
Touhou Labyrinth 2 Spells IDs

Jul 25th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. 0x1f4 "Yin-Yang Orb"
  2. 0x1f5 "Fantasy Seal"
  3. 0x1f6 "Exorcising Border"
  4. 0x1f7 "Great Hakurei Barrier"
  5. 0x1f8 not used
  6. 0x1f9 "Magic Missile"
  7. 0x1fa "Asteroid Belt"
  8. 0x1fb "Master Spark"
  9. 0x1fc "Concentration"
  10. 0x1fd not used
  11. 0x1fe "First Aid"
  12. 0x1ff "Battle Command"
  13. 0x200 not used
  14. 0x201 not used
  15. 0x202 not used
  16. 0x203 "Ancient History -Old History-"
  17. 0x204 "New History -Next History-"
  18. 0x205 "Three Treasures - Sword"
  19. 0x206 "Three Treasures - Mirror"
  20. 0x207 not used
  21. 0x208 "Rabies Bite"
  22. 0x209 "Expellee's Canaan"
  23. 0x20a not used
  24. 0x20b not used
  25. 0x20c not used
  26. 0x20d "Present Life Slash"
  27. 0x20e "Slash of Eternity"
  28. 0x20f "God's Slash of Karma Wind"
  29. 0x210 "Slash Clearing the 6 Senses"
  30. 0x211 not used
  31. 0x212 "Karakasa Surprising Flash"
  32. 0x213 "A Rainy Night's Ghost Story"
  33. 0x214 "Drizzling Large Raindrops"
  34. 0x215 not used
  35. 0x216 not used
  36. 0x217 "Moonlight Ray"
  37. 0x218 "Dark Side of the Moon"
  38. 0x219 "Demarcation"
  39. 0x21a not used
  40. 0x21b not used
  41. 0x21c "Icicle Fall"
  42. 0x21d "Diamond Blizzard"
  43. 0x21e "Perfect Freeze"
  44. 0x21f "White Album"
  45. 0x220 not used
  46. 0x221 "Autumn Sky"
  47. 0x222 "Warm Color Harvest"
  48. 0x223 "Sweet Potato Room"
  49. 0x224 "Owotoshi Harvester"
  50. 0x225 not used
  51. 0x226 "Short Life Expectancy"
  52. 0x227 "Ferriage in the Deep Fog"
  53. 0x228 "Narrow Confines of Avici"
  54. 0x229 "Scythe that Chooses the Dead"
  55. 0x22a not used
  56. 0x22b "Flight of Idaten"
  57. 0x22c "Phoenix Spread Wings"
  58. 0x22d "Kimontonkou"
  59. 0x22e not used
  60. 0x22f not used
  61. 0x230 "Kappa's Illusion Waterfall"
  62. 0x231 "Exteeeending Aaaaarm"
  63. 0x232 "Super Scope 3D"
  64. 0x233 "Portable Versatile Machine"
  65. 0x234 not used
  66. 0x235 "Large Box and Small Box"
  67. 0x236 "Midnight Anathema Ritual"
  68. 0x237 "Grudge Returning"
  69. 0x238 "Jealousy of Kind and Lovely"
  70. 0x239 not used
  71. 0x23a "Comet on Earth"
  72. 0x23b "Firefly Phenomenon"
  73. 0x23c "Nightbug Tornado"
  74. 0x23d not used
  75. 0x23e not used
  76. 0x23f "Dragon's Neck Jewel"
  77. 0x240 "Buddha's Stone Bowl"
  78. 0x241 "Swallow's Cowrie Shell"
  79. 0x242 "Bullet Branch of Hourai"
  80. 0x243 not used
  81. 0x244 "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-"
  82. 0x245 "Tsuki no Iwakasa's Curse"
  83. 0x246 "Fujiyama Volcano"
  84. 0x247 not used
  85. 0x248 not used
  86. 0x249 "Wind God's Fan"
  87. 0x24a "Peerless Wind God"
  88. 0x24b "Sarutahiko's Guidance"
  89. 0x24c "Divine Grandson's Advent"
  90. 0x24d not used
  91. 0x24e "Ill-Starred Dive"
  92. 0x24f "Poisonous Moth's Dark Dance"
  93. 0x250 "Midnight Chorus Master"
  94. 0x251 "Mysterious Song"
  95. 0x252 not used
  96. 0x253 "Higekiri's Cursed Arm"
  97. 0x254 "Echo of the Nine Forest Gods"
  98. 0x255 "Diving Waltz of the Raijuu"
  99. 0x256 "Breath of the Hermit"
  100. 0x257 not used
  101. 0x258 "Gold Rush"
  102. 0x259 "Rare Metal Detector"
  103. 0x25a "Nazrin Pendulum"
  104. 0x25b not used
  105. 0x25c not used
  106. 0x25d "Misfortune God's Biorhythm"
  107. 0x25e "Pain Flow"
  108. 0x25f "Old Lady Ohgane's Fire"
  109. 0x260 not used
  110. 0x261 not used
  111. 0x262 "Cat's Walk"
  112. 0x263 "Vengeful Cannibal Spirit"
  113. 0x264 "Former Hell's Needle Hill"
  114. 0x265 "Blazing Wheel"
  115. 0x266 not used
  116. 0x267 "Giga Flare"
  117. 0x268 "Intense Nuclear Reaction"
  118. 0x269 "Hell's Tokamak"
  119. 0x26a not used
  120. 0x26b not used
  121. 0x26c "Brain Fingerprint"
  122. 0x26d not used
  123. 0x26e not used
  124. 0x26f not used
  125. 0x270 not used
  126. 0x271 "Supernatural Phenomenon"
  127. 0x272 "Knockout In Three Steps"
  128. 0x273 "Irremovable Shackles"
  129. 0x274 not used
  130. 0x275 not used
  131. 0x276 "Brilliant Light Gem"
  132. 0x277 "Mountain Breaker"
  133. 0x278 "Colorful Rain"
  134. 0x279 "Healer"
  135. 0x27a not used
  136. 0x27b "Artful Sacrifice"
  137. 0x27c "Little Legion"
  138. 0x27d "Hanged Hourai Dolls"
  139. 0x27e "Trip Wire"
  140. 0x27f not used
  141. 0x280 "Royal Flare"
  142. 0x281 "Princess Undine"
  143. 0x282 "Djinn Gust"
  144. 0x283 "Satellite Himawari"
  145. 0x284 "Silent Selene"
  146. 0x285 "Mercury Sea"
  147. 0x286 "Omoikane's Device"
  148. 0x287 "Hourai Elixir"
  149. 0x288 "Astronomical Entombing"
  150. 0x289 not used
  151. 0x28a "Lunatic Red Eyes"
  152. 0x28b "Mind Starmine"
  153. 0x28c "Discarder"
  154. 0x28d "Gas-Woven Orb"
  155. 0x28e "Grand Patriot's Elixir"
  156. 0x28f "Night of Bright Guest Stars"
  157. 0x290 "Moses's Miracle"
  158. 0x291 "Yasaka's Divine Wind"
  159. 0x292 "Miracle Fruit"
  160. 0x293 not used
  161. 0x294 "Elekiter Dragon Palace"
  162. 0x295 "Light Dragon's Sigh"
  163. 0x296 "Thundercloud Stickleback"
  164. 0x297 "Whiskers of the Dragon God"
  165. 0x298 not used
  166. 0x299 "Throwing Mt. Togakushi"
  167. 0x29a "Throwing Atlas"
  168. 0x29b "Gathering and Dissipating"
  169. 0x29c "Missing Power"
  170. 0x29d "Art of Segaki Binding"
  171. 0x29e "Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser"
  172. 0x29f "Princess Tenko"
  173. 0x2a0 "Soaring En no Ozuno"
  174. 0x2a1 "Banquet of General Gods"
  175. 0x2a2 "Eighty Million Holy Boards"
  176. 0x2a3 "Spear the Gungnir"
  177. 0x2a4 "Curse of Vlad Tepes"
  178. 0x2a5 not used
  179. 0x2a6 not used
  180. 0x2a7 not used
  181. 0x2a8 "Misdirection"
  182. 0x2a9 "Killing Doll"
  183. 0x2aa "Soul Sculpture"
  184. 0x2ab "Lunar Clock"
  185. 0x2ac "Private Square"
  186. 0x2ad "Mad Dance on Medoteko"
  187. 0x2ae "Misayama Hunting Ritual"
  188. 0x2af "Beautiful Spring like Suiga"
  189. 0x2b0 "Virtue of Wind God"
  190. 0x2b1 not used
  191. 0x2b2 "Moreya's Iron Ring"
  192. 0x2b3 "Long-Arm and Long-Leg"
  193. 0x2b4 "Froggy Braves the Elements"
  194. 0x2b5 "Mishaguji-sama"
  195. 0x2b6 not used
  196. 0x2b7 "World Creation Press"
  197. 0x2b8 "Violent Motherland"
  198. 0x2b9 "Sword of Hisou"
  199. 0x2ba "State of Enlightenment"
  200. 0x2bb not used
  201. 0x2bc "Starbow Break"
  202. 0x2bd "Forbidden Fruit"
  203. 0x2be "Laveatein"
  204. 0x2bf not used
  205. 0x2c0 not used
  206. 0x2c1 "Ghostly Dream's Butterfly"
  207. 0x2c2 "Deadly Swallowtail Lance"
  208. 0x2c3 "Ghastly Dream"
  209. 0x2c4 "Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana"
  210. 0x2c5 not used
  211. 0x2c6 "Flower Shot"
  212. 0x2c7 "Gensokyo's Reflowering"
  213. 0x2c8 "Beauty of Nature"
  214. 0x2c9 "Master Spark"
  215. 0x2ca not used
  216. 0x2cb "Mesh of Light and Darkness"
  217. 0x2cc "Hyperactive Flying Object"
  218. 0x2cd "Shikigami "Ran Yakumo+""
  219. 0x2ce "Yukari's Spiriting Away"
  220. 0x2cf "IN Quadruple Barrier"
  221. 0x2d0 "Skanda's Legs"
  222. 0x2d1 "Master of the Great Trichiliocosm"
  223. 0x2d2 "Magic Milky Way"
  224. 0x2d3 "Star Sword Apologetics"
  225. 0x2d4 "Sutra - Duplicating Chant"
  226. 0x2d5 "Last Judgement"
  227. 0x2d6 "Trial of the Ten Kings"
  228. 0x2d7 "Wandering Sin"
  229. 0x2d8 not used
  230. 0x2d9 not used
  231. 0x2da "Galaxy Stop"
  232. 0x2db "Charge"
  233. 0x2dc not used
  234. 0x2dd not used
  235. 0x2de not used
  236. 0x2df "Liberated Abilities"
  237. 0x2e0 "Chaotic Quadruple Barrier"
  238. 0x2e1 "Overflowing Unnatural Power"
  239. 0x2e2 "Mari's DIY Novice Border"
  240. 0x2e3 not used
  241. 0x2e4 "Hungry Tiger"
  242. 0x2e5 "Radiant Treasure Gun"
  243. 0x2e6 "Dazzling Gold"
  244. 0x2e7 "Aura of Justice"
  245. 0x2e8 not used
  246. 0x2e9 "Frolicking Animals Scrolls"
  247. 0x2ea "Futatsuiwa Clan's Curse"
  248. 0x2eb "10 Transformations Danmaku"
  249. 0x2ec "Full Moon Pompokolin"
  250. 0x2ed not used
  251. 0x2ee "Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups"
  252. 0x2ef "Catastrophic Gate Opening"
  253. 0x2f0 "Miwa Plate Storm"
  254. 0x2f1 "Taiyi True Fire"
  255. 0x2f2 not used
  256. 0x2f3 "Tradition of Just Rewards"
  257. 0x2f4 "Halo of the Guse Kannon"
  258. 0x2f5 "Wishful Soul of Desire"
  259. 0x2f6 not used
  260. 0x2f7 not used
  261. 0x2f8 "Four Humors Possession"
  262. 0x2f9 "Invigorated Kagura Lion"
  263. 0x2fa "Worrisome Man of Qi"
  264. 0x2fb not used
  265. 0x2fc not used
  266. 0x2fd "Youkai Yakuza Kick"
  267. 0x2fe "The Count of Monte Cristo"
  268. 0x2ff "Musketeer d'Artagnan"
  269. 0x300 "Non-Neumann Systems"
  270. 0x301 not used
  271. 0x302 "The Embers of Love"
  272. 0x303 "Super-Ego"
  273. 0x304 "Bedside Ancestors"
  274. 0x305 "Selfless Love"
  275. 0x306 not used
  276. 0x307 "Wise Protective Art"
  277. 0x308 "Wise Defensive Art"
  278. 0x309 not used
  279. 0x30a not used
  280. 0x30b not used
  281. 0x320 "Precise Diagnosis"
  282. 0x321 "Summon Tiger and Dragon"
  283. 0x322 "Bad Lady Scramble"
  284. 0x323 "Miare's Extensive Knowledge"
  286. 0x514 "Shield Bash"
  287. 0x515 "Shield Defense"
  288. 0x516 not used
  289. 0x517 not used
  290. 0x518 not used
  291. 0x519 not used
  292. 0x51a not used
  293. 0x51b not used
  294. 0x51c not used
  295. 0x51d not used
  296. 0x51e "PuncturingThrust"
  297. 0x51f "Iron Mountain Charge"
  298. 0x520 not used
  299. 0x521 not used
  300. 0x522 not used
  301. 0x523 not used
  302. 0x524 not used
  303. 0x525 not used
  304. 0x526 not used
  305. 0x527 not used
  306. 0x528 "Severing Flash"
  307. 0x529 "Explosive Flame Sword"
  308. 0x52a not used
  309. 0x52b not used
  310. 0x52c not used
  311. 0x52d not used
  312. 0x52e not used
  313. 0x52f not used
  314. 0x530 not used
  315. 0x531 not used
  316. 0x532 "Penetrator"
  317. 0x533 "Aspiration Surge"
  318. 0x534 not used
  319. 0x535 not used
  320. 0x536 not used
  321. 0x537 not used
  322. 0x538 not used
  323. 0x539 not used
  324. 0x53a not used
  325. 0x53b not used
  326. 0x53c "Prayer of Recovery"
  327. 0x53d "Prayer of Good Health"
  328. 0x53e not used
  329. 0x53f not used
  330. 0x540 not used
  331. 0x541 not used
  332. 0x542 not used
  333. 0x543 not used
  334. 0x544 not used
  335. 0x545 not used
  336. 0x546 "Art of the Battlemage"
  337. 0x547 "An Ounce of Prevention"
  338. 0x548 not used
  339. 0x549 not used
  340. 0x54a not used
  341. 0x54b not used
  342. 0x54c not used
  343. 0x54d not used
  344. 0x54e not used
  345. 0x54f not used
  346. 0x550 "Hex -Crimson Curse-"
  347. 0x551 "Hex -Dark Curse-"
  348. 0x552 "Hex -White Curse-"
  349. 0x553 not used
  350. 0x554 not used
  351. 0x555 not used
  352. 0x556 not used
  353. 0x557 not used
  354. 0x558 not used
  355. 0x559 not used
  356. 0x55a "Poisonous Incense"
  357. 0x55b "Paralyzing Incense"
  358. 0x55c "Numbing Incense"
  359. 0x55d "Deathly Incense"
  360. 0x55e not used
  361. 0x55f not used
  362. 0x560 not used
  363. 0x561 not used
  364. 0x562 not used
  365. 0x563 not used
  366. 0x564 "Magic Transfer"
  367. 0x565 "Magic Circuit"
  368. 0x566 not used
  369. 0x567 not used
  370. 0x568 not used
  371. 0x569 not used
  372. 0x56a not used
  373. 0x56b not used
  374. 0x56c not used
  375. 0x56d not used
  376. 0x56e "Placebo Effect"
  377. 0x56f "Incense Treatment"
  378. 0x570 "Herb of Awakening"
  379. 0x571 not used
  380. 0x572 not used
  381. 0x573 not used
  382. 0x574 not used
  383. 0x575 not used
  384. 0x576 not used
  385. 0x577 not used
  386. 0x578 not used
  387. 0x579 not used
  388. 0x57a not used
  389. 0x57b not used
  390. 0x57c not used
  391. 0x57d not used
  392. 0x57e not used
  393. 0x57f not used
  394. 0x580 not used
  395. 0x581 not used
  396. 0x582 not used
  397. 0x583 not used
  398. 0x584 not used
  399. 0x585 not used
  400. 0x586 not used
  401. 0x587 not used
  402. 0x588 not used
  403. 0x589 not used
  404. 0x58a not used
  405. 0x58b not used
  406. 0x58c "Rhythmic Dance"
  407. 0x58d "Dance of the Cochlea"
  408. 0x58e not used
  409. 0x58f not used
  410. 0x590 not used
  411. 0x591 not used
  412. 0x592 not used
  413. 0x593 not used
  414. 0x594 not used
  415. 0x595 not used
  416. 0x596 not used
  417. 0x597 not used
  418. 0x598 not used
  419. 0x599 not used
  420. 0x59a not used
  421. 0x59b not used
  422. 0x59c not used
  423. 0x59d not used
  424. 0x59e not used
  425. 0x59f not used
  426. 0x5a0 "Moon Shadow Flash"
  427. 0x5a1 "Samidare Slash"
  428. 0x5a2 "Swordmaster's Stance"
  429. 0x5a3 not used
  430. 0x5a4 not used
  431. 0x5a5 not used
  432. 0x5a6 not used
  433. 0x5a7 not used
  434. 0x5a8 not used
  435. 0x5a9 not used
  436. 0x5aa "Southern Cross"
  437. 0x5ab "Execution"
  438. 0x5ac "Archmage's Chant"
  439. 0x5ad not used
  440. 0x5ae not used
  441. 0x5af not used
  442. 0x5b0 not used
  443. 0x5b1 not used
  444. 0x5b2 not used
  445. 0x5b3 not used
  446. 0x5b4 not used
  447. 0x5b5 not used
  448. 0x5b6 not used
  449. 0x5b7 not used
  450. 0x5b8 not used
  451. 0x5b9 not used
  452. 0x5ba not used
  453. 0x5bb not used
  454. 0x5bc not used
  455. 0x5bd not used
  456. 0x5be "Enchant: Spinel"
  457. 0x5bf "Enchant: Lazurite"
  458. 0x5c0 "Enchant: Pyrope"
  459. 0x5c1 "Enchant: Fluorite"
  460. 0x5c2 not used
  461. 0x5c3 not used
  462. 0x5c4 not used
  463. 0x5c5 not used
  464. 0x5c6 not used
  465. 0x5c7 not used
  466. 0x5c8 "Assassination Sword"
  467. 0x5c9 "Fast Dash"
  468. 0x5ca not used
  469. 0x5cb not used
  470. 0x5cc not used
  471. 0x5cd "Vorpal Blade"
  472. 0x5ce "Mana Storm"
  473. 0x5cf "Sword of Light"
  474. 0x5d0 "Staff of *Destruction*"
  475. 0x5d1 "Potion of Healing" (unused in final game)
  476. 0x5d2 "Oracle's Talisman"
  477. 0x5d3 not used
  478. 0x5d4 not used
  479. 0x5d5 not used
  480. 0x5d6 not used
  481. 0x5d7 "Ame-no-Murakumo Slash"
  482. 0x5d8 "Start of Heavenly Demise"
  483. 0x5d9 "World-Shaking Rule"
  484. 0x5da "Dragon God's Sigh"
  486. 0x2710 "Attack"
  487. 0x2711 "Magic Attack"
  488. 0x271a "Counter-Attack"
  489. 0x271b "Counter-Magic"
  490. 0x271c "Poison Touch"
  491. 0x271d "Roc-Killing Fist"
  492. 0x2724 "Edokko God of Death"
  493. 0x2725 "Wrath of Edokko God of Death"
  494. 0x2742 "Wait"
  495. 0x274C "Concentrate"
  496. 0x2756 "Escape"
  497. 0x2757 "Escape"
  499. 0x4e20 "Nut Throw"
  500. 0x4e21 "Photosynthesis"
  501. 0x4e22 "Poison Needle"
  502. 0x4e23 "Harden"
  503. 0x4e24 "Green Arrow"
  504. 0x4e25 "Storm of Wood Leaves"
  505. 0x4e26 "Umbrella Spin"
  506. 0x4e27 "Call Underling"
  507. 0x4e28 "Phantom's Coldness"
  508. 0x4e29 "Paralyze"
  509. 0x4e2a "Red Arrow"
  510. 0x4e2b "Spark Storm"
  511. 0x4e2c "Azure Arrow"
  512. 0x4e2d "Storm of Blue Rain"
  513. 0x4e2e "Thunder Arrow"
  514. 0x4e2f "Storm of Yellow Drive"
  515. 0x4e30 "Green Arrow"
  516. 0x4e31 "Storm of Wood Leaves"
  517. 0x4e32 "Magic Arrow"
  518. 0x4e33 "Storm of Purple Magic"
  519. 0x4e34 "Light Arrow"
  520. 0x4e35 "Storm of Light Particle"
  521. 0x4e36 "Dark Arrow"
  522. 0x4e37 "Storm of Dark Flow"
  523. 0x4e38 "Blade Arrow"
  524. 0x4e39 "Storm of Cutting Knives"
  525. 0x4e3a "Great Roar"
  526. 0x4e3b "Horizontal Slice"
  527. 0x4e3c "Row Attack"
  528. 0x4e3d "Recover"
  529. 0x4e3e "Ultravenomous Needles"
  530. 0x4e3f "Venomous Fog"
  531. 0x4e40 "Rainbow Wing"
  532. 0x4e41 "Shadowstep"
  533. 0x4e42 "Detonation"
  534. 0x4e43 "Dissolvent"
  535. 0x4e44 "Paralyzing Fog"
  536. 0x4e45 "Sword Stance"
  537. 0x4e46 "Establish Stance"
  538. 0x4e47 "Severing Flash"
  539. 0x4e48 "Poison"
  540. 0x4e49 "Silent Fog"
  541. 0x4e4a "Daze"
  542. 0x4e4b "Earth Shaker"
  543. 0x4e4c "Ultraparalysis Needles"
  544. 0x4e4d "Regeneration"
  545. 0x4e4e "Bite"
  546. 0x4e4f "Swallow"
  547. 0x4e50 "Acid Rain"
  548. 0x4e51 "Leg Sweep"
  549. 0x4e52 "Octangle Attack"
  550. 0x4e53 "Spinning More Than Usual"
  551. 0x4e54 "Curse Reversal"
  552. 0x4e55 "Melt Shell"
  553. 0x4e56 "Octangle Attack"
  554. 0x4e57 "Angelic Light"
  555. 0x4e58 "Resurrection"
  556. 0x4e59 "Ame-no-Murakumo Slash"
  557. 0x4e5a "Flamethrower"
  558. 0x4e5b "Blizzard"
  559. 0x4e5c "Razor Wind"
  560. 0x4e5d "Leaf Cutting Dance"
  561. 0x4e5e "Magical Blast"
  562. 0x4e5f "Red Curse"
  563. 0x4e60 "Blue Curse"
  564. 0x4e61 "Purple Curse"
  565. 0x4e62 "Green Curse"
  566. 0x4e63 "Yellow Curse"
  567. 0x4e64 "Dazing Fog"
  568. 0x4e65 "Heavy Fog"
  569. 0x4e66 "Madness Fog"
  570. 0x4e67 "Calming Scent"
  571. 0x4e68 "Poison Spore"
  572. 0x4e69 "Paralysis Spore"
  573. 0x4e6a "Allure of Death"
  574. 0x4e6b "Scale Powder"
  575. 0x4e6c "Whirlwind"
  576. 0x4e6d "Deranging Aroma"
  577. 0x4e6e "Grass Knot"
  578. 0x4e6f "Slack Off"
  579. 0x4e70 "Divider"
  580. 0x4e71 "Calm Down"
  581. 0x4e72 "Burrow"
  582. 0x4e73 "1000 Needles"
  583. 0x4e74 "Sandstorm"
  584. 0x4e75 "Ancient Curse"
  585. 0x4e76 "Slash Dive"
  586. 0x4e77 "Fly Up"
  587. 0x4e78 "Flying Press"
  588. 0x4e79 "Heat Gaze"
  589. 0x4e7a "Rock Clash"
  590. 0x4e7b "Magic Drain"
  591. 0x4e7c "Magical Light"
  592. 0x4e7d "Piercing Light"
  593. 0x4e7e "Charm"
  594. 0x4e7f "Lava Flow"
  595. 0x4e80 "Blazing Light Shot"
  596. 0x4e81 "Crimson Lotus Fang"
  597. 0x4e82 "Void Flash Claw"
  598. 0x4e83 "Digest"
  599. 0x4e84 "Dividing Slash"
  600. 0x4e85 "Gravity Manipulation"
  601. 0x4e86 "Black Universe"
  602. 0x4e87 "Half Moon Slash"
  603. 0x4e88 "Dangerous Scent"
  604. 0x4e89 "Terrifying Wave"
  605. 0x4e8a "Terror Eater"
  606. 0x4e8b "Flux of Yomotsu Hirasaka"
  607. 0x4e8c "Destroy Magic"
  608. 0x4e8d "Graces of Fruits of Darkness"
  609. 0x4e8e "Spirit Decomposition"
  610. 0x4e8f "Ame-no-Murakumo's Wild Dance"
  611. 0x4e90 "World-Devouring Calamity"
  612. 0x4e91 "World-Devouring Destruction"
  613. 0x4e92 not used
  614. 0x4e93 "Ether Flare"
  615. 0x4e94 "Devil's Crimes"
  616. 0x4e95 "Graces of Tama no Oya no Mikoto"
  617. 0x4e96 "Oracle of Sacred Mirror Dedication"
  618. 0x4e97 "Oracle of Eternal Heaven and Earth"
  619. 0x4e98 "Second Coming of the Divine Sword"
  620. 0x4e99 "Yakumo's Futsu no Mitama no Tsurugi"
  621. 0x4e9a "Great Tree that Descended from the Sky"
  622. 0x4e9b "Divine Exile"
  623. 0x4e9c "Start of Heavenly Demise"
  624. 0x4e9d "True Ame-no-Murakumo's Slash"
  625. 0x4e9e "Advent of the Divine Child of God"
  626. 0x4e9f "Godly Scarlet Gold Slash"
  627. 0x4ea0 "Tentacle Breed"
  628. 0x4ea1 "Summon Shikigami"
  629. 0x4ea2 "Protecting Light from the Heavens"
  630. 0x4ea3 "Earthquake"
  631. 0x4ea4 "Flowing Hellfire"
  632. 0x4ea5 "Wild Dance of Freezing Mist"
  633. 0x4ea6 "Shining Arrows from the Sky"
  634. 0x4ea7 "Resummon Doll"
  635. 0x4ea8 "Blood Drain"
  636. 0x4ea9 "Private Square"
  637. 0x4eaa "MAG UP"
  638. 0x4eab "Azure Shining Light"
  639. 0x4eac "Azure Shining Body"
  640. 0x4ead "Rasetsu Fist"
  641. 0x4eae "Golden Advent"
  642. 0x4eaf "Golden Protection"
  643. 0x4eb0 "Healing Power"
  644. 0x4eb1 "Divine Messenger's Light"
  645. 0x4eb2 "World-Shaking Rule"
  646. 0x4eb3 "Strengthen Sorcery"
  647. 0x4eb4 "Scythe of Calamity"
  648. 0x4eb5 "Greatsword of Calamity"
  649. 0x4eb6 "Perpetual Insanity"
  650. 0x4eb7 "Staring Eye from the Abyss"
  651. 0x4eb8 "Great Catastrophe"
  652. 0x4eb9 "Great Destruction"
  653. 0x4eba ""C" Filling the World"
  654. 0x4ebb ""C" Falling from the Sky"
  655. 0x4ebc "Space Compression"
  656. 0x4ebd "Time-Space Warp"
  657. 0x4ebe "Empty Mouth that Swallows Sinners"
  658. 0x4ebf "Summon Elemental Crystals"
  659. 0x4ec0 "Dark Star"
  660. 0x4ec1 "Shredder"
  661. 0x4ec2 "Corona"
  662. 0x4ec3 "Ice Rock"
  663. 0x4ec4 "Petal Blast"
  664. 0x4ec5 "Electroshock"
  665. 0x4ec6 "Boulder"
  666. 0x4ec7 "Time-Space Warp"
  667. 0x4ec8 "Gravity Accel"
  668. 0x4ec9 "Graviton Wall"
  669. 0x4eca "World-Controlling Stone's Power"
  670. 0x4ecb "Instant Death Attack"
  671. 0x4ecc "Boss Rush"
  672. 0x4ecd "Boss Rush"
  673. 0x4ece "Double Slash"
  674. 0x4ecf "Lance of Malice"
  675. 0x4ed0 "Pummel"
  676. 0x4ed1 "Silencing Attack"
  677. 0x4ed2 "Holy Prayer"
  678. 0x4ed3 "Solar Laser"
  679. 0x4ed4 "Defensive Barrier"
  680. 0x4ed5 "Great Whirlwind"
  681. 0x4ed6 "Activate Life Energy"
  682. 0x4ed7 "Dark Flux"
  683. 0x4ed8 "Half Moon Mirror"
  684. 0x4ed9 "All-Regeneration"
  685. 0x4eda "Refresh"
  686. 0x4edb "- Manifestation of the Evil Dragon-"
  687. 0x4edc "Hand of Terror"
  688. 0x4edd "Roar Shockwave"
  689. 0x4ede "Destroy Armor"
  690. 0x4edf "Karmic Retribution"
  691. 0x4ee0 "Enforcer's Will"
  692. 0x4ee1 "Guard Stance"
  693. 0x4ee2 "Peerless Chaotic Dance"
  694. 0x4ee3 "With Mokou"
  695. 0x4ee4 "Were-Hakutaku's Rage"
  696. 0x4ee5 "Loyal? Gardener's Support"
  697. 0x4ee6 "Sutra - Birth of a Superhuman"
  698. 0x4ee7 "Bishamonten Tag"
  699. 0x4ee8 "Bishamonten's Wrath"
  700. 0x4ee9 "Spirit Mausoleum Desires"
  701. 0x4eea "Maximum Dish Charge"
  702. 0x4eeb "Tradition of Just Rewards"
  703. 0x4eec "Tradition of Just Rewards"
  704. 0x4eed "T. Admin (G)"
  705. 0x4eee "T. Admin (E)"
  706. 0x4eef "Sage of Toyosatomimi"
  707. 0x4ef0 "Yamata-no-Orochi's Evil Eye"
  708. 0x4ef1 "Shadow Team (9)"
  709. 0x4ef2 "Slacking Off"
  710. 0x4ef3 "Pretending to Attack"
  711. 0x4ef4 "Lady Eiki's Scolding"
  712. 0x4ef5 "True Adminstrator - Rivalry of Good & Evil"
  713. 0x4ef6 "True Adminstrator - Compatibility of Good and Evil"
  714. 0x4ef7 "Sage of Toyosatomimi"
  715. 0x4ef8 "Astronomic Observation"
  716. 0x4ef9 "Flustered"
  717. 0x4efa "Fantasy Seal -Blink-"
  718. 0x4efb "Magic Drain Missile"
  719. 0x4efc "Hakkero Charge"
  720. 0x4efd "Murakumo's Previous Owner"
  721. 0x4efe "HP Giga Boost"
  722. 0x4eff "ATK Giga Boost"
  723. 0x4f00 "MAG Giga Boost"
  724. 0x4f01 "Summon Vengeful Strength"
  725. 0x4f02 "Scourge "
  726. 0x4f03 "Earth Element's Protective Light"
  727. 0x4f04 "- Soul Transfer: DRK -"
  728. 0x4f05 "- Soul Transfer: SPI -"
  729. 0x4f06 "Karmic Evil Fang -Mystic-"
  730. 0x4f07 "Karmic Gnashing -Mystic-"
  731. 0x4f08 "Karmic Gnashing -Mystic-"
  732. 0x4f09 "Karmic Evil Fang -Dark-"
  733. 0x4f0a "Karmic Gnashing -Dark-"
  734. 0x4f0b "Karmic Gnashing -Dark-"
  735. 0x4f0c "Karmic Evil Fang -Spirit-"
  736. 0x4f0d "Karmic Gnashing -Spirit-"
  737. 0x4f0e "Karmic Gnashing -Spirit-"
  738. 0x4f0f "Karmic Thunderous Gnashing -Spirit-"
  739. 0x4f10 "Karmic Thunderous Gnashing -Spirit-"
  740. 0x4f11 "Evil Dragon's Eyebeam"
  741. 0x4f12 "Extra-Large Entwining"
  742. 0x4f13 ""Yamata-no-Orochi's soul is trembling!""
  743. 0x4f14 "Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire"
  744. 0x4f15 "Divine Spirit-Burning Hellfire"
  745. 0x4f16 "Evil Scarlet Gold Slash"
  746. 0x4f17 not used
  747. 0x4f18 "Overflowing Insanity: Inflicts Ailments on Self"
  748. 0x4f19 "Uncontrollable Urges: Inflicts Debuffs on Self"
  749. 0x4f1a "Countdown to Ragnarok"
  750. 0x4f1b "Decomposition Breath"
  751. 0x4f1c "Hellfire Breath"
  752. 0x4f1d "Cocytus Breath"
  753. 0x4f1e "White Wolf's Sword & Shield"
  754. 0x4f1f "Angstfreude"
  755. 0x4f20 "The Terror Unto Death"
  756. 0x4f21 "Ura Dragon - Summon"
  757. 0x4f22 "Ura Dragon - Grand Summon"
  758. 0x4f23 "Blood Drain"
  759. 0x4f24 "Ability to use Shikigamis"
  760. 0x4f25 "Bloody Rain"
  761. 0x4f26 "Summon Shikigami + Shikigami"
  762. 0x4f27 "Going it Alone"
  763. 0x4f28 "Awakened Moonlight Ray"
  764. 0x4f29 "Awakaned Dark Side of the Moon"
  765. 0x4f2a "Symbol of Abundance and Harvest"
  766. 0x4f2b "Shikigami Heavy Accel Attack"
  767. 0x4f2c "Jealousy's Final Blow : Reduce HP/MP of ailed characters by half"
  768. 0x4f2d "Green-Eyed Monster"
  769. 0x4f2e "Nightbug Tornado"
  770. 0x4f2f "Comet on Earth"
  771. 0x4f30 "Five Impossible Requests"
  772. 0x4f31 "Fujiyama Volcano"
  773. 0x4f32 "Summon Abyss Dragon and Tiger"
  774. 0x4f33 "Eternal Summon Herculean Power"
  775. 0x4f34 "Eternal Summon Super Power"
  776. 0x4f35 "Bishamonten Protection: SPD"
  777. 0x4f36 "Bishamonten Protection: MAG"
  778. 0x4f37 "Tiny Commander's Wisdom"
  779. 0x4f38 "Shatter Attack"
  780. 0x4f39 "Brain Smash"
  781. 0x4f3a "Mana Stealing Hand"
  782. 0x4f3b "Hell Sphere"
  783. 0x4f3c "Dark Lord of Woe reachs for a terrifying scepter!"
  784. 0x4f3d "Underworld Hammer "Grond" "
  785. 0x4f3e "Magic Erase"
  786. 0x4f3f "Dark Lord of Woe reachs for his own crown!"
  787. 0x4f40 "Unmarred Light of the Two Trees"
  788. 0x4f41 "Dark Lord of Woe groans from his old wounds!"
  789. 0x4f42 "Storm of Flames"
  790. 0x4f43 "Storm of Ice"
  791. 0x4f44 "Hell Fire"
  792. 0x4f45 "Meteor Strike"
  793. 0x4f46 "Dark Lord of Woe starts chanting for a strong spell!"
  794. 0x4f47 "Super Scope 3D"
  795. 0x4f48 "Nitori exchanged her burnt barrel!"
  796. 0x4f49 "Nitori reloads for Super Scope!"
  797. 0x4f4a "Nitori is aiming with Super Scope!"
  798. 0x4f4b "Enhanced Versatile Machine"
  799. 0x4f4c "Call Light"
  800. 0x4f4d "Day of the Dove"
  801. 0x4f4e "True Healing"
  802. 0x4f4f "True Resistance"
  803. 0x4f50 "Lightning Bolt"
  804. 0x4f51 "Ray of Sunlight"
  805. 0x4f52 "Stoneskin"
  806. 0x4f53 "Lightning Storm"
  807. 0x4f54 "Nature's Wrath"
  808. 0x4f55 "Magic Circuit"
  809. 0x4f56 "Slow Monster"
  810. 0x4f57 "Haste Self"
  811. 0x4f58 "Teleport Evil"
  812. 0x4f59 "Globe of Invulnerability"
  813. 0x4f5a "Malediction"
  814. 0x4f5b "Cloudkill"
  815. 0x4f5c "Word of Death"
  816. 0x4f5d "Mass Genocide"
  817. 0x4f5e "Hellfire"
  818. 0x4f5f "Purify Body"
  819. 0x4f60 "Holy Orb"
  820. 0x4f61 "Starburst"
  821. 0x4f62 "Eye for an Eye"
  822. 0x4f63 "Divine Wrath"
  823. 0x4f64 "Magic Missile"
  824. 0x4f65 "Doom Bolt"
  825. 0x4f66 "Atom Decomposition"
  826. 0x4f67 "Summon Chaos"
  827. 0x4f68 "Mana Storm"
  828. 0x4f69 "***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Life"!"
  829. 0x4f6a "***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Nature"!"
  830. 0x4f6b "***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Sorcery"!"
  831. 0x4f6c "***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Death"!"
  832. 0x4f6d "***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Crusade"!"
  833. 0x4f6e "***WINNER*** opened spellbook of "Chaos"!"
  834. 0x4f6f "***WINNER*** begins charging a strong spell!"
  835. 0x4f70 "Restoration"
  836. 0x4f71 "Cure Wounds+Poison"
  837. 0x4f72 "Dragon God's body color returned to normal..."
  838. 0x4f73 "Dragon God's body color has changed!"
  839. 0x4f74 "Dragon God's body color has changed!"
  840. 0x4f75 "Dragon Whirlwind"
  841. 0x4f76 "Dragon Strength"
  842. 0x4f77 "Hellfire Breath"
  843. 0x4f78 "Cocytus Breath"
  844. 0x4f79 "Lightning Breath"
  845. 0x4f7a "Green Acid Breath"
  846. 0x4f7b not used
  847. 0x4f7c "Strong DownThrust"
  848. 0x4f7d "Infuse Raval Ore"
  849. 0x4f7e "Brocia Serum"
  850. 0x4f7f "Brave Sword"
  851. 0x4f80 "Ignis Fireball"
  852. 0x4f81 "Nightfire Gem"
  853. 0x4f82 "Ignis Explosion"
  854. 0x4f83 "Ventus Whirlwind"
  855. 0x4f84 "Amulet"
  856. 0x4f85 "Ventus Tornado"
  857. 0x4f86 "Terra Bodyslam"
  858. 0x4f87 "Illusion Mirror"
  859. 0x4f88 not used
  860. 0x4f89 "Terra Shockwave"
  861. 0x4f8a "Red Hero made a stance with his sword!"
  862. 0x4f8b "Red Hero changed to Ignis Bracelet!"
  863. 0x4f8c "Red Hero changed to Ventus Bracelet!"
  864. 0x4f8d "Red Hero changed to Terra Bracelet!"
  865. 0x4f8e "Mercy Attack"
  866. 0x4f8f "Assault"
  867. 0x4f90 "Train Slash"
  868. 0x4f91 "Gird Stance"
  869. 0x4f92 "One Shot Wonder"
  870. 0x4f93 "Verbal Abuse"
  871. 0x4f94 "Kichiku Attack"
  872. 0x4f95 "Green Brute levels up in battle and becomes stronger!"
  873. 0x4f96 "Green Brute has drawn his demon sword!"
  874. 0x4f97 "Green Brute's level is rising infinitely!"
  875. 0x4f98 "Red Hero has entered Boost Mode!"
  876. 0x4f99 "Red Hero has entered Double Boost Mode!"
  877. 0x4f9a "Ame-no-Murakumo Slash"
  878. 0x4f9b "Start of Heavenly Demise"
  879. 0x4f9c "Soul-searing Sunlight"
  880. 0x4f9d not used
  881. 0x4f9e "Absolute Zero Ice Crystal"
  882. 0x4f9f "Ice Crash"
  883. 0x4fa0 "Form Change - Fire"
  884. 0x4fa1 "Form Change - Cold"
  885. 0x4fa2 "Form Change - Nature"
  886. 0x4fa3 "Form Change - Wind"
  887. 0x4fa4 "Form Change - Terminate"
  888. 0x4fa5 "Calamitous Rainbow Wind"
  889. 0x4fa6 not used
  890. 0x4fa7 not used
  891. 0x4fa8 "Last Stand"
  892. 0x4fa9 "Form Change - Fire"
  893. 0x4faa "Form Change - Cold"
  894. 0x4fab "Form Change - Nature"
  895. 0x4fac "Form Change - Wind"
  896. 0x4fad not used
  897. 0x4fae not used
  898. 0x4faf "The Word for World is Forest"
  899. 0x4fb0 "Grand Heat Slash"
  900. 0x4fb1 "Zero Shock"
  901. 0x4fb2 "Javelin Rain"
  902. 0x4fb3 "Freikugel"
  903. 0x4fb4 "Gaea Rage"
  904. 0x4fb5 "Summon Hero"
  905. 0x4fb6 "Summon Elephant"
  906. 0x4fb7 "Summon Buddy"
  907. 0x4fb8 "Summon Kunitsukami"
  908. 0x4fb9 "Summon Queen"
  909. 0x4fba "Summon Mother Goddess"
  910. 0x4fbb "Ultimate Life"
  911. 0x4fbc "Demon Rave"
  912. 0x4fbd "Taunt"
  913. 0x4fbe "Dekunda"
  914. 0x4fbf "Dekaja"
  915. 0x4fc0 "Grand Curse"
  916. 0x4fc1 not used
  917. 0x4fc2 not used
  918. 0x4fc3 not used
  919. 0x4fc4 "Astral Burst"
  920. 0x4fc5 "Gate of Hell"
  921. 0x4fc6 "Debilitate"
  922. 0x4fc7 not used
  923. 0x4fc8 "Power Draining Circle"
  924. 0x4fc9 "Magic Draining Circle"
  925. 0x4fca "Speed Draining Circle"
  926. 0x4fcb not used
  927. 0x4fcc not used
  928. 0x4fcd "Shippu Jinrai"
  929. 0x4fce "Summon Herculean Power"
  930. 0x4fcf not used
  931. 0x4fd0 not used
  932. 0x4fd1 "The void eyes are resting..."
  933. 0x4fd2 "Shredding Entity's eyes are focused!"
  934. 0x4fd3 "Aria-singing Entity's eyes are focused!"
  935. 0x4fd4 "Staring Entity's eyes are focused!"
  936. 0x4fd5 "Body is regenerating at abnormal pace!"
  937. 0x4fd6 "King's parameters have risen above the limit!"
  938. 0x4fd7 "King begin focussing a terrifying force!"
  939. 0x4fd8 "Power of Truth"
  940. 0x4fd9 "Power of Truth"
  941. 0x4fda "Godly Wave"
  942. 0x4fdb "Godly Wave"
  943. 0x4fdc "Deaf to All but the Song"
  944. 0x4fdd "True Greatsword of Calamity"
  945. 0x4fde "Cursed Hina Doll: Obtained Boost comensurate with debuffs on enemies!"
  946. 0x4fdf "Apparition Carrier"
  947. 0x4fe0 "Two-Way Curse"
  948. 0x4fe1 "Extra Attack charged!"
  949. 0x4fe2 "Extra Vengeful Cannibal Spirit"
  950. 0x4fe3 "Extra Vengeful Cannibal Spirit"
  951. 0x4fe4 "Extra Former Hell's Needle Hill"
  952. 0x4fe5 "Extra Former Hell's Needle Hill"
  953. 0x4fe6 "Extra Blazing Wheel"
  954. 0x4fe7 "Extra Blazing Wheel"
  955. 0x4fe8 "Self-Tokamak"
  956. 0x4fe9 "Overheating"
  957. 0x4fea "Trauma Recreation"
  958. 0x4feb "Dreadful Raging Waves"
  959. 0x4fec "Beat Down"
  960. 0x4fed "China Qigong"
  961. 0x4fee "Precisely Controlled Dolls"
  962. 0x4fef "Additional Doll Guards"
  963. 0x4ff0 "Passive Philosopher's Stone Barrier"
  964. 0x4ff1 "Concentrate - Grand Incantation"
  965. 0x4ff2 "Fatal Poison Mixing"
  966. 0x4ff3 "Mercury Sea - Lunar Sage"
  967. 0x4ff4 "Omoikane's Device - Lunar Sage"
  968. 0x4ff5 "Deadly Venom Fog"
  969. 0x4ff6 "Grand Vertigo"
  970. 0x4ff7 "Mountain Vaporous Red Eyes"
  971. 0x4ff8 "Grand Lunatic Red Eyes"
  972. 0x4ff9 "Red Eyes Lunatic Red Eyes"
  973. 0x4ffa "Grand Mind Starmine"
  974. 0x4ffb "Red Eyes Mind Starmine"
  975. 0x4ffc "Grand Discarder"
  976. 0x4ffd "Red Eyes Discarder"
  977. 0x4ffe "Youkai Buster : High damage to Youkai!"
  978. 0x4fff "Super Youkai Buster: High damage to non-humans!"
  979. 0x5000 "Power of the Living God"
  980. 0x5001 "Flexibility"
  981. 0x5002 "Pearl of the 5-Clawed Dragon"
  982. 0x5003 "Elekiter Abyssal Dragon Palace"
  983. 0x5004 "Gathering and Dissipating Abyss"
  984. 0x5005 "Earth Spirit -Dense-"
  985. 0x5006 "Abyssal Missing Power"
  986. 0x5007 "Missing Power Off"
  987. 0x5008 "Super-Fast Hard Arithmetic"
  988. 0x5009 "Banquet of General Gods"
  989. 0x500a "Super Hard Banquet of General Gods"
  990. 0x500b "Eighty Million Holy Boards"
  991. 0x500c "Super Hard Eight Million Holy Boards"
  992. 0x500d "Majesty"
  993. 0x500e "Piercing Attack"
  994. 0x500f "Piercing Spear the Gungnir"
  995. 0x5010 "Private Square"
  996. 0x5011 "Jack the Ludo Bile"
  997. 0x5012 "Majesty+"
  998. 0x5013 "Desperation"
  999. 0x5014 "Destruction Roulette points at the star!"
  1000. 0x5015 "Destruction Roulette points at the fruit!"
  1001. 0x5016 "Destruction Roulette points at the sword!"
  1002. 0x5017 "Vampiric Wrath"
  1003. 0x5018 "Banquet of Regrets"
  1004. 0x5019 "Ghostly Dream's Abyssal Butterfly"
  1005. 0x501a "Ghastly Abyssal Dream"
  1006. 0x501b "Plantation's Blessing"
  1007. 0x501c "The plants are now burning, and so is Yuuka's anger!"
  1008. 0x501d "Wrathful Master Spark"
  1009. 0x501e "Perpetual Motion Device #1 : Buffs will no longer decay"
  1010. 0x501f not used
  1011. 0x5020 "True Overflowing Unnatural Power"
  1012. 0x5021 "Sutra - Herculean Strength"
  1013. 0x5022 "Sutra - Vajra Shield"
  1014. 0x5023 "Sutra - Enhanced Chant"
  1015. 0x5024 "Sutra - Mental Focus"
  1016. 0x5025 "Sutra - Sturm und Drang"
  1017. 0x5026 "Sutra - Ultra Recovery"
  1018. 0x5027 "Sutra - Perfect Resistance"
  1019. 0x5028 "Super Thankful Preaching"
  1020. 0x5029 "Rod of Remorse - Repentence"
  1021. 0x502a "Rod of Remorse - Heavy Punishment"
  1022. 0x502b "Ability to Hide the Stars"
  1023. 0x502c "Ability to Hide More Stars"
  1024. 0x502d "Ability to Hide the Moon"
  1025. 0x502e "Ability to Hide More Moon"
  1026. 0x502f "Verbal Abuse"
  1027. 0x5030 "Control of the Unnatural"
  1028. 0x5031 "Overflowing Unnatural Power"
  1029. 0x5032 "Controlled Unnatural Power"
  1030. 0x5033 "Nightmare Sharing"
  1031. 0x5034 "Bishamonten's Wrath"
  1032. 0x5035 "7 Elemental Transformations"
  1033. 0x5036 "Mask: Joy"
  1034. 0x5037 "Mask: Anger"
  1035. 0x5038 "Mask: Pathos"
  1036. 0x5039 "Mask: Cheer"
  1037. 0x503a "Mask: Hope"
  1038. 0x503b "Youkai Yakuza Kick"
  1039. 0x503c "The Count of Monte Cristo"
  1040. 0x503d "Musketeer d'Artagnan"
  1041. 0x503e "Embryo's Dream"
  1042. 0x503f "Wise Direct Protective Arts"
  1043. 0x5040 "Wise Magic Protective Arts"
  1044. 0x5041 "Concentrate - Ultra Incantation"
  1045. 0x5042 "T. Admin (G)"
  1046. 0x5043 "T. Admin (E)"
  1047. 0x5044 "Tradition of Just Rewards - Good"
  1048. 0x5045 "Tradition of Just Rewards - Evil"
  1049. 0x5046 "Time Reversal Attack"
  1050. 0x5047 "Amnesia"
  1051. 0x5048 "Roaring Breath"
  1052. 0x5049 "Time Reversal Breath"
  1053. 0x504a "Memory Collapse"
  1054. 0x504b "Holy Fire"
  1055. 0x504c "Holy Fire"
  1056. 0x504d "Dimension Door"
  1057. 0x504e "Summon Reinforcement"
  1058. 0x504f "High Speed Recovery"
  1059. 0x5050 "Remove Dimension Door"
  1060. 0x5051 "The power of "Order" is being gathered...!"
  1061. 0x5052 ""Great Darkness""
  1062. 0x5053 "The darkness is spreading..."
  1063. 0x5054 ""Great Darkness" is enveloping everything!"
  1064. 0x5055 "Ruinbringer"
  1065. 0x5056 "Ring Possession"
  1066. 0x5057 "Ring Wave"
  1067. 0x5058 "Pure Logrus"
  1068. 0x5059 "Firebal"
  1069. 0x505a "Forceful Arrow of Pure Magic"
  1070. 0x505b "Imitate Gensokyo"
  1071. 0x505c "Craving for Gensokyo"
  1072. 0x505d "Longing for Gensokyo"
  1073. 0x505e "Yearning for Gensokyo"
  1074. 0x505f "Desiring for Gensokyo"
  1075. 0x5060 "Will of Gensokyo is silenced..."
  1076. 0x5061 "Will of Gensokyo is unmoving..."
  1077. 0x5062 "Stray Metal Jelly is contemplating whether it should run away..."
  1078. 0x5063 "Stray Metal Jelly has decided to fight it out!"
  1079. 0x5064 "World-Devouring Despair"
  1080. 0x5065 "Permanent Debuff Attack"
  1081. 0x5066 "Dragon God's body color returned to normal..."
  1082. 0x5067 "Dragon God's body color has changed!"
  1083. 0x5068 "Dragon God's body color has changed!"
  1084. 0x5069 "Dragon Wrath"
  1085. 0x506a "Dragon Blink"
  1086. 0x506b "True Dragon Strength"
  1087. 0x506c "True Dragon Strength"
  1088. 0x506d "True Dragon Whirlwind"
  1089. 0x506e "True Dragon Whirlwind"
  1090. 0x506f "Dragon God's soul is trembling!"
  1091. 0x5070 "Dragon God is gathering all the original power of this world!"
  1092. 0x5071 "Counter - R&L Arms"
  1093. 0x5072 "Counter - R. Arm"
  1094. 0x5073 "Counter - L. Arm"
  1095. 0x5074 "Second Coming of the Divine Sword"
  1096. 0x5075 "Great Despair"
  1097. 0x5076 not used
  1098. 0x5077 "Vitality Drain"
  1099. 0x5078 "Destroy Vitality"
  1100. 0x5079 "Dragon God's soul is split into two!"
  1101. 0x507a "Sword of Hisou"
  1102. 0x507b "Concentrate"
  1103. 0x507c "Non-Neumann Systems"
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