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- #======================================================================
- # Scan Skill v2 by mjshi (edits by Trihan)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Place images into Graphics/System.
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Usage: Set a skill ID to be the scan skill, then, in that skill's
- # effects, call a common event.
- # The common event should look like this:
- # Script command: SceneManager.scene.run_scan_skill
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- module ScanSkill
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Config
- # ID of the scan skill
- SkillID = [ 45, 163, 384, 468 ]
- # Order to draw elements in (by type id)
- ElementOrder = [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
- # Mini element images, grabbed off the icon sheet
- ElementIcons = {
- #---------------------------
- # Format:
- # ElementId => IconIndex
- #
- 1 => 313,
- 2 => 306,
- 3 => 307,
- 4 => 308,
- 5 => 309,
- 6 => 310,
- 7 => 311,
- 8 => 312,
- #---------------------------
- }
- # Images associated with each id
- ElementImages = {
- #---------------------------
- # Format:
- # ElementId => "icon image",
- #
- 2 => "Bone",
- 3 => "Flesh",
- 4 => "Blood",
- 5 => "Nature",
- 6 => "Lightning",
- 7 => "Ectoplasm",
- 8 => "Sugar",
- #---------------------------
- }
- WeakText = "Wk"
- StrongText = "Res"
- NormalText = "--"
- NullText = "Null"
- # Text that precedes the state icons. Leave blank for none.
- StatusText = {
- # Set this to "" for no text
- :text => "Status",
- :x => 325,
- :y => 0,
- }
- # If damage taken is 150% normal or higher, consider weak
- WeakPercent = 1.5
- # If damage taken is 50% normal or lower, consider strong
- StrongPercent = 0.5
- # If damage taken is 0%, consider null
- NullPercent = 0
- NameWindow = {
- :x => 0,
- :y => 22,
- :width => 544,
- :height => 48,
- :name_x => 0,
- :name_y => 0,
- :icon_x => 5,
- :icon_y => 0,
- :state_x => 415,
- :state_y => 0,
- }
- ElementWindow = {
- :x => 0,
- :y => 70,
- :width => 544,
- :height => 120,
- :image_x => 4,
- :image_y => 8,
- :text_x => 0,
- :text_y => 70,
- }
- DescriptionWindow = {
- :x => 0,
- :y => 190,
- :width => 544,
- :height => 120
- }
- DescriptionOn = /<description>/i
- DescriptionOff = /<\/description>/i
- # End Config
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Scene_Battle
- #
- class Scene_Battle
- def wait_for_scan
- @scan_status_window.update
- update_for_wait while @scan_status_window.visible
- end
- alias mjshi_scan_create_all_windows create_all_windows
- def create_all_windows
- mjshi_scan_create_all_windows
- create_scan_window
- end
- def create_scan_window
- @scan_status_window =
- @scan_resist_window =
- @scan_description_window =
- end
- alias mjshi_scan_on_enemy_ok on_enemy_ok
- def on_enemy_ok
- if (@should_scan)
- @should_scan = false
- @enemy_to_scan = $game_troop.members[@enemy_window.enemy.index]
- end
- mjshi_scan_on_enemy_ok
- end
- alias mjshi_scan_on_skill_ok on_skill_ok
- def on_skill_ok
- @should_scan = true if (ScanSkill::SkillID.include?(
- mjshi_scan_on_skill_ok
- end
- def run_scan_skill
- return if ($game_troop.all_dead?)
- if (!$game_troop.alive_members.include?(@enemy_to_scan))
- @enemy_to_scan = $game_troop.alive_members[0]
- end
-"ScanWindow Open", 100, 100).play
- @log_window.hide
- @scan_status_window.set_enemy(@enemy_to_scan)
- @scan_resist_window.set_enemy(@enemy_to_scan)
- @scan_description_window.set_enemy(@enemy_to_scan)
- wait_for_scan
- end
- def stop_scan_skill
-"ScanWindow Close", 100, 100).play
- @scan_status_window.hide
- @scan_resist_window.hide
- @scan_description_window.hide
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Window_Resistances
- #
- class Window_ScanStatus < Window_Selectable
- # icons = (actor.state_icons + actor.buff_icons)[0, width / 24]
- # icons.each_with_index {|n, i| draw_icon(n, x + 24 * i, y) }
- def initialize
- super(ScanSkill::NameWindow[:x], ScanSkill::NameWindow[:y], window_width, window_height)
- self.visible = false
- end
- def visible_line_number
- return 1
- end
- def col_max
- return 1
- end
- def window_width
- ScanSkill::NameWindow[:width]
- end
- def window_height
- ScanSkill::NameWindow[:height]
- end
- def set_enemy(enemy)
- @enemy = enemy
- refresh
- puts "test" if @enemy.note =~ /<description:(.?)>/m
- end
- def draw_all_items
- rect = item_rect_for_text(0)
- change_color(normal_color)
- draw_text_ex(rect.x + ScanSkill::NameWindow[:name_x], rect.y + ScanSkill::NameWindow[:name_y], @enemy.original_name)
- name_stripped = @enemy.original_name.sub(/^\\C\[\d+\]/i, '').sub(/\\C\[\d+\]$/i, '')
- icon_x = text_size(name_stripped).width # cache end x
- draw_text(rect.x + ScanSkill::StatusText[:x], rect.y + ScanSkill::StatusText[:y], rect.width, rect.height, ScanSkill::StatusText[:text])
- # attack element
- if !@enemy.atk_elements.empty? && ScanSkill::ElementIcons.include?(@enemy.atk_elements[0])
- draw_icon(ScanSkill::ElementIcons[@enemy.atk_elements[0]], icon_x + ScanSkill::NameWindow[:icon_x], ScanSkill::NameWindow[:icon_y])
- end
- # states
- draw_actor_icons(@enemy, ScanSkill::NameWindow[:state_x], ScanSkill::NameWindow[:state_y])
- reset_font_settings
- end
- def update
- super
- return if (!self.visible)
- if Input.trigger?(:B) || Input.trigger?(:C)
- SceneManager.scene.stop_scan_skill
- end
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Window_Resistances
- #
- class Window_Resistances < Window_Selectable
- def initialize
- super(ScanSkill::ElementWindow[:x], ScanSkill::ElementWindow[:y], window_width, window_height)
- self.visible = false
- end
- def visible_line_number
- return 1
- end
- def col_max
- return ScanSkill::ElementOrder.size
- end
- def window_width
- ScanSkill::ElementWindow[:width]
- end
- def window_height
- ScanSkill::ElementWindow[:height]
- end
- def item_max
- return col_max
- end
- def set_enemy(enemy)
- @enemy = enemy
- refresh
- end
- def draw_image(file, index, x, y, enabled = true)
- bitmap = Cache.system(file)
- rect =, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height)
- contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, rect, enabled ? 255 : translucent_alpha)
- end
- def spacing
- return 5
- end
- def draw_item(index)
- elementID = ScanSkill::ElementOrder[index]
- rect = item_rect_for_text(index)
- text = ScanSkill::NormalText
- text = ScanSkill::WeakText if @enemy.element_rate(elementID) >= ScanSkill::WeakPercent
- text = ScanSkill::StrongText if @enemy.element_rate(elementID) <= ScanSkill::StrongPercent
- text = ScanSkill::NullText if @enemy.element_rate(elementID) == ScanSkill::NullPercent
- draw_image(ScanSkill::ElementImages[elementID], index, rect.x + ScanSkill::ElementWindow[:image_x], rect.y + ScanSkill::ElementWindow[:image_y])
- rect.x += ScanSkill::ElementWindow[:text_x]
- rect.y += ScanSkill::ElementWindow[:text_y]
- change_color(normal_color)
- draw_text(rect, text, 1)
- reset_font_settings
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Window_ScanDescription
- #
- class Window_ScanDescription < Window_Base
- def initialize
- super(ScanSkill::DescriptionWindow[:x], ScanSkill::DescriptionWindow[:y], window_width, window_height)
- self.visible = false
- @description_on = false
- @description = ""
- end
- def visible_line_number
- return 3
- end
- def window_width
- ScanSkill::DescriptionWindow[:width]
- end
- def window_height
- ScanSkill::DescriptionWindow[:height]
- end
- def set_enemy(enemy)
- @enemy = enemy
- refresh
- end
- def refresh
- if @enemy
- @enemy.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
- case line
- when ScanSkill::DescriptionOn
- @description_on = true
- when ScanSkill::DescriptionOff
- @description_on = false
- else
- @description += line.to_s + "\n" if @description_on
- end
- }
- draw_text_ex(0, 0, @description)
- end
- end
- end
- class Window_BattleLog < Window_Selectable
- alias mjshi_scan_display_failure display_failure
- def display_failure(target, item)
- return if item.is_a?(RPG::Skill) && ScanSkill::SkillID.include?(
- mjshi_scan_display_failure(target, item)
- end
- end
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