Guest User


a guest
Feb 21st, 2019
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  1. SOGoUserSources = (
  2. {
  3. // Used for user authentication
  4. type = ldap;
  5. id = users;
  6. canAuthenticate = YES;
  7. isAddressBook = NO;
  8. displayName = "LDAP Authentication";
  10. hostname = "ldap://";
  11. baseDN = "domainName=%d,o=domains,dc=a,dc=io";
  12. bindDN = "cn=vmail,dc=a,dc=io";
  13. bindPassword = "f70c8f378fa49c3684b84637d790da37";
  14. filter = "objectClass=mailUser AND accountStatus=active AND enabledService=mail AND enabledService=sogo";
  15. scope = SUB;
  17. // always keep binding to the LDAP server using the DN of the
  18. // currently authenticated user. bindDN and bindPassword are still
  19. // required to find DN of the user.
  20. // Note: with default LDAP acl configured by iRedMail, user doesn't
  21. // have privilege to query o=domains,dc=a,dc=io.
  22. // so this doesn't work.
  23. bindAsCurrentUser = YES;
  25. // The algorithm used for password encryption when changing
  26. // passwords without Password Policies enabled.
  27. // Possible values are: plain, crypt, md5-crypt, ssha, ssha512.
  28. userPasswordAlgorithm = ssha512;
  30. CNFieldName = cn;
  31. IDFieldName = mail;
  32. // value of UIDFieldName must be unique on entire server
  33. UIDFieldName = mail;
  34. IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;
  35. MailFieldNames = (mail);
  36. bindFields = (mail);
  37. },
  38. {
  39. // Used for global address book
  40. type = ldap;
  41. id = global_addressbook;
  42. canAuthenticate = NO;
  43. isAddressBook = YES;
  44. displayName = "Global Address Book";
  45. bindAsCurrentUser = YES;
  47. // Listing of this LDAP source is only possible when performing a
  48. // search (respecting the SOGoSearchMinimumWordLength parameter)
  49. // or when explicitely typing a single dot.
  50. // Defaults to YES when unset.
  51. //
  52. // WARNING: if you have many accounts in this address book, it may
  53. // reach server-side query size limit, or cause
  54. // performance issue.
  55. listRequiresDot = NO;
  57. hostname = "ldap://";
  58. baseDN = "domainName=%d,o=domains,dc=a,dc=io";
  59. bindDN = "cn=vmail,dc=a,dc=io";
  60. bindPassword = "f70c8f378fa49c3684b84637d790da37";
  61. filter = "((enabledService=mail AND accountStatus=active AND enabledService=displayedInGlobalAddressBook) AND ((objectClass=mailUser AND enabledService=sogo) OR (objectClass=mailList) OR (objectClass=mailAlias)))";
  62. scope = SUB;
  64. IDFieldName = mail;
  65. bindFields = (mail);
  66. // value of UID field must be unique on whole server.
  67. UIDFieldName = mail;
  68. IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;
  70. CNFieldName = cn;
  71. SearchFieldNames = (cn, sn, displayName, telephoneNumber, mail, shadowAddress, departmentNumber);
  73. // Resources management (Free/Busy)
  74. // Reference:
  75. KindFieldName = "Kind";
  76. MultipleBookingsFieldName = "MultipleBookings";
  77. }
  78. );
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