

Mar 9th, 2019
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  1. I spoke to Ash Nazir, Carsten Munk and Carsten Haitzler and a few more people last night about wanting to help Purism NOT make avoidable mistakes with the Librem 5.
  3. I had contacted Zlatan Todorić, who is the technical lead for Purism OS, a few days back. I told Zlatan that I love Librem’s approach, but that I felt that Librem 5 would fail because their approach looked like a naive port of Desktop Linux.
  5. I offered to organize a get-together here at FOSDEM to get all the:
  7. Psion
  8. Symbiant
  9. OpenMoko
  10. Maemo
  11. Neo900
  12. Moblin
  13. LiMo
  14. SLP
  15. Bada
  16. WebOS
  17. LuneOS
  18. MeeGo
  19. Tizen
  20. Mer
  21. NemoMobile
  22. SailfishOS
  23. AsteroidOS
  24. Jolla
  25. Zipper
  26. Ubuntu Touch
  27. KDE Plasma Mobile
  28. GNOME
  29. Qt
  30. FirefoxOS
  31. Replicant
  32. CyanogenMod
  34. … people who we can muster while we are all in the same place here at FOSDEM.
  36. To share our learnings from previous failed attempts at building sustainable mobile Linux platforms. I think that Purism have good hearts. They have done a great job on desktop with the Librem line, but mobile is another beast. It is weird. Really weird. But we have people with deep mobile Linux experience in the world and many of them are here today. We need the greybeards to help mentor and buttress Purism’s mobile efforts!
  38. There is still an army of us who want an open hardware, open OS mobile platform, though we are currently fragmented. I saw a lot of N900s today. So let’s build bridges and collaborate and help each other.
  40. I think that Purism have the best chance of succeeding here, and I think that we should help and support them. It they are to fail, let’s ensure it is at least in a new way!
  42. Hope you guys are all around on Sunday afternoon and up for it?
  44. Two birds of a feather sessions on Sunday:
  46. 2pm – Blockchain – H3227
  47. 3pm – Mobile Linux Devices – H.3228
  49. There is a session on Monero earlier in the afternoon and this blockchain BoF immediately before the Mobile Linux Devices one if that is of interest too? A number of us are working in both mobile Linux and blockchain now.
  51. Please come and help. We are stronger together!
  53. Bob Summerwill, Brussels, Belgium, Sat 3rd Feb 2018.
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