
Group 80: Session 1

Sep 26th, 2013
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  1. [20:29] <~Radio_GM> ---The Coltifornia Campaign, Group 80---
  2. [20:30] <~Radio_GM> ---Session 1---
  3. [20:30] <~Radio_GM> The West has drawn settlers like moths to the flame. It has beckoned to all as a symbol of greatness and progress, as Equestria’s grand frontier. For many, it is a journey’s end; it is that final curtain after months of travel and arduous labor. It is what lies at the end of the rainbow and the many tribulations made to get there. For these, the West is the final goal.
  4. [20:30] <~Radio_GM> But for others, it is the beginning of a new story. To those who do not rest, and do not lay content with what they already have gained, who push onward long after that sweet goal is already in their grasp, the West reveals its true magnitude. Some of it is wonderful. Some of it is terrible. But it is always, always great. It is not for nothing that the West was called the best and worst of Equestria combined.
  5. [20:30] <~Radio_GM> Years have passed, the bombs have fallen, and the image of the West passed into memory and into legend…but the time has come for the West to rise again. Five years after the skies have cleared, as ponykind everywhere struggles to get back onto its hooves, the West has appeared on the horizon as a clarion call to those who wish to make Equestria great once more.
  6. [20:30] <~Radio_GM> What better place for this story to begin than Coltifornia? The Golden Coast, the pinnacle of the West. The Coltifornia Region is where it all ends and where it all begins. The Coltifornia Region is where everyone comes with carte blanche to forge themselves anew or build themselves to even greater heights.
  7. [20:31] <~Radio_GM> Which brings our attention now to Trotters Fort. It rests in a small valley near the banks of the Equestrian River. Historically, this area had been the site of what was, indeed, a large fort. It had served as a rest area of sorts before the war began, welcoming civilian wagons and carriages that had crossed into Coltifornia from over the Sierra Neighvadas.
  8. [20:31] <~Radio_GM> As the land took up arms, Trotters Fort became less “leisure” and more “war”, as the old rest stop was fortified into a military base to station Equestrian soldiers. Yet the site never lost its reputation for hospitality, never turning away those who needed a place to stay for the night. And so it remained, even throughout the wasteland years of the once-mighty Equestrian West.
  9. [20:31] <~Radio_GM> It is now sunset, almost evening. A slight breeze is in the air. Chasseuse approaches the fort from the western end, Brookwind and Danger_Zone from the east. Dumisani approaches from near the northern end, while Radiant_Fury hobbles on a painfully-broken leg from the south. They cannot see one another, not yet.
  10. [20:31] <~Radio_GM> The story now turns to its starring roles. This chapter is yours to write.
  11. [20:32] * Dumisani flicks her ears about as she closes the distance to her destination, each heavy step leaving a cloud of dust.
  12. [20:33] * Radiant_Fury is trying her best -not- to hobble. It's not wise to show weakness when entering a new settlement. She looks around with a deep frown, looking for a doctor.
  13. [20:34] * Danger_Zone is up for a nice, restful evening after a long day of adventure. She flies straight for the fort, looking for a decent place to touch down.
  14. [20:36] * Brookwind glides to the entrance, looking over her notepad at the symbol she had drawn there, hoping that someone in the town could tell her who it represented.
  15. [20:36] * Chasseuse continues along the path with a small smile, eager to enter the fort. New adventures, friends, maybe even a place to call home, she muses to herself, distracted by her hopeful thoughts.
  16. [20:40] * Dumisani stops to take her helmet off quick and scratch her ear, setting the heavy metal piece into her saddlebags
  17. [20:49] <~Radio_GM> The fort is surrounded by all four sides by a series of thick adobe walls. The front gate lies on the eastern end, where Brookwind and Danger_Zone are approaching. Sentries are posted atop all four walls.
  18. [20:50] <~Radio_GM> On the eastern end, the sentries stir as they see Brookwind approaching. The sentries atop the wall hail to her. “You there! You can’t fly in like that! Stop and check in at the main gate!”
  19. [20:50] <~Radio_GM> At the other walls, as they approach, one can see smaller gates leading within, their tops also swarming with sentries in leather armor.
  20. [20:52] * Brookwind lands in front of the gate, rolling her eyes at the sentries. "I know, why do you think I was flying below the level of the wall?"
  21. [20:53] <~Radio_GM> The sentries give no reply, as they simply continue to eye her warily.
  22. [20:54] * Brookwind trots to the gate with a slight limp, nodding to the guards. "Good afternoon."
  23. [20:55] * Dumisani trots up to the gate on the northern side, glancing upwards at the guards
  24. [20:57] * Chasseuse gives a nod and smile to the guards as she approaches the gate. "'Ello," she calls out, trying to draw their attention.
  25. [20:59] * Radiant_Fury frowns a little. Would she actually have to talk to ponies today? She gives a slightly annoyed look up at the gate. "Excuse me! I need a doctor."
  26. [21:03] * Danger_Zone comes in for a landing at the gate. She doesn't waste any time in trotting right up.
  27. [21:04] * Brookwind glances over at Danger_Zone as she trots up behind her.
  28. [21:06] <~Radio_GM> At the front gate, a large wooden structure fortified with metal, Brookwind and Danger_Zone find two mares clad in leather armor and helmets, both armed with hunting rifles. They are near mirror images of one another, save for their manes and coats; one has a green coat and a turquoise mane, the other has a turquoise coat and a green mane.
  29. [21:06] <~Radio_GM> They snap to attention at once, as they look to Brookwind and Danger_Zone and begin speaking in rapid succession.
  30. [21:06] <~Radio_GM> "Halt there!" They call in unison.
  31. [21:07] <~Radio_GM> "State your name and business!"
  32. [21:07] <~Radio_GM> Where Chasseuse approaches, the guard peers below. “Why, hello, miss. What do you need?” He is smiling kindly, and seems to be trying to be helpful.
  33. [21:08] <~Radio_GM> Radiant_Fury is having less luck, as the guard at her wall simply looks below and calls, “Whaddya want a doctor for?” without a trace of sympathy in her voice. She is sitting at the edge of the wall, a bag of potato crisps at her side. She floats one up and munches idly as she looks to the injured mare below.
  34. [21:08] * Brookwind opens her trechcoat, flashing her badge at the guard. "Detective Brookwind sir. I'm here on an investigation." She replies.
  35. [21:09] * Danger_Zone eyes Brookwind, then to the guards at the gate. "It's getting to be night. What do you think my business is?"
  36. [21:09] <~Radio_GM> The guard at Dumisani’s wall does a double-take, fumbling for her rifle at the sight of the massive rhino approaching. “H-hey! S-stop there, you!”
  37. [21:09] * Radiant_Fury returns with a glare. "My leg is broken. If you're reply with something snarky, I'll save you the trouble and tell you that I'm -very much- not in the mood for this. I'm tired, and in a lot of pain."
  38. [21:10] * Chasseuse 's smile only widens. The ponies she's met so far, so kind! "I was wishing to enter your fort," she explains, "I come from Prance, and I do not 'ave a place to stay... I do not 'ave many caps, zough I would be 'appy to work for zem if you would let me in!"
  39. [21:10] * Dumisani trundles to a stop and snorts dust from her nose, looking up. "Not here for trouble, just want a place to rest. Been traveling long."
  40. [21:10] <~Radio_GM> The first guard looks to Brookwind and peers at the badge. "On whose authority?"
  41. [21:11] <~Radio_GM> The second looks to Danger_Zone. "So you wish to stay the night?"
  42. [21:12] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "Beats sleeping in a ditch, that's for sure."
  43. [21:12] <Brookwind> "My own. I stumbled across what appears to be a mass murder a little ways up the mountain on my way here." She nods back the way she had come.
  44. [21:12] <~Radio_GM> The guard watching Radiant_Fury rolls her eyes. "Then git your ass to the front gate. It's down that way." She points in the direction of the gate. "Now quit bothering me!" She turns away and says no more.
  45. [21:13] <~Radio_GM> The kind-looking guard smiles at Chasseuse. "Prance, eh? Sounds delightful. You want lodging, you'll be able to check in at the front gate." He winks at her. "But if ol' Rustle and Hustle are giving you trouble, ya'll come back and holler, got it?"
  46. [21:13] <~Radio_GM> The guard watching Dumisani blinks, though she won't loosen her grip from her rifle. "Wh-what are you?!" She doesn't seem to be bothering with being polite.
  47. [21:14] <~Radio_GM> The guards blink at Brookwind, their movements perfectly synchronized, speaking again in unison. "Where in the mountains?" they say.
  48. [21:14] <~Radio_GM> They do not, for the time being, respond to Danger_Zone.
  49. [21:15] * Radiant_Fury looks back at her weapons holstered on her flanks and sighs. "Is that absolutely necessary?"
  50. [21:16] * Chasseuse chuckles, waving her departure to the guard. "I will be sure to, zank you." Chasseuse, happy with the pleasantness of the fort so far, continues to find where she should check in.
  51. [21:16] * Dumisani frowns. "Rhino." She says gruffly, before muttering a little under her breath. "Hivyo maana ..."
  52. [21:17] <~Radio_GM> The guard to whom Radiant_Fury is talking just nods, not seeming to really take in what she's saying. "Uh huh. Now go away."
  53. [21:17] <Brookwind> "If you go back up the path there's an abandoned town called Greenwood. It was there."
  54. [21:17] * Radiant_Fury starts trotting anyway. "Maybe I should break your leg and make you walk around on it." She says to nopony as she leaves.
  55. [21:17] <~Radio_GM> Chasseuse finds her way to the main gate with little difficulty. She meets with Brookwind and Danger_Zone as Brookwind speaks to the guards.
  56. [21:18] <~Radio_GM> The guards blink. "At Greenwood?" They speak again in unison. They seem genuinely astonished.
  57. [21:19] <~Radio_GM> The guard watching Dumisani blinks. "A r-rhino? In Equestria?" Her curiosity gets the better of her, as she lowers her rifle a tad. "How'd a rhino get in Equestria?"
  58. [21:19] * Brookwind nods, pulling out her notepad, showing the guards the symbol on the armor the ponies had been wearing. "What can you tell me about this?"
  59. [21:19] * Danger_Zone taps a hoof impatiently. "As fascinating as this is... Open up?"
  60. [21:20] <Dumisani> "Doesn't matter." The rhino says, snorting again. "Was hard. Leave it at that."
  61. [21:20] * Chasseuse watches the two other mares as she approaches and waits her turn to enter, idly listening to the conversation.
  62. [21:22] * Radiant_Fury limps in the general direction of the place the mare pointed to, still thinking of how to get that mare back.
  63. [21:23] <~Radio_GM> The guards gape at Brookwind briefly. The one to the left speaks. “That’s the sign…”
  64. [21:23] <~Radio_GM> The one to the right finishes for her. “…of the Gang of Iron.”
  65. [21:23] <~Radio_GM> They continue to speak in this fashion, alternating their speech as they finish the others’ thoughts.
  66. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> ”How did you…”
  67. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> ”…manage to get out…”
  68. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> ”…of Greenwood…”
  69. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> ”…alive?”
  70. [21:24] * Brookwind frowns. "They were all dead."
  71. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> They completely ignore Danger_Zone for now. They don’t seem to notice Chasseuse quite yet, their attention rooted to Brookwind’s drawing.
  72. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> The guard stutters at Dumisani. “Wh-what do you want?”
  73. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> At this point, Radiant_Fury becomes visible to the others as well. Once again, the guards seem to take no notice.
  74. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> Once again, they speak. "But how..."
  75. [21:25] <~Radio_GM> "...could they..."
  76. [21:25] <Dumisani> "I want inside. Want shelter, place to sleep."
  77. [21:25] <~Radio_GM> " dead..."
  78. [21:25] <~Radio_GM> "...within one..."
  79. [21:25] <~Radio_GM> "...of their..."
  80. [21:25] * Radiant_Fury speaks up. "Excuse me! Medical attention needed. Internal bleeding likely."
  81. [21:25] <~Radio_GM> "...own strongholds?"
  82. [21:26] <~Radio_GM> Their synchronization seems to break briefly, as the one to the right blinks at Radiant_Fury. "What happened?" she asks, not unkindly.
  83. [21:26] * Danger_Zone 's eye twitches. "Stop that! It's /really/ creepy. Now. Open. Up!"
  84. [21:26] <Brookwind> "A lone pegasus sniper I suspect is the culprit for that... and I killed one or two myself." The grizzled detective smirks, snapping her notebook closed. "Case closed then I suppose."
  85. [21:26] <~Radio_GM> The other blinks and rubs her head. "Golly. It's so weird when that happens."
  86. [21:26] * Radiant_Fury points to Danger_Zone. "What she said... I need a doctor. What happened is of no importance."
  87. [21:27] <~Radio_GM> The guard watching Dumisani relaxes somewhat. "A-and that's it? That's all you want?"
  88. [21:27] * Dumisani nods. "That's all. Time to rest and heal, find some ponies."
  89. [21:28] <~Radio_GM> The guard nods. "O-Okay..." She shakily points her hoof towards the entrance. "The main gate's over there..." She gulps. If ponies could look pale, she'd certainly fit the bill.
  90. [21:29] * Chasseuse sits on her haunches as she waits.
  91. [21:30] <~Radio_GM> At the main gate, the twins wince slightly. "Whoa..." The first one blinks. "Sorry about that. It happens to us sometimes." The other nods. "Yeah, as if we had any other reason to remember that we're twins. But anyway! You're hurt? Come in, come in, we won't keep you." At that, she calls behind herself to open the gate. "Just don't make any trouble, any of you."
  92. [21:31] <~Radio_GM> One of the guards stops Brookwind as she makes her way in. "But you hold on a second."
  93. [21:31] * Radiant_Fury didn't plan on it... Except to that other guard. She would pay. "Can you point me... in the right direction?" She looks like she's trying to put weight on it, and not succeeding.
  94. [21:31] * Brookwind pauses, looking curiously at the guard. "Yes?"
  95. [21:34] * Chasseuse quirks her head, noting the unicorn mare's discomfort as she begins to move. She nudges Radiant_Fury's side. "I 'ave a spell zat can help you, if you would allow... zough it only lasts a few minutes, it would be enough time to get to ze doctor of ze town."
  96. [21:36] * Radiant_Fury jumps a little at the nudge. She doesn't look very comfortable being touched. "No thank you... No thank you. Please do not touch me. With your face."
  97. [21:38] * Chasseuse blinks. "My apologies..." She steps back. "Again, I can relieve ze pain in your leg, if you would like."
  98. [21:38] * Danger_Zone trots right in immediately when given the okay. She's an impatient pony, and is eager to settle in and relax tonight. She doesn't pay any of the other ponies more than a glance for now.
  99. [21:42] * Radiant_Fury looks Chasseuse up and down for a moment. "If you're willing to waste your time on a complete stranger, I'll do nothing to stop you." She's already heading through the gate.
  100. [21:44] * Chasseuse nods, and before Radiant_Fury can move too far away, her horn glows green. With a flash, and the same green glow encompassing Radiant's leg, she feels instantly relieved, numbed to the pain.
  101. [21:45] * Radiant_Fury returns to walking normally. She doesn't show it, but she's smiling.
  102. [21:45] * Chasseuse smiles and she catches up to the other mare's side. "Be careful, please. It is only numbed, not 'ealed."
  103. [21:46] <Radiant_Fury> "I'll be sure to do that. I appreciate it."
  104. [21:48] * Chasseuse nods. "It is no problem. Do you mind if I walk wiz you to ze town doctor? Just to make sure ze pain does not return. I can cast ze spell again, after all."
  105. [21:49] * Radiant_Fury pauses a little to roll her shoulder. "Not at all." She looks around, particularly for that guard from earlier.
  106. [21:51] * Chasseuse looks around as they walk, taking a moment to introduce herself, "Je m'appelle--" She blinks. "Ah... My name is Chasseuse, by ze way. And you?"
  107. [21:52] * Radiant_Fury closes her eyes. "Fury. Your name sounds... foreign. Prance?"
  108. [21:53] * Chasseuse smiles and nods her head. "Indeed! I come from Prance recently, actually. Fury... Are a native to zis land?"
  109. [21:55] * Radiant_Fury points in the general direction she had come from. "No... I'm from Cape Canary. Far from here..."
  110. [21:57] * Chasseuse purses her lips. "Cape... Canary." She frowns. "I 'ave not 'eard of zat place." She shrugs, continuing.
  111. [21:57] <~Radio_GM> The guards blink, as they both stiffen. They lock eyes on Brookwind once again as they speak in alternating patterns once again
  112. [21:57] <~Radio_GM> ”Please…”
  113. [21:57] <~Radio_GM> ”For your own sake…”
  114. [21:57] * Radiant_Fury gets a small smile on her face. "It was... quiet. By the sea. Kind of miss it."
  115. [21:57] <~Radio_GM> ”If you plan to pursue the matter further..."
  116. [21:58] <~Radio_GM> ”Do not…”
  117. [21:58] <~Radio_GM> ”…go forward alone.”
  118. [21:58] <~Radio_GM> They blink as they suddenly wince, their synchronization broken. “Urgh…that hurts so fuckin’ much. Why does that always happen?”
  119. [21:58] <~Radio_GM> The other guard just shrugs, turning to Brookwind. “Anyway, just go on ahead. Just don’t stir up trouble, OK? OK, good.” Without waiting for an answer, she steps aside to let Brookwind in.
  120. [21:58] <~Radio_GM> As the group enters the fort proper, they find themselves standing at the edge of a massive courtyard, the ground dusty. Directly in front of them is a small wooden structure with a largish bronze bell attached to the top, a string hanging for the bell to be rung. Within the courtyard, and lining all sides of the fort’s walls, are a number of structures of adobe and wood, where ponies can be seen conducting their business.
  121. [21:58] <~Radio_GM> In the center lies another series of wooden buildings, which appear to house lodging for the ponies within. Though evening is fast approaching, the area gives off an atmosphere of busy movement.
  122. [21:59] * Chasseuse smiles as well. "I am sure... I can understand missing your 'ome. Ze fond memories zough... always comforting."
  123. [21:59] <~Radio_GM> Dumisani now approaches the gate. At that, the two twins guarding the gate stand firm and repeat their performance. "Halt! State your name and business!"
  124. [21:59] <~Radio_GM> They don't seem to be perturbed by the fact that she is a rhino.
  125. [21:59] * Radiant_Fury thinks that ponies conducting their business is all fun and good, so long as one of them was a doctor. "Some. Yes."
  126. [22:00] * Dumisani rolls her eyes again. "Dumisani. Traveler."
  127. [22:00] * Brookwind nods to the guards, before trotting into the fort, looking around. "Hmmm..." She looks around for a bar.
  128. [22:00] * Danger_Zone heads off to secure a place to sleep before anything else.
  129. [22:01] <~Radio_GM> A passing pony gasps as she sees Radiant_Fury entering. She is a pretty thing, wearing a bonnet and a simple cotton dress. "Oh! Your leg! Goddesses, what happened to you?"
  130. [22:01] <~Radio_GM> The guards look to Dumisani. "How long do you plan to stay?"
  131. [22:01] <Dumisani> "Until I need to go."
  132. [22:02] * Radiant_Fury is not sure why ponies are suddenly so interested in -how- her leg was broken. She looks the mare over. "It's a pain relief spell." she says rather plainly.
  133. [22:03] <~Radio_GM> The guards wince once again, as the one to the left questions Dumisani. "Say, you're a rhino, aren't ya?"
  134. [22:04] * Dumisani nods. "Have traveled far too be here, too."
  135. [22:04] <~Radio_GM> The mare remarking about Radiant_Fury's leg blinks. "B-but your leg!" She clasps a hoof to her muzzle. "You need a doctor quick, don't you? Just you wait here, I'll find somepony!" She dashes off at once.
  136. [22:05] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Well, zat seems to be quick service..." She sighs contentedly. "Ze ponies I 'ave met so far here, so pleasant..."
  137. [22:05] <~Radio_GM> The guard to the right hms. "Yeah, I can see that." Just as she finishes speaking, they both straighten once more, speaking to Dumisani.
  138. [22:05] <~Radio_GM> "Go on..."
  139. [22:05] <~Radio_GM> "You may pass..."
  140. [22:05] <~Radio_GM> "Just don't..."
  141. [22:05] <~Radio_GM> "...cause trouble."
  142. [22:06] * Radiant_Fury considers telling this mare that she was already on the way to a doctor, but decides it's best to let her do whatever. She points Chasseuse in the direction of the gate where she first encountered a guard. "You should have met that one."
  143. [22:06] <~Radio_GM> Moving as one, they stand aside to let Dumisani enter the courtyard.
  144. [22:06] * Chasseuse quirks her head. "Ze guard I met greeted me only wiz a smile... ze ozer was not kind in turn?"
  145. [22:07] * Radiant_Fury nods slowly. "She was not very courteous. I plan to set her mane on fire. Maybe... just her tail..." She hmms. What -was- the best way to exact her vengeance? "Perhaps just the chips she was eating."
  146. [22:07] * Dumisani snorts. "Mimi si kusababisha matatizo Ni anapenda kupata yangu." She nods and steps inside
  147. [22:07] <~Radio_GM> Brookwind finds no bar! Not yet, anyway. It seems that liquor is going to have to wait.
  148. [22:08] <~Radio_GM> Dumisani steps into full view of the other ponies as well, her form large and impressive. The ponies in the courtyard spare her a glance, but otherwise don't react much. Clearly, they have seen stranger things.
  149. [22:09] * Chasseuse blinks. "Zis..." She chuckles slightly. "A joke, yes?"
  150. [22:10] * Radiant_Fury chuckles too. "Yes. A joke."
  151. [22:10] * Brookwind glances over at Dumisani, raising an eyebrow.
  152. [22:10] <~Radio_GM> The mare with the bonnet soon returns with a stallion wearing glasses and a white doctor's coat. He approaches, his mane black and his coat grey. "Now, what's the problem here?" He looks to Radiant_Fury's leg and inhales sharply. "Thaaaaaaat doesn't look too good. Here-" He looks to the mare with the bonnet. "Help her into the clinic." He turns tail and dashes off towards one of the adobe...
  153. [22:10] <~Radio_GM> ...structures along the walls.
  154. [22:11] <~Radio_GM> Like the others, he doesn't say anything about the strange appearance of Dumisani.
  155. [22:11] * Chasseuse nods her head to Radiant_Fury. "It was nice meeting you, but I zink I shall go for now."
  156. [22:12] * Dumisani lets herself visibly relax, the tension in her massive body suddenly flooding away.
  157. [22:12] * Radiant_Fury rolls her eyes. It looks fine, and the pain relief spell is doing it's job. "It was pleasant, yes. Perhaps we'll cross paths again." She turns to the bonnet-mare.
  158. [22:15] <~Radio_GM> As Danger_Zone looks about, she can see that the wooden structure in the center are indeed designated as lodging. A sign on the doorway names the structures as "Wooden Wing". As far as she can tell, ponies are coming in and paying at a front desk inside the structure.
  159. [22:15] <~Radio_GM> Bonnet-mare gently helps Radiant_Fury along in the direction of the clinic. "There now, we'll get you fixed up. What's your name?"
  160. [22:16] * Danger_Zone trots right inside, and up to the front desk. She's blunt, and straight to the point. "How much is a place for the night?"
  161. [22:17] * Radiant_Fury gets a better look around the town as she limps towards the clinic. "Fury. Why do you need to know, exactly?"
  162. [22:19] <~Radio_GM> Bonnet-mare blinks. "Oh...I'm just trying to be friendly is all." She smiles awkwardly as she helps Radiant_Fury into a small little clinic where the doctor stallion stands at the doorway. He nods. "Alrighty, let's get you fixed up. Come on in."
  163. [22:19] * Dumisani looks over at Brookwind with a rather flat look.
  164. [22:20] * Radiant_Fury misses any potential awkwardness in her smile. "Please do not ask how it happened." She says bluntly.
  165. [22:20] <~Radio_GM> At the front desk is a mare wearing glasses. She glances upwards from the book she's reading at Danger_Zone. "You're all business, aren't you? 80 caps a night. And if you can't afford it you better book it."
  166. [22:21] * Chasseuse trots off, thinking for her next course of action. A place to stay? She checks her saddlebag. No caps. Chasseuse huffs, looking around the town square for a job board, if there is one... after that, perhaps she'll just find a place to put her bedroll.
  167. [22:21] <~Radio_GM> Bonnet-mare and the doctor stallion nod. "Fair enough," the stallion says, as he gestures to a wooden table, gesturing for bonnet-mare to carefully set Radiant_Fury atop it.
  168. [22:22] * Radiant_Fury still has three working limbs. She's able to do most of the lifting herself.
  169. [22:22] * Brookwind notes Chasseuse as she trots out of the clinic. She trots over to her with a slight limp. "Excuse me miss."
  170. [22:23] * Chasseuse smiles to Brookwind, stopping for the moment. "Yes?"
  171. [22:24] * Dumisani rolls her eyes and walks off, looking for a place to eat.
  172. [22:24] <Brookwind> "You wouldn't happen to know where there's a job board would you?" She asks.
  173. [22:25] <~Radio_GM> The doctor pulls a few instruments from his bag, as his horn glows. Unaware that Radiant_Fury has done so, he casts a brief pain-relief spell on her leg as he begins to treat her leg. Within minutes, he stands back and nods. "And you're all set. try not to put too much stress on that leg for a couple days, alright?"
  174. [22:27] * Danger_Zone eyes the mare at the desk. "What are you charging so much for? Ugh." She thinks for a few moments, before leaving to look for something to make herself some caps. And possibly a cheaper place to sleep.
  175. [22:29] * Radiant_Fury gives him a dubious look. "What exactly is 'too much'?"
  176. [22:29] <~Radio_GM> Dumisani is able to trace a rather appetizing smell coming from a large structure in the corner. From the windows outside, she can see fires burning in a hearth as ponies bustle about.
  177. [22:30] <~Radio_GM> Danger_Zone finds herself back in the courtyard where the others are speaking.
  178. [22:30] * Chasseuse chuckles and shakes her head. "I do not... zough zat is what I am looking for as well, if you would like to search wiz me."
  179. [22:30] * Dumisani smiles and follows her nose to the door, nosing it open.
  180. [22:31] <~Radio_GM> The stallion regards Radiant_Fury's query with absolute seriousness, not seeming to care about her attitude. "Don't run or skip for a few days, or lean on that leg. Else you'll risk breaking it again while that potion works its stuff."
  181. [22:32] * Brookwind nods, chuckling lightly. "I think I will, seeing as I'm flat broke and could use a drink right about now." She replies to Chasseuse. "I'm Detective Brookwind by the way."
  182. [22:32] * Radiant_Fury climbs off of the cot. "I suppose I'll be needing to pay you."
  183. [22:33] * Chasseuse smiles, holding out her hoof. "Chasseuse. Is nice to meet you."
  184. [22:33] <~Radio_GM> The stallion shakes his head. "Naw. You're good. We look out for one another here."
  185. [22:34] * Radiant_Fury shrugs her shoulders and trots out the door. "Is lodging free as well?" She asks, stopped at the threshold.
  186. [22:34] * Brookwind shakes Chasseuse's hoof with a smile back. "A pleasure."
  187. [22:35] * Danger_Zone mutters something about being able to buy the whole damn fort for the price being charged for a room, as she leaves. She looks around a bit, spotting Chasseuse and Brookwind. Recognizing Brookwind, she trots over. "I don't suppose either of you knows where I can get myself some caps? You wouldn't believe what they charge for rooms here..."
  188. [22:35] <~Radio_GM> As Dumisani opens the door, she is treated to the sight of a number of tables. She can see a large bucket of potatoes in the corner, which a pair of mares peel as they sit on stools. From around the corner, she can see another mare trotting out, a large pot trailing behind her in a telekinetic field.
  189. [22:36] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Quite a coincidence." She lowers her hoof. "We were just about to look for a job board. Would you like to join us?"
  190. [22:36] <~Radio_GM> At that, the stallion shakes his head. "Lodging, unfortunately, is not. That's where Trotters Fort makes most of its income, so rooms here are a bit on the expensive side."
  191. [22:37] * Dumisani sniffs again and walks inside. "Hello? There's food here?"
  192. [22:37] * Danger_Zone grins. "Yeah, nice coincidence. They've got to have something like that, right? Sure, I'll look.
  193. [22:37] * Radiant_Fury gives an amused chuckle. "'Course. Thank you for your time, sir." She trots out into the Fort proper and stretches out before considering her options... Finding some money would probably be a good idea...
  194. [22:38] * Chasseuse nods, trotting off. "Zen let's try to find ze board..."
  195. [22:39] <~Radio_GM> The mares look up. They both blink in surprise at the sight of a rhino finding her way inside. "Erm..." One goes pale, but the other manages to regain her composure and smile a little. "Why, uh...yes, you can."
  196. [22:40] * Brookwind nods in agreement and trots after Chasseuse!
  197. [22:40] * Dumisani smiles. "Thank you, IRS been a long walk."
  198. [22:40] <Dumisani> *it's
  199. [22:41] <~Radio_GM> The mare steps forward, as she leaves her companion with the potatoes. Her companion just stares at Dumisani, the potato she'd been peeling falling out of her telekinetic grasp.
  200. [22:41] <~Radio_GM> She smiles at Dumisani, though it's obvious that it's a bit forced. "What would you like?"
  201. [22:42] * Dumisani sits down, trying to keep herself from looking too intimidating. "What can I get for... 30 caps?"
  202. [22:42] <~Radio_GM> Chasseuse and Brookwind find a board without much trouble, tacked to the wall of the Wooden Wing.
  203. [22:43] * Radiant_Fury pauses... She has -no- idea where to start. Maybe those other ponies that showed up would know where to find it. Well... the Prench one wouldn't. It was still worth investigating. She scans the area...
  204. [22:44] * Brookwind grins, looking over the job board!
  205. [22:45] <~Radio_GM> Radiant_Fury finds nothing.
  206. [22:47] <~Radio_GM> Just kidding. She can see the group from before, clear as day, and the board that they are investigating.
  207. [22:48] * Radiant_Fury smiles. That's got to be the bounty board, then. She makes haste!
  208. [22:49] * Danger_Zone looks over the board with Chasseuse and Brookwind. She's up for something exciting! With a big reward!
  209. [22:49] <~Radio_GM> The mare taps her chin in thought at Dumisani's query. "Well, let me think...there's potatoes aplenty for 10 caps apiece. There's some radhog bacon about for the same price, and I think a few of those old canned vegetables."
  210. [22:50] <Dumisani> "I'll take two potatoes and the bacon."
  211. [22:54] <~Radio_GM> The bulletin board has no shortage of listed jobs. It is covered in various notices, ranging from odd jobs to missing ponies.
  212. [22:55] <~Radio_GM> The mare nods. "Done. 30 caps should do it." She turns and heads towards the open door in the back, and promptly returns with the food.
  213. [22:56] * Danger_Zone is looking for the most exciting job, with the biggest reward!
  214. [22:57] * Brookwind scans over each job carefully, looking for the one that offered the most caps.
  215. [22:57] * Dumisani smiles and fishes out the caps, hoofing them to the mare and taking the food
  216. [22:57] * Radiant_Fury peers at the board silently, from behind the assembled ponies.
  217. [22:57] * Chasseuse looks for something simple... something that can be done quickly, and that might pay enough to stay in town.
  218. [23:00] <~Radio_GM> The highest paying job is a job for 300 caps. It is posted over a job concerning a missing pony named Lucky Lantern, inquiries to be made to Dusty Trotters.
  219. [23:00] <~Radio_GM> The odd jobs section lists a number of simple jobs, rewards ranging from 100 to 150 caps.
  220. [23:01] <~Radio_GM> The mare smiles at Dumisani, seeming to relax in her company as she hands the hoof over and places the caps in a clay pot in the corner. "I take it you're here looking for work, then?"
  221. [23:01] * Radiant_Fury 's horn glows, surrounding the job that pays 300 in her light blue magical field and pulls it off the board to get a better look.
  222. [23:02] * Dumisani nods. "I am." She tosses the potato into her maw and doesn't seem to chew before swallowing
  223. [23:04] <~Radio_GM> The job mentions a guardsmare named Lucky Lantern who went missing about two weeks prior. Her sister is willing to augment Dusty Trotters' original payment of 300 for her safe return is she is still alive. No other specifics are mentioned.
  224. [23:04] <~Radio_GM> The mare nods and gestures with her hoof. "The bulletin board for jobs lies out there, if you'd care to look."
  225. [23:06] * Dumisani smiles. "Thank you." She pulls out another five caps and hoofs them over. "For you."
  226. [23:06] * Radiant_Fury turns away and begins trotting to the front gate to... erg... talk to the twin guardponies.
  227. [23:07] <~Radio_GM> The mare blinks. "Oh..." She blushes. "Are you alright with this? It's quite generous of you to offer."
  228. [23:07] * Chasseuse takes a close look at the simpler jobs... looking for one suitable to her skills.
  229. [23:07] * Brookwind looks after Radiant_Fury, frowning slightly. She had had her eye on that job too. "Oi, wait up a sec."
  230. [23:08] <~Radio_GM> Danger_Zone's attention may be drawn to one notice that mentions the word "minefield".
  231. [23:08] * Radiant_Fury turns her head slightly. "Yes?"
  232. [23:08] * Danger_Zone examines that one closer! It sounds /right/ up her alley.
  233. [23:09] <~Radio_GM> Among the odd jobs is listed a job to track down a lost dog.
  234. [23:09] * Dumisani nods, smiling. "I am. Take it." She chuckles softly and turns to head towards the bulletin board.
  235. [23:09] <Brookwind> "That job is right up my alley, mind if I tag along?"
  236. [23:10] <~Radio_GM> The mare is left, blinking, with five caps in her hoof. She manages to call out "Thank you!" to Dumisani's retreating figure.
  237. [23:11] * Radiant_Fury looks around curiously, then looks over this pony curiously. "It sounds like you're asking me for money."
  238. [23:12] * Dumisani chuckles softly and walks up behind the group, looking at the board over their heads.
  239. [23:12] * Brookwind rolls her eyes. "No, I'm asking if I can help find a missing pony, because they're missing. I would have taken the job even if no reward had been offered."
  240. [23:13] <~Radio_GM> The job Danger_Zone is investigating asks for a pony's expertise in defusing mines near a settlement called Spurvine, roughly half a day's trot from Trotters Fort. It pays 160 caps.
  241. [23:14] * Danger_Zone frowns a bit. She wants the caps now! She holds onto the notice, but keeps looking for something maybe a bit closer and quicker.
  242. [23:14] * Chasseuse smiles. A lost dog? Hm... She pulls the slip towards her, holding it in her telekinesis, and checks the reward and details.
  243. [23:14] <~Radio_GM> The only other jobs are the ones that Chasseuse is investigating.
  244. [23:15] * Radiant_Fury notes the eye roll. "Excuse me. I was out of line. My ability to telepathically detect a pony's morality is... rather underdeveloped." She keeps heading towards the front gate.
  245. [23:15] <~Radio_GM> The lost dog asks for a pony to track down a lost basset hound that had wandered off about four days prior. The reward is 120 caps.
  246. [23:16] <~Radio_GM> The two twins are still at the front gate.
  247. [23:16] * Danger_Zone looks at the one Chasseuse is looking at. "...What's that one say?"
  248. [23:16] <Chasseuse> "It is to find a lost dog, 120 caps too!"
  249. [23:16] * Brookwind snorts, turning and heading back to the job board, scanning over each of the jobs again.
  250. [23:17] * Radiant_Fury floats one of the guards her slip. "Excuse me. What can you tell me about this missing guard?"
  251. [23:17] * Dumisani clears her throat a little. "If you're all looking for jobs, why not work together."
  252. [23:18] * Danger_Zone is surprised. "120 caps? For finding a dog? What kind of dog is this anyway?"
  253. [23:21] * Chasseuse nods to herself. "A basset hound," she mentions. This... will work. She turns, the flier magically held in front of her face as she searches for a name of who might have further details. With her vision obscured, Chasseuse doesn't take note of Dumisani's large form until she bumps into her!
  254. [23:21] * Chasseuse reels back, not moving the rhino. "Oof..." She falls back onto her haunches, rubbing her head as the paper falls to the ground. "My apologies." She looks up, eyes widening at the sight of the large rhino. She blinks, quirking her head. "I am sorry if zis comes off as rude, but... what are you?" She stands and dusts herself off. "I 'ave not seen your kind before."
  255. [23:22] * Dumisani chuckles and smiles down at Chasseuse. "Rhino. And sorry, forget how big I am sometimes."
  256. [23:23] * Brookwind looks over at Dumisani. "Because then we'd have to split the caps, and these jobs aren't offering enough for us to do that."
  257. [23:24] <Dumisani> "How much do you need?"
  258. [23:24] <Brookwind> "Enough to get one of the stupidly expensive rooms for a night."
  259. [23:25] <Dumisani> "... Which is?"
  260. [23:25] * Chasseuse smiles in turn. Her horn glows green and the same light soon sheds over her coat, cleaning off all of the dust accumulated from her fall. "Work togezer?" She nods to the Rhino. "If you would like, I would not mind assistance in finding zis dog. Only 60 caps split, but I zink zat is enough."
  261. [23:26] * Danger_Zone was a little distracted as well, but now she sees the big... thing. Rhino apparently? "Too expensive. They wanted me to pay 80 caps for one night!"
  262. [23:26] <Dumisani> "Hmm..." She thinks a moment. "How many are you?"
  263. [23:27] <Brookwind> "Yeah, normally I'm fine with splitting, but even that 300 cap job would only give us 60 per if we all went on it."
  264. [23:28] * Dumisani snorts. "I can sleep outside. And if it's only you three, we only need one room."
  265. [23:31] * Chasseuse shrugs. "Zere are plenty of jobs... it is not like we all -need- to take ze same. But if somepony... or rhino... wanted to assist finding a dog, I would not disagree to company."
  266. [23:31] * Chasseuse shrugs, picking the flier back up, searching for any note of where to start, or who to talk to about the dog.
  267. [23:32] <Brookwind> "I'll go I suppose."
  268. [23:32] <Dumisani> "I can help."
  269. [23:34] <~Radio_GM> "The missing guard?"
  270. [23:34] * Danger_Zone taps a hoof. "It's probably the quickest job... The one I'd rather do will take until at least tomorrow to finish! So I guess I'll tag along."
  271. [23:34] <~Radio_GM> "By that..."
  272. [23:35] <~Radio_GM> "Do you mean..."
  273. [23:35] <~Radio_GM> "Fortune Finder's sister?"
  274. [23:35] <~Radio_GM> "The one..."
  275. [23:35] <~Radio_GM> "Who went missing..."
  276. [23:35] <~Radio_GM> "...a couple weeks ago?"
  277. [23:36] * Radiant_Fury looks down at the slip and then shows it to them again. "Yes? Can you please... not talk like that?"
  278. [23:36] <~Radio_GM> "We can't..."
  279. [23:36] <~Radio_GM> " ourselves..."
  280. [23:36] <~Radio_GM> "...when this happens..."
  281. [23:37] <~Radio_GM> "...and it's been like this..."
  282. [23:37] <~Radio_GM> "...since we could talk."
  283. [23:38] * Radiant_Fury waves a hoof dismissively. "Right. Tell me about this guard. What happened? Who else was stationed here that night? Which gate was she guarding?"
  284. [23:39] <~Radio_GM> The notice for the missing hound requests that inquiries be made to a pony named Flaxseed in the Wooden Wing. It mentions that the dog was last seen near the main gate of Trotters Fort.
  285. [23:39] <~Radio_GM> The twins continue, as they speak to Radiant_Fury.
  286. [23:39] <~Radio_GM> "Lucky Lantern..."
  287. [23:39] <~Radio_GM> "...used to guard the east wall..."
  288. [23:40] <~Radio_GM> "...and one day..."
  289. [23:40] <~Radio_GM> "...she disappeared."
  290. [23:40] <~Radio_GM> "Her sister..."
  291. [23:40] * Brookwind nods. "You three can go find the dog, I'm going to go see if that other pony still wants help with the other job." She says, turning around and trotting back to Radiant_Fury.
  292. [23:40] <~Radio_GM> "...was devastated."
  293. [23:40] <~Radio_GM> "Perhaps..."
  294. [23:41] <~Radio_GM> " should ask her."
  295. [23:41] * Dumisani nods at Brookwind. "Okay. We can pool the totals together. Maybe all get rooms."
  296. [23:41] * Radiant_Fury scratches her forleg a little. "You're telling me that the guards in this city aren't the least bit concerned about the finding the other guards?" She pauses. "Nevermind... Where can I find her sister?"
  297. [23:42] * Chasseuse nods, turning to Dumisani and Danger_Zone. She holds the flier up between them, letting them read. "So, I zink talking to zis... Flaxseed would be ze best option. Talking to zem, we might be able to find out where ze dog went."
  298. [23:42] * Chasseuse looks to the pair. "Je m'--" She pauses, pursing her lips. "My name is Chasseuse, by ze way."
  299. [23:43] * Dumisani nods again. "Best somepony else talk though, unless they know Zwahili." She holds out her massive hoof. "Dumisani."
  300. [23:44] <~Radio_GM> "Oh, they are..."
  301. [23:44] <~Radio_GM> "...but they can't leave..."
  302. [23:44] <~Radio_GM> "...else they lose their jobs..."
  303. [23:44] * Chasseuse holds out her small, slim hoof, shaking Dumisani's. She smiles. "It is nice to meet you." She turns to Danger_Zone. "And you?"
  304. [23:44] <~Radio_GM> "...and risk their families going hungry."
  305. [23:45] <~Radio_GM> "As for Fortune Finder..."
  306. [23:45] <~Radio_GM> "...she's currently guarding..."
  307. [23:45] <~Radio_GM> "...the south wall."
  308. [23:46] * Radiant_Fury get a mischievous smirk on her face. "Really. Thank you, both." With a widening grin, she makes tracks for the southern guardpost.
  309. [23:46] * Brookwind trots after Radiant_Fury. "Hey! Hold up a sec."
  310. [23:47] <~Radio_GM> Radiant_Fury can see the steps that ascend to the guards' positions on the south wall.
  311. [23:48] * Radiant_Fury turns to see who's telling her to hold up a sec -this- time. Quickly assessing the situation, she turns away. "Back again, I see."
  312. [23:48] <Brookwind> "Yes and I'm coming with you. I'd rather not see you get killed when you run into whoever is responsible for this."
  313. [23:49] * Radiant_Fury begins to climb the stairs. "What makes you so certain that I would die?"
  314. [23:50] <Brookwind> "I'm not, I'm merely stating the possibility."
  315. [23:51] * Radiant_Fury stops about halfway up the steps. "You are aware that, by coming with me, you are infinitely more likely to actually -see- me die, if I were to do so, yes?"
  316. [23:52] * Brookwind nods. "Yes, though if there's two of us the chance of that occuring is lessened."
  317. [23:52] * Danger_Zone grins. "Call me Danger. Now if you don't mind... let's get this show on the road? Dunno how they do things where you come from Chass... but I'm an impatient mare. And the longer we take, the less time I'll get to relax tonight!"
  318. [23:53] * Radiant_Fury watches her point sail over Brookwind's head. "If you insist on 'coming with me', I suppose the only thing I could do about it is kill you." She says, resuming her trot.
  319. [23:54] <Brookwind> "You could try." She replies to Radiant_Fury. "I'm Detective Brookwind by the way."
  320. [23:54] <Dumisani> "Then lets go. No time to waste
  321. [23:54] <Dumisani> *"
  322. [23:55] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Alright... well, zen let's talk wiz Flaxseed!" She motions towards the Wooden Wing, trotting off in that direction.
  323. [23:56] <~Radio_GM> Radiant_Fury and Brookwind can both see the guard from earlier, her discarded bag of potato crisps lying beside her. She looks out plaintively out into the nighttime landscape, giving a small melancholy sigh every now and then.
  324. [23:56] * Radiant_Fury considers it. "When there are less ponies around." is all she says. She knocks on the wall when she gets close enough to Fortune Finder. "We meet again."
  325. [23:57] * Dumisani plods after Chasseuse in her casual pace, stopping a moment to pull out her helmet and put it on
  326. [23:57] <~Radio_GM> Fortune turns, blinking once at Radiant_Fury. Her eyes are a bit puffy and red, but she assumes a glare at Radiant_Fury as she recognizes who she is. "Oh. It's you. Whaddya want?"
  327. [23:58] <~Radio_GM> Inside the Wooden Wing, the first thing Chasseuse and Dumisani can see is a front desk, at which sits a mare with glasses. She is reading a book.
  328. [23:58] * Brookwind hangs back slightly, pulling out her notebook and pencil.
  329. [23:59] * Chasseuse trots up to the front desk with a smile. She clears her throat. "Excuse me, would you know where Flaxseed is?"
  330. [00:00] * Radiant_Fury floats her the slip she's been carrying. "I'm here to find your sister. Before I ask you any questions, is she the reason you're being so bitter to total strangers?"
  331. [00:00] <Radiant_Fury> questions about that*
  332. [00:02] <~Radio_GM> The mare looks up, as she calls behind her. "Flax! Somepony wants to talk to you!" Presently, in shambles a mare, her mane messy and wild, wearing a leather vest. Her cutie mark is simply a brown teardrop-shaped seed.
  333. [00:02] <~Radio_GM> Fortune blinks once, before growling. "It's none of your business!"
  334. [00:03] * Chasseuse waves to the new mare, presumably Flaxseed. "We saw ze job to find your dog, if you could answer a few questions."
  335. [00:04] * Radiant_Fury remains neutral. "It is precisely my business. It wasn't very nice of you to make me limp all the way to the front gate. If I return your sister, will you stop being so irritable?"
  336. [00:06] <~Radio_GM> The mare smiles. "Oh, you're going to try to find Sorrel? I'll try and help you as much as I can! What can I do for you?"
  337. [00:07] <~Radio_GM> Fortune regards Radiant_Fury for a few long, silent moments, her scowl softening somewhat. Her lip begins to quiver as Fury's words begin to sink in. " try to find her...?"
  338. [00:08] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head. "No. I -will- find her."
  339. [00:08] * Brookwind steps forward, nodding to Fortune lightly. "We'll bring her back."
  340. [00:08] * Dumisani snorts softly. "Maybe help us get rooms? Not a lot of caps..."
  341. [00:08] * Chasseuse nods. "When did you last see Sorrel?"
  342. [00:09] <~Radio_GM> Flaxseed taps her chin. "Let me was about four days ago, I think. He was sniffing around the main gate. I didn't see him after that."
  343. [00:09] * Chasseuse rolls her eyes at Dumisani. "Perhaps when we find ze dog, if she is so obliged. For now, we will focus on finding Sorrel."
  344. [00:10] <Chasseuse> "Has Sorrel disappeared before?"
  345. [00:10] * Dumisani chuckles softly. "Sorry. One track mind."
  346. [00:10] <~Radio_GM> Fortune swallows hard, closing her eyes as they begin to well with tears. Her demeanor changes completely as she faces Brookwind and Radiant_Fury. "I'd look for her myself, but I'd lose my job...our mother's sick, see."
  347. [00:11] * Radiant_Fury doesn't look any changed, but her tone softens a little. "My condolences. But... -we'll- need your help in finding her. The mare's at the front gate told me that you were on guard the night she went missing. Can you tell us what happened exactly?"
  348. [00:12] <~Radio_GM> Flaxseed giggles lightly at Chasseuse and Dumisani's exchange. "Hey, I'll tell you what. Since you're looking for Sorrel, I'll let you guys have your own rooms here for tonight. I run the place, so it's all squared away. How's that sound?"
  349. [00:12] <~Radio_GM> She turns to answer Chasseuse, shaking her head. "Nope. Never."
  350. [00:12] * Brookwind stars writing as Fortune speaks, scribbling away in her notebook.
  351. [00:14] * Chasseuse smiles. "Zank you. It is most generous." She hmms. "Do you have any idea what she might be sniffing around for? Any small or local creatures in ze area...?"
  352. [00:15] <~Radio_GM> Fortune looks off into the distance as she speaks to Radiant_Fury. "It was almost two weeks ago. She'd been acting so weird the entire day. She kept looking behind her like she was expecting somepony to jump her. And then...she just disappeared. Nopony saw what happened." She sighs. "But I found something in her room...the day after."
  353. [00:15] * Danger_Zone smiles and eyes the mare behind the desk. Take that. "That'd be nice. So uh... Where does he like to go? Any places he tends to hang out?"
  354. [00:15] * Radiant_Fury looks curious. Paranoia... "And that was?"
  355. [00:15] <~Radio_GM> Flaxseed hms. "Well, we did take walks along the Equestrian River from time to time...maybe she's out there somewhere?"
  356. [00:16] <~Radio_GM> Fortune turns to Radiant_Fury. "A letter. Addressed to my sister."
  357. [00:16] * Chasseuse nods. "By any chance, is he wearing a dog tag?"
  358. [00:16] * Brookwind nods. "What did it say?"
  359. [00:16] <Radiant_Fury> "Do you think we could have it?'
  360. [00:17] <~Radio_GM> Flaxseed nods. "Mhm. With her name on it."
  361. [00:19] * Chasseuse smiles, turning to Dumisani and Danger_Zone. "Any other questions, do you zink?"
  362. [00:19] * Dumisani shakes her head. "No. Think we can find him."
  363. [00:19] * Danger_Zone can't think of any. She shakes her head.
  364. [00:19] <~Radio_GM> Fortune shrugs. "It's in my room in Wooden Wing." She sighs. "Look. I'm pulling the night shift, so I won't be using my room for tonight." She pulls out a key from a pocket in her armor and tosses it at Radiant_Fury. "The letter's in there. You can sleep in there if you want to for tonight." Her expression stiffens somewhat. "Just don't steal anything. Not that there's anything worth stealing, but if you do I'll whip your ass raw. Got it?"
  365. [00:21] * Radiant_Fury floats the key into a lip in her skin-tight barding. "I wouldn't dream of it. I appreciate it."
  366. [00:21] * Radiant_Fury bows a little, and absconds to the Wooden Wing.
  367. [00:21] <~Radio_GM> Flaxseed nods, giggling. She reaches into a drawer behind her and tosses three keys to the ponies (and rhino) she's addressing. "Give the keys back in the morning, OK?"
  368. [00:22] <~Radio_GM> Fortune waves a Radiant_Fury's retreating form, before assuming her post again with a sigh.
  369. [00:22] <~Radio_GM> *at
  370. [00:22] * Chasseuse nods. "Of course. Zank you again." She smiles, giving a small bow. "We will make sure to find Sorrel."
  371. [00:22] * Brookwind trots after Radiant_Fury, scanning her notes as she went. "Well, it's apparent that somepony wanted her gone, but the questions now are who, why, and where did they take her?"
  372. [00:23] * Radiant_Fury brushes off her questions. "I'm confident that this letter will tell us what we need to know."
  373. [00:24] * Dumisani smiles at Flaxseed. "Thank you."
  374. [00:24] * Chasseuse takes her key, looking to her newly-found companions, at least, companions for this one job. "Good night to each of you. I will see you both in ze morning, zen we shall look?"
  375. [00:25] * Brookwind mmms. "Perhaps... I'll see what I can deduce from it."
  376. [00:26] * Danger_Zone takes her key. "If your dog is anywhere, we'll find him." She turns to Chasseuse, and nods. "Morning. That dog doesn't stand a chance of hiding!"
  377. [00:26] * Dumisani nods at Chasseuse. "Meet at the board?"
  378. [00:26] <~Radio_GM> Flaxseed calls after them. "Thank you!"
  379. [00:26] * Radiant_Fury magics the door to the inn open and flashes her key to the mare at the front desk. "Ms. Fortune offered to lend us her room for the night, if that is all right."
  380. [00:27] <~Radio_GM> The mare looks up and nods dismissively. "It's that way."
  381. [00:28] * Radiant_Fury doesn't mind her dismissiveness. "Thank you." Carefully unlocking the door, she nudges it open and peers inside.
  382. [00:28] * Brookwind follows after Radiant_Fury.
  383. [00:29] <~Radio_GM> Radiant_Fury finds a small, neat, plain room with a bed at one end and a largish sofa on the other. A trunk is stashed beneath the bed, a table and lamp in the corner. Atop this table is a large brown envelope.
  384. [00:30] * Chasseuse smiles and turns, moving to the mare at the front desk. She shows her key. "Could you direct me to where my room would be?"
  385. [00:30] <Brookwind> "My suspicion is that it's a ransom note..." She says, stepping into the room.
  386. [00:31] <~Radio_GM> The mare peers at they key and points in the direction, not looking up from her book.
  387. [00:31] * Chasseuse trots off to her room, looking within after opening the door.
  388. [00:31] * Radiant_Fury floats the letter in front of her and removes it carefully, as to not disturb the packaging.
  389. [00:32] * Danger_Zone trots off to her own room as well. Free room, find dog tomorrow. Easy. Maybe not exciting... but she can solve that problem when the time comes.
  390. [00:32] * Brookwind gets out her notebook again to write down what the letter says.
  391. [00:39] <~Radio_GM> As the party retires for the night, Brookwind and Radiant_Fury open the letter, and find the enigmatic message hidden within.
  392. [00:39] <~Radio_GM> ”The nice game chess is going up. Where you lie, must there fly apples for all your wondrous life? Here, we say, are puppies watching intently.”
  393. [00:39] <~Radio_GM> ---End Session 1---
  394. [00:49] <~Radio_GM> ---All party members gain 200 EXP!---
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