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a guest
Dec 17th, 2024
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  1. system
  2. set net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout 30
  3. set net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time 120
  4. set net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 256
  5. set net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 1024
  6. set net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 2048
  7. set net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 256
  8. set net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 1024
  9. set net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 2048
  10. set net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established 1200
  11. set net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max 16384
  12. set vm.overcommit_memory 0
  13. set vm.vfs_cache_pressure 1000
  14. clock timezone Europe/Moscow
  15. domainname WORKGROUP
  16. hostname Keenetic191
  17. caption hostname
  18. description "Keenetic191"
  19. ndss dump-report disable
  20. !
  21. user admin
  22. password md5 fbd73fb3ccc3995dd9ef22fc6e8823f3
  23. password nt 209c6174da490caeb422f3fa5a7ae634
  24. tag cli
  25. tag http
  26. !
  27. interface GigabitEthernet0
  28. rename LAN
  29. up
  30. !
  31. interface GigabitEthernet0/0
  32. rename 1
  33. switchport mode access
  34. switchport access vlan 1
  35. up
  36. !
  37. interface GigabitEthernet1
  38. rename WAN
  39. mac address factory wan
  40. up
  41. !
  42. interface GigabitEthernet1/0
  43. rename 0
  44. up
  45. !
  46. interface WifiMaster0
  47. country-code RU
  48. compatibility BGN+AX
  49. tx-burst
  50. rekey-interval 86400
  51. beamforming explicit
  52. vht
  53. downlink-mumimo
  54. uplink-mumimo
  55. spatial-reuse
  56. up
  57. !
  58. interface WifiMaster0/AccessPoint0
  59. rename AccessPoint_2G
  60. description "2GHz Wi-Fi access point"
  61. mac access-list type none
  62. wps
  63. authentication wpa-psk ns3 t0k7lajY4mPCu8N8MrMmNIq/
  64. encryption enable
  65. encryption wpa2
  66. ssid Keenetic-4048
  67. wmm
  68. rrm
  69. ft mdid X8
  70. ft enable
  71. up
  72. !
  73. interface WifiMaster0/AccessPoint1
  74. mac access-list type none
  75. security-level private
  76. encryption no enable
  77. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  78. down
  79. !
  80. interface WifiMaster0/AccessPoint2
  81. mac access-list type none
  82. security-level private
  83. encryption no enable
  84. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  85. down
  86. !
  87. interface WifiMaster0/AccessPoint3
  88. mac access-list type none
  89. security-level private
  90. encryption no enable
  91. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  92. down
  93. !
  94. interface WifiMaster0/AccessPoint4
  95. mac access-list type none
  96. security-level private
  97. encryption no enable
  98. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  99. down
  100. !
  101. interface WifiMaster0/AccessPoint5
  102. mac access-list type none
  103. security-level private
  104. encryption no enable
  105. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  106. down
  107. !
  108. interface WifiMaster0/AccessPoint6
  109. mac access-list type none
  110. security-level private
  111. encryption no enable
  112. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  113. down
  114. !
  115. interface WifiMaster0/WifiStation0
  116. security-level private
  117. encryption no enable
  118. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  119. down
  120. !
  121. interface WifiMaster1
  122. country-code RU
  123. compatibility AN+AC+AX
  124. tx-burst
  125. rekey-interval 86400
  126. beamforming explicit
  127. target-waketime
  128. downlink-mumimo
  129. uplink-mumimo
  130. spatial-reuse
  131. up
  132. !
  133. interface WifiMaster1/AccessPoint0
  134. rename AccessPoint_5G
  135. description "5GHz Wi-Fi access point"
  136. mac access-list type none
  137. wps
  138. authentication wpa-psk ns3 t0k7lajY4mPCu8N8MrMmNIq/
  139. encryption enable
  140. encryption wpa2
  141. ssid Keenetic-4048
  142. wmm
  143. rrm
  144. ft mdid X8
  145. ft enable
  146. follow AccessPoint_2G
  147. up
  148. !
  149. interface WifiMaster1/AccessPoint1
  150. mac access-list type none
  151. security-level private
  152. encryption no enable
  153. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  154. down
  155. !
  156. interface WifiMaster1/AccessPoint2
  157. mac access-list type none
  158. security-level private
  159. encryption no enable
  160. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  161. down
  162. !
  163. interface WifiMaster1/AccessPoint3
  164. mac access-list type none
  165. security-level private
  166. encryption no enable
  167. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  168. down
  169. !
  170. interface WifiMaster1/AccessPoint4
  171. mac access-list type none
  172. security-level private
  173. encryption no enable
  174. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  175. down
  176. !
  177. interface WifiMaster1/AccessPoint5
  178. mac access-list type none
  179. security-level private
  180. encryption no enable
  181. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  182. down
  183. !
  184. interface WifiMaster1/AccessPoint6
  185. mac access-list type none
  186. security-level private
  187. encryption no enable
  188. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  189. down
  190. !
  191. interface WifiMaster1/WifiStation0
  192. encryption enable
  193. encryption wpa2
  194. encryption wpa3
  195. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  196. pmf
  197. backhaul
  198. down
  199. !
  200. interface Bridge0
  201. include AccessPoint_2G
  202. include AccessPoint_5G
  203. include WAN
  204. mac access-list type none
  205. security-level private
  206. ip address
  207. ip address dhcp
  208. ip dhcp client fallback static
  209. ip dhcp client dns-routes
  210. ip name-servers
  211. band-steering
  212. iapp key ns3 MnnE4lr26Z/4yDRXSck46+RouW/DI1YVfAPPjgYg+0vS73Tn
  213. up
  214. !
  215. ip http port 80
  216. ip http security-level public
  217. ip http no lockout-policy
  218. ip http ssl enable
  219. ip http ssl redirect
  220. ip telnet
  221. port 23
  222. security-level private
  223. no lockout-policy
  224. !
  225. mws backhaul shutdown
  226. ppe hardware
  227. service http
  228. service telnet
  229. service ntp
  230. easyconfig disable
  231. components
  232. validity-period 4948
  233. auto-update disable
  234. auto-update channel disable
  235. !
  236. cloud control2 security-level public
  237. !
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