
Rankup System (PlayerGroups)

Aug 28th, 2022
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  1. Below is a Rankup System for a Prison Server using madcommands. This specific command will use player groups to change their rank when they rankup, however, you can use variables through madcommands if you know what you're doing. If you do not know what you're doing, I recommend using this one to minimize lag, and keep things more simple! For player perms, I do recommend setting up on the login trigger to set the perms for each player when they join for the first time (using a variable system), or creating a copy and pasteable list of each player perms so that you dont have to or can more easily set group perms for each Mine Rank! Anyway, here is the code:
  4. - This command using private warps instead of player homes. I heavily recommend disabling the Sethome and home command so that players cant abuse it to glitch your server!
  5. - You can set as many or as few Rankups as you want, just follow the shown format below!
  6. - This command is set up to where you can copy and paste it into rcon if you want! You just need to make sure to change anything in \"<>\" to whatever you need it to be for your server!
  7. - I've also added a little /mymine command below the Rankup one so that players can easily get back to their best mine if they dont know how to go to private warps!
  10. cmd create rankup
  11. cmd edit rankup 1 let %bal% = playerbalance(%p%)
  12. cmd edit rankup 2 let %rank% = playergroup(%p%)
  13. cmd edit rankup 3 if %rank% = \"A\" then goto 100
  14. cmd edit rankup 4 if %ranK% = \"B\" then goto 110
  15. cmd edit rankup 5 if %rank% = \"C\" then goto 120
  16. cmd edit rankup 6 # You can continue that format for each of your Mine Ranks and decide yourself what lines they're going to. 100-130 is just for example!
  17. cmd edit rankup 7 exit
  18. cmd edit rankup 100 if %bal% >= \"<Put Rankup Price Here\" then goto 103
  19. cmd edit rankup 101 message %p% §fcYou need §a$<Rankup Cost> §ato Rankup to B!
  20. cmd edit rankup 102 exit
  21. cmd edit rankup 103 ascon /takemoney %p% <Rankup Cost>
  22. cmd edit rankup 104 ascon /setgroup %p% B
  23. cmd edit rankup 105 move %p% <world> <x> <y> <z>
  24. cmd edit rankup 106 # The coordinates above should be the coords to the next mine!
  25. cmd edit rankup 107 asop /setwarp B -p
  26. cmd edit rankup 108 message %p% §fYou have §aSuccessfully §fRanked Up to B!
  27. cmd edit rankup 109 exit
  28. cmd edit rankup 110 # Here is where you can start following the format shown above! Each line should say the same thing, EXCEPT FOR THE PARTS THAT ARE DIFFERNET BASED ON THE MINE, like the Rankup Cost, the Group, and Mine Coordinates!
  31. cmd create mymine
  32. cmd edit mymine 1 let %ranK% = playergroup(%p%)
  33. cmd edit mymine 2 if %ranK% = \"A\" then goto 100
  34. cmd edit mymine 3 if %rank% = \"B\" then goto 103
  35. cmd edit mymine 4 if %rank% = \"C\" then goto 106
  36. cmd edit mymine 5 # You can continue this format for each of your Mine Ranks!
  37. cmd edit mymine 6 exit
  38. cmd edit mymine 100 /warp A -p
  39. cmd edit mymine 101 message %p% §aWelcome Back to Mine A!
  40. cmd edit mymine 102 exit
  41. cmd edit mymine 103 /warp B -p
  42. cmd edit mymine 104 message %p% §aWelcome Back to Mine B!
  43. cmd edit mymine 105 exit
  44. cmd edit mymine 106 /warp C -p
  45. cmd edit mymine 107 message %p% §aWelcome Back to Mine C!
  46. cmd edit mymine 108 exit
  48. Add me on Discord if you have any questions! BruhBaby#0001
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