

Sep 12th, 2014
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  1. TThe Halloween Fete
  2. By
  3. Sunflower
  6. I took a deep breath as I peered toward the setting sun, a cold wind blew across the land, the wind shook the orange leafs and tossed up a few fallen ones. The laughter of school children could be heard, a small smile played cross my lips as I looked up and observed the last faint rays of sun, shining down from its place in the sky.
  8. “Its almost time.” I said as I shivered a little as I pulled my pastel pink jacket a little closer around my railroad thin frame. The wind tossed a few strains of my coco brown hair around and caused me to shiver even more. It was clear to me the warmth of summer had passed away and the cooling breath of Autumn was upon me. Or was it the first taste of winter. Hard to tell this late in the year.
  10. Sucking in some of the cool air, I turned toward my right to where my little cottage stood. It was in all honesty my great-grandmothers old house, a humble little dwelling of locally fired brick. The roof was constructed of imported slate, floated down by barge from somewhere up north.
  12. Releasing my drawn in breath, I stepped off the cobblestone road and onto the brick paved walkway that connected my front door to the road. Before I could blink a eye, I found myself reaching down and wrapping my fingers around tarnished brass door handle. The wooden door gave way with a load groan.
  14. “Finally..” I said stepping across the threshold of my front door and into my living room. The air inside my living room was nice and warm and very inviting. Though I knew I had little time to enjoy the feeling. For tonight, being Halloween, was a night of bewitchment. It was also the night of the major social event of the season ’The Halloween Fete’ that was being hosted in stoned paved town square.
  16. The next hour and a half was spent in preparation and chores for the coming events of that evening. Dish’s left over from breakfast had to be washed, dried and put away, I had to bath to rid myself of the odd medicine smell that clings to all of us who find work in the medicinal field and above all I had to brush and comb my hair out.
  18. The minutes quickly ticked away, and before long the old grandfather clock living in the corner of the living room, chimed the time to seven o’ clock in the evening. I was almost done curling my hair when the deep throated melody reached my ears. A small, little smile graced the bow of my lips as I counted off each ring.
  20. “Almost finished.” I said walking leaving the bathroom and heading down the hallway toward old master bedroom that had become my new bedroom. Once within the confines of the bedroom, I removed my bathrobe and allowed it to drop down upon the old wooden floor. Smirking a little, I walked over to my closet and started to dig through the dozen or so dress’s, skirts, and other odd item of clothing.
  22. A minute or two passed before I happen to come across what I was looking for. Without a second thought I reached up and pulled out a low cut, white bodice that would show a good bit.
  23. Halloween was after all the only night out of the year a girl could wear, reveling clothing and not have there good name tarnished or soiled in any shape or form. And to be blunt, this festival was all about hooking up with a cute guy or gal depending one’s preference. And having a flattering and creative costume was the key to ones success.
  25. Without a second thought I reached up and removed the bodice from its hanger and placed it down upon the bed. Smiling then I dug out red, checkered pattern gingham dress, quickly I found a crimson red petticoat to give the bottom half a little flare. Another dozen minutes of searching followed before I found the missing piece that would be the lynchpin in outfit, a finally brushed woolen cloak.
  27. With all the pieces to my outfit present and accounted for, I quickly started to dress myself. Once I had finished dressing myself I took a chance and peered into the floor length mirror. Call it what you will, but I could not help but smile as I ran my hand down my side, smoothing out the wrinkles of the dress.
  29. “Well, little red riding hood.” I said under my breath as modeled my dress for myself. “I think its time for you to go out and bag yourself a big bad wolf.” And so with that being said, I flipped the light switch off and started toward the door. As I passed the kitchen table, I quickly snapped up little basket.
  31. A minute or two passed before my feet touched down upon the brown cobblestone squares that paved the small section of road that ran by my house. The moon it seemed had over taken the sun in the course of my getting dressed, for the landscape was now veiled in shadows of night.
  33. Though surrounded my inky darkness, my path was not totally void of light, for gas powered street lamps scattered along the path provided small halo’s of golden light. Further illumination was provided by the light spilling out from the shop windows that line the path to square. Each window was decorated in Halloween theme, with witch’s riding broomsticks and smiling jack-o lanterns being a popular choice.
  35. Ten minutes into my walk, I had to pause in order to allow myself to soak in the sights and sounds of the holiday. The laughter of children filled the chilly autumn air, and the ringing of doorbells echoed across the cobblestones as the greeting of ‘Trick or Treat’ was heard from a dozen or so costume clad village children.
  37. Smiling a little more, I once more started my journey, and soon enough I found myself standing in the brick paved town square where the majority of the major social events was held. A sudden shiver passed over me as I stepped into the square, lighting was scarce and a air of mystery filled the air.
  39. My eyes where quickly drawn toward a large phone looking booth located in the center of the plaza. A old wooden three legged stool was located within the confines of the tank. My eyes seemed to zoom in on the stool before shifting upward before coming to rest upon a large clear container that had brownish sludge looking mixture.
  41. I swallowed hard as I peered toward the brownish sludge, poised it seemed cover anybody unlucky enough to be seated below. My gaze was broken by a loud cackle and there standing before the booth was a young women around my age.
  44. She wore a lose fitting midnight black dress, and a wicked little grin played across her face as she stirred a large black cauldron that was sitting a few feet away from the door of the booth.
  46. “Round about the cauldron go; in the poison’d entrails throw. Toad, that under cold stone day and night has thirty one swelter’d venom sleeping got, boil though first I’ the charmed pot.” The young women chanted as she stirred the bubbling pot that seemed to hiss and groan. Her wicked little grin turned into a full blown smile as she caught sight of me standing before her.
  48. “Come here my pretty, and listen to my warning, for tonight all the villagers shall cast lots, for who among them shall be doused in brew you see in yonder hold.” She said pointing toward the container full of that dark brown mixture. Another loud cackle followed as she gave me a sideways look.
  50. “The appointed time is near, so be careful where you tread.” She said returning to her brewing and stirring. All the while she wore a evil grin, something that reminded me of a cat eyeing a feeding song bird.
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