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Act Of Valor Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

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Sep 18th, 2018
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  48. An elite team of Navy SEALs embark on a covert mission to recover a kidnapped CIA agent.
  49. An unprecedented blend of real-life heroism and original filmmaking, Act of Valor stars a group of active-duty Navy SEALs in a powerful story of contemporary global anti-terrorism. Inspired by true events, the film combines stunning combat sequences, up-to-the minute battlefield technology and heart-pumping emotion for the ultimate action adventure. Act of Valor takes audiences deep into the secretive world of the most elite, highly trained group of warriors in the modern world. When the rescue of a kidnapped CIA operative leads to the discovery of a deadly terrorist plot against the U.S., a team of SEALs is dispatched on a worldwide manhunt. As the valiant men of Bandito Platoon race to stop a coordinated attack that could kill and wound thousands of American civilians, they must balance their commitment to country, team and their families back home. Each time they accomplish their mission, a new piece of intelligence reveals another shocking twist to the deadly terror plot, which stretches from Chechnya to the Philippines and from Ukraine to Somalia. The widening operation sends the SEALs across the globe as they track the terrorist ring to the U.S.-Mexico border, where they engage in an epic firefight with an outcome that has potentially unimaginable consequences for the future of America.
  50. Another reviewer from another site summed it up perfectly: this is, in a world, &quot;Call of Duty, the Movie.&quot; (Call of Duty, for those unaware, is a popular video game series).<br/><br/>I fully expect my review here to be voted down by the sort of people who don&#39;t like hearing the following truth: this movie is a triumph of marketing over movie-making. Specifically, it is aimed at the people who write reviews like: &quot;I am a military mom / retired military member and think it&#39;s great that Hollywood finally has honored our heroes by making a realistic movie where actual SEALs were used to show how it really is. SEALs keep America free and we HONOR THEM by watching this movie.&quot; Actually, this movie is NOTHING like what SEALs do. This is real-world seals poorly acting in showcasing tiny tidbits of their training in a plot that bears as much semblance to reality as the Flintstones did to caveman life.<br/><br/>If you&#39;re the sort of person whose knee-jerk lionization of the US military virtually guarantees that within 10 years from now 3 or 4 &quot;red states&quot; will have SEALs or other special forces members of congress despite more qualified candidates being available, then this movie is for you. If you&#39;re the sort of person who can be suckered into watching a very standard Hollywood-type action movie and convince yourself that it&#39;s realistic because it&#39;s badly acted by real SEAL team members, then this movie is for you. If you are the sort of person who will make the logically dubious jump from &quot;this movie has real SEALs as actors&quot; to &quot;therefore, this movie must truly represent what SEALs do&quot; in a self-regenerating cycle of fawning, then this movie is for you. Congratulations! You have been successfully marketed to.<br/><br/>I have served our country in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. I have some sense of what our military, including our special forces, actually do. Much of it is brave; but at the same time a lot of it is dirty and confused and does not really further US interests in a positive way. <br/><br/>So, see the movie? If you like cheezy unrealistic action movies with cardboard characters, then, sure. But please don&#39;t fool yourself that you are either &quot;honoring the troops&quot; or seeing something realistic with this movie. You very much are not.<br/><br/>If you want to see an excellent, much-underrated movie about recent US wars, see &quot;Home of the Brave&quot; instead.
  51. Being a huge fan of Action movies / FPS / martial arts / guns etc. How could I not be interested in checking this out? I gotta say I was pretty excited.<br/><br/>After about 30 minutes I realized why my expectations for a movie that prided itself in having &#39;real active navy seals&#39; as its star cast were pretty low. Everything grows stale really fast. At first it was great to see a different and more realistic take on military operations. The infiltration scenes seem much more tactical and life-like than what you would typically see in a modern day military action flick. The way the soldiers move, talk, interact and react to situations all appeared much more real than I have ever seen presented in a feature film. <br/><br/>With that said, it grows stale real quick. There are no real consequences in this movie. It opens by telling us that the film is based on &#39;real acts of valor.&#39; It then goes on to try and tell us that the bad guys in this flick have set up a massive terrorist plot to destroy a bunch of major US cities. Well if you first tell me the story is based on something real, and I know that terrorists never blew up any major US cities, Id say its pretty safe to say the bad guys in this movie will probably never achieve their goals. <br/><br/>This is established as soon as you find out the terrorists motivations. Therefore de-voiding the movie of any suspense or consequence. The rest of the movie you are just watching the soldiers go from one battle to another, never really caring what happens. Sure, its cool the first time.. but the law of diminishing returns kicks in pretty damn quick when you have zero story or substance to back any of this up.<br/><br/>Also, the dialogue outside of the action in this movie is terrible. I mean I guess it could be argued that its somewhat &#39;authentic&#39; but its literally a bunch of &#39;actors&#39; trying to have small talk. Everyone who isn&#39;t one of the Navy seals does an alright job and The Navy Seal interrogator is pretty solid as well. Everyone else is just weak. Its a combination of the acting and the script in these scenes. Just plain bad.<br/><br/>Overall, action is pretty solid. Acting is pretty bad. Story is irrelevant. I would compare it to film like &quot;Sucker Punch&quot;, maybe with even less story. <br/><br/>5/10. Watch able, but barely. Even as a big fan of stuff like Battlefield 3.
  52. Act of Valor is like watching the wrestlers in dramas produced by the WWE: They're great at what they do, but being in front of the camera isn't part of that.
  53. Yes, they are. They are not named in the film&#39;s credits, however. Yes. Christo is based on Viktor Bout, a notorious Russian billionaire currently awaiting trial in the US for black market arms dealing. Like Christo he enjoyed an immensely lavish lifestyle, ran his own fleet of smuggling planes, skilfully circumvented international law and ruthlessly sold to the highest bidder. He also inspired Nicholas Cage&#39;s film Lord of War. Abu Shabal is based on Shamil Basayev, Chechen terrorist leader and Jihadi who amongst other atrocities was responsible for the 2004 Beslan School massacre. Like Shabal he advocated the indiscriminate mass killing of civilians using explosive vests and utilised the wives of his dead fighters as suicide bombers, nicknaming them &quot;Black Widows&quot;. He was killed in 2006 by an explosion during an arms deal, possibly assassinated by the Russian secret service. The Rocket-Propelled Grenade (RPG-7) is expelled from the launch tube by a primary charge and then carried towards the target by a rocket motor. However, the rocket motor doesn&#39;t initiate and the armour piercing warhead doesn&#39;t arm until it is some distance from the launcher so that the firer isn&#39;t killed by the backblast or a premature detonation. When the SEAL is struck by the warhead he is so close to the firer that the rocket motor hasn&#39;t kicked in yet and the warhead hasn&#39;t had time to arm so his body armour is able to save him. The SEALs not only rescued Morales but were able to recover the Blackberry phone belonging to Christo&#39;s henchman. This is a crucial plot point as the information they recover from it leads them to the arms transfer in Somalia and Christo&#39;s yacht in the Pacific. Terrorists worldwide from the IRA to the Viet Cong to Al-Quaeda have a reputation for obsessively writing their plans down, the SEAL&#39;s killing of Osama bin Laden was not nearly as important in the War on Terror as their recovery of his mobile phones, laptop computers etc which provided invaluable information on his organisation. Fast-rope: rappel from a helicopter using a rope<br/><br/>Frag: fragmentation grenade<br/><br/>HAHO: high-altitude, high-opening: parachuting and opening the canopy at a high altitude to allow a long stealthy approach to a distant target<br/><br/>HALO: high-altitude, low-opening: free-falling from a high altitude and opening the canopy at the last minute to allow a rapid stealthy approach directly onto a target<br/><br/>JSOC: Joint Special Operations Command<br/><br/>LAW: light antitank weapon: one-shot disposable anti-armour rocket<br/><br/>M4: standard assault carbine used by the SEALs<br/><br/>Overwatch: SEAL commander and sniper observing at a distance in order to provide support and command and control to SEALs in action.<br/><br/>QRF: quick reaction force<br/><br/>Raven: small remote-controlled drone used for forwards reconnaissance<br/><br/>RPG: rocket-propelled grenade, Soviet era anti-armour weapon.<br/><br/>SDV: swimmer delivery vehicle, mini submarine which deploys SEALs from the SSGN<br/><br/>Squirters: terrorist suspects fleeing scene<br/><br/>SSGN: nuclear submarine optimized for special operations, equipped with cruise missiles and able to carry an SDV attached to its&#39; deck<br/><br/>SWIFT boat: small, heavily-armed boats manned by Special Warfare Combat Crews used to support SEALs<br/><br/>Task Force 160 / Nightstalkers: Army Special Aviation Regiment flying helicopters in support of SEALs and Delta Force Yes and no, we see it shot off and hanging by a strip of flesh in the final confrontation but later at the funeral and whilst writing the letter we see that he still has it. Presumably it must have been surgically re-attached. Several alterations were made for the international cut of the movie: some of the footage was either cut out or re-dubbed for international markets which mitigates the movie&#39;s message. Sometimes there is the exact same dialogue happening during an entirely different shot. Mostly the offscreen comments were changed but there are also five altered scenes resulting in a time difference of almost 1 minute between both versions. a5c7b9f00b
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