
Warm Feelings on a Rainy Day

Nov 6th, 2017
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  1. >Be anon
  2. >5 months ago you ended up in a world of anthros
  3. >You weren't the only human of course, but you were still a rare sight
  4. >A restaurant in the city had hired you after a few weeks
  5. >They really admired your skill
  6. >And boy could you cook an amazing spaghetti bolognese
  7. >It didn't hurt that you didn't have fur to get in the food
  8. >The pay was enough for you to rent a decent apartment not too far from your work
  9. >And you still had a decent amount of money to do whatever with
  10. >Today is your first day off in a while and you were going to enjoy it
  12. >Nothing beats a cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day
  13. >Luckily you had a little balcony with a view
  14. >You were just setting up a chair in the sun when you hear a knock at the door
  15. >A look through your peephole tells you who it is
  16. >A tall grizzly bear wearing slim fitting pants and shirt waits patiently on the other side
  17. >"Oh hey Susan, come on in."
  18. >She squeezes in, barely shorter than the door frame
  19. >"Can I get anything for you?" you ask her as you open your fridge
  20. >"Cream soda if you have it," she rumbles.
  21. >You chuckle
  22. >After the time she nearly threw a chair out the window, you make sure to keep some in your fridge
  23. >You toss her bottle and she pops the top off with a flick of her giant thumb
  24. >"So what can I do for you"
  26. >"I was just wondering if I could use your balcony"
  27. >Is that a blush you see
  28. >Her fur is brown enough that it's hard to tell
  29. >"Sure I was just going out myself" you gesture to the chair you were setting up
  30. >"Thanks Anon"
  31. >She grabs one of the folding chairs you have by the door on her way out
  32. >One flick and the chair is up
  33. >The chair sinks under her considerable weight as she flips out a pair of shades
  34. >She is almost pure muscle, you wonder how often she works out
  35. >You take your seat and take a sip of your lemonade
  36. >Your balcony gives you a view of the edge of the city and beyond
  37. >The roofs of suburban houses and rolling hills for miles
  38. >Days like these remind you why you like this place so much
  39. >Things hadn't always been this good though
  40. >Memories hit you
  42. >It was a couple days after you arrived
  43. >You were basically homeless
  44. >No money
  45. >No job
  46. >And no one wanted to hire a human
  47. >You were considered a freak, a fur-less disgrace
  48. >It was raining, you remember
  49. >With nothing but your jacket to stop the rain you were soaked
  50. >A pair of dogs walk by and you can hear them laughing at you
  51. >All you could do was glare at them
  52. >But that just made them laugh harder
  53. >Frustrated almost to the point of tears you sit down against the wall of the building
  54. >You feel a break in the rain and look up
  55. >There's an umbrella over you
  56. >and holding it is a bear
  58. >You sniffle
  59. >This is the first time someone has been kind to you since
  60. >well you aren't sure
  61. >She offers you a paw and you gladly take it
  62. >"You look cold, let me get you something warm to eat"
  63. >"What's your name, human?"
  64. >Her voice is deep, but oddly comforting
  65. >"A-A-A-Anon" It's hard to speak when you're shivering so much
  66. >"My name is Susan," she continues "It seems like you could use some help."
  67. >Making sure the umbrella stays over you, she walks you to her building
  68. >Stepping inside she shakes herself dry
  69. >As you walk to the elevator she strikes up a conversation with you
  70. >"So, how long have you been here?" She asks
  71. >The elevator doors open
  72. >"Oh, about 4 or 5 days" you respond as she hits the button for the 11th floor
  73. >As you take the elevator (this thing was slow) you talk about yourselves
  74. >Turns out she works as a news anchor for the local network
  75. >And while you don't have a job here, you used to work at EataBurger™
  76. >She tells you what it was like growing up in the city and not liking being cooped up
  77. >Whenever she got the chance, she'd go outside for a walk or play with the neighbor's kids
  78. >You tell her about your more suburban upbringing
  79. >Video games and indoor activities were more of your kind of thing
  80. >Though you remember you joined a LARP group once
  81. >(You'll never tell anyone you did that. NEVER)
  82. >You continue to talk until the doors open on her floor
  84. >She pulls out a key ring and fumbles with the lock for a little bit
  85. >The door opens with a slight squeak as you enter
  86. >It's well furnished with everything you'd expect, and then some
  87. >A leather couch faces a 40 inch tv on a stand
  88. >What is probably faux wood covers most of the floor
  89. >The exception is the bedroom which has soft looking carpeting
  90. >Some posters and paintings hang on the wall
  91. >She leads you into her sparkling kitchen and turns on her stove
  92. >Soup is simmering on the burner before you know it
  93. >"Let me take that for you Anon; You must be cold" She coaxes
  94. >Swapping your wet jacket for a warm blanket she makes sure you are comfortable
  95. >She hums a tune you don't know while hanging your jacket in the bathroom
  96. >The two of you chat a little while longer while the soup cooks
  97. >As she pours the soup into two bowls you realize what she's done
  98. >She got you out of the cold
  99. >Invited you into her house
  100. >And made food for you
  101. >A tear rolls down your cheek at that thought
  102. >"Anon, don't cry please; I hate to see people cry." she protests
  103. >You can barely choke out a simple "thank you" through the lump in your throat
  105. >You spend the next couple of days in her guest bedroom at her request
  106. >A couple days rest and good food brings you back to normal
  107. >It isn't long before you feel ready to get back into the world
  108. >Susan surprises you by putting in a good word with a friend who works in a restaurant downtown
  109. >Before you know it you've got an interview scheduled
  110. >You put on a smart looking outfit that Susan helped you buy (with the promise that you'll pay her back)
  111. >The interview goes great and you're hired on the spot
  112. >You start by washing dishes, but in a few weeks you're a full fledged chef
  113. >And that means you can afford your own place
  114. >Looking through the papers you find an ad for an apartment in the building
  115. >Though there are a lot of places you could go, you know that there's no place you'd rather be
  116. >Had it not been for Susan's help, you might not have lasted your first week here
  117. >But now, you're the happiest you've ever been
  119. >"Hey Anon"
  120. >Susan's voice brings you back to reality
  121. >"Did you fall asleep?" she looks a little worried
  122. >"No, just reliving some memories." you say with a smile
  123. >"Good ones I hope"
  124. >"They most certainly are"
  125. >You raise your glass
  126. >"To summer"
  127. >"To summer" she agrees
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