
rashida rempu

May 16th, 2016
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  1. Who is this [i]gorgeous[/i] Mirilan lady walking through the archway of the Millennium Inn cantina? Why it's none other than Rashida Rempu herself, in all her Jedi glory. Looking around, she sees a few various patrons, but none of them seem to catch her eye, nor do they look as if they may need assistance in any way. Deciding that as long as she's in a Cantina she might as well relax (after all, being the Hero of Tython has is duties, and they aren't easy to fulfill), she takes a seat at the cantina bar, and relaxes her body, whilst ordering a warm mug of spiced nerf milk, one of her favourites. She was in for a treat today.
  3. Upon receiving her beverage, she took a short sip at the warmed beverage before placing it back on the counter and taking a glance around the bar. There didn't seem to be anyone really of interest, Jedi nor Sith in the entirety of the bar, which was usually a good thing, but sometimes a bad thing, as the last thing Rashida wanted was to be caught offguard at a bar, but she doubted something like that would happen. Besides, who other than a selected few people and every Sith would possibly want to bring harm to her, she's a peacekeeper of the light, [i]and[/i] pretty.
  5. Rashida had turned rather quickly in the direction of the voice, just to be safe, only to see what looked like another Jedi, talking to an Astromech, which was an incredibly good sign (also because she wasn't the only weirdo who treated her astromech like another person). Deciding she wouldn't actually disturb this man, seeing as he seems to be having a good time with his droid, and turns back to her drink, and takes another sip. Maybe she could holo Kira or the Doc to come have some drinks with her.
  7. She stole another glance at the man, as it wasn't often at all to find Jedi spending time at bars, never the less so far out in the Outer Rim, and saw him smile, which meant he was evidently friendly, and may even strike up conversation. Smiling back, she hops a few seats casually over to him, and used the force to carefully drag her beverage towards her. "I see i'm not the only weirdo in this galaxy that talks to their astromech."
  9. "You make a good point. Besides, droids always do have the best stories, especially the older models, I know my droid teeseven has more old stories than I can count, the little fella have been around the galaxy more than a few times." A smile graced her face, and she extended her hand out in a handshake. "Rashida, Rashida Rempu. It's nice to see a fellow Jedi relaxing in the cantina." It wasn't the most common thing to see, and more than one Jedi in a cantina at a time usually meant business, so her reaction was valid. "If my master saw me sitting in a cantina drinking spiced nerf milk he'd be all over me like a bad rash."
  11. She left out a soft chuckle, not before retracting her own hand. "Your master sounds like bundles of fun. Mine's on the council so he can't exactly have too much fun, but he tries at least." She felt calm talking about Master Orgus, and almost comfortable in a way. "I wish my droid made up some of the stories he tells me, often the ones i'm in, where he loves to emphasize how high the morality rate of the situation was."
  13. "Probably, but the Jedi won't be quick to take action on little things, there's hardly any of us as there is, especially after..." She frowned, even thinking about the sacking of Coruscant, despite not being around for it made her deeply sad, as not only did hundreds of Jedi perish that day, but the temple itself was reduced to rubble, leaving the ancient planet of Tython as the only existing refuge for the Jedi. "We're a strong order, we can get through [i]anything[/i] together."
  15. "Well I should probably start on how we met." She paused to take a sip at her drink before continuing. "We actually met when I was a padawan going through my training trials on Tython, and he'd actually helped save my master and Tython itself from a growing darkness in a corrupted student. It was lucky we did so, and he did end up getting the help he needed, that was after getting a good knock on the head from my fist." She smiled, it had been some time since she'd recalled the tale of her padawan trials, but it was always a good story to share, and she was proud and honoured by everything she'd achieved there.
  17. "I'm not actually sure what the council had done to the corrupted Jedi, but I know in bringing the balance back to Tython I effectively got rid of all the corruption in the force." She paused, making an elaborate hand movement (who knew hands could do that). "Or something like that, All I was told was I saved Tython then I achieved the rank of Jedi Knight and went to Coruscant, it was a pretty great day."
  19. "He's a strange master, and he would of told me if he knew. I suppose the corrupted Jedi is spending the rest of his days in the halls of healing." She shrugged, unsure how to properly respond to a question like that, she was used to being asked straight up questions and questions to do with the war, not things about the past. "He was very proud, and so was Master Shan, which was an honour as shes literally the coolest Jedi ever, not so sure about master Kiwiiks, but afterall she's one weird Togruta master, never know what to expect from her."
  21. 'Uh...about 3 weeks?" She hadn't been a Knight long whatsoever, and it's a miracle how much she's managed to accomplish in her time, from helping cease corruption in the senate to saving the entirety of Coruscant from a group of crazed Sith Lords, she was really earning her Jedi brownie points. "How about you? How long have you been a knight for?" She wandered, and guess he'd been a Jedi maybe a few months, he didn't look too old so she doubted any longer.
  23. Rashida gasped, she hadn't actually met any knights older than her, or any with a whole lot of experience. Most of the knights she met were either younger than her and or inexperience in war, which was a shame, as they wouldn't last 10 seconds anywhere other than Tython. "You've been a knight for 3 years? That's so cool, you must have so much experience." She was generally excited, and even those blind to the force could probably feel the excitement radiating off her.
  25. She had laughed and rolled her eyes at him, as she couldn't believe that a Jedi Knight of so long was taking compliments like that, but then again, she wasn't at all surprised, the man just seemed like the type of person to be almost egotistical. "So... If you don't mind me asking, who's your master? Mine's a Jedi named Orgus Din, he's pretty cool and we both share the opinion that the council talk far too much, but neither of us would ever say it."
  27. "I've never heard of him, or really seen him, but then again." She paused, taking a final sip at her now cool spiced nerf milk. "I haven't met most of the council, only Master Orgus, Master Kiwiiks and Grand Master Shan, I didn't actually know there was any more." She softly smiled, as knowing the order wasn't as broken and somewhat defeated as everyone made it out to be gave her some form of hope for the Jedi Order, and a sense of serenity.
  29. "It would be nice to talk to another Jedi Master, honestly." She spoke in quite a happy tone , that was until Coruscant was mention, in which her tone faded, along with her smile. It was obvious the desolated feeling towards what had happen on Coruscant all those years ago struck in all Jedi's, young and old, for their homes had been stolen away from them. "No one really spends time on Coruscant anymore, other than Senators and the people unfortunate to live there, the Republics really hit an all time low lately."
  31. "I'm sure I'd-" And in that exact moment, her holocommunicator began beeping, and in a swift movement, she quickly retrieved it out of a concealed location (her bra). Switching it on, she sees the holo of Teeseven, telling her she needs to instantly come back to the ship and depart to the Bright Jewel system. "Sithspit, sorry to break this conversation off so quickly, but I gotta get a move on, it was nice speaking to you." She stood up, and placed a handful of credits which were more than enough for a single glass of spiced nerf milk. "May the force be with you, Master Skywalker." And with that, she walked away in a timely manner, making her way to the hanger.
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