
CYOA - Luna pt. 6 (Finale)

Jul 22nd, 2013
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  1. >The clock stops ticking
  2. >World stops spinning
  3. >All there is in this moment is that voice
  4. >Seeping through the room
  5. >Sneaking into your old ears
  6. >Inside your head a spark flickers
  7. >Emotions and thoughts long forgotten finally resurface
  8. >In an instant, you see his whole life flash across your vision
  9. >With mouth agape and tears in your eye, you turn
  10. >Praying to whatever gods are out there that this is real
  11. >Bottles and cupboards pass you by
  12. >Trash and dirt fly past your eyes
  13. >When your eyes find the door to his room, you stop
  14. >Where the shut door used to be stands a man
  15. >A satyr of the finest kind
  16. >The only kind
  17. >His hair is wild, and his chin covered in stubble
  18. >Over his left eye sits a pitch black patch
  19. >Strange clothes rests upon his body
  20. >But even these alien features cannot change it
  21. >For his faint smile gives it away
  22. >The one and only smile
  23. >It has been given to you so many times before
  24. >On his first day of school
  25. >When confessing his first love
  26. >After every single fight
  27. >You know this smile so very well
  28. >And it fills your soul with pain and happiness
  29. >As if otherworldly, it strikes your heart
  30. >Grabs and twists it in ways you never knew
  31. >You didn't even notice you were crying
  32. >But the tears have been released
  33. >In orderly fashion they journey down your cheeks
  34. >Each of them jumping off and onto the floor
  35. >Their crashes send ripples of sound through the air
  36. >And as you look upon him, they keep coming
  37. >As you look upon your son
  38. >Caesar
  40. >Without a word you run
  41. >The chair tumbles over behind you
  42. >Your vision blurs as you reach him
  43. >And in the moment your arms unfold
  44. >In that very moment you wonder
  45. >Wonder if this is real or not
  46. >In the painfully long moment, you wonder
  47. >But as your arms reach him, they stay
  48. >Fold themselves around his body
  49. >With all the strength you have left, you pull him close
  50. >Bury your face in his hair
  51. "Don't you ever leave me and your mother again."
  52. >His muscular arms reach around your back
  53. >Gently he holds you
  54. >Strokes his hands up and down your back
  55. >Every movement he makes reminds you
  56. >This is not a dream
  57. >You son is here
  58. >Right here in front of you
  59. >"I'm sorry."
  60. >His voice has changed
  61. >It is that of a boy turned man
  62. >You frantically move your hands over his body
  63. >Taking in all of the sensations
  64. >His shirt, his fur
  65. >Everything about him is real
  66. >"I was afraid."
  67. >Caesar whispers into your shoulder
  68. >But he does not cry
  69. >"Afraid what might happen to me. But no more."
  70. >His hands keep running up and down your back
  71. >Gently and slowly filling your body with happiness
  72. >Injecting you with long lost emotions
  74. >Everything can be good again
  75. >All will be well
  76. >Just like old times
  77. >The three of you, a whole family
  78. >But you needed one more
  79. "Guard! Get Luna over here! Tell her it's an emergency!"
  80. >You hear a muffled "Yes, sir" through the wall
  81. >It is followed by the quiet sound of hoofsteps
  82. >As you wait for her return, you never let go
  83. >You cling on to Caesar for dear life
  84. >Without him, you could crash and burn
  85. >Your fingers dig into his body
  86. >Holding him so very tight
  87. >There are so many things you want to say
  88. >But in this moment, you cannot speak
  89. >There is only you and him
  90. >Father and son
  91. >The front door opens with a creak
  92. >"Honey, I told you I'm-"
  93. >With a trembling lip and tears in your eye, you look to her
  94. >Look Luna right in the eye as she stands there
  95. >Her mouth hangs agape
  96. >She, too, has eyes so wet
  97. >"C-Caesar..."
  98. >Luna's breathing turns quick and sharp
  99. >"Y-You abandoned us... YOU ABANDONED US!"
  100. >In an instant, Luna's hooves reign down the two of you
  101. >You turn and block the strikes from hitting Caesar
  103. >Blow by blow is absorbed by your back
  104. >Her strikes are weak and pitiful
  105. >"A-ALL THIS T-TIME! A-All this ti-time..."
  106. >The strikes fade
  107. >A pair of hooves embrace you
  108. >Both of you
  109. >"C-Caesar... Oh, m-my son..."
  110. >You stay there
  111. >Arms around Caesar
  112. >Embraced by your wife
  113. >"Y-You came, came b-back..."
  114. >A slight croak in Caesar's voice is present as he speaks
  115. >"Sorry, mom."
  116. >Luna chuckles through her tears
  117. >A joyous chuckle
  119. "W-Where have you b-been? How? Why?"
  120. >Caesar wiggles himself free of your grasp
  121. >He stretches his neck and back before grabbing a chair
  122. >With a weary smile he sits down
  123. >Exhaustion is visible in his young body
  124. >"After the hospital, I ran away."
  125. >Already you can see his plight
  126. >The melancholy in his heart
  127. >"Far, far away. I was afraid. Scared."
  128. >He smiles as he speaks
  129. >A genuine, tired smile
  130. >"I ran for days. I'm not sure where I ended up. But I was attacked."
  131. >Luna gasps sharply
  132. >You put your hand on her back
  133. >She trembles underneath you
  134. >"Raider or bandits, I don't know. But I defeated them."
  135. >You feel Luna's muscles clench
  136. >"Three zebras. Lying there in the sand, I was approached by a gryphon. She took me in. Cared for me... Recruited me."
  137. >"WHAT?"
  138. >You see the disbelief in your wife's eyes
  139. >Her mouth hangs open
  140. >"I helped them. First as a medic. But the gryphon, the one named Gilda, she wanted me to fight."
  141. >A glimpse of Caesar's experiences flash across his eyes
  142. >The darkness it brings frightens you
  143. >"I was forced. I would have been imprisoned had I not gone. My identity was becoming known. So I fought."
  144. >Caesar sighs heavily
  145. >"Fought until the sands ran red with blood."
  146. >His voice cracks at the end
  147. >Snaps like a wet twig
  148. >"I battled and conquered. Earned a reputation. Became feared. The zebras, they... they looked upon me as a monster."
  149. >His gaze has turned distant
  150. >As if looking into the past
  151. >Looking into himself
  153. "I was so worried about you, Caesar. I was so worried that I asked Discord for help."
  154. >"YOU DID WHAT?!"
  155. >Luna's scream fills your ear
  156. >Blasts your mind far away
  157. "I didn't accept his offer."
  158. >"But you asked him!"
  159. >Her condescending tone scares you not
  160. >There are more important matters at hand
  161. >"You really asked Discord?"
  162. >Caesar looks to you in disbelief
  163. >Stares at you with a raised eyebrow
  164. >You chuckle and nod
  165. "I did. I regret it, but I did. As I said, I didn't accept his offer."
  166. >Luna snorts and shakes her head
  167. "But I'm glad you're back, Caesar."
  168. >Now it is his turn to chuckle
  169. >He rubs his hands against his face
  170. >A quiet, muffled groan seeps through his fingers
  171. >"Why didn't you tell me?"
  172. >Luna is giving you a sharp look
  173. >You shrug
  174. "I thought Celestia told you."
  175. >"Relationships are built on trust, Anon, if you can't-"
  176. >"It's my first day home and you're already fighting."
  177. >Despite his words, Caesar sounds happy
  178. >And that happiness turns to laughter
  179. >Pure, innocent laughter
  180. >It is so contagious even Luna has to stifle a chuckle
  181. >"Y-You two haven't ch-changed a bit."
  182. >Caesar pants through his words
  183. >Fumbles and stumbles with the sentence
  184. >And he continues laughing
  185. >Spreading his happiness with both of you
  187. "I knew you were going to be a good soldier."
  188. >Despite knowing your son has killed, it makes you proud
  189. >Fills your hide with such fatherly pride
  190. >"How can you say such a thing?"
  191. >Luna has raised her head
  192. >Her look to you is one of utter horror
  193. >Disgust and disbelief
  194. >"Our son has killed. Murdered. And you are going to commend that?"
  195. >She writhes free of Caesar's hug
  196. >Slowly, she walks towards you
  197. "What's wrong with being a good soldier?"
  198. >"He has KILLED!"
  199. >The fury of the goddess explodes upon you
  200. >Rarely is it unleashed, and for good reason
  202. >"Mom, I-"
  203. >Luna instantly spins to face him
  205. >Her legs are shaking, and as is her voice
  206. "Honey, if you just-"
  207. >"IF I JUST WHAT?! CALM DOWN?!"
  208. >With a roar, she throws a cascade of bottles to the wall
  209. >Her magic hurls them with impressive speed
  210. >They smash and fall to the floor
  211. >Piece by piece
  212. >"All I wanted was a normal family! To live a good life with you!"
  213. >She looks to Caesar and snorts
  214. >"Not this."
  215. >"Mom, look-"
  216. >She holds up a hoof to silence him
  217. >Her breath is staggered and sharp
  218. >"I can't..."
  219. >Once more she slumps to the ground
  220. >"I can't..."
  221. >The princess sobs once
  222. >Then she cries
  223. >Hulks as she spills her tears
  224. >"I, I j-just w-wanted..."
  225. >Caesar looks to her, guilt in his eye
  226. >But he does not cry
  227. >Doesn't even shake
  228. >Simply stares at his mother
  229. >Stares at the crying mare
  231. >If only there was no war
  232. >No conflict
  233. >No need to fight or argue
  234. >If only it was simpler times
  235. >Then you could be happy
  236. >Just the three of you
  237. >If you just could end the war
  238. >Then Luna wouldn't cry
  239. >Caesar wouldn't be hurt
  240. >Everything would be good
  241. "I know how we can end the war."
  242. >Caesar looks to you in confusion
  243. >Luna doesn't even raise her head
  244. "If it worked on Earth, it might work here!"
  245. >Now Luna looks to you
  246. >But it is not with joy in her eyes
  247. >Nor with a smile on her lips
  248. >It is with tears and grief
  249. "We have these things on Earth, huge things. They are thrown from far above, and once they hit the ground, the release incredible amounts of energy."
  250. >"And how would energy help?"
  251. >Caesar sounds slightly worried
  252. "Well, it causes and explosion that could-"
  253. >"EXPLOSION?!?"
  254. >All of Luna's tears are gone
  255. >Replaced by the fury
  257. >As she moves forward, you move backwards
  258. >You feel the wall behind you
  259. >There is no escape
  260. >Luna's muzzle is mere inches from yours
  261. >Her eyes pierce your very souls as she stares
  262. >The words she speak come in the form of slithering hiss
  263. >"What happened to the man I used to love?"
  264. >Her jaw is trembling
  265. >Like an earthquake waiting to happen, it trembles
  266. >"Where is he?"
  268. >You gulp before speaking
  269. "Forgive me. I've gotten out of hand."
  270. >Luna doesn't even bat an eye
  271. "Please, forget I even mentioned it."
  272. >"Why would you-"
  273. "Look, I don't know. I just... Everything is so confusing."
  274. >You sigh and look to the floor
  275. "I'm sorry. I love you."
  276. >Luna replies with a sigh of her own
  277. >"I love you too."
  278. >The two of you share an intimate hug
  279. >A tired, weary hug
  280. "Caesar's back. Let's focus on him."
  281. >Luna nods into your shoulder
  282. >But she doesn't let you go just yet
  283. >She keeps you tight
  284. >Hugs you deeply
  285. >"All right."
  286. >She whispers into your ear
  287. >With a sniff, she breaks the hug
  288. >She turns to face your son and smiles
  289. >"I'm sorry, Caesar."
  290. >He simply smiles and nods
  291. >"It's okay. I know it's difficult."
  292. >Luna goes to him and ruffles his hair with a hoof
  293. >"I'm glad you're back."
  294. "Me too, son."
  295. >A loud knock on the door snaps you out of it
  296. >"Luna? What's going on? I need you in the throne room, immediately."
  297. >Celestia's voice fills the air in the room
  298. >The royal tone is back
  299. >Just as it has been for a long time now
  300. >In these times of need
  302. "Come inside. There is someone you need to see."
  303. >The door opens instantly and quickly
  304. >Celestia enters with furrowed brows
  305. >But as soon as her eyes spot Caesar, they grow soft
  306. >"Caesar? How?"
  307. >She closes the door behind her and walks further in
  308. >Her eyes never leave your son
  309. >Not even when Luna speaks
  310. >"He's back, Tia. He's back."
  311. >"That he is."
  312. >She walks all the way up to him
  313. >Stares him down from above
  314. >"I don't believe it."
  315. >You chuckle and look to your son
  316. "Neither did I at first. But he's back, Celestia."
  317. >Celestia only stares
  318. >Looks over every part of your son
  319. >Makes sure it really is him
  320. >She even walks around him
  321. >Inspecting every part of him
  322. >"Tia, what are you doing?"
  323. >Luna sounds not confused, but worried
  324. >And her worry echoes through your mind
  325. >Until it settles and claims you
  326. >"You can't be back."
  327. >Caesar sends her a look
  328. >A look you can't quite decipher
  329. >"You died at Outpost 73."
  330. >Silence falls across the room
  331. >Every eye falls upon Celestia
  332. >Staring at the ruler as she walks
  333. >Her own eyes never leaving Caesar
  334. >"They told me you died."
  335. >Caesar chuckles quietly
  336. >"Clearly I didn't."
  338. "What are you talking about, Celestia?"
  339. >She doesn't even move at your words
  340. >Doesn't even acknowledge you
  341. "Answer me!"
  342. >Finally she speaks
  343. >But she does not take her eyes off of Caesar
  344. >"My advisors told me a satyr was found slain in battle."
  345. >She shakes her head gently
  346. >"That was over six months ago. The massacre at Outpost 73."
  347. >"And you told us nothing?!"
  348. >Luna steps between her son and her sister
  349. >"My son was presumed dead, and you said NOTHING?!"
  350. >Celestia flares her wings
  351. >She doesn't back up in the slightest
  352. >"I thought it better to let you live with hope. And it paid off."
  353. >Luna stomps her hoof into the floor
  354. >"You withheld information about my SON!"
  355. >Caesar opens his mouth to speak but closes it shortly after
  356. "Celestia, you should have told us."
  357. >Her head spins and stops in front of yours
  358. >"I know. But I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it. And I'm sorry."
  359. >"Tia, you cannot expect me to accept this! All this time and you never told-"
  360. >"Everybody shut up!"
  361. >Caesar's voice booms through the room
  362. >The three of you turn to face him
  363. >A look of dismay is painted on his face
  364. >"Look, I'm here now. Isn't that what matters?"
  366. "Caesar is right. These trivial discussions can be settled later. For now, let's be happy he's here."
  367. >Luna mumbles something intelligible
  368. >But she soon steps closer and hugs Caesar
  369. >"You're right, he is."
  370. >With a sigh, she mumbles
  371. >"I need a break from all of this."
  372. >Both you and Caesar chuckle
  373. >But Celestia doesn't
  374. >She's looking into nothing
  375. >Staring into her mind as she thinks
  376. >"Tia? Are you all right?"
  377. >Luna looks to her sister with worry
  378. >But no reply ever comes
  379. >Instead, Celestia once more turns her attention to Caesar
  380. >"At Outpost 73, what happened? Did you faint?"
  381. >"Tia-"
  382. >"Luna, I need to know this."
  383. >Caesar sighs and shakes his head
  384. >"No, I didn't. Everything went smoothly, except for this."
  385. >He points to the eye-patch and smiles weakly
  386. >"Are you sure?"
  387. >Celestia walks forward as she presses the question
  388. >"Yeah, I'm sure."
  389. >With those words, she turns to leave
  390. >"Tia, where are you going?"
  391. >"My advisors may not be as loyal as I thought."
  393. >You turn to face your family
  394. >Whatever Celestia is going to do, she will accomplish it
  395. >Being the most powerful being in Equestria was its own security net
  396. "So how about some pie?"
  397. >Caesar's stomach replies for him with a loud rumble
  398. >"How can you think about food now?"
  399. >Luna looks to you in confusion
  400. >You simply smile
  401. "Caesar's back. I play no part in these politics anyway. I just want my family back to normal."
  402. >Celestia turns in the doorway at those words
  403. >"I can handle things for now. Luna, stay with your family. You've earned it."
  404. >"But, Tia-"
  405. >"Luna, that's an order."
  406. >Your wife grumbles and groans
  407. >"Fine. But be careful."
  408. >Celestia chuckles as she closes the door
  409. >"I will."
  410. >With the door shut, you finally feel the air returning to normal
  411. >No arguing, no hidden information
  412. >Only happiness and family remains
  413. >The three of you
  414. >Back to how you were
  415. >You go to the kitchen and pull out the pie
  416. >With grace and care you put it on the table
  417. >All three of you sit down and eat
  418. >In comfortable silence
  419. >Except for Caesar's loud munching
  420. >It brings a smile to your face
  421. >Even after his travels, he still eats much the same way as before
  422. >Luna even chuckles, although she normally hated it
  423. >It is good
  424. >Life is perfect
  425. >You've got your son
  426. >And that's all you need
  427. >All you ever needed
  429. >But something appears in the back of your mind
  430. >No matter how hard you try, it doesn't go away
  431. >Zooming about like a fly in your skull
  432. >Nagging you like an over-concerned mother
  433. "Caesar?"
  434. >He looks at you, mouth stuffed with pie
  435. >It almost makes you chuckle
  436. >But for now, you simply speak
  437. "What exactly happened at the hospital?"
  438. >He swallows with a loud gulp
  439. >It is followed by a heavy, weary sigh
  440. >"I tried to save Lavender."
  441. >For a minute, that is all he says
  442. >No more words are spoken
  443. >Just as you are about to press the question, he continues
  444. >"She told me she heard you. And she accepted her fate. Accepted death."
  445. >Once again, Caesar's gaze turns inwards
  446. >Looking not at the world, but at his thoughts
  447. >"I focused all of my power into a spell. To save her. I gave it everything I got. I didn't even know if there was such a spell."
  448. >Despite the sorrow in his voice, Caesar does not cry
  449. >His eyes remain dry as the deserts themselves
  450. >"I put everything I had into that one spell. But whatever that spell was, it didn't save her. When I finished it, she was dead."
  451. >He licks his dry lips and swallows
  452. >"I ran. I was scared. Everyone in the hospital were dead. Every single one of them."
  453. >Finally, he turns his gaze to you
  454. >"I don't know what I did. It frightened me. All of them, dad. Even the fillies."
  455. >He sighs and looks to his plate
  456. >"Even the fillies."
  458. >You put your hand on his shoulder
  459. >With a look not befitting of one his age, he looks to you
  460. "It is the intent that matters, Caesar. It was a horrible accident, but you can't blame yourself."
  461. >You smile at your son
  462. >Granted, he had made a mistake
  463. >But there was no way for him to know
  464. >All he wanted was to save his love
  465. >He might even have been able to do it
  466. >And he shouldn't be blaming himself
  467. >Even Luna is nodding slowly
  468. >She's even smiling wider than you are
  469. >Silently voicing her approval and support
  470. >But although you accept him
  471. >Even though it's all right
  472. >He brushes off your hand
  473. >Brushes it away and shakes his head
  474. >"It was my fault, dad."
  475. >You try to put your hand back
  476. >This time, you don't even get close
  477. >Caesar pushes it away
  478. >Not with force, but with pain
  479. >"I should have accepted it. I was greedy. And that cost more lives than I dare count."
  480. >He looks from you to Luna
  481. >Back and forth at his accepting parents
  482. >"What I did was horrible. I can't live with that on my conscience."
  483. >"What are you-"
  484. >Caesar holds up a hand to silence Luna
  485. >And silence her he does
  486. >"I'm going to turn myself in for what I did. All I want is the rest of the day with you. With my family."
  487. >He smiles as he finishes his sentence
  488. >There is true happiness in his words and his eyes
  489. >Warmth radiates off his body
  490. >"What I did was wrong. I have to pay the price."
  492. >You nod slowly
  493. >Luna opens her mouth to speak, but you interrupt her preemptively
  494. "All right. It is your decision."
  495. >Caesar looks at you with slight confusion in his eyes
  496. >Despite the fact that he will probably be imprisoned, you are happy
  497. >Proud, even
  498. >Your son has learned to face the consequences of his actions
  499. >And that is no small lesson to learn
  500. "I'm proud of you son."
  501. >"Proud?"
  502. >Caesar stares at you in disbelief
  503. >You simply chuckle before continuing
  504. "You're a man now. Facing the consequences with no fear."
  505. >"He's going to get locked up for life!"
  506. >Luna finally speaks
  507. >She's got her hooves on the table
  508. >"Even I can't do anything to change that!"
  509. "I know. But it's not our decision, dear."
  510. >"I! You! UGH!"
  511. >With a loud smack she sits down
  512. >You put a hand on her hoof and stroke it gently
  513. "Maybe they will even let him off easy. He is the prince, after all."
  514. >"Maybe", Luna grumbles
  515. >You feel a hand on your arm
  516. >Turning to face your son, you see a smile
  517. >"Thanks, dad."
  518. >As you fight back the proud tears, you nod
  519. "You did good, son."
  521. "Of course you know this won't bring any of them back."
  522. >Caesar gives you a weak smile and nods
  523. >"I know."
  524. >Luna sighs heavily
  525. >"I'm not about to lose my son again."
  526. >Caesar puts his hand on her other hoof
  527. >"I'm still here, mom."
  528. >She lifts her head and smiles at him
  529. >"That you are."
  530. >All three of you return to eating pie
  531. >It doesn't take long for the mood to brighten
  532. >Placing every worry at the back of your mind, you simply speak of life
  533. >Of all the good things to happen
  534. >About the old days
  535. >Caesar even shares stories of his travels
  536. >But he keeps it to the funny kind
  537. >Or the heart-warming ones
  538. >Like when he saved a female gryphon from being raped
  539. >You had never been outside of pony territory before
  540. >But the home of the gryphons sounded extraordinary
  541. >A lot harsher, too, though
  542. >You don't think you have ever heard of any crime amongst ponies
  543. >Especially not anything rivaling rape
  544. >It's strange how cultures can be so different
  545. >Maybe it was simply the proximity of the princesses that helped
  546. >Could be anything, really
  547. >But you don't really care
  548. >All you need is right here in front of you
  549. >A good life with Luna and Caesar
  550. >That's all that matters
  552. "Have you eaten meat while with the catbirds, son?"
  553. >"Yeah, it's hard not to."
  554. >Luna shoots him a look
  555. >"It's pretty much all they eat meat. It'd be like trying to avoid salad in Canterlot."
  556. >She simply sighs and shakes her head
  557. >"Also, they're called gryphons, dad."
  558. >You chuckle and ruffle his hair
  559. "I know that. I was just trying to be funny."
  560. >He doesn't smile at your joke, however
  561. >Doesn't even smile
  562. "Geez, sorry."
  563. >Caesar sighs before speaking
  564. >"I spent a lot of time with them. They've been through a lot, as a people. I feel bad for them."
  565. >Luna had told you the story of the gryphons before
  566. >They were savage people
  567. >Ruthless, even
  568. >Where ponies had found peace and friendship, gryphons found conflict and mistrust
  569. >But they could look after themselves
  570. >Despite being aggressive folk, they wanted peace as much as anyone else
  571. >"I do kind of miss the meat, though."
  572. >Caesar chuckles at his own words
  573. >"Well, you will just have to do without."
  574. >Luna's voice isn't condescending
  575. >It is merely playful and light
  576. >She, too, ruffles his hair and chuckles
  577. >"We're with ponies now, so you better behave young man!"
  578. >Caesar rolls his eyes
  579. >"Yes, mooom."
  580. >All three of you burst into laughter for a moment
  581. >It really was like going back in time
  582. >Except for the fact that night is creeping upon the land
  583. >The last rays of the sun fill the sky outside
  584. >Luna's glorious moon is making its appearance
  586. "What do you think Celestia is doing?"
  587. >Luna shrugs and sips her drink
  588. >"Dealing with the advisors, no doubt."
  589. >Caesar yawns loudly
  590. >You ruffle his hair yet again
  591. "I'll go check on her. Make sure everything's okay."
  592. >Luna smiles and gives you a quick kiss
  593. >"Hurry back, dear."
  594. "I will."
  595. >You and Caesar fist bump before you leave the room
  596. >The halls are quiet and peaceful
  597. >A few guards are making their rounds for the night
  598. >Their shift is coming up
  599. >You quickly move throughout them
  600. >Almost jogging your way around the castle
  601. >When you reach the door to the throne room, you put your ear against it
  602. >Wouldn't want to interrupt anything important
  603. >No sounds come from inside, so you open the door
  604. >Celestia is sitting on her throne, exhausted
  605. >You've never seen her slumping on the throne
  606. >Without even lifting her head, she speaks
  607. >"Anon. Come in."
  608. >You quickly walk up to her and do an ironic bow
  609. >"Not now, please."
  610. >Her voice finally sounds as old as she is
  611. >Weary and tired
  612. "So, what's going on?"
  613. >She sighs before speaking
  614. >"My advisors are in the dungeons for now. I can't trust them."
  615. >She gets up and walks around the room
  616. >"I'm not sure whether we will be involved in this war or not. We might be a target after all."
  617. >Celestia shakes her head and looks to you
  618. >"But enough of that. How is Caesar and my sister?"
  620. >You smile at the ruler
  621. >Her weary eyes don't fit her at all
  622. >She looks much better with all of her grace and energy intact
  623. "You look tired. Mind if I give you a quick massage? Luna loves them."
  624. >Celestia chuckles and shakes her head
  625. >"Thank you, but I'm fine."
  626. >She turns around and walks back towards the throne
  627. >"My body is of no concern to me. It is no more than a vessel for my mind."
  628. >She slumps back onto the throne, looking at you, her subject
  629. >"It is my mind that require rest. But for now, it must serve me."
  630. >Atop her throne she sits
  631. >Majestic and regal as she is
  632. >You have no idea how she manages this
  633. >But it is commendable
  634. >Without her as the ruler, Equestria would be a horrible place
  635. >You're not sure if she's immortal or not
  636. >But you hope she lives for many years to come
  637. >Not only is she a perfect and kind ruler
  638. >She is also a dear friend
  639. "You sure? You look like you could use it?"
  640. >You crack your fingers in anticipation of the possible massage
  641. >Celestia merely chuckles
  642. >"I am quite sure. Oh, and please tell Luna I will take care of the night for her. She needs her rest."
  643. >Celestia smiles and opens the door with her magic
  644. >"I'm just a pony. You have a son to take care of."
  646. >You bow before leaving
  647. >Celestia is kind enough to close the door behind you as you leave
  648. >The silence in the halls is nice
  649. >Relieving, even
  650. >As you walk back, tired and exhausted, you think
  651. >This whole situation was a mess
  652. >Everything about it made you feel horrible
  653. >If none of this had happened, life would be better
  654. >If only Caesar hadn't cast the spell
  655. >If only...
  656. >Magic
  657. >Everything that went wrong was due to magic
  658. >No, that was stupid
  659. >Some people just made mistakes
  660. >Just like everybody else
  661. >Then again, without magic, maybe Lavender
  662. >No, it wasn't only magic
  663. >She shouldn't have cheated on Caesar
  664. >It was her own fault
  665. >But if the magic wasn't...
  666. >All the way back it nags you
  667. >Hitting you in the head over and over with its presence
  668. >Once you finally get back, you notice Caesar is missing
  669. >A wave of panic rushes over you
  670. >But Luna's serene voice calms you
  671. >"He's in his room, sleeping."
  672. >You exhale slowly and go to sit next to her
  673. "Celestia said she's take care of the night."
  674. >Luna sighs lightly and thanks you
  675. "Look, I've been wondering."
  676. >"Yeah?"
  677. "If magic didn't exist, none of this would have happened."
  678. >Luna looks to you in confusion
  679. "Caesar wouldn't have cast the spell, he wouldn't have gone away. All of it."
  680. >She puts her hoof on your shoulder
  681. >"If magic didn't exist, I wouldn't have met you, either. And we wouldn't have had all of this."
  682. >With a smile, she continues
  683. >"Would you really give up all of that?"
  685. >You shake your head violently
  686. >She was right
  687. >Without magic, none of this would have happened
  688. >You'd probably not even be in Equestria
  689. >And this place was far better than Earth
  690. >Granted, there were no computer or Internet
  691. >But everything here was amazing
  692. >In particular, Luna was here
  693. >No woman was quite like her
  694. "Of course not. Don't know what I was thinking."
  695. >Luna chuckles and gives you a peck on the cheek
  696. >"Let's go to bed. I'm exhausted."
  697. >You nod, but decide to make a detour
  698. >As quietly as you can, you go to Caesar's door and open it
  699. >Luckily he doesn't wake
  700. >There he lays
  701. >In his bed
  702. >Despite his age, he's still got his plushie close
  703. >You watch him for a moment, your son
  704. >He sleeps tightly
  705. >Breathing so very quietly
  706. "Good night, son."
  707. >You gently close the door behind you
  708. >With weary steps, you go to your bedroom
  709. >You don't even care to undress
  710. >You simply lie down next to your wife
  711. >Snuggling close to her
  712. >Finally relaxing
  713. >After two years, you finally relax
  714. >"I love you."
  715. "I love you too, Luna."
  717. >You are pulled from sleep at the sound of a sudden noise
  718. >A series of loud 'thumps' and muffled voices are heard from the hall
  719. >The moon is still high in the sky
  720. >Luna is sleeping soundly
  721. >Fading hoofsteps echo through the walls
  722. >Deciding to check out the noise, you get up
  723. >You move slowly and gently as to not wake up Luna
  724. >She merely turns in her sleep and snores quietly
  725. >With care in your step, you move throughout your home
  726. >Reaching the front door, you open it extremely carefully
  727. >Despite your best efforts, it still creaks
  728. >Looking directly down the hall, you see a tail disappear around the corner
  729. >A brown tail
  730. >Long and thin, ending in a little bush
  731. >Your eyes go wide and you look around
  732. >Down the hall to the right, you see two guards
  733. >Lying down
  734. >Their armor is scattered on the floor
  735. >You rush over to them
  736. >They're still alive, but knocked out bad
  737. >Another series of 'thumps' echo through the hall
  738. >It's coming from the direction of the tail
  739. >The hall leading towards the throne room
  741. >This is bad
  742. >Extremely bad
  743. >And you're no soldier
  744. >You need help
  745. >Running as fast as your legs will carry you, you run back to Luna
  746. >You grab her by the shoulders and shake her gently
  747. "Luna, wake up. Wake up!"
  748. >"Ugh... Wha? Anon? What-"
  749. "There's two guards in the hall. They've been knocked out. I saw a strange tail disappear around a corner. Luna, this is bad."
  750. >Luna shakes her head and gets up immediately
  751. >Without a word she runs out of the room
  752. >Into the hall she goes, just like you did
  753. >You follow her all the way
  754. >She goes to check the guards
  755. >Not only with her hooves, but with her magic as well
  756. >She levitates them inside your home and onto the couch
  757. >"They're out cold. Heavy hits to the heads."
  758. >Despite the situation, Luna's breathing is calm
  759. >She looks to you with determination
  760. >"Where did you see them go to?"
  761. >You put up your hand and point towards the door
  762. "The hall leading to the throne room."
  763. >"What?!"
  764. >Luna looks to your front door
  765. >Worry is now painted all over her face
  766. >"Tia..."
  768. "Go to the throne room. Celestia needs you."
  769. >Luna opens her mouth to speak, but you continue
  770. "I'm going to check on Caesar and round up as many guards as I can find. Just go."
  771. >She bites her lower lip and looks to the door
  772. "Go!"
  773. >Before she leaves, she turns to kiss you
  774. >A short, but passionate kiss
  775. >"Be careful."
  776. >With greater speed than you have ever seen, she rushes away
  777. >As soon as she's out the door, you go to Caesar's room
  778. >Again you open it carefully
  779. >But as your eyes fall upon his bed, you slam it open
  780. >He's gone
  781. >You rush inside and look around
  782. >In the closet, under the bed
  783. >You grab the blanket and throw it away
  784. >Everywhere you look, you find nothing
  785. >Caesar's gone
  786. >Panic strikes you as you look around
  787. >There's no sign of him
  788. >Not the slightest hint
  789. >You're not losing him this time
  790. >Oh no
  791. >You're going to get him back
  792. >Whatever it takes
  793. >You leg it and run into the halls
  794. >Through the castle you run, looking for guards
  795. >All of the ones you find suffered the same fate
  796. >Knocked out cold
  797. >Every single one of them
  798. >Except for one
  799. >One lone guard lies in a corner
  800. >In a pool of his own blood
  801. >A look of horror frozen on his eyes
  802. >A large wound on his neck
  803. >It seems to have been sliced open
  804. >He's been gone for some time
  805. >His body is cold
  806. >Not a shed of life remains
  807. >In the most secure place in Equestria, he met his fate
  808. >And someone would have to pay for that
  810. >With a heavy sigh, you close his eyes
  811. >He deserves at least some semblance of peace
  812. >Weighing your options, you realize you have no choice
  813. >It's either run away or go to the throne room
  814. >And you were not about to let your wife down
  815. >You grab the dead guard's spear and run
  816. >The halls are dead quiet
  817. >But you brace yourself for any encounters
  818. >Thoughts whirl around inside your head as you run
  819. >Hopefully this was just a bad dream
  820. >A terrible, lucid dream
  821. >All you see on your way to the throne room are guards
  822. >Luckily none of them are dead
  823. >They're all knocked out, though
  824. >You won't be getting much help from them
  825. >As you reach the throne room, you slow down
  826. >There's voices coming from inside
  827. >But you can't make out to whom they belong
  828. >Even as you lay your ear on the door, they are too muffled
  829. >You take a deep breath and pray to God
  830. >Putting your hand on the door, you slam it open
  831. >"Ah. Hello, father."
  832. >The sight you are greeted with makes your body go numb
  833. >On the throne sits a satyr
  834. >Your son
  835. >Caesar
  836. >On the floor below him are two ponies
  837. >Two princesses, to be exact
  838. >Bound from horn to hoof in thick chains
  839. >Next to them are five gryphons
  840. >One female, four male
  841. >With weak steps you walk inside
  842. >Looking from the ponies to your son
  843. >All of the gryphons, and your son, are armed
  844. >"So glad you could join us."
  846. >The longer you look at him, the less he becomes
  847. >So very distant from what you know
  848. >There is no way
  849. "You're not Caesar are you?"
  850. >Closer and closer you walk
  851. >Looking from the ponies to him
  852. >And with each step, he seems less like himself
  853. >"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
  854. >You shake your head slowly
  855. "Because my son would never do this."
  856. >Caesar chuckles
  857. >It's not the chuckle you know and love
  858. >Not the innocent, sweet chuckle of a good man
  859. >It's devilish and maddening
  860. >"Believe what you will, but I am your son."
  861. >"You never told us your old man was this dense."
  862. >The female gryphon laughs, and is soon joined by the rest
  863. >Caesar merely holds up a hand
  864. >All of them stop immediately
  865. >He looks you right in the eye and continues
  866. >"I am Caesar. You may find that hard to believe, but I am the very same boy who kissed Lavender behind the hedge. The same boy who killed her and all the others in the hospital with no more than magic."
  867. >He stands up and flares his wings
  868. >They've grown large
  869. >So very large
  870. >"I am your son."
  872. "Should have used the nuke..."
  873. >Caesar chuckles at your mumbled words
  874. >"If you had one, yes."
  875. >You look down at Luna in front of you
  876. >Her eyes seem so very far away
  877. >Her entire body broken and shattered
  878. >With weary steps you walk towards her
  879. >Each and every step puts a tear in her eye
  880. >As you reach her, they creep out of her eyes
  881. >Falling onto the floor below
  882. >You kneel down next to her
  883. >She can't move a single part of her body
  884. >Even her mouth has been sealed shut with metal
  885. >An enormous ring sits around her muzzle
  886. >You put your hand on her head
  887. >Slowly you run your hand through her mane
  888. >Caress it gently and slowly
  889. >Never taking your eyes off of her
  890. "Luna..."
  891. >Despite your ability to touch her, you feel so far away
  892. >Like you're watching her through a television
  893. >Simply petting the air in front of you
  894. >"She won't be responding any time soon."
  895. >The gryphons snicker at Caesar's words
  896. "Shut up."
  897. >"Now, now. There's no need for harsh language."
  898. >You simply keep running your hand through her mane
  899. >Just like she always loved
  900. >"Besides, I have an offer for you."
  902. >You shake your head in utter disgust
  903. "You will sell your mother and aunt for power, you little shit?"
  904. >Caesar's smile widens as you speak
  905. "This is madness. This is HERESY!"
  906. >With speed even you didn't know you had, you grab your spear
  907. >Using all the power you've got, you throw the spear right at him
  908. >Just before it hits his face, it stops
  909. >A dark blue field of energy surrounds the spear
  910. >Caesar merely grabs it in his hand
  911. >He stomps the wooden end into the floor
  912. >"Good throw."
  913. >You slump to the floor next to Luna
  914. >The gryphons are laughing
  915. >Dark, raspy laughs
  916. >You put your hand back on Luna
  917. >She's trembling
  918. >You cannot bear to watch her
  919. >All you can look at is Caesar
  920. >Sitting on the throne
  921. >Your spear in his hand
  922. >A stupid, disgusting grin on his face
  923. >"You're incredibly fast, for an old man."
  924. >All of the gryphons continue their laughter
  925. >"Now, I'll let that one slide. But if you don't accept my offer, I'll be forced to kill you."
  926. >His cheekiness is gone
  927. >His words ring true and honest
  928. >Once more he silences the gryphons with only his hand
  929. >He leans towards you, staring you right in the eye
  930. >"I don't want to do that, dad."
  932. "Let them go or I release Discord."
  933. >Caesar looks genuinely surprised at that
  934. >But his smile soon returns
  935. >"You had me for a second there. But you don't have that power. You have no magic at all."
  936. >You get up and take a step closer
  937. >From the corner of your eye, you see the gryphons tighten the grip on their weapons
  938. "I swear, I will release him if you don't stop this."
  939. >Caesar's smile turns into a curious look
  940. >Like he's inspecting your words in the air
  941. >Checking to make sure you didn't develop magical abilities
  942. >"And just how would you do that?"
  943. >There's no need to reply to that
  944. >Caesar doesn't have to know what your hand is
  945. >You simply watch your son as gets up
  946. >"You've always been honest. But this seems like a bit of a stretch, don't you think?"
  947. "Watch me."
  948. >Caesar chuckles again
  949. >With every chuckle, it turns more disgusting
  950. >You feel like vomiting everywhere
  951. >"Look, dad. I don't want to hurt you. All I want is a life with you. We could rule all of this. Just the two of us."
  952. >He spins around with his arms stretched
  953. >"It could be so good. Why can't you just accept that? Don't you love me?"
  955. >You do not reply
  956. >He does not deserve your words
  957. >Instead, you walk over to Celestia
  958. >You look down at her
  959. >Despite the circumstances, she doesn't look afraid
  960. >She blinks once
  961. >A slow blink
  962. >You nod at her before looking back to Caesar
  963. >Now it is your turn
  964. >You smile at him
  965. >You even chuckle
  966. >And as you do, you place a foot on Celestia's neck
  967. >Some of the gryphons rush forward
  968. >But Caesar stops them
  969. >You push down with your foot
  970. >Grinding it into her neck
  971. >Chuckling away
  972. "All it takes for me to release him, is to kill her, Caesar."
  973. >Soon, your chuckling turns to laughter
  974. >Full-blown laughter
  975. >And for the first time since entering the room, Caesar looks worried
  976. >But his worry only lasts a second
  977. >It is soon replaced by a frown
  978. >He shakes his head
  979. >"You wouldn't."
  980. >You push your foot down harder
  981. "Oh yeah?"
  982. >The two of you exchange smiles
  983. >Caesar with spear in hand
  984. >You with your foot on Celestia's neck
  985. >"You love her too much. Like the sister you never had."
  986. >Caesar leans forward in his seat
  987. >"You would never harm her."
  989. >As you look right in his eye, you press down
  990. >Shut off Celestia's source of oxygen completely
  991. >You never keep your eyes off of Caesar as she suffocates
  992. >His face turns from cocky to worried in no more than seconds
  993. >Like this you stand
  994. >For a full minute
  995. >Two minutes
  996. >You look down to see Celestia's eyes closed
  997. >Her body has gone limp
  998. >And with that, you remove your foot
  999. >Caesar stands up in disbelief
  1000. >Stares at the goddess of the sun lying on the floor
  1001. >Your smile never leave your lips as he looks to you
  1002. >"What have you done?!"
  1003. >Caesar turns his head towards the gryphons
  1004. >"Restrain him!"
  1005. >Before you can react to his words, all five gryphons are immediately in the air
  1006. >Flying head first right towards you
  1007. >You try to run, but it is no use
  1008. >You're tackled onto the floor with brute force
  1009. >A clenched talon hits your face
  1010. >The world starts spinning as you're dragged onto your knees
  1011. >A 'clank' later and your hands are cuffed
  1012. >The same treatment is given to your feet
  1013. >You have to fight to not lose consciousness
  1014. >Through the blur, you see Caesar at Celestia's side
  1015. >His hand is on her neck
  1016. >And he chuckles
  1017. >Chuckles before moving in front of you
  1018. >He looks down at you from above
  1019. >"I knew you couldn't do it."
  1020. >He kneels down and looks you in the eye
  1021. >You shy away as his hand reaches your face
  1022. >He puts it on your cheek and caresses it
  1023. >"I'm not taking any more chances."
  1024. >A genuine smiles graces his lips
  1025. >"Join me or die."
  1027. >You take a moment to regain your senses
  1028. >Those gryphons can hit harder than you thought
  1029. >Once you're at full capacity, you look your son right in the eye
  1030. "Eh, kill me. You already killed your ex, and my heart. Shouldn't be too fucking hard."
  1031. >Caesar furrows his brows
  1032. >He opens his mouth, but you continue
  1033. "In fact, I welcome it. It would end the shame I feel for bringing you into the world."
  1034. >Your eyes never leave his
  1035. >That purple eye
  1036. >There's only one left
  1037. >But it's no longer the same
  1038. >Not what it once was
  1039. >An eye of a good and honest man
  1040. >A man who could cry for his loved ones
  1041. >And as you look into it, you hear a sword leave its sheathe
  1042. >Caesar looks to the floor and sighs heavily
  1043. >"You know, I love you."
  1044. >For the first time since you entered
  1045. >Since this madman showed his face
  1046. >His words feel pure
  1047. >Right and just
  1048. >"I love you, dad."
  1049. >Caesar weighs the blade in his hands
  1050. >With a slight nod and a weak smile, he looks to you
  1051. >In one swift motion, he leans forward
  1052. >Embraces you with his free arm
  1053. >Pulls your head to his shoulder
  1054. >As the blade pierces your stomach
  1055. >As the blood spills onto the floor
  1056. >He hugs you tight
  1057. >As your world grows dark
  1058. >As the pain overwhelms you
  1059. >He speaks
  1060. >"I'm sorry."
  1061. >Wanting to speak, you do nothing but cough
  1062. >Blood lands on his shoulder
  1063. >Dripping from your lips
  1064. >And as the 25 o' clock hits
  1065. >And you become alone in the dark
  1066. >You hear his voice for the final time
  1067. >"I love you, dad."
  1069. The end.
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