
It's Elementary My Dear Junior

Mar 10th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anonymous Jr.
  2. >Your dad is a well-respected businessman and partner to Filthy Rich.
  3. >The two of you live with Rarity, so contact with Sweetie Belle's friends was inevitable.
  4. >Of course, you'd also met Diamond Tiara's friend, Silver Spoon.
  5. >You weren't sure how you felt about her.
  6. >That's why you were practicing your pitching at the school's baseball field.
  7. >Nothing like throwing balls around to get your mind off of a problem.
  8. >You told Cheerilee that you'd like to be left alone for a while.
  9. >If you needed anything you'd call for her.
  10. >Dad and Rarity taught you to mind your manners, so enemies were hardly a problem.
  11. >Unfortunately, your thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of two of your friends.
  12. >Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo.
  13. >They had confessed they both had feelings for you, and now they eagerly awaited your answer.
  14. >"So, which of us is it gonna be? Ms. Landbound McNoWings over there, or me?"
  15. >"I know I'm not the best flier, but I can entertain you with my scooter!"
  16. >"Pfft, like he'd be interested in that, it's clear he wants me."
  17. "I dunno guys, I'm more interested in your friend over there."
  18. >You pointed to Silver, by herself in the corner.
  19. >She noticed your gaze, and looked around as if to say, "Who, me?"
  20. >"Wha- oh that's just Silver Spoon, don't mind her! Pick me, now."
  21. >You gently slide Diamond Tiara out of the way and walk towards Silver Spoon.
  22. >"Y-you can't just ignore me!"
  23. >"Heh, y'know I'm alright with this. At least he didn't pick you."
  24. >"Shut up Scootaloo!"
  25. >You walk up to her and offer her a hand up off the bench.
  26. >She blushes, taking your offer and hops off.
  27. "How about we go get something to eat? Rarity makes delightful food."
  28. >"You always use big words Anon, but okay!"
  29. "Cheerilee says I'm a child prodigy apparently. I don't really care, I just like studying."
  30. >She giggles, "Well come on then you dork, let's go get something to eat."
  31. >You hear Diamond Tiara whining in the background as you leave.
  33. >As the two of you walked to Carousel Boutique, you got to know one another better.
  34. >Silver Spoon was the descendant of a long line of illustrious blacksmiths, known for revolutionizing tableware.
  35. >Which is just as well, humans kind of needed forks and knives and spoons.
  36. >Sporks are fun though.
  37. "So what do you enjoy doing for fun, Silver?"
  38. >She hesitates for a moment.
  39. >"Well, I usually just hang out with Tiara, but I guess I enjoy some peace and quiet."
  40. "And hanging out with a troublemaker like her isn't very conducive to that."
  41. >"Equestrian Anon, please speak it."
  42. "I'm just saying she probably makes it hard for you to get any peace and quiet."
  43. >She giggles, "Yeah, but she's not so bad. Once you get her to calm down for a second."
  44. "Why is she always in such a foul mood?"
  45. >"I dunno, her dad is usually off on business trips so it's just her and her butlers."
  46. "That can't be the only reason."
  47. >"I think she's just jealous of Apple Bloom."
  48. "Why? The only reason I can think of is... family."
  49. >"Exactly."
  50. "Well, I suppose we all have our problems."
  51. >The two of you made it to your home.
  52. >You opened the door for her.
  53. "Ladies first."
  54. >She blushes and steps inside.
  55. >You felt like a dork doing that, but Rarity says it's proper manners.
  56. >Sweetie Belle was getting ready for another one of her escapades with her compatriots.
  57. >Maybe Silver was right, you do need to get out more.
  58. >Nevertheless, these are your thoughts, and you can be as wordy as you want.
  59. >No time for that, because Sweetie Belle is looking at you for an explanation.
  60. "I can totally explain Sweetie."
  61. >Actually, no you can't.
  62. "On second thought, I guess I can't. I just wanted to bring Silver Spoon over for dinner."
  63. >She looks around, "Where's Diamond? And what happened to Scootaloo?"
  64. >You shrug.
  65. "Scootaloo took it well, Tiara... not so much."
  66. >"Huh, I'm actually proud of Scoots."
  67. "So, is Rarity home?"
  68. >"She's using Mr. Anon as a model right now."
  69. "Oh I've got to see this."
  71. >There was your dad, Anonymous Sr. in all his glory.
  72. >His latex glory.
  73. "Hehehe, Dad you look like a Wonderbolt."
  74. >"Now's really not the best time Junior."
  75. >Rarity hitched something up to him.
  76. >"Ow! Not so tight Rares! I only have so much room down there!"
  77. >"Now now dear, your more gentle regions shall be preserved for... future use."
  78. >"Honey not while the kids are in the room."
  79. >Rarity drops the thread she was using to put a saddle on Dad.
  80. >"Oh dear! I was unaware we had company! Please do forgive my rudeness darlings."
  81. >She runs up to you and gives you a hug.
  82. >"How's my little Nonny-Wonny doing today?"
  83. >You struggle to return the gesture.
  84. "Just fine Mom, can you please not crush me?"
  85. >She lightens up, giggling like a filly.
  86. >"Oh I am terribly sorry dear, ever since you started calling me Mom you've warmed my heart."
  87. >You can feel your face heating up.
  88. "Well, I mean you might as well be. I like you anyway."
  89. >"And who is this little cutie? I don't believe we've met before! My name's Rarity."
  90. >"My name is Silver Spoon."
  91. >"You hang out with that Diamond Tiara girl? Sweetie Belle talks about you two all the time!"
  92. >She looks Silver up and down.
  93. >"Either she was lying about you two, or you're the nice one."
  94. >Silver lets out a nervous chuckle.
  95. >"At any rate, my little Nonny knows how to pick them, so I trust his judgement."
  96. >She trots off humming a tune, "Oh by the way, dinner's in five."
  97. >"Can we take these things off? It's starting to chafe."
  98. >"Oh don't be such a baby Anon, I've seen your growth, it is not that big."
  99. >"For you maybe, but it's about average for meOW!"
  100. >"That's what I'm going to make you do later, now come on we have dinner to make."
  101. >"Yes ma'am."
  102. >"Oh please, no need to be so formal."
  103. >"Sorry Rarity."
  104. >"I prefer your nickname."
  105. >"Love you Rares."
  106. >"That's better."
  108. >You sat down between Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle, who was told she had to eat dinner before she left.
  109. >"Still don't see why you picked her."
  110. "I dunno, I'm interested in her. Plus the glasses are cute."
  111. >"Yeah right... well, I guess they kind of are."
  112. >"Thanks, most ponies just poke fun at me for them."
  113. >Silver Spoon was sipping away at a juicebox.
  114. >"Tiara usually insists we drink tea, but I can't stand the stuff."
  115. >She has quite an adorable smile on her face as she enjoys her juice.
  116. "Why do you hang out with her if you dislike so much of what she does?"
  117. >"We all need a friend Anon, even Diamond."
  118. "So she needs you more than you need her?"
  119. >"I guess you could say that, her family is richer than mine but I've still got my dad."
  120. >You look over at your Dad, performing tricks on his food for Rarity.
  121. >He's balancing a lemon slice on a fork which he's balancing on his finger.
  122. >He was a bit of a goofball, but you loved him.
  123. >He's always been there for you, for better and worse.
  124. >You recall the time he showed up to Ponyville Elementary on Bring-Your-Parent Day.
  125. >He was partnered up with Filthy Rich, and he was actually entrusted with explaining most of what they did.
  126. >Your Dad just had a certain air about him that made him likable.
  127. >Or maybe, it was the exact opposite, and that's why he was likable.
  128. >Either way, he insisted you continue your education.
  129. >He's always done what's best for you, so you weren't arguing.
  130. >Better than idling away your days at the Boutique.
  131. >Besides, you got to meet plenty of new friends as a result.
  132. >As well as Silver Spoon.
  133. >Does this count as a date?
  134. >Oh jeez does this count as a date?
  135. >You weren't ready for this kind of commitment.
  136. >Were you?
  137. >You shouldn't be, but you might.
  138. >You hadn't really thought about it that much.
  139. >You suppose settling for someone this early would be childish.
  140. >But if it worked, it worked.
  141. >So what if you were a bit of a romantic?
  142. >You can't be logical all the time.
  143. >Where's the fun in that?
  145. "So, Silver Spoon, I was thinking... Maybe you wouldn't mind doing this more often?"
  146. >"You mean eating dinner with you? I'd like that I think."
  147. "I think I would too, that's why I'm asking. Because I like you-"
  148. >You liked her.
  149. >To anyone else, this would be obvious.
  150. >It took you actually saying it for it to register.
  151. >She waved her hoof in front of your face.
  152. >"Hello? You there Anon?"
  153. "Sorry I just had to compose myself. I suddenly realized that my affection for you might not be entirely platonic."
  154. >"Less words Anon."
  155. "Do you wanna be my... fillyfriend?"
  156. >She blushes, "Gosh, nopony has ever asked me that before... sure."
  157. >She gives you a hug.
  158. >This hug is different from Rarity's hugs.
  159. >Even Dad's hugs.
  160. >You returned the hug, because it felt nice.
  161. >You are a grade-A dork.
  162. >But you're trying, and that's what counts.
  163. >"Aww, that's so sweet!... Wait, what am I saying?"
  164. >Even Sweetie Belle couldn't help but be warmed by the display.
  165. >You saw a flash of light.
  166. >Rarity was taking pictures.
  167. >"Eeee~ my little Nonny has a fillyfriend! Ooooh~ Mama's so proud of you~!"
  168. >You can feel the world's most intense blush.
  169. "S-stop it Mom. Please?"
  170. >She takes pictures of your blushing face.
  171. >"I think not! This is prime Adorable Nonny moments! My scrapbook has been needing more of these!"
  172. "Aw come on... fine, take the pictures. If it'll make you happy I guess."
  173. >Dad watches you with amusement.
  174. >You were okay with this, you know Dad has a lot to put up with.
  175. >Specifically with Rarity.
  176. >This was nothing compared to the embarrassing things she has him do.
  178. >You decided to tag along with Sweetie Belle for her adventures.
  179. >It took some convincing, but you managed to bring Silver Spoon along with you.
  180. >You told Sweetie Belle she was being rude.
  181. >Silver Spoon was all for the idea.
  182. >"So, like what do you guys do? We always see you having fun but we never actually pay attention."
  183. >"Gee I dunno, try to get our Cutie Marks? I don't see why you're so interested, you already have one."
  184. "And I CAN'T get one. You're being rather petty Sweetie Belle."
  185. >"I am not! She... What DO you do?"
  186. >"I'm mostly there to provide support for Ti."
  187. "She's simply parroting her friend to reaffirm her actions."
  188. >"What. No seriously, what?"
  189. "She's following the leader to make her happy, like you guys with Apple Bloom."
  190. >"We prefer to be called a democracy."
  191. "A democracy of three?"
  192. >"Well... yeah!"
  193. "Rather unusual, but you aren't an ordinary filly."
  194. >"Thanks!... I think."
  195. "I meant nothing malicious by it, you are very unique."
  196. >"Were you always like this, or is it just because of Rarity?"
  197. "I am unsure, though I've always had a higher aptitude than my fellow peers according to the adults."
  198. >"You're such an egghead."
  199. "I'll have you know I'm the best pitcher on our baseball team!"
  200. >"How does that even work? Aren't eggheads supposed to be bad at sports?"
  201. "Well you see, there is a system in place which requires athletes to meet certain standards of grading and-"
  202. >"Okay, okay! I get it. You always have an answer, don't you?"
  203. "Not at all, but if I don't I will try to find one."
  204. >Silver Spoon poked the two of you.
  205. >"Uh, guys? We're here."
  206. >The three of you had finally made it to the quaint little clubhouse that rested upon one of Sweet Apple Acres' trees.
  207. >The Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse.
  208. >Not wasting any further time, you stepped inside.
  210. >Silver Spoon followed in, hiding behind you.
  211. >"Howdy Sweetie Belle! Hey Anon! Who's that behind you?"
  212. >She poked her head out from behind you and gave a little smile, "Hey guys."
  213. >"What is SHE doing here?! Where's that darn Diamond?"
  214. >Scootaloo wrapped her hooves around Apple Bloom to stop her from doing anything rash.
  215. >"Calm down Bloom! It's alright."
  216. >"Alright?! He is fraternizing with the enemy!"
  218. >The sound of silence filled the room.
  219. >"... Oh, I'm sorry Scoots."
  220. >She gave a little huff, "Tch, it's fine. Can we just move on to the plans?"
  221. >"Wait, I need to know if Anon is serious about this."
  222. >Bloom walked up to you and squinted at you.
  223. >"Can we trust her? I might not be my sister but I'll know if you're fibbing."
  224. "You have my utmost confidence that she will not be an issue, on my honor as an Honorary Cutie Mark Crusader."
  225. >"Good, well then girls... and Anon, let's get to brainstorming!"
  226. >"I think we should go hiking."
  227. >"We already tried that Scoots, how about ballet?"
  228. >"That was mountain-climbing Sweetie, and ballet is way too girly."
  229. >"You'll never know if you don't try!"
  230. >"Ugh, if that's my Cutie Mark I'd rather not find out."
  231. >"Would you two stop it? How about you Anon? What do you think?"
  232. >Truth be told, you already had their talents figured out.
  233. >Apple Bloom was incredible with building things.
  234. >Sweetie Belle had an absolutely sublime singing voice.
  235. >And Scootaloo could shred scooters with the best of them.
  236. >But you couldn't just tell them that, they had to find out on their own.
  237. >Perhaps a nudge in the right direction wouldn't do any harm.
  238. >You looked at Sweetie Belle.
  239. "You guys could try a band."
  240. >"We already did that, it didn't work out."
  241. "Was Scootaloo the lead singer?"
  242. >"Yes."
  243. "There's your problem, no offense Scoots."
  245. >"None taken... though I have gotten better since then."
  246. "How about extreme sports?"
  247. >"We tried hang-gliding, it went... less than alright."
  248. >You cringed at the image, it was agonizing just to think about the pain.
  249. >They're lucky they didn't break anything important.
  250. "I'm sure your scooter is a hit at the skate park."
  251. >"Heh, course it is! I go there all the time to practice my moves. Now come on Anon, get serious!"
  252. "You guys could try constructing something."
  253. >"We've done that before, I usually end up doing a lot of the building while those two get me stuff."
  254. "Sounds like you're pretty good with tools."
  255. >"I guess, so do you have any good ideas?"
  256. >They just weren't getting it.
  257. >Oh well, someday they'd figure it out.
  258. >Might as well come up with something fun for tomorrow.
  260. "How about a walk in the park?"
  261. >"Walking? That has got to be the lamest idea I've ever heard."
  262. "Yes, but it is getting late and we can come up with ideas while we walk."
  263. >"Fair enough, good work Anon?"
  264. "Hey I dunno, just seemed like it would be adequate."
  265. >"I s'pose it is."
  266. >You were really just hoping to spend more time with Silver Spoon.
  267. >You decided to walk Silver Spoon home.
  268. >"You aren't really gonna come up with any ideas tomorrow, are you?"
  269. "What makes you say that? I would never be dishonest with my friends."
  270. >"I'm just saying, that sounds like the perfect time for you to get lost with me."
  271. "And if I got lost with you, would it be so bad?"
  272. >"No, it'd give us more time to get to know each other. I'd just have to make sure Diamond is okay with it."
  273. "Do you really though?"
  274. >"... No. I guess not, but she'd be upset if I didn't tell her where I was going to be."
  275. >You are now in front of a... quaint mansion.
  276. >It's an odd thing to call a mansion quaint, but there was just something about it that made it approachable.
  277. >Maybe it was the homely decorations, or the warm brick exterior, but this felt like a middle-class pony designed it.
  278. >It was very efficient, not wasting anything on frivolities that made other mansions so opulent.
  279. >The key word here was homeliness, not ostentatious decor.
  280. >Wait, that last thing was two words.
  281. >Not now brain.
  282. >Understood sir.
  283. >You knocked on the door.
  284. >A gruff voice bellowed out towards you.
  285. >"I'll be right there!"
  286. >The door opened to reveal something that nearly made you defecate yourself.
  287. >Silver Spoon's dad was a chiseled blacksmith who stood at least half as tall as your dad.
  288. >And your dad was pretty tall.
  289. >This meant you were comparatively tiny.
  290. "H-hello there sir, I just wanted to escort your daughter home."
  291. >He looks down at you and grins.
  292. >"Well thanks son! My little Teaspoon is my pride and joy! My name's Blue Steel!"
  293. "I- I'm Anonymous Jr."
  295. >He laughs, "So you're the young stallion my girl has gotten sweet on!"
  296. >He looks you over, "Don't know what you are, but I'm sure you're mighty handsome whatever you are."
  297. "T-thank you sir."
  298. >"Ah don't be scared, I won't bite. I just got these muscles from good hard work."
  299. >You lightened up, it took a bit to get used to his... overwhelming presence.
  300. "I'm a human, from Earth."
  301. >"Never heard of it, but it sounds like you guys are a lot like us Earth Ponies."
  302. "I suppose you could say that, I apologize for keeping your daughter so long. You must have gotten worried."
  303. >"It's no trouble my boy! I figured she was just having a sleepover at Diamond Tiara's house. How's Filthy Rich by the way?"
  304. "Huh, why would I know him?"
  305. >"He talks about your dad! He and I go way back son, he helped me get my business off the ground!"
  306. >Silver Spoon had started hugging her dad a while ago.
  307. >"All I had to do was advertise his business. He runs a bank, and does accounting too!"
  308. "So what do you do?"
  309. >"Well, Ponyville needed a blacksmith for their guards, and I just happen to be the best armorer in the whole town!"
  310. >He continues on, "My wife, Ruby Red, makes all sorts of jewelry for ponies."
  311. >He ruffles Silver Spoon's mane, "Little Spoon here has a knack for making tableware like her ancestors."
  312. >"Don't forget the heart dad!"
  313. >"Of course sweetheart, she also has a kind... well, heart! She can't stand to see others go hungry."
  314. >"Who is it honey?"
  315. >An elegant mare stepped into the conversation.
  316. >With long, flowing crimson hair and a motherly smile.
  317. >Her grey eyes shined like diamonds and her coat was a regal white.
  318. >You had the feeling she was a really nice unicorn.
  319. >It was clear Silver Spoon took after her father, because her mother was so... bright.
  320. >He was everything she was not.
  321. >She was white, he was grey.
  322. >She had long, bright hair and he had short, dark hair.
  323. >She had welcoming bright eyes, he had deep, sharp violet eyes.
  324. >He was very loud, and she was soft-spoken.
  326. >You think about it for a moment, and realize comparing their coat colors was probably not okay.
  327. >Some cultures would frown upon that.
  328. >But you were just stating facts, you didn't deal with the implications.
  329. >"Well aren't you just about the cutest little thing? What's your name?"
  330. "Anonymous Jr. ma'am."
  331. >"My, so well-mannered! Well, my name is Ruby Red but I'm sure my darling here has already told you that much."
  332. "I hear you make the finest jewelry in town. Maybe you and Rarity could work together sometime."
  333. >"Oh I've been meaning to collaborate with her but I can never find her at the right time! Do you know when I could find her?"
  334. "I could tell her about it, my dad and I live with her."
  335. >"I knew that precious little vest you were wearing came from the best in town!"
  336. >This was your favorite vest, there are many like it but this one is yours and yours alone.
  337. "Well thank you ma'am. You look lovely as well."
  338. >She blushes, "Aw you're such a little sweetie. It's no wonder my darling Silver talks about you so much."
  339. >She picks her up and nuzzles her, "My little baby girl, I love you so much!"
  340. >"Mom please, mom? Mom. Aw I can't say no to cuddles."
  341. >You are positive that if it was possible to obtain diabetes through visuals, you would have it right now.
  342. >"Sorry dear, I'm just always grateful when you come home."
  343. >"Anon over there could've protected me from any scary monsters."
  344. >You take the time to strike a pose.
  345. >Apparently it wasn't half bad, because it managed to make them all laugh.
  346. >Good, that was your intent.
  347. "But seriously, I once went looking for Zecora in the Everfree Forest."
  348. >They all let out a gasp.
  349. >"How'd you get out of there son?"
  350. "Well, I had to close my eyes and swing for the fences when a cockatrice came slithering by."
  351. >You list off the other things.
  352. "I had to pelt a Timberwolf with rocks until it went away."
  353. >What was that other thing?
  354. "Oh yeah, and I gave a friendly Manticore a big hug. He was nice."
  356. >"Boy, you ever wanna join the guard just let me know. Shoot, even if you're a scribe I'll make you a suit of armor."
  357. >Well, you did want to work under Princess Twilight Sparkle as a librarian someday.
  358. "Well, I'd better get home. Dad is probably going to worry right about now."
  359. >You wave goodbye to each other and set off.
  360. >You were promptly knocked over by someone.
  361. >"Nopony ignores me!"
  362. "Diamond, it would be prudent if you showed the slightest hint of care in your actions."
  363. >"Stop it with the big words, alright? You're cuter when you're quiet."
  364. "Unfortunate, with your lavish lifestyle I assumed you were of a higher class than most. I suppose I was wrong."
  365. >"What?! Just what are you saying, huh?!"
  366. >You struggle to get up.
  367. "You are a rather disingenuous little filly, and I don't appreciate your attitude."
  368. >"I can't even understand you sometimes."
  369. >You do the logical thing, and pinch her butt.
  370. >That gave you enough time to get her off of you.
  371. >How would your father put it?
  372. "Catch me if you can, bitch!"
  373. >She certainly understood that, she was furious.
  374. >You bolt through the city streets, toppling over anything that could slow her down.
  375. >It was one thing to brave the Everfree Forest, but this was one of your friends.
  376. >Not to mention, Earth Ponies are rather strong. Too strong for you, in fact.
  377. "I've hardly broken a sweat Tiara! Just face facts, you can't catch me!"
  378. >"Yeah right!... Just wait! I'll get you!"
  379. >She was hardly out of shape, but your time on the team has made you very fit.
  380. >When you weren't pitching, you were catching baseballs in the outfield.
  381. >You take a sharp left turn and try to lose her in the alleyways.
  382. >No good, she barged right on through with you.
  383. >You turned around to see if she was gaining.
  384. >She was a good bit away.
  385. >Then you ran into something hard and glassy.
  386. >Oh that darn castle.
  388. >This might work to your advantage though.
  389. >You ducked out of the way of Diamond's charge.
  390. >She knocked the door wide open.
  391. >You didn't want to think about how much that would've hurt you.
  392. >You jumped over her while she was dazed and started looking for the Princess of Friendship.
  393. >Maybe she could tell you why your friend is being so moody.
  394. >You bounded up the stairs, hoping to find a bedroom.
  396. >You've heard these ponies say the word hand before, but whenever you bring it up they act like they don't know what you're talking about.
  397. >Kinda weird, but now's not the time for those thoughts.
  398. >You jumped through the cart of an insomniac maid.
  399. >Something Tiara wasn't nimble enough to do.
  400. >That bought you some time, but you had to find Twilight quickly.
  401. >You knocked down the door to the royal bedroom.
  402. >It took a few tries and more than a few grumpy guards before you got to Twilight's room.
  403. >She awoke with a start.
  404. "Diamond Tiara, mad at me... need your help, please Princess Twilight."
  405. >You fell over onto the floor, the events of the night catching up to you.
  406. >Diamond burst into the room only to stop short at Twilight.
  407. >"Oh hi Princess! How's it goi-"
  408. >"Care to explain why you're chasing this poor boy?"
  409. >"He's mine! I WANT HIM! AND I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT!"
  410. "No, no you don't."
  411. >"Are you saying my daddy doesn't love me?!"
  412. "No, but that's just it. He buys you all these things."
  413. >You start laughing, it was very humorous actually.
  414. "But... ah, gimme a moment."
  415. >You get up, dusting yourself off.
  416. "But you don't get to spend enough time with him, do you?"
  417. >You can see a thin film of tears start to form in her eyes.
  418. >"S-shut up! He loves me! And I want you to love me too! Not that stupid Silver Spoon!"
  419. >"That's no way to talk about a friend Diamond, she'd never do that to you."
  420. >"Well she took him!"
  421. "Nobody took me, I chose her. It was always my choice."
  423. >You have caught your breath, normalizing your heartbeat.
  424. "You're just going to have to face facts Tiara, I'm not yours and I never will be."
  425. >"My family is richer than her's! I can buy you more things!"
  426. "I'm content with what I have."
  427. >"There's nothing you want?! Nothing at all? Maybe you want a hot tub?"
  428. "Never been interested in those."
  429. >"Chocolate fountain?"
  430. "Tempting, but no."
  431. >"How about a world-class massage therapist?"
  432. "That would be nice, but I'm afraid I cannot accept your offer."
  433. >"Not even if I threw in a butler or two?"
  434. "You can't buy my feelings Diamond."
  435. >"Well why not?! Am I not pretty enough?!"
  436. "You're very pretty, but your attitude is foul."
  437. >"Everypony keeps telling me I should be nice! What's so great about being nice?!"
  438. "You should try it sometime, maybe you'll see why."
  439. >"Maybe I will! Then ponies will stop talking about how cute Sweetie Belle is and pay attention to me!"
  440. "If you're going to be nice, first thing's first. You really need to rethink your priorities."
  441. >"What's that supposed to mean?"
  442. "I think you'll find that being nice for the sake of being nice is a very good feeling."
  443. >"Yeah right, nopony does anything out of the kindness of their hearts."
  444. "... You live in a town with the Element of Kindness, of Laughter, and the Princess of Friendship."
  445. >"... Touche."
  446. "So will you give it a shot?"
  447. >"Eh, fine. But I don't see what the big deal is."
  448. "You might just figure it out."
  449. >She left, you really needed to get home but... there was one thing you needed to do.
  450. >"You handled that quite admirably, what's your name little one?"
  451. "Anonymous Jr. but my friends call me Anon. Or Nonny around my Dad sometimes."
  452. >Not that you were presumptuous enough to assume she was your friend.
  453. "I'm sorry for waking you Princess Twilight."
  454. >"Please, just call me Twilight. It seems like there's something on your mind though, care to tell me what it is?"
  455. >It was now or never.
  457. "I... I wanna be your apprentice!"
  458. >There, you said it.
  459. >She practically beamed at you, "And how could I say no to such an upstanding young man?"
  460. "It is an hono- man? Wait, you know?"
  461. >"I did some digging around after your father started hanging out with Rarity."
  462. "Dating her."
  463. >"You ARE too smart for your own good. Still, that's not a bad thing."
  464. >She pulls out an old tome.
  465. >"It turns out humans were a myth that ponies made to scare Tirek back in the day. Creatures with no magic to absorb."
  466. "You're talking about the ruffian that drained Mom right? I could've pegged him in the eyes with baseballs."
  467. >"That's very brave, but very foolish of you. He would've swallowed you whole."
  468. "I'd just start biting his innards."
  469. >"And the stomach acid?"
  470. "I'm sure he was fat enough for me to find something to swing on."
  471. >"How would you have gotten out?"
  472. "Either bite my way out or climb."
  473. >"Well, if this friendship thing doesn't work out I think my big brother could certainly find a use for you."
  474. "I'm not much of a fighter, but nobody hurts my friends."
  475. >"Anyway, we're getting off topic. Point is, you two shouldn't be here."
  476. "But that portal brought us here anyway. Dad always was a weirdo, after Mom passed away especially."
  477. >"I'm very sorry to hear that."
  478. "It's fine, I had to be strong for Dad. It hurt him more than any of us. He was completely normal for a whole year."
  479. >"..."
  480. "He's NEVER normal. If he starts being serious you either need to worry for him or your safety."
  481. >"So why didn't you go back?"
  482. "Dad's happy here, and I won't leave Dad."
  483. >"You two must really like Rarity."
  484. "... She reminds me of Mom."
  485. >"Did you have a little sister?"
  486. "Heh, Sweetie Belle right? I'm only a year older than her."
  487. >"And my answer?"
  488. "... Mom died giving birth to her."
  489. >"Where's she now?"
  490. "Birth defect killed her off too."
  491. >"Oh. Well, at least you two are alright?"
  492. "You don't have to feel so bad, it's not your fault."
  494. >"Wanna talk about it or...?"
  495. "It was years ago, I'm over it now."
  496. >"How old would your sister have been now?"
  497. "Well, I'm twelve so... four or five."
  498. >"I'm so sorry for you."
  499. "Don't be, things like that happen all the time in my world."
  500. >She looks at you like you just grew an extra appendage.
  501. "I know it's surprising to you, but that's just the way things were."
  502. >"Oh, I guess that explains why you're taking it so well. That's fine."
  503. "Can we talk about something that won't upset you? Please?"
  504. >You can feel some of your pals talking about how edgy you are.
  505. >As if talking about things that just happen is edgy.
  506. >You needed better friends.
  507. >But most of the guys at school are absolute nonces.
  508. >Yes you just made up a word, you can do that.
  509. >That's how language works.
  510. >You regret ever teaching the youth at your school the word edgy though.
  511. >You have created a monster.
  513. >Twilight walks over to you and smiles.
  514. >"Well then, if you're going to be my apprentice you're going to need to solve some friendship problems."
  515. "I presume you want me to start with Diamond Tiara?"
  516. >"You got it! I hope to see some progress with her by the end of the month."
  517. "You're giving me less than a month? Isn't that a bit strict?"
  518. >"Clock is ticking, don't disappoint me."
  519. >Well now she's all business.
  520. >As you leave the room, you can hear her squealing.
  521. >"Eeeee~ I have a student! Spike wake up! I need a letter sent to Celestia!"
  522. >"Twilight, can't it wait until morning?"
  523. >"Oh, hehe. Sorry."
  524. >Perhaps you're more worried than you should be.
  525. >She could just be testing you.
  526. >You can't rush these things after all.
  527. >Yes, that's it. You were going to ensure that Diamond Tiara was truly reformed.
  528. >You cannot be sloppy when working for royalty.
  530. >As you entered your home, your parents tackled you into a group hug.
  531. >"We were so worried Nonny! Are you alright? Did anypony hurt you?"
  532. "I was chased through the city by an angry friend, ran around Twilight's castle, and became her apprentice."
  533. >"Junior I will never understand how you deal with stress."
  534. "Oh I have no doubt that it will catch up to me in my later years, but for now I simply live in the present."
  535. >"Heh, you take after your mother alright. Uh, your mother mother. Not your pony mother."
  536. "I know Dad, jeez. You're such a weirdo."
  537. >You give him a big hug.
  538. "That's why I love you though, you're fun."
  539. >He wraps his arms around you, "I know son, it's still good to hear it though. You always liked Mom better."
  540. "I loved you both equally, you're just insecure."
  541. >"I guess I am, it's just how I am."
  542. "How did Mom ever fall in love with a poor sap like you?"
  543. >"I'm just so dang charming."
  544. "Well it's not often I say this, but you're right."
  545. >Rarity started taking more pictures.
  546. >You don't quite understand girls, but you liked them anyway.
  547. >They were fun to hug and they smelled nice.
  549. >You were having lunch with a couple of your pals, Button Mash and Little League.
  550. >They were weird, but so were you.
  551. "So how do you guys think I should go about it?"
  552. >"Ah you're the hero, you'll be fine!"
  553. "That doesn't help at all Button."
  554. >Little League plays with her food, "Eh, you could try buttering her up."
  555. "I'm supposed to fix that problem, not enable it."
  556. >"It's always worked for me, everypony loves how adorable I am."
  557. >She gives you a precious smile.
  558. "Don't quit your day job, we still have a team to carry."
  559. >"Aw come on, the others do a fine job... yeah you're right, they're pretty mediocre."
  560. >You swear these two were learning from you through osmosis.
  561. >Still, it made for scintillating conversation.
  562. >Diamond walked over to your table and sat next to you.
  563. >"Hey guys, how's it going? Lovely weather we're having today, isn't it?"
  564. >Oh this is just adorable. But hilariously awkward.
  565. >You poke her in the side.
  566. "Just loosen up, be friendly. This isn't a job interview you know."
  567. >She nods, "I just wanted to apologize for how I used to act."
  568. >Button rolls his eyes, "Whatever, still mad you tried to break my GameJoy."
  569. >"Haha yes let's not bring that up."
  570. >She whispers to you, "I'm still scared of him."
  571. "Don't be, he's no more harmful than a fly is."
  572. >"Hey!"
  573. "Just saying, you're way too nice to hit her."
  574. >"Yeah? Well... you're right, I am. Knight's honor."
  575. "That is almost as awkward as my Dad, but he gets along just fine so I can't imagine you'll have too much trouble."
  576. >"Your Dad is cool, he's like the main character's mentor or dead parent, except he's not as smart as you and he's not dead."
  577. "You really need to get out more Button."
  578. >"The arcade counts as outside."
  579. "Whatever, how's Sweetie Belle's training going?"
  580. >He blushes, "Yeahwellit'sfineit'snotlikeshe'sreallycuteoranything."
  581. >LL giggles, "Aw, you broke him again Nonny."
  583. >"So, uh, what do you guys do anyway?"
  584. "We mostly just sit here and talk about stuff. Oh yeah, I gotta go to the park with Silver Spoon later."
  585. >"Tch, why?"
  586. "The CMC and us are gonna be brainstorming. Well, the CMC are."
  587. >"Can I come too? I need to know how those three do the things they do."
  588. "It's really nothing special, but if you want to then sure."
  590. >That was certainly a long school day.
  591. >It didn't help that the hoofball team was getting agitated at the baseball team's success.
  592. >You couldn't help it that you were more interesting than they were.
  593. >You were on your way to the meeting spot when you were accosted by a couple of brutes.
  594. >"Well look who it is! Hey there Smalls."
  595. "Ugh, it's Junior as in the son of the man with the same name. I'll probably end up being bigger than all of you."
  596. >"You sayin' I'm stupid or something?"
  597. "Honestly? Yes, you were never the brightest student Divegrass."
  598. >"Why you! Goalkeep! Get this little twerp!"
  599. >The pegasus was too fast for you, he pinned you down immediately.
  600. >"Any last words nerd?"
  601. >You could hear a scooter in the distance.
  602. "Yeah, have a nice concussion."
  603. >He looked at you with confusion, and then it happened.
  605. >He was cracked across the cranium with a scooter.
  606. "You could've worked on the name a little you know? It's not exactly the most original thing around."
  607. >"Whatever, let's deal with these other guys first."
  609. "Won't we get in trouble for fighting them?"
  610. >"School's over, they attacked you on the way to the park."
  611. "Cheerilee is going to be so upset with me when she finds out."
  612. >You dodged a kick and hopped on Divegrass' back.
  613. >"What the- GET OFF ME YOU FREAK!"
  614. >You had no idea what you were doing, but it was happening.
  615. >He kept trying to buck you off, and in the chaos you picked a rock up off of the ground.
  616. >Eventually he calmed down.
  617. >"Hey this is kinda nice actually, how did you-"
  618. >You knocked him out with the stone.
  619. "Ponies like being ridden, it's in your nature. Somewhat, after the bucking is done anyway."
  620. >You glanced over at Scootaloo who had the other colt on the ground in submission.
  621. >"Why'd you team up with them Rumble? Your brother is gonna be so mad at you."
  622. >"Please don't tell Thunderlane about this, I couldn't handle the disappointment."
  623. "Let him go, he didn't even really do anything."
  624. >"They said if I helped them I could be on the hoofball team."
  625. "Yeah, let him go. He's not a threat to us. Go tell Ms. Cheerilee what happened though, she needs to know."
  626. >He nods and runs off towards the school.
  627. "Now then, shall we continue on towards our destination?"
  628. >You met up with the others.
  629. >You gave Silver Spoon a hug.
  630. >"So, y'all ready?"
  631. >Diamond came out from the bushes.
  632. >"Um, hey guys."
  633. >"What are YOU doing here?"
  634. "She wanted to tag along and see what you guys did."
  635. >"And why would she care?"
  636. "Because I'm trying to get her to see why being friendly is a good thing."
  637. >"Oh, well she came to the right ponies. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are nothing if not friendly."
  638. >She sheepishly walks up to Scootaloo.
  639. >"H-hey, sorry about the other day. I guess. I don't really know how this is supposed to go."
  640. >"Eh, you tried."
  641. >She wraps her hooves around her and hugs her.
  642. >"Apology accepted."
  643. >You could see the pain on Scoots' face as she had to be nice to Tiara.
  644. >But she knew it was for a good cause.
  646. >"So, shall we be going? I'd hate to keep you waiting."
  647. >She's trying too hard, but at least she's trying.
  648. >You all spent the day goofing off instead of actually thinking of ideas for Cutie Marks.
  649. >It wasn't the worst thing, you got to roll around with Silver Spoon and boop her nose.
  650. >You were walking her home, when she stopped to ask you something.
  651. >"So, like, is this gonna be a permanent thing or what?"
  652. >Now this was an interesting question.
  653. "I'd like it to be permanent, but I can understand if you're not interested in that kind of relationship."
  654. >"You just have to promise me one thing you dork."
  655. "Name it and it's yours."
  656. >"Please learn how to not be so socially awkward."
  657. "I'll make no promises, but I'll try."
  658. >"Thanks, I just wanna be able to talk to you without breaking out a dictionary."
  659. "I'll have you know ninety-nine percent of what I say is thoroughly studied and in my memory."
  660. >"Heh, what's the other one percent?"
  661. "The new stuff I learn."
  662. >She giggles, "Nerd... but, I guess I am too."
  663. >She kicks her hooves, blushing quite fiercely.
  664. >She bashfully gives you a peck on the cheek.
  665. >Sir you need to calm down, your heart rate has just skyrocketed.
  666. >Thank you brain for running damage control.
  667. >Anytime sir.
  668. "Your lips are so soft."
  669. >"Your face is soft."
  670. >You rub your cheeks.
  671. "They are not that great."
  672. >The two of you walk the rest of the way in silence.
  673. >You put your arm around her the whole time.
  674. "I like you Silver Spoon."
  675. >"I like you too, Nonny."
  677. >It has been eight years.
  678. >In that time you've moved in with Twilight and become her third assistant.
  679. >You still weren't sure the owl counted, but whatever.
  680. >Dad and Rarity were still going on strong, and you visited whenever you could.
  681. >But there's one thing that made it all worthwhile.
  682. >You rolled over in bed.
  683. "Hey sleepyhead, wake up."
  684. >"Mmph, five more minutes Nonny."
  685. "But then I can't do this."
  686. >You give Silver Spoon a kiss.
  687. >"Thanks sweetheart, now let me go back to bed."
  688. "Oh fine, but don't blame me if there aren't any donuts left."
  689. >She perks up for a moment, "Are they glazed?"
  690. "Oh hell yeah."
  691. >"What are we waiting for?!"
  692. >She practically drags you down the hallway.
  693. >The two of you bump into Diamond Tiara on the way there.
  694. >"Hey you two! Just stopping by to visit my friends, how are you two?"
  695. >Silver Spoon rushes to fix her bedmane.
  696. >You give absolutely zero fucks.
  697. "We're just fine Ti. How's it hanging for you?"
  698. >"I still can't believe you're not a dork anymore."
  699. "You've been saying that for the past five years."
  700. >"It's true though, when we were kids you could never shut up."
  701. >She giggles, "But I suppose having a lady in your life helped with that, didn't it?"
  702. >You sigh and laugh.
  703. "Gimme a break, you're the one who needed help learning friendship."
  704. >"And now I can say hi to ponies without them groaning about it. Thanks for that, by the way."
  705. "No problem, wanna grab a donut with us?"
  706. >"Sure, that sounds lovely."
  707. >It wasn't the perfect life, but it was damn close to it.
  709. The End.
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