
Isla EndChap1 [draft]

Aug 7th, 2015
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  1. [rough description of events]
  3. Basilio and Jujut are driving to their house on Ontigas ave, while Jujut is intensely reading a newspaper, Basilio notices nd flips it right side up so it Jujut could actually read it. Noticing the headline, Jujut points out to Basilio about the coincidence, Basilio replies it isn't a coincidence if it's been the main news of the past couple of months. Close up on the newspaper and an article on the murders that have been happening. Basically it says something like 'in the past few months there have been a series of seemingly related murders on the outskirts of Metro San Juan and near rural areas in the San Juan provinces, with similar reports from the other nations on the island. The wounds are usually ambiguous, the only clues coming form a couple murders from the Quezon province area of San Juan where strange death wounds have been found on the murdered. There is hope that the strangeness of the deaths may lead to a few clues but the SJNP (San Juan National Police) is not hopeful. - Erney "Medyobadboy"Daron' A man screams and tells the two to drive properly. Shot of the car being in the middle of the road, snaking on both sides of the traffic and basically being assholes, all the while the two are talking and reading the newspaper as if they aren't driving. On the way the two discuss what happened prior to their trip back home, committing road violations and making accidents happen along the way.
  7. Jujut and Basilio are travelling around in SJ Quezon, they just so happen to pass by a police station where they see one of the police men being ridiculed by his fellow officers. They would not have given it any thought were it not for the word "engkanto" floating about as they were making fun of him. The two, or Jujut in any case, who know about the supernatural angle of the murders, goes up to the man to see what he knows about them. Thinking it's one of the police officers, he snaps at Jujut but quickly realizes that that wasn't the case. Nervously, Jujut brings up the murders and tries to see what the policeman has to say about it. The policeman frowns and sees this as another prank being pulled by his colleagues and turns away. Jujut tries to stop him but Basilio grabs his arm and tells him not to push it, mentioning Jujut's name. This grabs the attention of the police officer who turns back and takes a good look at Jujut and Basilio. He asks if their names are Jujut Banogot and Basilio Crispin Damaso, to which the two nod affirmatively. This triggers something in the officer who now looks excited and happily shakes their hands. The officer acts as if he has met a pair of famous celebrities, and treats the two as such. This surprises the two. While the policeman nerds out, Jujut points out that he asked a question and the policeman answers, now confident that the people who he are speaking to aren't out to make fun of him.
  9. He starts out explaining that the wounds of the victims definitely from engkantos and that he has reason to believe the attacks are from an organized party. The reason he had spoken to his fellow officers about it was that he was looking for companions to help him investigate a rumor his dwende family members told him. Jujut and Basilio initially don't notice that tidbit but they eventually do notice when they get halfway to where the policeman was saying they could start. He explains that with how his father was never there and when he was he was drunk and abusive, the dwendes who lived below his home took care of him themselves and they had come to see each other as family. Being closely intertwined with such kinds of beings, the policeman of course knows a good deal about the supernatural world and even journeys into their territories a lot. As such, he knows about some of the things they did and he deeply admires them for them, not knowing about the ulterior motives or the accidental truths about them. Laughing nervously, the two meekly agree with his altruistic impressions of the two and change topic, asking what would happen in the forest. The policeman says his cousins told them about a spot where some engkantos sometimes meet in and discuss some unsavory topics. Jujut doesn't mind joining, but Basilio's anti-engkanto feelings surface and quickly doesn't agree to it, citing engkantos aren't real. The policeman looks at Basilio like he just grew a second head and Jujut consoles him he really is like that and it's common. They head off into the forest, leaving Basilio behind who said he'd just watch over the Car-iton. The policeman is still aghast, expecting different from Basilio. Jujut pats him on the back and loudly retorts it's all because of Basilio's questionable masculinity, the two laugh. Basilio grumbles and flips them off as they go deeper into the interior and leave eye shot. Basilio now realizes he's all alone and a good while away from the car-iton and civilization in a dark wood, near nightfall. He hears a snarl and a gurgling chuckle echo around him. He gulps and he runs into the woods after the policeman and Jujut.
  11. The two are calmly and silently walking through the place but Basilio breaks it with his loud breathing and panting as he catches up. Jujut shushes Basilio and tells him to keep quiet while they try to transverse the forest quietly, in case of any belligerent action against their investigative intentions. The policeman points out their destination and quickly quiet themselves once they see there are already engkantos there. They creep closer and listen in.
  13. The engkantos are having a meeting on the progress of their actions. The purpose of the meeting was to get to inform the engkantos of the future meeting in he main base and the need to discipline this one pair a couple times for their sloppy work by leaving to much evidence that would lead to them. After he beats his underlings, the boss says the meeting with the leader will happen at "the old castle in the south" and adjourns the meeting. Not wanting to be caught, they move back to hide deeper in the shadows, but they bump into young guard who squeals for help before he's silenced by the three. The engkantos hear and are now alert of the presence of intruders. Dragging the guard with them, who they are unintentionally strangling to death, the three find a depression and hide in it and cover themselves with the guard, using his scent to mask their presence. The leader sniffs around trying to look for the intruders, his ears twitching, coming close to the group more than a few times. Basilio picks up a rock and slides it out of the pile, which gets the attention of the other two but he ignores them, making a bit of sound which attracts the leader's attention, and throw it as far as he can away from the three. The leader hears this and runs over to where the rock went to, his underlings following him.
  15. The three flip the guard over and let his carcass fall to the side and let out a sigh of relief. After a short pat on the back and celebratory arm pump the three run out of the woods as quickly and quietly as they can.
  20. A wispy eagle flies through the air. Wherever he flies, spirits rise up from the ground and follow him. The spirits are that of men from different periods of time. The eagle lands on a tree top and is clearly seen. He has a crown on his brow and is all gray in color. The eagle stares into the distance, Mt. Makiling, he flies away once more and the spirits disappear with him, almost as if following him.
  23. A news paper article pops up. The image (to be exact, the near image, there's somethign wrong with it...) of the two are seen, apparently murdered. Zooming out, it's shown that the two are still very much alive. Zoom out once more and it's apparent that the Car-iton is stuck in traffic, and the body of a newspaper salesman is on the hood of the Cari-iton, while Jujut narrates the article to Basilio, the body of the vendor slips out of view. Jujut brings up the idea that it might have been them that were the targets and that their apparent look alikes died instead. The two wave it off and soon enough they turn and find themselves in their neighborhood and next to their home. The walk in front of their home and have the rats bring the Car-iton back into the house while they climb the entrance rope into their house proper. In the background, the whole neighborhood is turmoil because the two have returned, even if temporarily to get supplies for what seems to be a long and combat-heavy trip.
  25. The two dump their stuff in a mysterious whole and then go down it themselves. Outside, there seems to be an earthquake. The ground shakes and cracks and the people of Preno corner, Ontigas ave. curse their misfortunes. The ground cracks to reveal a steam punk/old Soviet engineering style mechanized doorway and out from it comes out an APCs attached to a tank and two flatbed trucks. It rolls away and cracks portions of the old roads that make up Ontigas ave., leaving the neighborhood in ruins. Jujut drives calmly and Basilio pipes up asking if he knows where they're going. Jujut tries to answer but isn't able to, by then they've been driving for around four hours, they swing back over to San Juan.
  27. The two go to their usual source of information on these matters, the National Museum and ask the Director about any "old castles" on the island. This stumps the director but and asks them to go to the backrooms of the museum while he researches, he comes up to the two after a few hours and tells them the closes thing to an old castle in the country are a few commissioned projects by a rich family. Jujut and Basilio ask for the directions to these places, and the director produces a book and lists them to the two who promptly write them down. And as a side-note, he tells the two that there's the legend about Maria Makiling and that Mt. Makiling in the legends was sometimes called an old castle, Jujut and Basilio stare at each other for a bit and ask how to find Mt. Makiling as well. This perplexes the director, but he gives it nonetheless. Armed with the proper knowledge, the two drive south once more. It is now night, and behind them there are engkantos. They look at the vehicle menacingly and follow it into the night.
  29. The area in and around the tank-apc thing is a bloodbath. From the inside Basilio is shooting his bullets into the engkanto hordes, while Jujut tries to fend off the aswang that got himself inside. Both are bloody. Basilio's back is slashed and bloody, while Jujut is covered in bruises and cuts, his left arm bleeding heavily. When Jujut kicked it in the chest and shot it in the head with the nearby shotgun, it promptly died. Taking a short break from shooting the things, Basilio goes over to help Jujut who slumped into the wall. Both thank the Gods for the military grade armor they stole, were it not for them they'd have died. Jujut curses himself for not wearing all of it, leading to the massive damages to his arms. It takes them a bit to fix up each other, and to change the special cups of their ears which prevent ear damage from firing in an enclosed space, due to the aswang compromising them. Rubbing a special mixture (also stolen from the military) the wounds of the two partially close up and bubble the infections away before fully wrapping them up. Repaired, they pick up a gun each and go shoot some engkantos. Basilio picks up a grenade, and clears out the space outside the apc-tank and rush outside. Guns blazing, with their rat sidekicks terrorizing targets, they begin to slaughter their attackers.
  32. At Mt. Makiling aka the old castle, Maria herself appears, the meeting has started. She tells them how successful their attacks have been in their chaotic effect on the humans. The human authorities everywhere, causing fear and nervousness in their society. Their heavy focus on the rural communities causing a flight to the major population centers, creating disorder and infighting among the humans from the flood of refugees. The discontent created from the presence of the rural folk choking up the traffic and entire portions of the city, even claiming lots and properties as their own and fighting the owners of the land and authorities when they try to remove them from there. She is pleased with how the operations were conducted and their effect, and she expresses as much to the present engkantos. Her army cheers, with her blessing they dissipate and do kill some more humans, as per orders. The engkantos clear out and from the top of her tower, the diwata collapses and sags, her heart heavy from what she's having done but her resolve strong since she thinks it's the best course of action. Juan dela Cruz, in his human form, appears behind her, a pipe in hand, he lights it and smokes. You'll regret your actions, Juan says. Will I? I think I'm doing Mother Earth a favor, the diwata replies. If you don't stop, you wont live long enough to see the sunset, your plans fulfilled even, says Juan. And who will kill me? You? She says, charging an elemental burst in her hand and tries to attack him. Juan takes it head on and shrugs the damage as if it was nothing, gripping the hand that struck her. Embarrassed, she tries to slap him with the other but is also stopped. She tries to pull away but Juan pulls her close, preventing her from being able to strike him again. Maria struggles but stops after awhile. They stay like that for awhile. You know I can't kill you, he says. You can still stop this and prevent your death, he says. Maria replies that If only the humans could do that themselves. Juan is confused, and Maria can tell, she explains This world nearly died forever a number of times at the hand of the humans. They might succeed at killing my mother earth at some point, if I don't stop them. Juan shrugs, They are the most loved of all, they will suffer yes, greatly in fact, but they will always endure. Maria shudders at this, clearly afraid. It is fate, we cannot stop this, he tells her. Maria lets go and hugs herself. Juan makes to comfort her but stops himself, knowing she will not change her mind. Good bye, Juan, she says. Good bye, Maria- Juan sounded like he was going to add something else but stops himself again. Maria melts into the surroundings, Juan sighs and similarly vanishes.
  34. [somehow shoehorn in The Three Suitors legend of Maria Makiling, implying Juan dela Cruz is the same Juan who wooed her in the legend and eventually died, in his death he was chosen to be the current embodiment of the Philippine spirit and nationalism]
  37. It never rains but it pours. [search who first said that quote]
  39. The rain feels like tears.
  41. When the two get there, as it turns out, the eagle and the spirits have started to assault the place and killing the engkantos who made up the forces of Maria Makiling's revenge who were left behind. The eagle appears in front of the two and introduces himself as Manaul, once human king who was forced to become a bird for causing the war between air and water, now cursed to be an avian. He expresses surprise that the most famous humans in recent memory are coming armed to the center of the war between Maria's engkantos and humanity, and that he's glad of it. With his blessing, the two are made friendly parties of the anitos that Manaul has collected and gives them an escort of some twenty anitos to accompany their apc-tank hybrid. The anitos make way for the apc-tank hybrid, surprised but thankful, they let lose the Rats of War and the heavy machine guns of the apc-tank, cutting a swathe into the engkantos. In the back Maria is being plagued by the anitos of ancient tribalmen while being fired upon by the WW2 soldier anitos' guns, they are removed but not without hurting Maria who is furious at the attack and the decimation of her forces.
  45. A wakwak screeches to alert the remaining forces, but is quickly shot down. The guards and forces ready themselves and are just as quickly shot. Guns blazing, sabres drawn, and all else manner of weaponry used by historic Filipinos, they charge into the engkantos. Th eanitos have the upperhand and overwhelm the engkanto lines. Surprised, the diwata summons a storm to confuse the attackers, but a small group start harassing her. A few minutes later, Jujut and Basilio arrive.
  48. With fire and steel, the apc-tank hybrid thing cuts a vicious path into the engkantos whose line completely collapses. They get near where Maria is and a hatch opens on the thing. Basilio is lugging a rocket launcher and blasts it at Maria, usually shit like that wont affect beings such as Maria (due to her power) but Jujut and Basilio modified it for anti-engkanto purposes. This throws Maria off and severely injurs her, but with her magicks, she heals herself but is quickly rammed by the thing and smashes into the old castle wall, cracking it(which was a legit castle all the while, or at least when Maria is there and wants it to look like a castle). The rain stops. With the opening, the anitos storm the castle and take it over. The anitos cheer, and Jujut and Basilio come out of the apc-tank. A loud roar comes from the forest. The apc-tank is flipped over. The rain starts again. The rest of Maria's engkanto army surges from the surroundings and the battle starts again. From where the apc-tank was, a bloody and furious Maria limps out, magic and power dripping from her very being as much as her blood.
  50. The anitos set up a hasty line and are holding back the engkantos but they are slowly dwindling away as the engkantos seems to never end in number. Within the lines, Jujut and Basilio are running around, dodging the attacks of Maria who is limping after them while throwing elemental blasts at the two. Being cut off their heavy weaponry, the two resort to the weapons they have on hand, Jujut's Obrez and family m1911 and Basilio's dagun, a Sten-M3-Arisaka looking guns hybrid that shoots shotgun shells and his pump action sniper rifle, to take pot shots against her. Basilio, being the better shot manages to blast her in the eye. This rips out one of Maria's eyes, the damage doing something now that she's weakening from all the power she's losing and has to divert to healing herself. The shot at the eye confirms her death in a little while, her power is now escaping in massive amounts and the wound is crippling on the spiritual level, and since engkantos are spiritual beings, cripples Maria. Manaul somewhere during the fight has taken a near-human form to join the fighting (design will be like Ualac with the Crown of the Apocalypse in Hellboy: Box Full of Evil, particularly in the scene with him fighting HB with the sword). An anito fades out of existence, more do the same from all the damage they've sustained.
  52. The two scream as Maria lunges for them. Both parties by now are sufficiently tired. In his panic, Jujut blasts his Obrez into Maria's chest and legs, she retaliates with a force squeeze on his balls. Maria collapses, finally, the shots from the Obrez probably being the things to push her over the edge and into near death. She begins to fade out of existence. As if on queue, the fighting stops as all begin to watch her die. She is dying, says one. Everyone is quiet. The anitos are the first to go and go invisible, not far behind, the engkantos as well. Time stops and Juan walks up to her, cradles her lovingly and kisses her, one last time. Maria weeps and strokes his face and he lets her down and time restarts. The castle starts to fade away as well. Jujut and Basilio ask why she did it, she explains.
  54. Maria groans and coughs wetly. A large man in a dark cloak on a horse appears next to Maria, dozens of spirits rise from the ground with him, their appearance startles the two. He rides away, the spirits surrounding Maria, and when they get dragged away with the cloak and his chains, Maria is dragged with them. With that, the castle disappears fully. Manaul thanks Basilio and Jujut and disappears as well, healing Jujut and Basilio's injuries with his vanishing, agimats appearing in the hands of the two. The sun rises, a new day has started.
  56. -END-
  64. SHET.
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