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LogOutput for whoshotya

a guest
Dec 30th, 2023
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  1. [Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - EscapeFromTarkov (12/30/2023 11:19:34 PM)
  2. [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v0.13.5.2653
  3. [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
  4. [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
  5. [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
  6. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started
  7. [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
  8. [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [aki_PrePatch]
  9. [Info : BepInEx] 2 patcher plugins loaded
  10. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
  11. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [Aki.PrePatch.AkiBotsPrePatcher]
  12. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished
  13. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready
  14. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started
  15. [Info : BepInEx] 11 plugins to load
  16. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Graphics 1.5.3]
  17. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Configuration Manager 18.0.1]
  18. [Error : BepInEx] Could not load [DanW-QuestingBots 0.3.4] because it has missing dependencies: xyz.drakia.waypoints (v1.3.3 or newer), xyz.drakia.bigbrain (v0.3.1 or newer)
  19. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [dvize.CustomMusicPlayer 1.1.0]
  20. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CustomMusicComponent
  21. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EndScreenLoadPatch
  22. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Core 3.7.6]
  23. [Info : AKI.Core] Loading: Aki.Core
  24. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ConsistencySinglePatch
  25. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ConsistencyMultiPatch
  26. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BattlEyePatch
  27. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SslCertificatePatch
  28. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch UnityWebRequestPatch
  29. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WebSocketPatch
  30. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch TransportPrefixPatch
  31. [Info : AKI.Core] Completed: Aki.Core
  32. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Custom 3.7.6]
  33. [Info :AKI.Custom] Loading: Aki.Custom
  34. [Info :RequestHandler] Request GET json: c8be64e25c43d49d2a926a3c:
  35. [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful
  36. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EasyAssetsPatch
  37. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EasyBundlePatch
  38. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BossSpawnChancePatch
  39. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotDifficultyPatch
  40. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CoreDifficultyPatch
  41. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OfflineRaidMenuPatch
  42. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OfflineRaidSettingsMenuPatch
  43. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SessionIdPatch
  44. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch VersionLabelPatch
  45. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch IsEnemyPatch
  46. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LocationLootCacheBustingPatch
  47. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CheckAndAddEnemyPatch
  48. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotSelfEnemyPatch
  49. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AddEnemyToAllGroupsInBotZonePatch
  50. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AirdropPatch
  51. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AirdropFlarePatch
  52. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AddSptBotSettingsPatch
  53. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CustomAiPatch
  54. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ExitWhileLootingPatch
  55. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch QTEPatch
  56. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PmcFirstAidPatch
  57. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SettingsLocationPatch
  58. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RagfairFeePatch
  59. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavQuestPatch
  60. [Info :AKI.Custom] Completed: Aki.Custom
  61. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Debugging 3.7.6]
  62. [Info :AKI.Debugging] Loading: Aki.Debugging
  63. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EndRaidDebug
  64. [Info :AKI.Debugging] Completed: Aki.Debugging
  65. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Singleplayer 3.7.6]
  66. [Info :AKI.Singleplayer] Loading: Aki.SinglePlayer
  67. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OfflineSaveProfilePatch
  68. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OfflineSpawnPointPatch
  69. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ExperienceGainPatch
  70. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavExperienceGainPatch
  71. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MainMenuControllerPatch
  72. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PlayerPatch
  73. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SelectLocationScreenPatch
  74. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch InsuranceScreenPatch
  75. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotTemplateLimitPatch
  76. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GetNewBotTemplatesPatch
  77. [Warning: HarmonyX] RemoveUsedBotProfilePatch: You should only patch implemented methods/constructors to avoid issues. Patch the declared method virtual EFT.Profile GClass511::GetNewProfile(GClass513 data, bool withDelete) instead of virtual EFT.Profile GClass511::GetNewProfile(GClass513 data, bool withDelete).
  78. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RemoveUsedBotProfilePatch
  79. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DogtagPatch
  80. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch
  81. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavPrefabLoadPatch
  82. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavProfileLoadPatch
  83. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavExfilPatch
  84. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ExfilPointManagerPatch
  85. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch TinnitusFixPatch
  86. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MaxBotPatch
  87. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SpawnPmcPatch
  88. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PostRaidHealingPricePatch
  89. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EndByTimerPatch
  90. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PostRaidHealScreenPatch
  91. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch VoIPTogglerPatch
  92. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MidRaidQuestChangePatch
  93. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch HealthControllerPatch
  94. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LighthouseBridgePatch
  95. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LighthouseTransmitterPatch
  96. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EmptyInfilFixPatch
  97. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SmokeGrenadeFuseSoundFixPatch
  98. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PlayerToggleSoundFixPatch
  99. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PluginErrorNotifierPatch
  100. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SpawnProcessNegativeValuePatch
  101. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch InsuredItemManagerStartPatch
  102. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MapReadyButtonPatch
  103. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LabsKeycardRemovalPatch
  104. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavLateStartPatch
  105. [Info :AKI.Singleplayer] Completed: Aki.SinglePlayer
  106. [Error : BepInEx] Could not load [LootingBots 1.1.4] because it has missing dependencies: xyz.drakia.bigbrain (v0.1.4 or newer)
  107. [Error : BepInEx] Could not load [SAIN 2.1.7] because it has missing dependencies: xyz.drakia.bigbrain (v0.3.1 or newer), xyz.drakia.waypoints (v1.3.1 or newer)
  108. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RealismMod 0.14.11]
  109. [Info :RequestHandler] Request GET json: c8be64e25c43d49d2a926a3c:
  110. [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful
  111. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch COIDeltaPatch
  112. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch TotalShotgunDispersionPatch
  113. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GetDurabilityLossOnShotPatch
  114. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AutoFireRatePatch
  115. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SingleFireRatePatch
  116. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ErgoDeltaPatch
  117. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ErgoWeightPatch
  118. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch method_9Patch
  119. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SyncWithCharacterSkillsPatch
  120. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch UpdateWeaponVariablesPatch
  121. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetAimingSlowdownPatch
  122. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PwaWeaponParamsPatch
  123. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch UpdateSwayFactorsPatch
  124. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GetOverweightPatch
  125. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetOverweightPatch
  126. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BreathProcessPatch
  127. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OnWeaponParametersChangedPatch
  128. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ProcessPatch
  129. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ShootPatch
  130. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetCurveParametersPatch
  131. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RecoilRotatePatch
  132. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetAimingPatch
  133. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ToggleAimPatch
  134. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CalibrationLookAt
  135. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CalibrationLookAtScope
  136. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GetTotalMalfunctionChancePatch
  137. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch IsKnownMalfTypePatch
  138. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CanStartReloadPatch
  139. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ReloadMagPatch
  140. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch QuickReloadMagPatch
  141. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ReloadWithAmmoPatch
  142. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ReloadBarrelsPatch
  143. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ReloadCylinderMagazinePatch
  144. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OnMagInsertedPatch
  145. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetMagTypeCurrentPatch
  146. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetMagTypeNewPatch
  147. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetMagInWeaponPatch
  148. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetMalfRepairSpeedPatch
  149. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BoltActionReloadPatch
  150. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetSpeedParametersPatch
  151. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CheckAmmoPatch
  152. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CheckChamberPatch
  153. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RechamberPatch
  154. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetAnimatorAndProceduralValuesPatch
  155. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OnItemAddedOrRemovedPatch
  156. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetWeaponLevelPatch
  157. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ModConstructorPatch
  158. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WeaponConstructorPatch
  159. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch HRecoilDisplayStringValuePatch
  160. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch HRecoilDisplayDeltaPatch
  161. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch VRecoilDisplayStringValuePatch
  162. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch VRecoilDisplayDeltaPatch
  163. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ModVRecoilStatDisplayPatchFloat
  164. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ModVRecoilStatDisplayPatchString
  165. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ErgoDisplayDeltaPatch
  166. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ErgoDisplayStringValuePatch
  167. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch COIDisplayDeltaPatch
  168. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch COIDisplayStringValuePatch
  169. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch FireRateDisplayStringValuePatch
  170. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GetCachedReadonlyQualitiesPatch
  171. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CenterOfImpactMOAPatch
  172. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ModErgoStatDisplayPatch
  173. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GetAttributeIconPatches
  174. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch HeadsetConstructorPatch
  175. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmmoDuraBurnDisplayPatch
  176. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmmoMalfChanceDisplayPatch
  177. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MagazineMalfChanceDisplayPatch
  178. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BarrelModClassPatch
  179. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GetTotalCenterOfImpactPatch
  180. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CreateShotPatch
  181. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ApplyDamagePatch
  182. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DamageInfoPatch
  183. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ApplyDamageInfoPatch
  184. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetPenetrationStatusPatch
  185. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ApplyCorpseImpulsePatch
  186. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ArmorClassDisplayPatch
  187. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ArmorZoneBaseDisplayPatch
  188. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ArmorZoneSringValueDisplayPatch
  189. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch IsShotDeflectedByHeavyArmorPatch
  190. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch IsPenetratedPatch
  191. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PrismEffectsPatch
  192. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch VignettePatch
  193. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch UpdatePhonesPatch
  194. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetCompressorPatch
  195. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RegisterShotPatch
  196. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ExplosionPatch
  197. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GrenadeClassContusionPatch
  198. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CovertMovementVolumePatch
  199. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CovertMovementVolumeBySpeedPatch
  200. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CovertEquipmentVolumePatch
  201. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ArmorComponentPatch
  202. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RigConstructorPatch
  203. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BackpackConstructorPatch
  204. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PlayerInitPatch
  205. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ToggleHoldingBreathPatch
  206. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CalculateSurfacePatch
  207. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CalculateSurfacePatch
  208. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ClampSpeedPatch
  209. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SprintAccelerationPatch
  210. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EnduranceSprintActionPatch
  211. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EnduranceMovementActionPatch
  212. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PlayerLateUpdatePatch
  213. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ApplyComplexRotationPatch
  214. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ApplySimpleRotationPatch
  215. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch InitTransformsPatch
  216. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ZeroAdjustmentsPatch
  217. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WeaponOverlappingPatch
  218. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WeaponLengthPatch
  219. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OnWeaponDrawPatch
  220. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch UpdateHipInaccuracyPatch
  221. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetFireModePatch
  222. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WeaponOverlapViewPatch
  223. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CollisionPatch
  224. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OperateStationaryWeaponPatch
  225. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetTiltPatch
  226. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ApplyItemPatch
  227. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SetQuickSlotPatch
  228. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ProceedPatch
  229. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RemoveEffectPatch
  230. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch StamRegenRatePatch
  231. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MedkitConstructorPatch
  232. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch HCApplyDamagePatch
  233. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RestoreBodyPartPatch
  234. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch FlyingBulletPatch
  235. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BattleUIScreenPatch
  236. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
  237. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsLocalPlayerPatch
  238. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsNVGPatch
  239. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsApplyNVGPatch
  240. [Warning: HarmonyX] AmandsGraphicsHBAOPatch: You should only patch implemented methods/constructors to avoid issues. Patch the declared method void HBAO_Core::ApplyPreset(HBAO_Core+Preset preset) instead of void HBAO_Core::ApplyPreset(HBAO_Core+Preset preset).
  241. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsHBAOPatch
  242. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsPrismEffectsPatch
  243. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsOpticPatch
  244. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsOpticSightPatch
  245. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsCameraClassPatch
  246. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsmethod_22Patch
  247. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsTacticalComboVisualControllerPatch
  248. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsFastBlurPatch
  249. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsMethod_7Patch
  250. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsFastBlurHitPatch
  251. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsBattleUIScreenPatch
  252. [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsEffectsControllerPatch
  253. [Info :ModulePatch] random song: G:\SPT\BepInEx\plugins/CustomMusic/music\It's Alright.mp3
  254. [Info :ModulePatch] url: file:///G:/SPT/BepInEx/plugins/CustomMusic/music/It's Alright.mp3
  255. [Info :ModulePatch] AudioClip: It's Alright.mp3, state: Loaded
  256. [Info :ModulePatch] random song: G:\SPT\BepInEx\plugins/CustomMusic/music\Embraced.mp3
  257. [Info :ModulePatch] url: file:///G:/SPT/BepInEx/plugins/CustomMusic/music/Embraced.mp3
  258. [Info :ModulePatch] AudioClip: Embraced.mp3, state: Loaded
  259. [Info :ModulePatch] random song: G:\SPT\BepInEx\plugins/CustomMusic/music\Celestial.mp3
  260. [Info :ModulePatch] url: file:///G:/SPT/BepInEx/plugins/CustomMusic/music/Celestial.mp3
  261. [Info :ModulePatch] AudioClip: Celestial.mp3, state: Loaded
  262. [Info :ModulePatch] random song: G:\SPT\BepInEx\plugins/CustomMusic/music\Cradled Memories.mp3
  263. [Info :ModulePatch] url: file:///G:/SPT/BepInEx/plugins/CustomMusic/music/Cradled Memories.mp3
  264. [Info :ModulePatch] AudioClip: Cradled Memories.mp3, state: Loaded
  265. [Info :ModulePatch] random song: G:\SPT\BepInEx\plugins/CustomMusic/music\While.mp3
  266. [Info :ModulePatch] url: file:///G:/SPT/BepInEx/plugins/CustomMusic/music/While.mp3
  267. [Info :ModulePatch] AudioClip: While.mp3, state: Loaded
  268. [Info :RequestHandler] Request GET json: c8be64e25c43d49d2a926a3c:
  269. [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful
  270. [Info :ModulePatch] Server version: SPT-AKI 3.7.6
  271. [Info :RequestHandler] Request POST json: c8be64e25c43d49d2a926a3c:
  272. [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful
  273. [Info :RequestHandler] Request POST json: c8be64e25c43d49d2a926a3c:
  274. [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful
  275. [Error :ModulePatch] 3 plugins failed to load due to errors:
  276. Could not load [DanW-QuestingBots 0.3.4] because it has missing dependencies: xyz.drakia.waypoints (v1.3.3 or newer), xyz.drakia.bigbrain (v0.3.1 or newer)
  277. Could not load [LootingBots 1.1.4] because it has missing dependencies: xyz.drakia.bigbrain (v0.1.4 or newer)
  278. Could not load [SAIN 2.1.7] because it has missing dependencies: xyz.drakia.bigbrain (v0.3.1 or newer), xyz.drakia.waypoints (v1.3.1 or newer)
  280. [Info :RequestHandler] Request POST json: c8be64e25c43d49d2a926a3c:
  281. [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful
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