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  1. #4 = terms etc
  2. #1 - RNG
  3. #2 - defs
  4. #3 - mechs
  5. #5 - rng methods
  6. #6 - rng list
  8. starting rules:
  9. Balamb: Open
  10. Galbadia: Same
  11. Trabia: Plus, Random
  12. Centra: Same, Plus, Random
  13. Dollet: Random, Elemental
  14. FH: Sudden Death, Elemental
  15. Lunar: Open, Same, Plus, Random, Sudden Death, Same Wall, Elemental
  16. Esthar: Same Wall, Elemental
  18. ===============================================================================
  19. #4. Definitions, Terms
  20. ===============================================================================
  22. #todo
  24. ===============================================================================
  25. #1. Random Number Generator
  26. ===============================================================================
  28. #todo
  30. ===============================================================================
  31. #2. Variables
  32. ===============================================================================
  34. This section covers all variables that come into play during rule manipulation.
  36. You don't have to understand this to manipulate the card game rules, so this is
  37. mainly for those who want to know what the game does behind the scenes.
  39. ------------------
  40. #2.1 Carried Rules
  41. ------------------
  43. The game has two variables for the rules Squall carries, which I'll call
  44. "carried rules (most recent)" and "carried rules (second most recent)".
  46. Their relationship becomes apparent when you read section #3, especially
  47. #3.1.4.
  49. Basically, if one of these two variables is not equal to the rules of the
  50. region you are in, you can mix rules.
  52. The game also saves the origin (region) of the rules Squall is carrying, but
  53. it's only used for the "You have rules from X, let's mix!" message box.
  55. -----------------------------
  56. #2.2 Region Rules Spread From
  57. -----------------------------
  59. This variable specifically refers to trade rules and can be changed by just
  60. challenging (depending on the "amount of trading", see below).
  61. If you repeatedly challenge players in one region, the "region rules spread
  62. from" will eventually (again, see below) become the region you are in.
  64. You can find out where rules are spreading from by talking to the Queen of
  65. Cards while she is in Balamb.
  67. ----------------------
  68. #2.3 Amount of Trading
  69. ----------------------
  71. Amount of trading changes when you challenge someone and directly influences
  72. the region rules spread from. (You don't even have to play a card game)
  73. - It will increase by one (capped at 10) if you challenge in the region rules
  74. spread from.
  75. - It will decrease by one (capped at 0) if you challenge in any other region.
  76. - If it's already 0 and you didn't challenge in the region rules spread from,
  77. the region you are in will become the region rules spread from, but the
  78. value still remains 0.
  80. The higher the amount of trading, the higher the probability that the trade
  81. rule of a random region will be changed. (see section #3.2.10)
  83. You can find out the approximate value by talking to the Queen of Cards, but
  84. only if she gives her lengthened speech (see next section):
  86. 0 to 2: "little trading"
  87. 3 to 5: "much trading"
  88. 6 to 10: "some trading"
  90. As DaBubba pointed out, the text for the values 6 to 10 is a mistranslation;
  91. it's supposed to be "a lot of trading".
  93. An example:
  94. Rules spread from region A, you are currently in region B. Amount of trading is
  95. 10.
  97. You challenge => Amount of trading = 9, Rules spread from A
  98. You challenge again => Amount of trading = 8, Rules spread from A
  99. (you challenge 7 more times) => Amount of trading = 1, Rules spread from A
  100. You challenge again => Amount of trading = 0, Rules spread from A
  101. You challenge again => Amount of trading = 0, Rules spread from B
  102. You challenge again => Amount of trading = 1, Rules spread from B
  103. (you challenge 8 more times) => Amount of trading = 9, Rules spread from B
  104. You challenge again => Amount of trading = 10, Rules spread from B
  106. I.e. It doent matter where rules spread from or what the amount of trading is,
  107. after challenging 21 times, rules will spread from your current region and
  108. the amount of trading will be 10.
  110. ----------------------
  111. #2.4 Trade Rule Points
  112. ----------------------
  114. After a card game (you can also just quit), trade rule points can (see section
  115. #3.2.10) increase by a random amount, from 0 to 7.
  116. If the resulting value is greater than 250, it's reset to 0.
  118. The higher the trade rule points are, the higher the probability that a
  119. random region's trade rule will be set to One. (see section #3.2.10)
  121. You can find out the approximate value by talking to the Queen of Cards:
  123. 0 to 127: No changes to her speech.
  124. 128 to 250: Will give a shortened speech and mention that the trade rules
  125. are moving towards One.
  127. ===============================================================================
  128. #3. Card Rule Mechanics
  129. ===============================================================================
  131. This section will cover everything that's happening right after you challenge
  132. someone as well as what happens right after the game, step by step.
  134. As with the last section, you don't have to understand this to manipulate the
  135. card game rules.
  137. ==============
  138. #3.1 Functions
  139. ==============
  141. First some commonly used functions I'll be referring to.
  143. ----------------
  144. #3.1.1 getRandom
  145. ----------------
  147. Creates a random integer in the range 0 to 255.
  149. ----------------------
  150. #3.1.2 getRandomRegion
  151. ----------------------
  153. regionID = [ getRandom / 32 ]
  155. If regionID == 0: return Balamb
  156. Else If regionID == 1: return Galbadia
  157. Else If regionID == 2: return Trabia
  158. Else If regionID == 3: return Centra
  159. Else If regionID == 4: return Dollet
  160. Else If regionID == 5: return FH
  161. Else If regionID == 6: return Lunar
  162. Else return Esthar
  164. --------------------
  165. #3.1.3 getRandomRule
  166. --------------------
  168. ruleID = [ getRandom / 32 ]
  170. If ruleID == 0: return Open
  171. Else If ruleID == 1: return Same
  172. Else If ruleID == 2: return Plus
  173. Else If ruleID == 3: return Random
  174. Else If ruleID == 4: return Sudden Death
  175. Else If ruleID == 5: return Open
  176. Else If ruleID == 6: return Same Wall
  177. Else return Elemental
  179. Note: The probability of Open being selected is twice as high as other rules'.
  181. --------------------
  182. #3.1.4 pushRulesBack
  183. --------------------
  185. carried rules (second most recent) = carried rules (most recent)
  186. carried rules (most recent) = region rules
  188. ==============
  189. #3.2 Mechanics
  190. ==============
  192. Onto the juicy bits.
  193. I've tried to include notes describing what's happening as the pseudo
  194. code sometimes isn't easy to read.
  196. -------------------------------
  197. #3.2.1 Step 1: Push rules back?
  198. -------------------------------
  200. If getRandom < 64: pushRulesBack
  202. Note: In other words, there is a 25% chance that this region will be set as the
  203. "most recent" one. If this is the second time rules are pushed back, you
  204. can't mix anymore in the current region.
  206. -----------------------------------
  207. #3.2.2 Step 2: Will rules be mixed?
  208. -----------------------------------
  210. selected_rules = None
  212. If carried rules (most recent) != region's rules:
  213. selected_rules = carried rules (most recent)
  214. Else selected_rules = carried rules (second most recent)
  216. Note: Will try to select one of the two sets of carried rules that aren't
  217. equal to the region's rules. If all three are equal, you won' be able to
  218. mix anyway.
  220. If selected_rules has at least one rule current region doesn't:
  221. If getRandom < 255: rules will be mixed after the game and you get a
  222. message box with the usual "you have rules this
  223. region doesn't, lets mix" speech.
  225. Note: Even if you *could* mix rules, there is a probability of 1/256 that you
  226. won't.
  228. -------------------------------------------------------------
  229. #3.2.3 Step 3: Will this region adopt the Queen's trade rule?
  230. -------------------------------------------------------------
  232. Note: This step only happens when the Queen of Cards is in the current region.
  233. If she isn't, skip this.
  235. If getRandom < 90: current region's trade rule = Queen's trade rule
  237. Note: There's a probability of 35.16% that the current region will adopt the
  238. Queen's rule.
  240. ---------------------------------------
  241. #3.2.4 Step 4: Update amount of trading
  242. ---------------------------------------
  244. If rules spread from current region:
  245. If amount if trading < 10: amount of trading = amount of trading + 1
  246. Else:
  247. If amount of trading == 0: region rules spread from = current region
  248. Else if amount if trading > 0: amount of trading = amount of trading - 1
  250. Note: This will update amount of trading as described in section #2.3.
  252. ----------------------------------------------------
  253. #3.2.5 Step 5: Change the Queen of Card's trade rule
  254. ----------------------------------------------------
  256. Note: This step only happens when you're challenging the Queen of Cards.
  257. If you don't (even if she's in the current region), skip this.
  259. rnd = getRandom
  261. Note: The Queen's trade rule will be upgraded if rnd is below 110 and
  262. degraded if it's between 110 and 219 (both inclusive), use the following
  263. chart to determine what the new trade rule is:
  265. |-----------------------||-------------rnd's value--------------|
  266. | Queen's original rule || 0 to 109 | 110 to 219 | 220 to 255 |
  267. |=======================||============|============|============|
  268. | One || Diff | Diff | One |
  269. | Diff || Direct | One | Diff |
  270. | Direct || All | Diff | Direct |
  271. | All || Direct | Direct | All |
  272. |-----------------------||------------|------------|------------|
  274. Note: As you can see, there's a 43% probability that her rule will be upgraded,
  275. 43% that it'll be degraded and 14% that nothing changes.
  276. Additionally, her rule will upgraded with a probability of 86% if it's One
  277. and degraded with the same chance if it's All.
  279. ----------------------------
  280. #3.2.6 Step 6: The Card Game
  281. ----------------------------
  283. In this step, you will be prompted to start the game. If you refuse, nothing
  284. else happens and if you agree, the card game starts.
  286. Note that you don't actually have to play (except if you're playing against
  287. the Queen of Cards and want to move her somewhere else) and can just select
  288. Quit for the following steps to happen.
  290. Another interesting fact is that everything up to now can be done without
  291. actually playing a single game (e.g. change the Queen's trade rule or have the
  292. current region adopt her rule, if she's there).
  294. ---------------------------------
  295. #3.2.7 Step 7: Update most recent
  296. ---------------------------------
  298. If carried rules (most recent) != region rules: pushRulesBack
  300. Note: Squall's carried rules (most recent) will be set to this region's, but
  301. you still can mix rules if the second most recent slot has foreign rules.
  302. However, if you start the card game and then trigger the check of step 1
  303. when you challenge again, you won't be able to mix.
  305. ----------------------------------------------------
  306. #3.2.8 Step 8: Abolish random rule if region has all
  307. ----------------------------------------------------
  309. If region rules == all rules:
  310. If getRandom < 64:
  311. random_rule = getRandomRule
  312. remove random_rule from this region's rules
  313. pushRulesBack
  314. pushRulesBack
  316. Note: This will remove a random rule with a chance of 25% from the current
  317. region if it has all rules (like Lunar). Furthermore, you won't be able
  318. to mix anymore in this region and the "rule X was abolished" message box
  319. will be shown.
  321. ---------------------------------------
  322. #3.2.9 Step 9: The spread/abolish check
  323. ---------------------------------------
  325. Note: This step only happens if step 2 determined that rules will be mixed,
  326. otherwise skip this.
  327. Also, to improve readability, "carried rules (second most recent)" will
  328. be shortened to "rules (2nd)"
  330. rule1 = getRandomRule
  331. If rule1 is in rules (2nd) but not in region rules:
  332. add rule1 to region rules
  333. pushBackRules
  334. pushBackRules
  335. display "rule was spread" message box.
  336. Else:
  337. rule2 = getRandomRule
  338. If rule2 is in rules (2nd) but not in region rules:
  339. add rule2 to region rules
  340. pushBackRules
  341. pushBackRules
  342. display "rule was spread" message box.
  343. Else:
  344. rule3 = getRandomRule
  345. If rule3 is in rules (2nd) but not in region rules:
  346. add rule3 to region rules
  347. pushBackRules
  348. pushBackRules
  349. display "rule was spread" message box.
  350. Else If rule3 is in region rules:
  351. If getRandom < 128
  352. remove rule3 from region rules
  353. pushBackRules
  354. pushBackRules
  355. display "rule was abolished" message box.
  357. Note: What this does is generate up to three three random rules and see if one
  358. of them is carried by Squall while not being in the current region's
  359. ruleset.
  360. If so, the first where this applies is spread into the region.
  361. However, if all three could not be spread, the game will abolish the
  362. third generated rule with a chance of 50% (provided it's in the current
  363. region's ruleset).
  364. Also, if you spread/abolish something, you can't mix anymore in this
  365. region.
  367. ----------------------------------------
  368. #3.2.10 Step 10: Trade Rule Modification
  369. ----------------------------------------
  371. If amount of trading > [ getRandom / 25 ]:
  372. random_region = getRandomRegion
  373. random_region's trade rule = trade rule of region rules spread from
  375. trade rule points = trade rule points + [ getRandom / 32 ]
  376. If trade rule points > 250: trade rule points = 0
  378. If getRandom < trade rule points:
  379. random_region = getRandomRegion
  380. random_region's trade rule = One
  382. Note: There is a (amount of trading * 9.77%) chance that all of the following
  383. happen:
  384. - trade rule of the region rules spread from is spread to a random
  385. region. (can spread even to itself)
  386. - trade rule points increase by a random amount of 0 to 7, and if the
  387. resulting value is greater than 250, the points are reset to 0.
  388. - if a random integer is less than the trade rule points, a random
  389. region's trade rule is set to One.
  391. You don't get any messages regarding this, so it's hard to tell if
  392. anything happened.
  394. ----------------------------------------
  395. #3.2.11 Step 11: Move the Queen of Cards
  396. ----------------------------------------
  398. Note: This step only happens if you've actually played against the Queen of
  399. Cards and changed her quantity of Lv8 (or higher) cards, which usually
  400. means either losing one of those or winning, but not both at the same
  401. time (e.g. with Direct trade rule).
  402. The Queen will move somewhere else, giving you a hint when you talk to
  403. her again, and disappearing if you leave the screen (you also won't be
  404. able to challenge). The following chart shows where she goes, depending
  405. on her current location:
  407. rnd = [ getRandom / 32 ]
  409. QoC is ||------------------------------rnd's value-----------------------------
  410. in: || 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
  411. =======||========|========|========|========|========|========|========|=======
  412. Balamb || Dollet | Galbadia
  413. -------||--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------
  414. Galbad || Balamb | Dollet | FH | Centra
  415. -------||--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------
  416. Trabia || Dollet | Lunar | Balamb
  417. -------||--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------
  418. Centra || Dollet | Galbadia | FH
  419. -------||--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------
  420. Dollet || Balamb | Galbadia
  421. -------||--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------
  422. FH || Esthar | Centra | Dollet
  423. -------||--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------
  424. Lunar || Balamb | Galbad | Trabia | Dollet | Centra | FH | Lunar | Esthar
  425. -------||--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------
  426. Esthar || Trabia | Lunar | Dollet | FH
  428. As for her actual locations:
  429. Balamb: Train station in Balamb
  430. Galbadia: Hotel in Deling City
  431. Trabia: Hotel in Shumi Village
  432. Centra: Hotel in Winhil
  433. Dollet: Second floor of pub
  434. FH: Close to the Regen drawpoint and savepoint
  435. Lunar: Lunar Gate
  436. Esthar: Presidential Palace in Esthar
  438. ===============================================================================
  439. #5. RNG Methods
  440. ===============================================================================
  442. This part will deal with ways to manipulate/exploit the RNG to spread/abolish
  443. any rule as well as other stuff.
  445. ====================
  446. #5.1 RNG Consumption
  447. ====================
  449. First of all, which actions use the RNG ("consume" a number) and which do not?
  450. #todo necessity, cd4
  452. -----------------------------
  453. Actions which consume numbers
  454. -----------------------------
  456. Activating a Draw Point (1 number):
  457. You don't need to draw anything and it doesn't matter if you have Draw on
  458. someone or not. Just "talking" to it is enough.
  460. Challenge someone to a Card game (1-4 numbers):
  461. You can repeat the process by selecting "No" when asked to play.
  462. - 1 number is consumed if QoC is not in the current region and you can't mix
  463. rules.
  464. - 2 numbers are consumed if
  465. ~ either you can mix rules or
  466. ~ QoC is in the current regon
  467. - 3 numbers are consumed if
  468. ~ either both the QoC is in the current region and you can mix rules or
  469. ~ you challenge the QoC, but can't mix rules.
  470. - 4 numbers are consumed if you challenge the QoC and can mix rules.
  472. Using the magazine stack (the one closest to the exit) in the pub's owner's
  473. room in Dollet (1 number):
  474. Note: You first must defeat him in a card game before you can access this room.
  476. This is probably the most reliable and easiest way to consume numbers.
  477. When you "talk" to the stack you receive either an item or a message, depending
  478. on what the number that's consumed is:
  479. 0 to 31: Phoenix Down
  480. 32 to 47: Soft
  481. 48 to 63: Antidote
  482. 64 to 71: Occult Fan II (once)
  483. 72 to 79: Geezard Card
  484. 80 to 95: [Aphrora Pub-1 drink discount ticket]
  485. 96 to 111: [OK Shop-1 Rental discount ticket]
  486. 112 to 127: [Mother's Day-1 day massage ticket]
  487. 128 to 255: (There's nothing of interest here.)
  489. If you get 64-71 a second time, you'll get the "there's nothing of interest
  490. here" message.
  491. You can only get three items this way (the first five possibilities), after
  492. which it won't consume any random numbers and you'll have to exit and reenter
  493. the room.
  495. ------------------------------------
  496. Actions which do not consume numbers
  497. ------------------------------------
  499. Random Encounters, changing screens, talking to people (without requesting a
  500. card game), being on the world map and so on.
  502. -----------------------------------------------------
  503. Things which consume unpredictable amounts of numbers
  504. -----------------------------------------------------
  506. (Most) people that appear (walk in) on the screen after you've entered it
  507. (same with the buses in Deling city), some graphical effects (glowing door in
  508. Galbadia Prison, big screen in Dollet Fountain area, etc).
  510. --------------
  511. Hard/softreset
  512. --------------
  514. Hardreset: Will completely reset the RNG.
  515. Softreset: Will not change the RNG.
  517. For example, you can load a save which is close to the magazine stack (even if
  518. it's on a different CD or from a different playthough), consume some numbers
  519. and then reload your actual save where you want to abolish/spread some rules.
  521. =======================
  522. #5.2 Manipulating Rules
  523. =======================
  525. This section covers some RNG methods to abolish/spread any rule you want.
  527. -----------------
  528. #5.2.1 The Basics
  529. -----------------
  531. As seen in section #3, just challenging someone consumes some numbers:
  533. Check | Condition | desired value of consumed number
  534. ------|------------------------|--------------------------------------------
  535. 1 | none (always happens) | >= 64
  536. 2 | can mix rules | < 255
  537. 3 | QoC is in region | < 90 if you want region to adopt her rule
  538. 4 | you challenge QoC | < 110 if you want her trade rule to upgrade
  540. Note: If the consumed number for the first check is < 64 twice, you can't mix
  541. anymore.
  543. For the sake of simplicity, you shouldn't challenge the Queen.
  545. The abolishing/spreading happens right after the game. To sum it up:
  546. - game will select up to(!) three random rules (up to 3 numbers consumed).
  547. ~ the first is always selected, the second only if the first can't be spread
  548. and the third only if the second can't spread.
  549. - if none of the selected rules can spread, select the third generated rule.
  550. - consume another number if selected rule can be abolished.
  551. If it's less than 128, selected rule is abolished.
  553. Conditions for spread:
  554. 1. Squall's carried rules contain the selected rule
  555. 2. The current region's rules do not contain the selected rule
  557. Conditions for abolish:
  558. 1. The current region's rules contain the selected rule
  560. --------
  561. Examples
  562. --------
  564. (The numbers you see here are just randomly generated integers which are used
  565. with the function "getRandomRule" to generate a rule)
  567. Squall's rules = {Open, Same Wall, Elemental}
  568. Current region's rules = {Same Wall, Random}
  570. 1.
  571. first selected rule = 124 (Random) => nothing happens.
  572. second selected rule = 28 (Open) => Open is spread.
  574. For the first selected rule, none of the conditions for rule spreading apply,
  575. while both do for the second selected rule (which means it'll be spread)
  577. 2.
  578. first selected rule = 129 (Sudden Death) => nothing happens.
  579. second selected rule = 107 (Random) => nothing happens.
  580. third selected rule = 75 (Plus) => nothing happens
  582. None of the selected rules can spread, so the game takes a look at the third
  583. selected rule again and checks if it could be abolished, which it can't.
  585. 3.
  586. first selected rule = 222 (Same Wall) => nothing happens.
  587. second selected rule = 86 (Plus) => nothing happens.
  588. third selected rule = 114 (Random) => nothing happens.
  589. The game generates another random number, 15 => Random is abolished!
  591. Again, none of the three selected rules can spread, so game checks if the
  592. third selected rule (Random) can be abolished. Since the conditions apply,
  593. another random integer is generated (15) which is less than 128, so Random
  594. is abolished from the region.
  596. You can see the list of the first 100 generated random numbers after you start
  597. the game or hardreset in section #6.
  599. --------------------------------------
  600. #5.2.2 Safe locations (normal players)
  601. --------------------------------------
  603. #todo cd4
  604. "Safe" is simply referring to areas where no NPCs randomly appear and screw you
  605. up.
  606. Use these locations when trying to abolish/spread rules.
  608. I'll also reference this section as "safe locations (normal)" in later sections.
  610. Balamb (Balamb region):
  611. - Go to the hotel and save there
  612. - Use the person standing in front of the hotel to abolish rules
  614. Deling City (Galbadia region):
  615. - Save at Galbadia Hotel
  616. - Use the person downstairs to abolish rules
  618. Shumi Village (Trabia region):
  619. - Save at the hotel
  620. - Use the person in front of the hotel to abolish rules
  621. Alternative:
  622. - Save at world map, in front of Shumi Village
  623. - Use the person in front of the Ultima drawpoint to abolish rules
  625. Edea's house (Centra region):
  626. - Save on the world map in front of Edea's house
  627. - Use Edea/Cid to abolish rules
  629. Dollet (Dollet region):
  630. - Save at the second floor of pub (need Move Find ability)
  631. - Use the person in the same room or the pub owner to abolish rules
  633. FH (FH region):
  634. - Save at the spot closest to Mayor Dobe in FH
  635. - Use Mayor Dobe to abolish rules
  637. #todo check lunar station
  638. Lunar Gate (Lunar region):
  639. - Save in front of Lunar Gate on the world map
  640. - Use the NPC inside the Lunar Gate to abolish rules.
  641. (The seemingly random NPCs don't consume numbers)
  643. #todo check esthar pre lc, pres
  644. Esthar (Esthar region):
  645. - Save at the world map in front of the Seaside Station on the Esthar
  646. continent (which is close to the bridge connecting FH and Esthar)
  647. - Use the Old Man NPC inside the station to abolish rules
  649. -----------------------
  650. #5.2.3 Abolishing Rules
  651. -----------------------
  653. This section will assume you have a save in Dollet's pub handy, which will
  654. be used to access the magazine stack.
  656. ------------------------
  657. How to abolish each rule
  658. ------------------------
  660. #todo mention stuff
  662. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  663. If Queen of Cards is NOT in the current region:
  664. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  666. Abolish Open:
  667. Conditions: Unable to spread Sudden Death
  668. - Hardreset
  669. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  670. - use magazine stack once
  671. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  672. - Challenge, select no for a total of 6 times
  673. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  674. Open should be abolished.
  676. Abolish Same:
  677. Conditions: Unable to spread Open and Sudden Death
  678. - Hardreset
  679. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  680. - use magazine stack 17 times (Will get two Phoenix Downs total, the second
  681. after the 17. time)
  682. - exit the room and enter again.
  683. - use magazine stack 3 times
  684. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  685. - Challenge, select no for a total of 3 times
  686. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  687. Same should be abolished
  689. Abolish Plus:
  690. Conditions: Unable to spread Same and Same Wall
  691. - Hardreset
  692. - Load save where you want to abolish the rule
  693. - Challenge, select no for a total of 8 times
  694. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  695. Plus should be abolished
  697. Abolish Random:
  698. Conditions: Unable to spread Open and Same Wall
  699. - Hardreset
  700. - Load save where you want to abolish the rule
  701. - Challenge, select no for a total of 4 times
  702. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  703. Random should be abolished
  705. Abolish Sudden Death:
  706. Conditions: Unable to spread Open and Elemental
  707. - Hardreset
  708. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  709. - use magazine stack once
  710. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  711. - Challenge, select no for a total of 5 times
  712. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  713. Sudden Death should be abolished.
  715. Abolish Same Wall:
  716. Conditions: Unable to spread Open and Elemental
  717. - Hardreset
  718. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  719. - use magazine stack once
  720. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  721. - Challenge, select no for a total of 3 times
  722. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  723. Same Wall should be abolished.
  725. Abolish Elemental:
  726. Conditions: None
  727. - Hardreset
  728. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  729. - use magazine stack once
  730. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  731. - Challenge, select no for a total of 1 times
  732. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  733. Elemental should be abolished.
  735. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  736. If the Queen of Cards IS in the current region (don't challenge her):
  737. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  739. Abolish Open:
  740. Conditions: Unable to spread Sudden Death
  741. - Hardreset
  742. - Load save where you want to abolish the rule
  743. - Challenge, select no for a total of 4 times
  744. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  745. Open should be abolished.
  747. Abolish Same:
  748. Conditions: Unable to spread Open and Sudden Death
  749. - Hardreset
  750. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  751. - use magazine stack 17 times (Will get two Phoenix Downs total, the second
  752. after the 17. time)
  753. - exit the room and enter again.
  754. - use magazine stack 5 times
  755. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  756. - Challenge, select no for a total of 1 times
  757. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  758. Same should be abolished
  760. Abolish Plus:
  761. Conditions: Unable to spread Same and Same Wall
  762. - Hardreset
  763. - Load save where you want to abolish the rule
  764. - Challenge, select no for a total of 5 times
  765. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  766. Plus should be abolished
  768. Abolish Random:
  769. Conditions: Unable to spread Open and Same Wall
  770. - Hardreset
  771. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  772. - use magazine stack once
  773. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  774. - Challenge, select no for a total of 2 times
  775. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  776. Random should be abolished
  778. Abolish Sudden Death:
  779. Conditions: Unable to spread Open and Elemental
  780. - Hardreset
  781. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  782. - use magazine stack once
  783. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  784. - Challenge, select no for a total of 3 times
  785. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  786. Sudden Death should be abolished.
  788. Abolish Same Wall:
  789. Conditions: Unable to spread Open and Elemental
  790. - Hardreset
  791. - Load save where you want to abolish the rule
  792. - Challenge, select no for a total of 2 times
  793. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  794. Same Wall should be abolished.
  796. Abolish Elemental:
  797. Conditions: None
  798. - Hardreset
  799. - Load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  800. - use magazine stack twice
  801. - Softreset, load save where you want to abolish the rule
  802. - Challenge, select yes, Quit without playing
  803. Elemental should be abolished.
  805. ==============================
  806. #5.3 Moving the Queen of Cards
  807. ==============================
  809. Moving the Queen to a specific location is much more difficult than abolishing
  810. rules, but there are some locations to which the Queen can be moved very
  811. easily.
  813. What you will need:
  814. - Save close to Dollet's magazine stack.
  815. - The region does not have all rules in play (abolish something first).
  816. - QoC will not ask to mix rules.
  818. If you are asked to mix rules, go to the safe location of your current region
  819. (see section #5.2.2) and then (make sure the QoC is in the current region):
  820. - Save your game there
  821. - Hardreset, load save
  822. - Challenge (and select no) the mentioned person 11 times
  823. After that, challenge again and you shouldn't be asked to mix rules anymore.
  825. The locations covered here are:
  826. QoC is in ...
  827. Balamb, you want her to go to Dollet or Galbadia.
  828. Galbadia, you want her to go to FH or Centra.
  829. Trabia, you want her to go to Dollet or Balamb.
  830. Centra, you want her to go to Dollet or FH.
  831. Dollet, you want her to go to Balamb or Galbadia.
  832. FH, you want her to go to Esthar or Dollet.
  833. Lunar, you want her to go to Trabia or Esthar.
  835. Missing are:
  836. QoC is in ...
  837. Galbadia, you want her to go to Balamb or Dollet.
  838. Trabia, you want her to go to Lunar.
  839. Centra, you want her to go to Galbadia.
  840. FH, you want her to go to Centra.
  841. Lunar, you want her to go to any other location than Trabia or Esthar.
  842. Esthar, you want her to go to Trabia, Lunar, Dollet or FH.
  844. ---------------------------
  845. #5.3.1 Safe locations (QoC)
  846. ---------------------------
  848. This is mostly referring to where you should save, which is, in most cases,
  849. closest to the QoC.
  851. I'll also reference this section as "safe locations (QoC)" in later sections.
  853. Balamb (Balamb region):
  854. - Save at hotel in Balamb
  855. - Go straight to the screen where the QoC is
  857. Note: Entering the screen with the train station entrance will consume one
  858. random integer (because of the NPC walking out of it), but it will be
  859. accounted for.
  861. Deling City (Galbadia region):
  862. - Save at hotel in Deling City
  863. - QoC is on the same screen
  865. Shumi Village (Trabia region):
  866. - Save at hotel in Shumi Village
  867. - QoC is at the entrance
  869. Winhill (Centra region):
  870. - Save at world map, in front of Winhill
  871. - Go in from the side which is closest to the QoC
  873. Dollet (Dollet region):
  874. - Save at the second floor of the pub in Dollet (Move Find required)
  875. - QoC is on the same screen
  877. FH (FH region):
  878. - Save at where the QoC is in FH
  879. - QoC is, obviously, on the same screen
  881. Lunar Gate (Lunar region):
  882. - Save in front of Lunar Gate on the world map
  883. - QoC is inside the building
  885. Esthar (Esthar region):
  886. After Lunar Station:
  887. - Save at the screen to the right of the entrance to the Presidental Palace
  888. - After loading that save, run to the left screen (entrance to Presidental
  889. Palace). Now, you'll see two soldiers coming out from the PP. You have to get
  890. to the Presidental Palace before they run all the way down, off the screen
  891. - The QoC in the Presidental Palace
  893. Note: Just entering the screen with the two running soldiers will consume 4
  894. numbers. Unfortunately, this means that you can't use the methods of
  895. moving her covered in the next section.
  897. ------------------------------
  898. #5.3.2 Simple Target Locations
  899. ------------------------------
  901. This section will just cover the two different (simple(r) methods) to move the
  902. Queen and then where these methods move her.
  903. Balamb uses one random integer while the other locations (except Esthar) don't,
  904. but it's still possible to use both methods with minor modifications.
  906. +++++++++
  907. Method M1
  908. +++++++++
  909. - Save at designated location (see above)
  910. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  911. - Use magazine stack once
  912. - Softreset, load previous save
  913. - Challenge QoC and select no for a total of 1 times
  914. - Challenge QoC and select yes and lose a Lv8+ card to her or win a previously
  915. lost Lv8+ card (QoC must end up with more or less rare cards than before)
  917. +++++++++
  918. Method M2
  919. +++++++++
  920. - Save at designated location (see above)
  921. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  922. - Use magazine stack twice
  923. - Softreset, load previous save
  924. - Challenge QoC and select yes and lose a Lv8+ card to her or win a previously
  925. lost Lv8+ card (QoC must end up with more or less rare cards than before)
  927. +++++++++++++++++++++
  928. From Balamb to Dollet
  929. +++++++++++++++++++++
  930. - Save at hotel in Balamb
  931. - Hardreset, go straight to train station, where the QoC is
  932. - Challenge her and select no for a total of 1 times
  933. - Challenge her and select yes and lose a Lv8+ card to her or win a previously
  934. lost Lv8+ card (QoC must end up with more or less rare cards than before)
  935. She should move to Dollet after the game.
  937. ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  938. From Balamb to Galbadia:
  939. ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  940. - Save at hotel in Balamb
  941. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  942. - Use magazine stack once
  943. - Softreset, load previous save
  944. - Go straight to train station, where the QoC is
  945. - Challenge her and select yes and lose a Lv8+ card to her or win a previously
  946. lost Lv8+ card (QoC must end up with more or less rare cards than before)
  947. She should move to Galbadia after the game.
  949. ------------------------
  950. Where will the Queen go?
  951. ------------------------
  953. QoC's original location | With M1 | With M2
  954. ------------------------|---------|---------
  955. Galbadia | FH | Centra
  956. Trabia | Dollet | Balamb
  957. Centra | Dollet | FH
  958. Dollet | Balamb | Galbadia
  959. FH | Esthar | Dollet
  960. Lunar | Trabia | Esthar
  962. ============================
  963. #5.4 Trade Rule Manipulation
  964. ============================
  966. The only way to reliably manipulate trade rules is by using the QoC.
  967. Keep in mind that the more you play, the higher the chance becomes that a
  968. random region's trade rule becomes One (section #3.2.10) or that the
  969. trade rule of a random region is replaced by the trade rule of the region
  970. rules spread from.
  972. This section will mainly deal with getting the All rule or the Diff rule, as
  973. Direct is too risky and One just grants you one card upon winning.
  975. Note: You really shouldn't challenge the QoC after getting her rule to All,
  976. as it will degrade with a probability of 86% and will then possibly be
  977. adopted into the current region with repeated challenges.
  978. Same thing with Diff, except that it can turn into Direct or One.
  980. What you will need:
  981. - Save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  982. - The region does not have all rules in play (abolish something first)
  983. - You will not be asked to mix rules*
  984. - QoC is not in either Balamb or Esthar (see previous section for help with
  985. that)
  986. - You have challenged at least 11 times in the current region*
  988. *What you need to do is:
  989. Go to the safe location (normal) of your current region (see section #5.2.2)
  990. and then (make sure the QoC is in the current region):
  991. - Save your game there
  992. - Hardreset, load save
  993. - Challenge (and select no) the mentioned person 11 times
  995. This will accomplish two things:
  996. - You will no longer be asked to mix rules
  997. - You have challenged at least 11 times (this is so that your current region
  998. is the region where rules spread from)
  1000. You don't have to save/hardreset yet.
  1002. ----------------------------------------
  1003. #5.4.1 Changing the Queen's rule to Diff
  1004. ----------------------------------------
  1006. First, challenge the QoC and agree to a card game, memorize her trade rule and
  1007. just Quit the game (don't play).
  1009. After that save in the safe location (QoC) of the region (see #5.3.1)
  1010. We now need to bring her trade rule to Diff. How to do that depends on what her
  1011. trade rule was when you last challenged her.
  1013. +++++++++++++
  1014. If it was One
  1015. +++++++++++++
  1016. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1017. - Use magazine stack once
  1018. - Softreset, load previous save
  1019. - Challenge QoC and select no for a total of 1 times
  1021. ++++++++++++++++
  1022. If it was Direct
  1023. ++++++++++++++++
  1024. - Hardreset, load previous save
  1025. - Challenge QoC and select no for a total of 1 times
  1027. +++++++++++++
  1028. If it was All
  1029. +++++++++++++
  1030. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1031. - Use magazine stack 10 times
  1032. - Softreset, load previous save
  1033. - Challenge QoC and select no for a total of 2 times
  1035. From now on, you shouldn't challenge her until you're done. This also means
  1036. that you can't confirm whether she has Diff or not until you spread it to your
  1037. region.
  1039. ---------------------------------------
  1040. #5.4.2 Changing the Queen's rule to All
  1041. ---------------------------------------
  1043. First, challenge the QoC and agree to a card game, memorize her trade rule and
  1044. just Quit the game (don't play).
  1046. After that save in the safe location (QoC) of the region (see #5.3.1)
  1047. We now need to bring her trade rule to All. How to do that depends on what her
  1048. trade rule was when you last challenged her.
  1050. +++++++++++++
  1051. If it was One
  1052. +++++++++++++
  1053. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1054. - Use magazine stack 11 times
  1055. - Softreset, load previous save
  1056. - Challenge QoC and select no for a total of 4 times
  1058. ++++++++++++++
  1059. If it was Diff
  1060. ++++++++++++++
  1061. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1062. - Use magazine stack 11 times
  1063. - Softreset, load previous save
  1064. - Challenge QoC and select no for a total of 2 times
  1066. ++++++++++++++++
  1067. If it was Direct
  1068. ++++++++++++++++
  1069. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1070. - Use magazine stack once
  1071. - Softreset, load previous save
  1072. - Challenge QoC and select no for a total of 1 times
  1074. From now on, you shouldn't challenge her until you're done. This also means
  1075. that you can't confirm whether she has All or not until you spread it to your
  1076. region.
  1078. -----------------------------------------------------
  1079. #5.4.3 Spreading the Queen's trade rule in one region
  1080. -----------------------------------------------------
  1082. Specifically, the region you're in. Save in the region's safe location (normal)
  1083. first.
  1085. To spread the trade rule into your current region, simply:
  1086. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1087. - Use magazine stack 3 times
  1088. - Softreset, load save of safe location
  1089. - Challenge the mentioned person, and agree to a card game.
  1090. (Or select no if you want to spread the rule to other regions. Saying no will
  1091. guarantee that it won't turn into One accidently)
  1092. The NPC's trade rule should be whatever QoC had, which means it's now that
  1093. region's trade rule.
  1095. ------------------------------------------------------
  1096. #5.4.4 Spreading the Queen's trade rule in all regions
  1097. ------------------------------------------------------
  1099. The idea here is to "remotely" spread a trade rule everywhere in the world from
  1100. whatever region you're in.
  1102. Before you read on, keep in mind that the profits of spreading a trade rule
  1103. everywhere are questionable at best, since it can suddenly revert to One any
  1104. time.
  1106. First, spread the rule to your current region (see above).
  1107. After that, challenge any person (except the QoC) in your current region 10
  1108. times. Since you challenged 11 times already, an additional 10 challenges will
  1109. result in the amount of trading being 10. This vastly increases the chance
  1110. that a "random" region's trade rule will change to the trade rule of the region
  1111. rules spread from (in other words, your current region). The methods here
  1112. will aim to manipulate that "random region" into being a specific one.
  1114. Now, go to the safe location (normal) of your current region and save there.
  1115. (Will be referred to as "previous save")
  1117. Of course, you can skip your current region from the list below.
  1118. It may also happen that the trade rule suddenly reverts to One. In that case
  1119. use section #5.4.3 again to spread it.
  1121. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1122. Spreading the rule to Balamb
  1123. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1124. - Hardreset, load previous save
  1125. - Challenge, select no for a total of 5 times
  1126. - Challenge, select yes and Quit
  1127. Balamb should now have the wanted trade rule.
  1129. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1130. Spreading the rule to Galbadia
  1131. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1132. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1133. - Use magazine stack 15 times
  1134. - Softreset, load previous save
  1135. - Challenge, select yes and Quit
  1136. Galbadia should now have the wanted trade rule.
  1138. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1139. Spreading the rule to Trabia
  1140. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1141. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1142. - Use magazine stack once
  1143. - Softreset, load previous save
  1144. - Challenge, select yes and Quit
  1145. Trabia should now have the wanted trade rule.
  1147. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1148. Spreading the rule to Centra
  1149. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1150. - Hardreset, load previous save
  1151. - Challenge, select yes and Quit
  1152. Centra should now have the wanted trade rule.
  1154. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1155. Spreading the rule to Dollet
  1156. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1157. - Hardreset, load previous save
  1158. - Challenge, select no for a total of 6 times
  1159. - Challenge, select yes and Quit
  1160. Dollet should now have the wanted trade rule.
  1162. ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1163. Spreading the rule to FH
  1164. ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1165. - Hardreset, load save close to Dollet's magazine stack
  1166. - Use magazine stack once
  1167. - Softreset, load previous save
  1168. - Challenge, select no for a total of 3 times
  1169. - Challenge, select yes and Quit
  1170. Dollet should now have the wanted trade rule.
  1171. FH should now have the wanted trade rule.
  1173. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1174. Spreading the rule to Lunar
  1175. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1176. - Hardreset, load previous save
  1177. - Challenge, select no for a total of 4 times
  1178. - Challenge, select yes and Quit
  1179. Lunar should now have the wanted trade rule.
  1181. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1182. Spreading the rule to Esthar
  1183. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1184. - Hardreset, load previous save
  1185. - Challenge, select no for a total of 1 times
  1186. - Challenge, select yes and Quit
  1187. Esthar should now have the wanted trade rule.
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