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Oct 23rd, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. JoshyPoo97: its ok u all could int and ill carry
  4. JoshyPoo97: u will see ?
  5. JoshyPoo97: ff 15
  6. JoshyPoo97: adc is fucking iron
  7. JoshyPoo97: i told u exactly what i was going to do
  8. JoshyPoo97: fucking genius
  9. JoshyPoo97: 1-3
  10. JoshyPoo97: cool nice thanks for you taking a 14 day break
  11. JoshyPoo97: fuicking kid
  12. JoshyPoo97: yup
  13. JoshyPoo97: If anyone listens to a fucking ping
  14. JoshyPoo97: wed be winning
  15. JoshyPoo97: 2/5
  16. JoshyPoo97: cant win a 5v5 game 1v5
  17. JoshyPoo97: "hes a troll"
  18. JoshyPoo97: yup takes a team to get objectives
  19. JoshyPoo97: genius
  20. JoshyPoo97: hardstuck bronze eh
  21. JoshyPoo97: doesnt matter at this point
  22. JoshyPoo97: id rather make u lose lp
  23. JoshyPoo97: mhm
  24. JoshyPoo97: int more talk less
  25. JoshyPoo97: ur just shit
  26. JoshyPoo97: enjoy 14 days off
  27. JoshyPoo97: 2 of u inbreds alive
  28. JoshyPoo97: fucking morons
  29. Post-Game
  30. JoshyPoo97: this bot lane
  31. JoshyPoo97: and no one listens to a SINGLE FUCKING PING
  32. JoshyPoo97: "off yourself" ~ barus
  33. JoshyPoo97: varus
  34. Game 2
  35. In-Game
  36. JoshyPoo97: fkn bs
  37. JoshyPoo97: 1 god damn minion from lvl 2
  38. JoshyPoo97: only cause i was solo pushing we didnt get it first
  39. JoshyPoo97: they both pushed against me alone
  40. JoshyPoo97: omg hop off get your shield\
  41. JoshyPoo97: use your fucking champ bro
  42. JoshyPoo97: legit rather 2v1 lane
  43. JoshyPoo97: yes cause my positioning...... when theres not a tf
  44. JoshyPoo97: isnt actually positioning its just laniong
  45. JoshyPoo97: gj
  46. JoshyPoo97: great supporting bud
  47. JoshyPoo97: bots open im done
  48. JoshyPoo97: no
  49. JoshyPoo97: games over and i give no fucks now
  50. JoshyPoo97: their lead > our lead
  51. JoshyPoo97: yup
  52. JoshyPoo97: its not a stun
  53. JoshyPoo97: its a root
  54. JoshyPoo97: nope just root like lux q
  55. JoshyPoo97: too much of a lead
  56. JoshyPoo97: yuumi needs a fresh demote
  57. JoshyPoo97: wtf is that stun timer longer than annies fucking stun
  58. JoshyPoo97: k balanced ass dmg
  59. JoshyPoo97: cause just for that remark ima skulldrag your whole team
  60. JoshyPoo97: lmfao
  61. JoshyPoo97: if i wasnt behind
  62. JoshyPoo97: cause my yuumi intentionally threw early lane phase
  63. JoshyPoo97: just grp as 5 i wont participate
  64. JoshyPoo97: yup
  65. JoshyPoo97: take reds more
  66. JoshyPoo97: be more useful than yuumi
  67. JoshyPoo97: awwww if u wanted to win youd shut the fuck up and try and feed me im your only hope
  68. JoshyPoo97: then lose LP idc i have 70LP gain
  69. JoshyPoo97: per win
  70. JoshyPoo97: script
  71. JoshyPoo97: team has no clue how to tf
  72. JoshyPoo97: wp
  73. JoshyPoo97: lol u r one salty fuck
  74. JoshyPoo97: nice gj
  75. JoshyPoo97: 0 idea how a tf suppose to work
  76. JoshyPoo97: yas just smashing buttons
  77. JoshyPoo97: dashing the complete wrong way
  78. Game 3
  79. In-Game
  80. JoshyPoo97: noobs
  81. JoshyPoo97: if im trolling and doing better then you what does that make you look like?
  82. JoshyPoo97: please ell
  83. JoshyPoo97: please tell
  84. JoshyPoo97: noob
  85. JoshyPoo97: why are you so bad kid
  86. JoshyPoo97: go play minecraft
  87. JoshyPoo97: gg ez
  88. JoshyPoo97: noobs
  89. JoshyPoo97: 
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