
aim diffusion field

May 6th, 2020
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  1. “That’s a device used to disrupt AIM diffusion fields. The main body is probably part of
  2. the dome. At the Youth Correction Center of this city, isn’t there AIM disruption devices
  3. to prevent people using their ability to escape? The one above us is the board of
  4. directors’ special edition, and the setting right now is probably most targeted at you. For
  5. a shelter that can withstand nuclear attacks, the ones they are most afraid of are those
  6. with the teleportation-type ability that can ignore three-dimensional defenses.”
  7. Having heard that, Musujime took out her military-use flashlight from her belt and
  8. waved it around a few times in her hand. She then furrowed her brows.
  9. “...Though my ability can still work, it feels like it’s been forcefully redirected. Even if we
  10. teleport we’ll probably be buried underground.”
  11. “As a member of the board of directors, and also as a weapons specialist, he should
  12. understand my military value. Then he should know the underlings of that standard
  13. cannot possibly take me down,” said Accelerator with a bored voice disdainfully. “But, if
  14. they got a sample of my AIM diffusion field from previous battles, they could reverse
  15. calculate from the data and then send out disruptive electrical waves. With the progress
  16. from the data analysis they could at least force our abilities to go berserk and take me
  17. and Musujime down. That’s the plan of those bastards.”
  19. - Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 19, Chapter 3 Part 5
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