
Why The CPPS Community is Dying/Dead

Nov 12th, 2016
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  1. Kindly note that this isn't me complaining or anything. It's what I feel about the community. Over the past two years, the community slowly started deteriorating, but for the past year it's been at a rapid rate. Last year around the same time, I begin developing my own source called Luna which turned out to be a success in the end, at first people were refusing to accept change but now I've basically reached my goal, there's been a whole lot of CPPSes coming out often but the one thing that has always bothered me is how they're all the same and how owners aren't really putting in proper effort in making their CPPSes stand out.
  2. Every CPPS these days just keep re-inventing the wheel and using things that has already been seen in the community, some people think that those kind of things are new but really its just the same old garbage. Bad management is also one of the many reasons why CPPSes aren't gaining their user base nor are they growing. Staff members constantly arguing with each other and letting each other down, they also tend to show their anger towards the server and its users thus these CPPSes are the ones that don't gain popularity. Advertising is another reason why CPPSes are dying out, I've noticed that a lot of people who run these servers, have other people go advertise on other CPPSes such as CPPS.me and don't really use the power of social media or the internet as a whole.
  3. Change is something that this community isn't willing to accept, the AS3 servers that are out now are just basically replicating Club Penguin and adding on some custom things onto their server, but to be quite honest with all of you these servers are laggy as fuck and aren't really fun to play, also one of the reasons is because they use the same old source code Kitsune instead of making their own.
  4. Security is the main reason why servers die out these days, most of the owners are just dumb as fuck and have no clue how to run a server, its the bitter sweet truth, not many of the owners actually know programming, they just copy of what's left of the community and re-invent it, not caring about their servers security. Ultimately most of their databases are exposed to the public and so is their server's information.
  5. - Weak passwords.
  6. - No 2FA.
  7. - No SSH keys.
  8. - Not removing the root user in the server.
  9. - Domains with no WHOIS protection.
  10. - Servers with no DDos protection.
  11. - Not using a DBMS (Database Management Software) like Navicat using SSH.
  12. - Small and cheap virtual private servers.
  13. - No usage of offshore hosting.
  14. - Not optimizing their web servers using methods like customizing the default configuration, using custom modules and using a reverse proxy.
  15. - Not using an ORM for their MySQL backend.
  16. - No knowledge of parrallel programming.
  17. Are some of the many things most of the server owners don't know about.
  18. Copying and lazyness is also another reason why servers die out these days, no one knows how to get their own ideas or be modern.
  19. Drama, hacking, DDosing, Doxing, Paedophilia, Harassing, Slandering play a huge role in this community's demise, instead of being united and coming together to keep the community alive, almost everyone in the community cut each others throats and stab each other in the back.
  20. Owners hiring people who they don't know and basically lie about their time and experience in the community, to work for their servers is the one of the many other reasons why CPPSes die out sooner than expected. Team dedication, constant whining about ranks and promotions also plays a role.
  22. All of these things drive people away and just keep digging a deeper grave for the community and pushing it in there.
  23. So how is this community still alive? Honestly, I have no clue. But I just come on to talk to people and that's it. I don't really play CPPSes anymore and I've been thinking on leaving the community for quite some time now. I've made some friends in this community and that's really why I'm even around. As you all also known, Flash is going to soon pull the plug and CPPSes are definitely going to die out, the only way it could stay alive while still using Flash is by making downloadable clients like some of the old CPPses did back in the old days. HTML5 will soon take over and since like I explained earlier, most of the servers owners are useless and dumb as hell, its definitely going to be a huge problem, I've had many owners and developers of those servers pm me to even help them setup a loader which explains how really stupid this community has gotten.
  25. The only current servers with owners and developers with actual good knowledge, I see making their way to HTML5 would be CPPS.me, Hyperboreal, FreePenguin and VIPenguin (maybe). Klondike maybe another server that could make its way but I'm not really sure on what's going on with them as of now because they haven't released yet. HTML5 could be a huge step into reviving this community, for the servers staying with Flash, they would have to up their game by designing and implementing brand new things.
  27. Short and sweet there's really nothing interesting anymore.
  29. Well that's all for now, I may edit this paste from time to time but this is basically what I think and what I've learned and many people have already agreed with after I spoke with them.
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