
Recordings of Kaizur

Oct 3rd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. ****The Screen glows bright, displaying a multitude of self-recorded videos in chronological order ****
  3. {Year 119, Day 1-Arrival}: The first day upon arrival and so far no signs of life. Only stagnant dust storms and the blazing heat. First things first are to find a place to escape these dust storms and to set up a settlement for future exploration of the planet as per the mission given to me by the leader of us Tuffles. <5:29PM>~ Kaizur
  5. {Year 119, Day 31}: Communications with the Tuffle fleet has gone down due to the dust storms. As it became night, I was shocked to see strange lights coming from the northern mountains. Following these mysterious lights led me to a cave in which I have been taking shelter for the past few days. <10:03AM>~ Kaizur
  7. {Year 119, Day 365}: The end of today will mark a year that I have been here. So far the only threats that I have come across other than the dust storms and the heat are the haunting silence that seems to be stagnant across the planet. Food and water running medium, in these passing months, I have begun to evacuate the caves in hopes of finding a suitable place to build a shelter for my empire. I have also been investigating the strange lights that led me to this cave yet I've had no luck. <8:49PM>~ Kaizur
  10. {Year 120, Day 154}: Many months have passed in the wake of this new year, the communications with the fleet are still down. I wonder why the fleet has not come back to check on me yet, I suspect that the dust storms and even that strange light may have lagged my communications signal which would make it appear that it is functioning and that everything is fine from their end. Food and Water supply are almost low. <2:10PM> ~Kaizur
  12. {Year 122, Day 60}: 2 years have passed and I have finally made progression in the evacuations of the cave systems. As I was evacuating, I hit a soft spot and caused the walls and floor to collapse around me. Upon waking up, I was greeted with a skeleton clad in a tethered black suit. Despite his face being blanketed with rags, I still had the feeling that something in the room was watching me. I had no choice but to inspect the corpse since I was trapped. Upon getting close to the corpse, something shocking happened. The strange lights that had led me to the cave, were the same lights that were beginning to arise from the ribcage of the skeleton. <11:56PM> ~Kaizur
  14. {Year 122, Day 61}: I inch closer to the glowing blue specs of light that now light up the room despite everything in my being telling me to get out of there. After sensing the warm connection with the specs of light that normally would only be felt between tuffles and machines, my curiosity got the best of me. The specs of light descend upon me, dancing on top of the hairs of my skin and although almost invisible to the naked eye, upon closure inspection, the specks of light were really tiny golden 'Beatles with glowing blue interiors that displayed the transfer of mysterious electrifying energy. Just when I thought my worry was for nothing, a fierce pain assaulted me as I looked down to see those very same 'Beatles burrowing their way into the veins beneath my skin!! I fall to my knees screaming in pain as my vision goes black. <4:26AM> ~Kaizur
  16. {Year 122, Day 62}: Waking up, I found myself back in my cave shelter safe and sound. Other than a terrible headache, I cannot find any wounds on my body, was the previous night just a dream? I had to make sure, so I ventured to the very same spot that the walls and floor caved in on me at yet what found just reinforced the idea that it was all a dream. There was nothing, not even a sign that any of the cave's interiors were altered. I must be tired from all this evacuating I assume, thus making the trip back to the shelter to get some sleep. <7:30PM> ~Kaizur
  18. {Year 122, Day 63}: Tossing and turning in my sleep, I am haunted by images of a man clad in a black suit. He mockingly laughs as he is walking towards me. I know what he has done and now he wants to silence me. I have felt the pain of his victims as he mutilated them and replaced their parts. This planet, it holds a great evil. It is a tomb and a prison, stripping away any mechanical resources this man might use to harm anyone again. Who is he? What is his name? Shaken awake, I am shocked to find that my hands are bloodied and that there are marks on the walls of my shelter as if I was desperately trying to get out. Just what was I was trying to escape from? I am the only one here. With that being noted, I head back to sleep trying to forget the nightmare <1:05AM> ~Kaizur
  19. ****The Sound of snoring is heard yet it slowly dims as the subtle sound of a Steam Engine is heard and a burst of manacing laughter is heard from the blackened screen****
  21. {Year 122, Day 63}: *Chi-ca chi-ca chi-ca* HahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! <1:06> ~Unknown Username Detected!>
  23. {Year 123, Day 246}: Traveling across the desert landscape, I try to forget the weird events that transpired in that cave almost a year ago. Communications with the fleet are still off and my food & water supply are nearly gone. Despite this, I am in a good mood! For some odd reason, I haven't had the stomach to eat anything in the last couple of days as anything I have eaten I have immediately thrown back up. To my surprise though, I feel as if I am actually getting stronger. The only downfall I have noticed is that I seem to randomly blackout at times yet wake up minutes later. The duration of these delays between awakening is a lot longer each time and I fear that it is something more than my body being in preservation mode. <3:23PM> ~Kaizur
  25. {Year 123, Day 10}: Today I was caught in a brutal dust storm in the middle of the desert, I don't know how my body was not ripped to shreds but the good thing is that I survived. I later found pieces of paper buried in the sand that had been uncovered by the storm. One seemed to be a blueprint to the layout of a city whilst the other seemed to be a newspaper from the Steam Engine Era of the Tuffles. There was a lot of interesting stuff to read yet what caught my eye reminded me of the skeleton corpse I saw back in the caves. It read "!#@#$!@ !#@#$!#, The Collector, A Tuffle serial killer who is so manacing to Society that he shall be erased from history and buried alive as punishment for his crimes". It went on to read that somewhere down the line he had lost his humanity and became a cyberpsychopath after installing too many cyber components into his body. His crimes? Enslaving his victim with his tuffle mind by turning them to androids and adding them to his collection. <9:01AM> ~Kaizur
  27. {Year 127, Day ???}: Listen!! If you are hearing this, leave immediately! I have blackouted for years now I imagine but each time I have awoken in a different place, He-- There is no time!! Leave immediately or he will come for you!! <7:42> ~Kai- <Unknown Username Detected!>
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