

Dec 3rd, 2014
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  1. [14:24] [Mindjack]: meys
  2. [14:24] To [Mindjack]: yes
  3. [14:24] [Mindjack]: i feel you think i should ring my work sick and raid tonight?
  4. [14:24] To [Mindjack]: what is your ilvl
  5. [14:24] [Mindjack]: i do actually feel ill
  6. [14:24] [Mindjack]: 621, but if i ring them now, i can HC farm till tonight
  7. [14:25] To [Mindjack]: if you can get 630+ ilvl and the 680 ring by raidtime, I'd say go for it
  8. [14:25] To [Mindjack]: if you don't think you can do that, you shouldn't bother skipping work because there is a good chance you won't be invited
  9. [14:26] [Mindjack]: so queue for the specific HC's that i need, and not do randoms?
  10. [14:26] To [Mindjack]: well you would get instant queue as tank
  11. [14:26] To [Mindjack]: so if I were you I'd queue randoms
  12. [14:26] To [Mindjack]: and leave after 1st boss if I didn't need the dungeon
  13. [14:26] To [Mindjack]: you dont get deserted that way
  14. [14:27] [Mindjack]: wouldnt it be instant if i specific? as it will queue me with people taht want randoms
  15. [14:27] To [Mindjack]: it won't matter either way
  16. [14:27] To [Mindjack]: you are a tank. tanks get instant regardless
  17. [14:27] To [Mindjack]: even if yo udidn't get instant
  18. [14:27] To [Mindjack]: you have to farm the heroics
  19. [14:27] To [Mindjack]: for gear
  20. [14:27] [Mindjack]: hmmm i will give it 1hr
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