
And Everything Nice Pt. 2

Feb 19th, 2013
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  1. >Pinkie Pie asks all kinds of questions as you help her bake her goods
  2. >Where you’re from, what you are, how you got here
  3. >Not unlike Fluttershy
  4. >Except, Pinkie steered clear from the personal questions
  5. >She probably knows better than to ask about your private business
  6. >Or just didn’t want to
  7. >…then why did Fluttershy?
  8. >…well, not really important
  9. >You put the thought out of your head
  10. >It’s gotten late into the afternoon as you mix batter, planning your party with the pink p0ny
  11. >”And we should have music! And games! And STREAMERS! What party is complete without streamers!?”
  12. >You giggle to yourself
  13. Yeah, we’ll definitely need all of those!
  14. >You continue mixing your batter
  15. What about sweets? We have to have sweets at a party!
  16. >”OF COURSE!!”
  17. >You smile widely
  18. >No one has ever made you feel more at home than Pinkie
  19. >She’s a lot like you, actually
  20. >A little more eccentric and hyper
  21. >But definitely a lot like you
  22. >Smiley, optimistic, spreading cheer
  23. >She’ll definitely be your go-to p0ny
  24. >You and Pinkie pour the cake batter into a pan and throw it in the oven
  25. >You’ve already made dozens of cupcakes and cookies, so there’s not much else to do while you wait
  26. >Pinkie takes off her apron and hops up on the island table, making herself comfortable
  27. >You lean against it and cross your arms
  28. >”So you stayed over at Fluttershy’s last night, huh?” she asks
  29. >You glance over to her
  30. Yup. Letting me crash there was real kind of her.
  31. >She giggles
  32. >”Of course! Fluttershy is the kindest!”
  33. Yeah,
  34. >You agree with a smile
  35. And a little…
  36. >You stop yourself
  37. >…that may be a little rude of you…
  38. >Pinkie throws on a puzzled expression and tilts her head
  39. >”A little what, Emmy?”
  40. >…Gosh, you don’t want to offend her or anyone…
  41. >…but you’ve felt a sort of bond with Pinkie
  42. >You should be able to tell her your feelings
  43. I dunno, Pinkie Pie. Just a little… awkward.
  44. >She tilts her head the other way
  45. She seems all tense around me. And it kind of rubs off. I don’t know, maybe she’s just nervous around me?
  46. >Pinkie giggles
  47. >”Oh Emmy, Fluttershy’s… well, shy! She’s nervous around a lot of p0nies!”
  48. >You figured as much…
  49. >…honestly, Femanon, you’re overthinking things
  50. Yeah, you’re right, Pinkie.
  51. >You say smiling
  52. >You glance out the window
  53. >The sun sure is setting fast…
  54. …maybe I ought to go find her. It’s getting late.
  55. >Pinkie gasps
  56. >”Oh, but we still have so much to plan for tomorrow!”
  57. >She gasps again
  58. >”OH I KNOW!” she cheers, “How about we have a sleepover!?”
  59. A sleepover?
  60. >”Yeah!”
  61. >She dashes over to the cupboard with lightning speed
  62. >”I’ve got—“
  63. >She whips out a tray of—
  64. >”Cookies!”
  65. >She drops them to the table and speeds off somewhere else
  66. >”And chocolate milk!”
  67. >She throws it back into the fridge
  68. >”And we can talk and snack and plan more and just hang out!”
  69. >You’re speechless
  70. >How did she move so…
  71. >You shake your head
  72. >Actually, a sleepover sounds… pretty appealing
  73. >You can’t remember the last time any of your girlfriends had one
  74. >It should be… fun
  75. I’d love to, Pinkie.
  76. >You say with a smile
  77. >She beams
  78. >”GREAT!”
  79. But…
  80. >You lower your head and think for a bit
  81. Maybe I should… I don’t know, tell Fluttershy?
  82. >Pinkie hops over
  83. >”Sure! She should know, right?”
  84. >Yeah…
  85. >Wait, should she?
  86. >She’s not your caretaker or anything…
  87. >Still…
  88. >She found you, and she housed you for the night
  89. >…and you don’t want her to feel left out…
  90. >…yeah, just go tell her, Femanon
  91. >Maybe you and Fluttershy can go do something tomorrow
  92. …yeah. I’ll head over to tell her, and be right back, okay?
  93. >Pinkie’s smile is all the answer you need
  95. >The sun has completely set now, and you’re winding the path to Fluttershy’s cottage
  96. >The lights are all on, and the babbling brook sends wonderful watery tunes into the air
  97. >Living here must be a dream…
  98. >You knock on the door a few times
  99. >You can hear some rustling behind it
  100. >Then, it opens up
  101. >The little yellow winged mare gazes up to you
  102. >”Oh THERE you are, Femanon! I was wondering when you’d come back…”
  103. >You smile at her, a little awkwardly
  104. You know, just thought I’d come by and… let you know about my day.
  105. >”Oh, of course, I’d love to hear about it! I’ll get some tea started!”
  106. That sounds lovely.
  107. >You and Fluttershy get settled in on her couch
  108. >She makes a kettle of tea for the two of you, and you sip and converse about the day
  109. --And we’re aiming for tomorrow night. It should be a fun time. You’re coming, right?
  110. >She nods happily
  111. >”Oh, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
  112. >You sip your tea
  113. That’s great.
  114. >You place it down on the coffee table
  115. Actually, Fluttershy… about the planning…
  116. >Here we go…
  117. >…why is this such a big deal?
  118. >She isn’t your mom!
  119. >She’s not going to take it hard… right…?
  120. We’re not actually done yet… Pinkie asked me to spend the night at her place, so we can finish up. Is that…
  121. >You glance down to your feet
  122. …you know, okay…?
  123. >You twiddle your thumbs
  124. >It’s silent…
  125. >…what’s she thinking?
  126. >You glance up to her, getting a look on her face
  127. >Is that… shock?
  128. >She locks eyes with you
  129. >And her entire expression changes
  130. >”Why sure, Femanon! I don’t think you really need my ‘permission’ for something like that!”
  131. >A weight is lifted from your chest
  132. >Wow, did she really say that?
  133. >Maybe your perception of Fluttershy was way off
  134. >You smile
  135. Thanks, Flutters.
  136. >She’s smiling too
  137. Hey, I don’t want you to feel left out or anything, though. You’re my friend too. Why don’t we do something tomorrow before the party? Hang out?
  138. >She absolutely beams
  139. >”Oh I’d love to!”
  140. >You sigh a sigh of relief
  141. >There we go…
  142. >No one’s feeling left out or offended
  143. >”Just…”
  144. >Hmm?
  145. >You take another look over to her face
  146. >She looks like what you probably did when you thought she’d take your news poorly
  147. >Nervous, anticipating a response… hmm…
  148. >”Well… you don’t have to… *mumble *”
  149. >She mumbles and glances away
  150. …what was that, Fluttershy?
  151. >She looks back to you
  152. >”Well… you don’t need to… share a bed in a sleepover… right…?”
  153. >You look to her with a puzzled look
  154. >…where did that come from?
  155. No…?
  156. >…wait, do you?
  157. I don’t think so… I mean, I don’t plan to share a bed with her…
  158. >A look of relief washes over her face
  159. Wait… why?
  160. >Aaaand it’s gone again
  161. >”Oh! Um—“
  162. >She laughs nervously
  163. >”I’m just… curious…?”
  164. >She smiles a nervous, teeth-showing smile
  165. >You think you hear some kind of squeaking noise as she does it
  166. >…it’s better not to question this, you suppose
  167. Alright…
  168. >She exhales
  169. Anyway, Pinkie Pie’s probably waiting. I’ll stop by tomorrow so we can hang out, okay?
  170. >She smiles
  171. >”Okay, Femanon, have fun!”
  173. >You and Pinkie Pie have a great time
  174. >You talk more about the party, about guests, food, etc, all over a plate of the best cookies you’ve ever eaten
  175. >She talks about her other best friends that you HAVE to meet
  176. >They all sound like great p0nies to know
  177. >Maybe even more friends to have here
  178. >You exchange a few jokes and share a few laughs
  179. >Pinkie Pie, in her onesie pajamas, rolls onto her back and laughs, kicking her feet into the air
  180. >”Emmy, you’re so silly!” she cries as she giggles
  181. >You’re in a giggling fit too
  182. >Gosh, you haven’t had this much fun in God knows how long
  183. >Wiping the tears from your eyes, you take a glance at Pinkie’s clock
  184. >Almost 12am
  185. >Pinkie notices your gaze
  186. >”Thinking about heading to bed, Emmy?”
  187. >You look to her
  188. Heh, yeah, maybe.
  189. >You yawn
  190. I have some things I want to do with Fluttershy before the party. Want to make sure I’m up in time for them.
  191. >”No prob! We can head to bed now!”
  192. >She hops up and trots past you
  193. >”We already planned the whole party, anyway!”
  194. >You smile
  195. Yeah!
  196. >She starts digging through a closet
  197. >”Hey, Emmy, you don’t mind sleeping on the ground or anything do you?”
  198. >She pulls out several sheets, a comforter, and a pillow
  199. >”It’s just that I don’t have a spare bed. It’ll be reeeeeally comfy!”
  200. >You smile
  201. That sounds great, Pinkie Pie.
  202. >And here you were a tad worried she’d ask you to bed with her
  203. >…huh, another thing she hasn’t done that Fluttershy has…
  204. >…maybe sharing a bed isn’t common here…?
  205. >Then why did Fluttershy want to?
  206. >…or maybe it is common, and Pinkie’s the odd one
  207. >Looking at Pinkie Pie, that may be the case
  208. >Why are you thinking about these things?
  209. >You shake them from your head
  210. >Pinkie Pie has already set up a beautiful looking sleeping area not too far from her own bed
  211. >”TA-DAAA!” she announces gleefully as she reveals it
  212. >You laugh and clap your hands softly
  213. It looks great!
  214. >She beams a hearty smile at you
  215. >”Okay then!”
  216. >She launches herself into her bed
  217. >”Night Emmy!”
  218. >She crashes down onto the bed, the covers bouncing up high and falling neatly down onto her
  219. >She’s already snoring
  220. >…wow, this mare
  221. >You laugh softly to yourself
  222. >You head over to your sleeping area and take off your pants
  223. >You place them to the side and get nice and settled in
  224. >…Hmm…
  225. >…well… you’re not sharing a bed with anyone…
  226. >…yeah, you probably should
  227. >You reach around your back and unhook your bra
  228. >You place it down next to your pants
  229. Ohhh… much better.
  230. >Finally…
  231. >You settle down into your area once more
  232. >And drift off…
  234. [spoiler]>”… I just don’t know…”[/spoiler]
  235. [spoiler]>”I mean, I don’t THINK…”[/spoiler]
  236. [spoiler]>”She’s just so…”[/spoiler]
  237. >You’re having a dream about you and Pinkie Pie
  238. >You’re hanging out at the party together
  239. >It’s… fun
  240. [spoiler]>”Maybe just…”[/spoiler]
  241. >In your sleep, you feel a little tingly
  242. >The dream kind of stops itself
  243. [spoiler]>”Oh… oh my…~”[/spoiler]
  244. >Very tingly…
  245. [spoiler]>”…rub… not a… oh, I can’t, I…”[/spoiler]
  246. [spoiler]>”But… was saying that…”[/spoiler]
  247. [spoiler]>”…just a peek…”[/spoiler]
  248. >…you’re not very comfortable…
  249. Ughh…
  250. [spoiler]>”…! Oh … shouldn’t have…”[/spoiler]
  251. [spoiler]>”…hope she… awake…”[/spoiler]
  252. >You move a little in your sleep
  253. [spoiler]>”Eep!”[/spoiler]
  255. >Your eyes flutter open silently
  256. >You gaze up to the ceiling
  257. >Weird how your body works…
  258. >Having a simple dream, then awake just like that…
  259. >You turn your head
  260. >Huh…
  261. >A slight draft comes into the room
  262. >Was the window always open…?
  263. >You re-adjust yourself
  264. >Wait…
  265. >You glance down to your body
  266. >Your shirt has been pulled up to around your neck
  267. >Your breasts are completely exposed
  268. >You quickly pull it back down
  269. >You glance over to Pinkie
  270. >…still asleep
  271. >…okay, good
  272. >No one saw anything
  273. >You turn over and try to get back to sleep
  274. >…holy… wait…
  275. >You sit up
  276. >You dart your hand downward and start patting your crotch
  277. >You’re…
  278. >…you’re damp
  279. >…like, REALLY damp. Wet, even
  280. >You can feel your face blush
  281. >How did that…?
  282. >That’s not possible, it’s…
  283. >…unless…
  284. >…oh my…
  285. >…no way… could it…?
  286. >You glance over to the snoozing Pinkie Pie
  287. >Happily sawing logs
  288. >Your mouth gapes
  289. >…you mean, she’s a great friend…
  290. >And you don’t even… you mean, she’s a girl… and a p0ny…
  291. >But…
  292. >Could a simple dream…?
  293. >You pat yourself again
  294. >…could a dream really do that…?
  296. End of Part 2
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