
You Wouldn't Pirate a Brotastic Bug Brawl

Jun 18th, 2014
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  1. Jun 09 17:22:48 <Knox> OKAY SO LAST TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z, things happened. But the day before those things happened, there was a period of downtime after the base attack but before the evening where Knox was up on deck, contemplating about some things.
  2. Jun 09 17:23:48 <Mackenzie> And on that momentous night, Mackenzie would be off the boat, but on the sand, either contemplating much more severely or acting like he's contemplating much more seriously.
  3. Jun 09 17:25:13 <Knox> And of course one brooder sees the other so Knox gets off his ass and onto the beach. He can be seen approaching Mack a ways off.
  4. Jun 09 17:26:04 <Mackenzie> 2d6+1 notice someone coming toward him from the boat
  5. Jun 09 17:26:05 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, notice someone coming toward him from the boat: 9 [2d6=4,4]
  6. Jun 09 17:26:16 <Mackenzie> Iiiii guess that's not a terrible roll.
  7. Jun 09 17:26:59 <Knox> He's not even trying to be hidden, either. The Knox is probably spotted.
  8. Jun 09 17:28:14 * Mackenzie looks up from his perceived contemplations and sees Knox approaching! "Oh... Hello, Knox. I suppose I should apologize in advance for my mannerisms back there?"
  9. Jun 09 17:29:06 <Knox> "Eh?" he's thrown a bit off-guard by the question before remembering chinese action hero Mack. He frowns a bit, but shakes his head. "Whatever, I've known some eccentric fighters in my time, too, and it's not like they didn't know full well we were there."
  10. Jun 09 17:29:25 <Knox> "Any chance for being subtle was blown the moment we started attacking the front door anyway."
  11. Jun 09 17:31:23 <Mackenzie> Mack is visibly confused about his failure to predict what Knox wanted. "What's up, then? Did something happen on the ship?"
  12. Jun 09 17:34:19 <Knox> "Not really what's on my mind, anyway. Just been thinking about the shit they did to her. The girl we brought back. I said this earlier, but I knew her - she was part of my crew. And those bastards fucking used her. Still waiting on Lecia to get the hell over here so we can find out what the hell that armor is, but.."
  13. Jun 09 17:36:36 * Knox glances out to see for a moment. "...Aether is really digging their way down on my shit list. We managed to get it off, at least. Needles and shit. They drugged her to high hell with... something. Clearly some sort of brainwashing, but to what extent, I don't know." Of course he does CURRENTLY but this mini happened before all of that. "...Her pokemon doesn't seem too friendly
  14. Jun 09 17:36:36 * Knox with me either and it doesn't seem to be a shadow pokemon either. ...But I'm getting pretty damn sick of this mind control shit. ...I'm going to get rid of all of their fucking influence that I can find."
  15. Jun 09 17:37:33 <Knox> "That includes Shadow pokemon like Tenebrae, and the Muk we fought. ...I'm thinking maybe we should start with the whole encouragement thing."
  16. Jun 09 17:37:45 <Knox> *sea
  17. Jun 09 17:38:25 <Knox> "Remember, what we talked about before, with your Heracross? Have you even named it yet?"
  18. Jun 09 17:40:19 <Mackenzie> "I see... Aether is not going to stop at anything for this, I can tell. I still don't really know what exactly they're trying to DO, exactly, but they aren't doing a good job of trying not to make the wrong enemies. ...And I have. I figured I would follow your example of using a dead language to sound edgy."
  19. Jun 09 17:41:50 <Knox> "...What?"
  20. Jun 09 17:42:17 <Knox> "Oh, you mean his name."
  21. Jun 09 17:42:24 <Knox> "How the fuck is that edgy though."
  22. Jun 09 17:42:54 <Knox> He seems more bewildered than anything.
  23. Jun 09 17:44:50 * Mackenzie tosses out his Heracross. "I call him Via Crucis. Has to do with crosses, strife, forging a path, and so on. So, thematic, empowering, and edgy."
  24. Jun 09 17:45:07 <Knox> "Either way their goal seems clear as piss to me. Take over everything they can. Why else would they mess with the book, brainwash pokemon into obedient soldiers, conduct clandestine criminal activities all over the region, and even assimilate people into the fucking Borg or whatever? They're even corrupting gods? Yeah, they want control."
  25. Jun 09 17:45:37 <Knox> "Well, it's not a bad start." he admits, looking at the Heracross.
  26. Jun 09 17:46:25 <Knox> "Lot to be said in a name." he says idly. He lets out Tenebrae. "It should be obvious if you were trying to follow suit what his name represents."
  27. Jun 09 17:47:10 <Mackenzie> He probably thinks of the term edgy as a hollywood person would, as a legitimate buzzword as if it were still one by any means, rather than a demeaning term. "Still though, don't you think that the means they're choosing is a bit grand for simple control?"
  28. Jun 09 17:48:20 <Knox> "I imagine they want to apply it not only to this world but all of them. Entire fucking multiverse out there apparently. You can't do that kind of shit if you -don't- go in with grand plans."
  29. Jun 09 17:50:12 <Knox> "I doubt they have any kind of benevolent reasons like, 'oh we want to actually squash all of reality together to cure cancer and give homes to orphans!' or anything fucking stupid like that. They're murderous psychopaths, and that's coming from a scumbag like me."
  30. Jun 09 17:50:39 <Knox> The Pinsir shifts only slightly to take in its surroundings, and seems to focus on the Heracross after a moment.
  31. Jun 09 17:51:46 <Knox> It seems Tenebrae remembers well the 'challenge' he got before.
  32. Jun 09 17:52:28 <Mackenzie> "One in the name of darkness, the other in the name of salvation. It seemed apt." He turns to his pokemon. "Alright Via, you ready to do this? Keep yourself paced, but don't forget that there's an inherent danger to account for." He looks over at the horrible, deformed monster pokemon. "And don't forget that there's still a heart in there. That's what we're here for."
  33. Jun 09 17:54:14 <Mackenzie> Via Crucis grins and walks over to Tenebrae. He makes a legitimate taunting gesture and a thrust iwth his horn.
  34. Jun 09 18:08:16 <Knox> Tenebrae barely reacts, but a twitch can be seen. Knox nods to Tenebrae and takes a position, watching.
  35. Jun 09 18:08:35 <Knox> "Alright, Tenebrae, just don't get carried away and kill him."
  36. Jun 09 18:08:56 <Knox> "Can't believe we actually worked for those fucks for a year... wonder how much of their shit we actively enabled." he mutters.
  37. Jun 09 18:09:15 <Knox> Tenebrae hunkers down and gets ready! Speed 19!
  38. Jun 09 18:09:53 <Mackenzie> Via Crucis: Speed 20
  39. Jun 09 18:10:32 <Knox> Via Crucis goes first!
  40. Jun 09 18:10:36 <Knox>
  41. Jun 09 18:10:55 <Mackenzie> 1d20 Aerial Ace crit check
  42. Jun 09 18:10:56 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, Aerial Ace crit check: 7 [1d20=7]
  43. Jun 09 18:11:08 <Mackenzie> 2d6+8+32
  44. Jun 09 18:11:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 2d6+8+32: 46 [2d6=5,1]
  45. Jun 09 18:11:33 <Mackenzie> "Whoa there, Via. This isn't a blood battle."
  46. Jun 09 18:12:46 <Mackenzie> "Heracross!" He seems determined not to let down.
  47. Jun 09 18:14:20 <Knox> Tenebrae just leans down and intercepts the blow with his gigantic horns easily. Parry!
  48. Jun 09 18:15:05 <Knox> The Pinsir then immediately follows up with an enraged Thrash!
  49. Jun 09 18:15:08 <Knox> 1d20 Thrash
  50. Jun 09 18:15:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Thrash: 4 [1d20=4]
  51. Jun 09 18:15:38 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Via Crucis > Tenebrae
  52. Jun 09 18:15:49 <Knox> 3d12+10+30 Smite, you resist this damage.
  53. Jun 09 18:15:50 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Smite, you resist this damage.: 57 [3d12=5,4,8]
  54. Jun 09 18:16:26 <Knox> Even though the blow is telegraphed, the Pinsir is ultimately quick enough to still get a glancing blow on the heracross!
  55. Jun 09 18:17:24 <Knox> Knox is silent, just watching.
  56. Jun 09 18:18:19 <Mackenzie> "Don't get distracted. Focus, and prepare for your next opportunity." Heracross uses Chip Away.
  57. Jun 09 18:18:20 <Mackenzie> 1d20
  58. Jun 09 18:18:21 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 1d20: 15 [1d20=15]
  59. Jun 09 18:19:00 <Mackenzie> 2d6+10+32
  60. Jun 09 18:19:00 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 2d6+10+32: 49 [2d6=2,5]
  61. Jun 09 18:19:28 <Mackenzie> Ignores defense CS changes and any other forms of damage reduction
  62. Jun 09 18:19:37 <Mackenzie> (but not defense itself)
  63. Jun 09 18:19:45 <Knox> Seems Tenebrae doesn't have anything besides defense!
  64. Jun 09 18:20:11 <Knox> 1d20 Tenebrae confusion
  65. Jun 09 18:20:11 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Tenebrae confusion: 9 [1d20=9]
  66. Jun 09 18:20:33 <Knox> 9, acts normally
  67. Jun 09 18:21:01 <Knox> The bug lets out a high pitched shriek and runs in, attempting to land a high-powered (but resisted) Storm Throw!
  68. Jun 09 18:21:02 <Knox> 1d20 Storm Throw
  69. Jun 09 18:21:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Storm Throw: 3 [1d20=3]
  70. Jun 09 18:22:33 <Mackenzie> Via Crucis flutters his wings as he leaps backward during Tenebrae's assault.
  71. Jun 09 18:24:59 <Mackenzie> Via prepares for another Aerial Ace, but Mack stops him with a hand on its shoulder. "Don't. Wait until you need it."
  72. Jun 09 18:26:09 <Mackenzie> Via seems slightly perturbed, but obeys. Fury Attack!
  73. Jun 09 18:26:11 <Mackenzie> 1d20
  74. Jun 09 18:26:11 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 1d20: 1 [1d20=1]
  75. Jun 09 18:29:01 <Knox> The attack misses the Pinsir, who starts to respond by a darkness covering his claws, but Knox shakes his head. "No. Don't use Shadow Claw."
  76. Jun 09 18:29:03 <Knox> 1d20 confusion
  77. Jun 09 18:29:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, confusion: 20 [1d20=20]
  78. Jun 09 18:29:20 <Knox> The bug snaps itself out of confusion and goes for an X-Scissor instead!
  79. Jun 09 18:29:28 <Knox> 1d20 X-Scissor
  80. Jun 09 18:29:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, X-Scissor: 17 [1d20=17]
  81. Jun 09 18:29:44 <Knox> 3d8+10+30
  82. Jun 09 18:29:45 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 3d8+10+30: 52 [3d8=5,2,5]
  83. Jun 09 18:32:47 <Mackenzie> Heracross takes his first direct hit! He is visibly fazed by the attack, but ultimately not nearly going down yet. "Be careful. I'll leave things to your discretion now."
  84. Jun 09 18:33:09 <Mackenzie> 1d20 Fury Attack again!
  85. Jun 09 18:33:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, Fury Attack again!: 13 [1d20=13]
  86. Jun 09 18:33:15 <Mackenzie> 1d8
  87. Jun 09 18:33:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 1d8: 8 [1d8=8]
  88. Jun 09 18:34:04 <Mackenzie> With vengeance, Heracross lashes out with anger!
  89. Jun 09 18:34:06 <Mackenzie> 3d8+10+32
  90. Jun 09 18:34:07 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 3d8+10+32: 48 [3d8=1,4,1]
  91. Jun 09 18:34:59 <Knox> Tenebrae is starting to wear down but doesn't seem THAT phased by the maximum fury attack.
  92. Jun 09 18:35:20 <Knox> He quickly moves in again, going for another Storm Throw!
  93. Jun 09 18:35:20 <Knox> 1d20
  94. Jun 09 18:35:21 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  95. Jun 09 18:35:29 <Knox> And this time, manages to catch the Heracross!
  96. Jun 09 18:35:47 <Knox> One, two, he swings the bug around and around and flings him into the sand!
  97. Jun 09 18:35:57 <Knox> 4d8+10+30
  98. Jun 09 18:35:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 4d8+10+30: 60 [4d8=6,1,5,8]
  99. Jun 09 18:35:59 <Knox> er
  100. Jun 09 18:36:00 <Knox> +10
  101. Jun 09 18:36:02 <Knox> 70
  102. Jun 09 18:37:37 <Mackenzie> Via Crucis takes it full-on and manages to keep on his feet, but not by much! "Hold steady. Don't give in yet!"
  103. Jun 09 18:38:01 <Mackenzie> 1d20 Chip Away
  104. Jun 09 18:38:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, Chip Away: 17 [1d20=17]
  105. Jun 09 18:38:12 <Mackenzie> 2d6+10+32
  106. Jun 09 18:38:12 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 2d6+10+32: 54 [2d6=6,6]
  107. Jun 09 18:40:50 <Knox> Tenebrae too is feeling woozy, but manages to stay up! He goes for one more Thrash, letting out one more shriek.
  108. Jun 09 18:41:01 <Knox> "Remember, Tenebrae, don't kill him!" he orders.
  109. Jun 09 18:41:04 <Knox> 1d20 Thrash
  110. Jun 09 18:41:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Thrash: 3 [1d20=3]
  111. Jun 09 18:41:14 <Knox> 3d12+10+30 Smite
  112. Jun 09 18:41:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Smite: 59 [3d12=12,3,4]
  113. Jun 09 18:42:20 <Knox> Crucis resists it, though... Where Tenebrae does clip him, the Pinsir turns and twists his horns into the bug. "...Stop. Tenebrae I fucking said stop!"
  114. Jun 09 18:42:34 <Knox> 6d6+5 Beast Master
  115. Jun 09 18:42:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Beast Master: 26 [6d6=6,1,3,5,1,5]
  116. Jun 09 18:42:46 <Knox> The bug seizes up and doesn't use its Cruelty ability.
  117. Jun 09 18:43:03 <Mackenzie> "Now, stop his advance!" He attempts to parry the attack, but the force is too much to fully resist.
  118. Jun 09 18:43:34 <Mackenzie> Heracross locks his horn with Tenebrae's, but his legs eventually buckle and he goes down.
  119. Jun 09 18:44:17 <Knox> Tenebrae is bloody and injured himself, but for once shows some emotion, looking pleased as hell.
  120. Jun 09 18:44:23 <Knox> (Tenebrae had 5 HP left)
  121. Jun 09 18:44:33 <Mackenzie> (Via had 10)
  122. Jun 09 18:45:53 <Mackenzie> (I was fully expecting to Parry his next attack and finish, but he was out-cooled)
  123. Jun 09 18:46:49 <Mackenzie> Via Crucis rolls over from his face over to his back, and lets out a chuckle. "He- he- he-" He gives Tenebrae the closest thing to a thumbs-up that he can.
  124. Jun 09 18:47:23 <Knox> Tenebrae just stares down into the sand at the heracross for a moment, not really seeming to understand what the gesture means.
  125. Jun 09 18:48:09 * Mackenzie begins clapping for Tenebrae. Via is too beat to follow suit.
  126. Jun 09 18:48:34 <Knox> But after a moment... he hesitantly returns it. Or something like it. It looks maybe more like he's flipping Crucis off since Pinsirs only have the three claws. But he's trying!
  127. Jun 09 18:48:51 <Knox> +1 heart from Aori's rules~
  128. Jun 09 18:48:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> ~
  129. Jun 09 18:49:35 <Knox> Knox has his arms crossed, but he loosens up and begins clapping himself.
  130. Jun 09 18:49:39 <Knox> "Not bad, either of you."
  131. Jun 09 18:50:18 <Knox> "I think this may actually be getting through to him."
  132. Jun 09 18:50:37 <Mackenzie> Eventually Crucis does make his way to his feet, with a hand from Mack. "Your control is as worth note as his exhibition of restraint, you know."
  133. Jun 09 18:51:42 <Knox> He nods. "Not sure if Tenebrae will have the upper hand next time."
  134. Jun 09 18:52:12 <Mackenzie> "I'm not going to tell Via Crucis to hold back from his best attacks next time."
  135. Jun 09 18:52:36 <Knox> "And I think I might try to teach Tenebrae a new trick or two in the meantime."
  136. Jun 09 18:53:01 <Knox> He actually gives a little bit of a grin.
  137. Jun 09 18:53:58 <Knox> "Anyway, thanks Frazie-...Mack. I should probably go back and keep an eye on Robin now, come to think of it."
  138. Jun 09 18:54:43 <Mackenzie> "Very well. It was nice." He extends his hand to Knox.
  139. Jun 09 18:55:27 * Knox takes Mack's hand and shakes it. "Yeah... We have to do this again sometime. ...Not really the same without people taking bets on the side, though..." he says idly, not really explaining what he means by that.
  140. Jun 09 18:55:50 <Knox> He looks out over the sea for a moment more, and then just quietly starts walking back to the ship with Tenebrae.
  141. Jun 09 18:56:19 <Mackenzie> "We could at least invite the others next time to give it more of an exhibition match feel."
  142. Jun 09 18:56:37 <Knox> He laughs. "Sure, maybe."
  143. Jun 09 18:56:57 * Knox waves over his shoulder without looking back like cool guys do in animes.
  144. Jun 09 18:57:16 <Knox> And that, for the moment, shall end our mini!
  145. Jun 09 18:57:35 * Mackenzie puts an arm around Via's shoulders. "I'll make him a good guy eventually. And you, too."
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