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Jun 30th, 2016
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  1. Pending:
  2. Jasmine specs not fails
  3. # Temporarily skipped with xit
  4. # ./spec/models/jasmine_spec.rb:5
  6. Failures:
  8. 1) SourceCredentialsController put update create record if was not defined
  9. Failure/Error: expect{put :update, id: source, flds: flds, source_credential: new}.to_not raise_error
  10. expected no Exception, got #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem> with backtrace:
  11. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  12. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  13. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  14. # ./app/controllers/source_credentials_controller.rb:20:in `update'
  15. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:52:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
  16. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:52:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  17. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:52:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  19. 2) SourceCredentialsController put update reset wrong flag
  20. Failure/Error: expect{put :update, id: source, flds: flds, source_credential: new}.to_not raise_error
  21. expected no Exception, got #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem> with backtrace:
  22. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  23. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  24. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  25. # ./app/controllers/source_credentials_controller.rb:20:in `update'
  26. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:93:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
  27. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:93:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  28. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:93:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  30. 3) SourceCredentialsController put update do not reset password if not specified
  31. Failure/Error: sc = user.source_credentials.create(source: source, user: user, login: '123', password: '321', cpm_factor: 99)
  32. Errno::ENOENT:
  33. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  34. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  35. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  36. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  37. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:64:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  39. 4) SourceCredentialsController put update updated if was defined
  40. Failure/Error: user.source_credentials.create(source: source, user: user, login: '123', password: '321', cpm_factor: 99)
  41. Errno::ENOENT:
  42. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  43. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  44. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  45. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  46. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:78:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  48. 5) SourceCredentialsController destroy destroys source credential
  49. Failure/Error: user.source_credentials.create(source: source, user: user, login: '123', password: '321', cpm_factor: 99)
  50. Errno::ENOENT:
  51. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  52. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  53. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  54. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  55. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:113:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  57. 6) SourceCredentialsController destroy resets wrong credentials for deleted source
  58. Failure/Error: user.source_credentials.create(source: source, user: user, login: '123', password: '321', cpm_factor: 99)
  59. Errno::ENOENT:
  60. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  61. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  62. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  63. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  64. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:113:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  66. 7) SourceCredentialsController destroy redirects to source credentials index
  67. Failure/Error: user.source_credentials.create(source: source, user: user, login: '123', password: '321', cpm_factor: 99)
  68. Errno::ENOENT:
  69. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  70. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  71. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  72. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  73. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:113:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  75. 8) SourceCredentialsController destroy raise 404 if no such credential
  76. Failure/Error: user.source_credentials.create(source: source, user: user, login: '123', password: '321', cpm_factor: 99)
  77. Errno::ENOENT:
  78. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  79. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  80. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  81. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  82. # ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:113:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  84. 9) SourceCredential password encryption encrypt and decrypt works
  85. Failure/Error: enc = SourceCredential.encrypt(mes)
  86. Errno::ENOENT:
  87. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  88. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  89. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  90. # ./spec/models/source_credential_spec.rb:28:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  92. 10) SourceCredential password encryption raise on decrypt if not private key present
  93. Failure/Error: sc.password = password
  94. Errno::ENOENT:
  95. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  96. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  97. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  98. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  99. # ./spec/models/source_credential_spec.rb:44:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  101. 11) SourceCredential password encryption encrypt password
  102. Failure/Error: sc.password = password
  103. Errno::ENOENT:
  104. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  105. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  106. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  107. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  108. # ./spec/models/source_credential_spec.rb:34:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  110. 12) SourceCredential password encryption decrypt password
  111. Failure/Error: sc.encrypted_password = SourceCredential.encrypt(password)
  112. Errno::ENOENT:
  113. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  114. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  115. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  116. # ./spec/models/source_credential_spec.rb:39:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  118. 13) User geoedge call Geoedge
  119. Failure/Error: expect(u.reload.geoedge_last_checked_at).to eq(
  121. expected: 2016-06-30 10:11:02.380320899 +0000
  122. got: 2016-06-30 10:11:02.380320000 +0000
  124. (compared using ==)
  126. Diff:
  128. # ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:86:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  130. 14) User with one user #sources_with_good_credentials works
  131. Failure/Error: create(:source_credential, user: user, source: good, 'login' => 'lll', 'password' => 'ppp')
  132. Errno::ENOENT:
  133. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  134. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  135. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  136. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  137. # ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:291:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
  139. 15) Message read and unread messaged notifying unread messages marks sent notifications read
  140. Failure/Error: expect{Message.notify_unread_for(user)}.to change{unread_message.reload.read_at}.from(nil).to(
  141. expected result to have changed to Thu, 30 Jun 2016 10:11:02 UTC +00:00, but is now Thu, 30 Jun 2016 10:11:02 UTC +00:00
  142. # ./spec/models/message_spec.rb:141:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
  144. 16) Message read and unread messaged notifying support team marks sent notifications read
  145. Failure/Error: expect{Message.notify_unread_for_support}.to change{unread_message.reload.read_at}.from(nil).to(
  146. expected result to have changed to Thu, 30 Jun 2016 10:11:02 UTC +00:00, but is now Thu, 30 Jun 2016 10:11:02 UTC +00:00
  147. # ./spec/models/message_spec.rb:186:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
  149. 17) Creature source checking checks #check_income!(date) with credentials get data with hits, clicks, cpm, ctr and save it even for existing records
  150. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  151. Errno::ENOENT:
  152. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  153. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  154. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  155. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  156. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:310:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  158. 18) Creature source checking checks #check_income!(date) with credentials respect cpm_factor when convert incomes
  159. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  160. Errno::ENOENT:
  161. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  162. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  163. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  164. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  165. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:310:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  167. 19) Creature source checking checks #check_income!(date) with credentials does not fail if there was an error fetching data
  168. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  169. Errno::ENOENT:
  170. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  171. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  172. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  173. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  174. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:310:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  176. 20) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials it does not save anything unless hash
  177. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  178. Errno::ENOENT:
  179. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  180. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  181. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  182. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  183. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  185. 21) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat reset warning if new data present
  186. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  187. Errno::ENOENT:
  188. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  189. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  190. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  191. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  192. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  194. 22) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat calculates diff cpm if told so
  195. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  196. Errno::ENOENT:
  197. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  198. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  199. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  200. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  201. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  203. 23) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat calculate real cpms and save them to creature and source check record (new way)
  204. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  205. Errno::ENOENT:
  206. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  207. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  208. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  209. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  210. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  212. 24) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat does not calculate diff_cpm if user has another cpm mode
  213. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  214. Errno::ENOENT:
  215. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  216. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  217. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  218. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  219. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  221. 25) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat calculate real2 cpms and save them to creature and source check record (new way)
  222. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  223. Errno::ENOENT:
  224. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  225. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  226. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  227. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  228. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  230. 26) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat users credentials has cpm_factor, so multiply cpms
  231. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  232. Errno::ENOENT:
  233. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  234. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  235. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  236. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  237. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  239. 27) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat if blank data do not touch source_checked_with_result_at
  240. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  241. Errno::ENOENT:
  242. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  243. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  244. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  245. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  246. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  248. 28) Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat if blank data set warning
  249. Failure/Error: let!(:credential){create(:source_credential, user: creature.campaign.user, source: creature.source, password: 'some')}
  250. Errno::ENOENT:
  251. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - shared/credentials_public.pem
  252. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `read'
  253. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:24:in `encrypt'
  254. # ./app/models/source_credential.rb:59:in `password='
  255. # ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:369:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  257. 29) Sources::Base request wrapper wrong credentials catching and send mail notifying user increases attempts count and logs attempt time
  258. Failure/Error: expect(last_attempt.created_at).to eq(
  260. expected: 2016-06-30 10:11:02.380320899 +0000
  261. got: 2016-06-30 10:11:02.380320000 +0000
  263. (compared using ==)
  265. Diff:
  267. # ./spec/models/sources/base_spec.rb:79:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  268. # ./spec/models/sources/base_spec.rb:74:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'
  270. 30) Sources::Base request wrapper wrong credentials catching and send mail skipping request is true if not enough time passed since last attempt
  271. Failure/Error: expect(parser.skip_request?).to be_truthy
  272. expected: truthy value
  273. got: false
  274. # ./spec/models/sources/base_spec.rb:134:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
  275. # ./spec/models/sources/base_spec.rb:129:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'
  277. Finished in 12 minutes 56 seconds (files took 4.61 seconds to load)
  278. 1003 examples, 30 failures, 1 pending
  280. Failed examples:
  282. rspec ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:51 # SourceCredentialsController put update create record if was not defined
  283. rspec ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:90 # SourceCredentialsController put update reset wrong flag
  284. rspec ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:63 # SourceCredentialsController put update do not reset password if not specified
  285. rspec ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:77 # SourceCredentialsController put update updated if was defined
  286. rspec ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:116 # SourceCredentialsController destroy destroys source credential
  287. rspec ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:134 # SourceCredentialsController destroy resets wrong credentials for deleted source
  288. rspec ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:122 # SourceCredentialsController destroy redirects to source credentials index
  289. rspec ./spec/controllers/source_credentials_controller_spec.rb:127 # SourceCredentialsController destroy raise 404 if no such credential
  290. rspec ./spec/models/source_credential_spec.rb:26 # SourceCredential password encryption encrypt and decrypt works
  291. rspec ./spec/models/source_credential_spec.rb:43 # SourceCredential password encryption raise on decrypt if not private key present
  292. rspec ./spec/models/source_credential_spec.rb:33 # SourceCredential password encryption encrypt password
  293. rspec ./spec/models/source_credential_spec.rb:38 # SourceCredential password encryption decrypt password
  294. rspec ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:82 # User geoedge call Geoedge
  295. rspec ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:285 # User with one user #sources_with_good_credentials works
  296. rspec ./spec/models/message_spec.rb:140 # Message read and unread messaged notifying unread messages marks sent notifications read
  297. rspec ./spec/models/message_spec.rb:185 # Message read and unread messaged notifying support team marks sent notifications read
  298. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:312 # Creature source checking checks #check_income!(date) with credentials get data with hits, clicks, cpm, ctr and save it even for existing records
  299. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:342 # Creature source checking checks #check_income!(date) with credentials respect cpm_factor when convert incomes
  300. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:354 # Creature source checking checks #check_income!(date) with credentials does not fail if there was an error fetching data
  301. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:497 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials it does not save anything unless hash
  302. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:452 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat reset warning if new data present
  303. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:383 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat calculates diff cpm if told so
  304. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:401 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat calculate real cpms and save them to creature and source check record (new way)
  305. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:396 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat does not calculate diff_cpm if user has another cpm mode
  306. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:427 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat calculate real2 cpms and save them to creature and source check record (new way)
  307. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:473 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat users credentials has cpm_factor, so multiply cpms
  308. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:466 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat if blank data do not touch source_checked_with_result_at
  309. rspec ./spec/models/creature_spec.rb:461 # Creature source checking checks #check_source! with credentials parser return full stat if blank data set warning
  310. rspec ./spec/models/sources/base_spec.rb:73 # Sources::Base request wrapper wrong credentials catching and send mail notifying user increases attempts count and logs attempt time
  311. rspec ./spec/models/sources/base_spec.rb:127 # Sources::Base request wrapper wrong credentials catching and send mail skipping request is true if not enough time passed since last attempt
  313. Randomized with seed 6047
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