
Anonymous equestrians part 5

Jun 10th, 2012
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  1. >you and unknown woke up to a rooster crowing loudly outside
  2. >the sun was shining right into your eyes
  3. >fuck you sun, 150 million km away and you always aim for my eyes
  4. >you hear unknown rustling up top
  5. >you check to see if he's awake
  6. >nope
  7. >guess its gonna be a lonely breakfast
  8. >you put on your finest pair of unwashed jeans, tie your shitty shoes, put on your 2 day old mud soaked t-shit, and walk out your bedroom door
  9. >you bump into aj in the hallway
  10. >"oh, hey there anon. what're you doin' up so early"
  11. "oh well, the sun was up. so i figured i might as well start the day"
  12. >that seemed to make her smile, "well follow me downstairs and ah'll find somethin' for us to eat"
  13. "that sounds great"
  14. >right as you reach the bottom of the stairs you here unknown coming down
  15. >suspicions confirmed, it was him
  16. >with a sly smile on his face seeing you were about to be alone with aj... again
  17. >not a fucking word nigger
  18. >idiot he cant hear you
  19. >shutup brain, i do what i want
  20. >"hey anon, is that your brother comin' down?" she yells from the kitchen
  21. "yeah, must've just woke up"
  22. "what're you doing up so early" you whisper to him
  23. >"just wanted to spend some time with my best bro... and his new girlfriend" he whispers back
  24. >it suddenly becomes the most heated whisper battle this side of ponyville
  25. "don't say shit to anyone, i don't even know if im gonna go for it"
  26. >"but weren't you the one who pretty much made out on the train"
  27. "no, i fell when the train rocked and i just happened to be holding onto her. so she fell on top of me"
  28. >"that's bullshit and you know it. come on, just admit you want here, its step one."
  29. "step one in your multi part plan to get kicked out of ponyville?"
  30. >"are you boys comin' to get some breakfast?"
  31. >you both were too busy arguing that you didn't even notice applejack was done making breakfast
  32. >you felt kinda bad about not helping
  33. >unknown leaned over and whispered to you, "why weren't you helping your girlfriend"
  34. >he was taunting you
  35. >just like a nigger would
  36. >fuck niggers
  37. >get money
  38. >time for breakfast
  39. >you both took a seat at the table and scarfed down your apple & cinnamon oatmeal
  40. >it was amazing
  41. >after you washed the dishes and unknown cleared the table, it was time for work out in the orchard
  42. >unknown was tasked with helping buck apple trees and bring the apple barrels to you in the barn
  43. >your job was to sort the good apples for the bad apples
  44. >it wasnt too bad of a job, but whenever unknown came into the barn you were a little happy
  45. >and he was too
  46. >being far away from each other made you both feel uneasy, paranoid, and a little scared
  47. >and whenever one of you was hurt or missing, the other one knew where you were and felt your pain
  48. >the end of the day was nearing and the three of you were walking back
  49. >unknown leaned in close to you
  50. >"PHEW! you smell horrible anon"
  51. >you smelled yourself
  52. >holy shitcunts. it smelled as if you shit into a microwave and set it on high for 3 minutes
  53. >"you boys should go get some fresh new clothes from rarity's boutique"
  54. "where's that?"
  55. >"just go wander round ponyville for a little while, ah'll go an git dinner started"
  56. >the walk to ponyville was short and uneventful
  57. >so was the walk around ponyville to find rarity's place
  58. >it was an oddly shaped building with a carousel on top
  59. >big surprise
  60. >you both knocked four times on the door
  61. >"come in" a voice yelled from the other side
  62. >you opened the door and saw what was definitely a dress makers shop
  63. >spare pieces of cloth scattered all over the place, mannequins with half finished dresses on them, thread EVERYWHERE
  64. >"oh hello boys, what can i help you with?"
  65. >"we were looking to get some new clothes"
  66. "seeing as how these are already dirty and we dont have any spares"
  67. >"of course i can make you some clothes boys, it would be an honor to make something so unique. but i will need some of your measurements"
  68. >you quickly push unknown forward, voluteering him
  69. >"you can take my measurements" he glares back at you
  70. >the process was quick considering all she had to do was levitate some measuring tape around him and then jot down a few numbers
  71. "do you need my measurements too?"
  72. >that seemed to make her laugh
  73. >"no, your brothers measurements will do fine. your clothes will be done by tomorrow, just stop by anytime."
  74. >DAYUM, she could do it that quick... must be the magic
  75. >you both leave the store and begin on your way back to applejacks house
  76. >"so what're you gonna do about applejack"
  77. "you expect me to know?"
  78. >"well dont you like her"
  79. "yeah, a little"
  80. >"do it faggot"
  81. "well how bout you go after luna"
  82. >"i told you not to say anything!"
  83. "and i didnt, but i will if you dont do anything about it"
  84. >"she wouldnt go for me, im just an alien, she's a princess"
  85. "yeah, you're right"
  86. >"so how bout you go for applejack"
  87. "i told you, i dont know what im gonna do."
  88. >"if you dont do something by tonight, then im gonna intervene"
  89. "blah blah blah, you wont do anything"
  90. >the rest of the walk on the way home was slow and uneventful
  91. >except for that rock you punted
  92. >that shit was fun
  93. >when you finally got back to the house, unknown opened the door
  94. >the smell of apples begins to rape both of your noses
  95. >"welcome back boys, dinners on the table. we already ate."
  96. >"thanks applejack"
  97. "yeah, thanks"
  98. >"oh and anonymous, when your done with dinner can you meet me in the barn. i need some help with a few things"
  99. "sure applejack"
  100. >"thanks sugarcube"
  101. >she quickly walked out the door leaving you and unknown to talk at dinner
  102. >the entire time you were eating he was slyly smiling at you, knowing something would happen
  103. >"so what'cha gonna do about it?"
  104. "im gonna go do chores like she asked"
  105. >"suuuuuuuuure"
  106. >even you knew something might happen while you were in there
  107. >so before you left you brought protection
  108. >a pair of thick padded working gloves that were at the bottom of your backpack
  109. "how did i not find these before" you mumble to yourself
  110. >you walk out the door and close it behind you
  111. >the sun had already set and it was dark out
  112. >you couldnt see any light coming from the barn
  113. >left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, GIANT FUCKING BLUE ALICORN
  114. >she landed on you, tackling you to the ground
  115. >you were head was in between her front hooves and she was looking down at you
  116. >"hello unknown, may i have a word with you" her voice was softer than the last time you'd seen her at the castle
  117. "im not unknown, im anon. would you like me to go get him?"
  118. >"no thank you. but could you tell him to meet me by the river at midnight, i really need to talk to him"
  119. "sure, i'll tell him once i get back inside"
  120. >"thank you"
  121. >and with that she flew away
  122. >oh shiiiiit, unknowns bout to get some serious pony pussy
  123. >but that can wait
  124. >for now you had some chores to do
  125. >you get to the barn and its pitch black, except for a lone candle in the middle of it
  126. >you walk inside and look around, noponies here
  127. >suddenly your thrust against the ground by none other than applejack
  128. "um, applejack, what are you doing?"
  129. >"ah jus wanted tah know somethin'"
  130. "and that would be"
  131. >"back when you were on that wagon... and you said ah was cute, did'ya mean it?"
  132. >you laid there, perplexed by the question
  133. "actually, it was kinda just a test to see if you guys could understand us. i never actually-"
  134. >you could see her get more and more depressed with each word
  135. >Brain, any ideas
  136. >tell her you just wanna be friends
  137. >better than nothing
  138. "we could still be friends though"
  139. >she forced a smile onto her face, "yeah, that'd be ohkay ah guess"
  140. >even through the smile you could tell she was holding back tears
  141. >ohshitniggeryoumessedup
  142. >shutup brain
  143. >im not saying your stupid, but after years of never having a girlfriend someone finally likes you and you're just gonna say no?
  144. >fuck off brain, you told me to say for us to be friends
  146. >"ohkay then, ah'll see you tomorrow at work"
  147. >she started walking away, allowing you to get up
  148. "what about those chores you wanted me to do?"
  149. >you stupid nigger, did you just ask that
  150. >she didnt answer you, just coninued walking out with her head hung low
  151. >once she was out of view you could hear running and tears
  152. >lots of tears
  153. >its gonna be another long night
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