go looking for pedantic loopholes just to win by default
  12. Jun 10 16:07:52 <oxipital> versus you know, facts
  13. Jun 10 16:08:10 <oxipital> or peer reviewed studies
  14. Jun 10 16:08:23 <oxipital> but they're super popular, especially like on reddit.
  15. Jun 10 16:08:47 <genr8_> well i would argue, its a casual channel, not a scientific journal. the standard of proof expects ppl to follow along and not be stubborn and NOT follow along
  16. Jun 10 16:08:59 <oxipital> because apparently the general studies drop outs take logic courses before withdrawing from college all together
  17. Jun 10 16:09:07 <genr8_> hah
  18. Jun 10 16:09:25 <oxipital> yeah, but if i can provide a study citing something, it should be understood to have some weight
  19. Jun 10 16:11:08 <genr8_> yeah but a lot of the time its a casual discussion, and they refuse to continue the discussion and just parrot back "Source?" after each sentence instead of having some goodwill for the sake of continuing to larger points
  20. Jun 10 16:11:20 <oxipital> yeah
  21. Jun 10 16:11:40 <oxipital> i figure its just a personal thing for me, like people putting lol at the end of everything
  22. Jun 10 16:11:52 <oxipital> or haha
  23. Jun 10 16:13:34 <genr8_> at least we can use keyboards and talk in full sentences
  24. Jun 10 16:13:44 <genr8_> feel bad for the ppl trying to do this on twitter with thumbs. its impossible
  25. Jun 10 16:13:46 <oxipital> you maybe, heh
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