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Hauria S2 Vol.7

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Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. Hauria S2
  3. Vol.7 Siciy & Amber Vs Zach & Aden
  5. By SpoopS/Luke/Guitar Fricker
  14. “And Siciy knows all about her.” Taco Said. Siciy sighed. “I knew I would have to tell you all someday...” “What’s up Siciy?” Oli asked comforting him. “200 years ago... I lost someone very important in my life... My wife.” Siciy said. “And well, because of her death I had to give up something very important to me... My daughter, her name was Aden...” Everyone stood there in silence. “W-what happened to her?” Amber asked. “My wife had died about a month after she was born, I wasn’t in a very good, nor safe place at the time. I did what I thought was best for her, My Cousin who lived on Salie Island agreed to look after her... She would be about Jason’s age right now...” Siciy explained. Jason stood up. “Well, what are we waiting for!? Let’s go to Salie Island again!” “Yeah! A new member of our ragtag group of misfits Is always fun!” Oli yelled. Corina, still upset about her friends and family agreed to help, however, you could tell that she felt quite lonely but given that she had nowhere to go she went with you. You walked out of the castle. “Where is she?” Siciy asked Taco. “Well, after her foster mother died a couple hundred years ago she went to go stay on Salie Island... It’s gonna be weird re-visiting that place.” Taco answered. Corina turned to Jasmine. “W-what happened to Lon-Lon island?” Corina asked. “Well, Lon-Lon island was mysteriously attacked one day from a Starittle that came from space. He wiped out the entire island, researchers went to go visit the ruins but none returned alive... We believe that a life force spell was cast on the island during the attack, killing everyone who approaches the island in a matter of minutes.” Jasmine answered. Tears began to role down Corina’s eyes. “I just can believe they're all gone, the thought of seeing my Ma and Pa again is the only thing that kept me going in the underworld, and my little brother, the smile on his face was the last bit of happiness I saw as he waved me off to go meet with my friends...” Corina began to weep. Jason turned to her. Jasmine took her to one side and began to comfort her. “Oh yeah! Leia!” if this is the last Tutor like my research stated.” Taco said. She opened up a portal and jumped inside. Suddenly a huge bang could be heard coming from up ahead. “Face it Zach! I’m the stronger one!” you heard a females voice yell. “Never Aba! I’ll beat you! Even if I need to destroy this island again!” A man yelled back. You ran towards the brawl.
  16. Jason ran forward to break up the fighting. “Hey! Watch it! We're in the middle of something here!” the girl yelled. “We’re sorry to interrupt, but have any of you seen a girl named Aden around here?” Oli asked as he approached the scene. The girl looked up at Oli with rage in her eyes. “Who told you of that name!?” she demanded. The boy began laughing. “Oh boy, she hates that name!” “Oh, I take it you know Aden then? Do you know where she is right now?” You asked. “Aden is the name my good for nothing dad gave me before he abandoned me!” the girl yelled. “I-I mean, I’m sure there was a reaso-“ Amber said. “What did you say to be ginger!?” Aden exclaimed. “You’re defending that good for nothing old man!?” Siciy went red with embarrassment, he finally tried to talk to his daughter after all these years and this is what she thinks of him... “I just mean that he could have been in a bad place at the time is a-“ Suddenly a giant spike rocketed out of the ground below where Amber was standing, sending her flying into the air. Corina flew up high and lowered her down to safety. “Nice one Zach!” Aden laughed. “N-Now, that’s not right! You shouldn’t just attack someone out of the blue!” Siciy yelled. Jason drew his sword. “We only need Aden, this other guy can die for all I care...” Jason mumbled. Oli looked slightly paranoid, but he went to go use his special attack. “Jason! Oli! No!” Amber yelled. “If we fight back then we're only sinking to their level!” Jason put his sword away. “Heh, your funeral Ginger!” Aden yelled. Her finger nails grew long and sharp. She went to go attack Amber. Amber screamed, fearing the pain. Her scream stopped. As she opened her eyes. “Get out of the way grandpa!” Aden yelled at Siciy. Siciy had jumped in front of Aden’s attack to protect Amber. “Dont you dare even think about hurting Amber!” He screamed. Suddenly an army of people appeared behind Aden, grunting and groaning grew closer as they did. “Zombies!?” Zach yelled. Siciy was using his magic to distract Aden and Zach giving Amber enough time to heal him. After the horde was dealt with they turned around. “You really think some zombies are gonna stop us!?” Aden laughed. Amber looked up at them “You all sit out, I want Siciy and I to take on these 2!” she yelled confidentially. This was the first time you ever saw Amber go offensive on someone...
  18. Amber turned to Siciy “I’ll take Aden, you take Zach.” She said. She drew her bow of light. “You really think some stupid Bow and arrow is going to stop me!?” She laughed. Aden grew Demon wings and began to fly around clawing at Amber. Amber was firing her bow and arrow, but no luck, most of her shots missed due to her being so fast. Aden flew in close. “Night Night!” She yelled. A giant beam of darkness was fired over Amber. “Amber!” Oli and Jason yelled. “Cute! Go help her!” Ezif yelled. A giant crater was where Amber once was. “Haha! Victory!” Aden Laughed. Cute began running forward when suddenly an arrow of light was fired from the crater. “You really think that a bit of darkness is going to stop a being of light!?” Amber yelled. Everyone cheered for Amber, Even Siciy began getting distracted from his own fight. “using your defence magic to cancel out my special, well played Ginger.” Aden said. Unfortunately using her defence magic to withstand someone’s special attack has drained a lot of Amber’s energy. Her shots were even more off target now. Aden went in for another normal attack!
  20. Meanwhile. Siciy and Zach were fighting. “So this old geyser thinks he has what it takes to beat me!? Don’t make me laugh!” Zach Boasted. Zach hit Siciy as hard as he could after Turing his fist into a Boulder. It fazed right through Siciy. “My movement magic allows me to turn into a ghost, I guess I could use that to an advantage!” Siciy laughed. He fazed through Zach and turned back to normal. He went to punch Zach as hard as he could. Siciy looked at his hand to see that he had broken 3 of his fingers. “Dummy, I can change myself into the earth, you think a simple punch will take care of me!?” Siciy was trying to recover from his fingers but Zach began pummeling him with more boulders. He hit Siciy with another giant spike if land, like he did with Amber, Siciy landed in his head, knocking him out cold. Amber fell backwards, drained of energy from her fight with Aden. Everyone stood in silence. Cute ran towards them but Over stopped her. “I would recommend you don’t little girl, unless you want to end up like them.” Aden laughed. You looked over at everyone. Even Vid looked like he was about to snap. Jason already had his sword in hand. “How about us next?” Oli asked as him and Jason approached Aden and Zach. “Sure, why not, I barely even broke a sweat beating up those dummies” Aden Laughed. She was hit with a fireball, so powerful it hit her at least 100 meters. Oli turned huge and charged towards Zach. He kicked Zach with all his might landing him right next to Aden. “I don’t care if you teach Jess her defence magic, You hurt Amber and Siciy, and for that I’m gonna put you into a world of pain!” Jason screamed. You could see Vid going to cheer them on... But he stopped because he couldn’t think of a pun. Maybe something lik- “Zach’s it guys! Give it to them!” Vid cheered. There it is. “S-Stop P-please!” Aden yelled. Seeing her beg for mercy was quite satisfying to say the least. An arrow of light hit Jason. “Ow!” Amber was barely standing with her bow and arrow in hand. “Don’t. You. Dare.” She said. She dragged herself over to Aden and Zach and began healing them. “Y-You’re helping us!? But why?” Zach asked. “What can I say, I’m not a good fighter, but I’m one hell of a good healer.” Amber said, she had a smile on her face that told them everything was going to be okay. Aden smiled. “Thanks... Ginger.”
  21. After everyone healed Aden and Zach apologized to everyone for everything they had done, and for some reason, it worked, they showed us around Salie island, and we had a nice picnic near the Ellie and Sadie statues in the centre of the island, you told them stories about how you met Ellie and Sadie, which they refused to believe. Corina however, isolated herself from the others. Aden was the only one who noticed and approached her. “Hey” She said. “Oh uh, Hi there...” Corina whispered. “Is this seat taken?” Aden laughed. “Oh uh... Yeah, Ezif is sitting there...” Corina said. “Hey Ezif mind if I take your seat!?” Aden asked. “What seat?” Ezif answered. Aden sat down “What’s wrong?” She asked. Corina explained what happened to her and LonLon island. “Aw man... That sucks...” Aden said. “But hey, look around you! There’s loads of people around you prepared to support you! I might be new to this group, but I've got a good vibe about this group.” “Y-You’re right! I should at least try to enjoy myself!” Corina said. “T-thank you Aden.” “Anytime!” Aden said as she smiled at Corina. Suddenly a portal opened up, Taco and Leia came through, along with Rosemary, Narri and Twig. “Welp! We did it! As long as you have Aden we should be good to go!” Taco said. “I still hate being called that...” Aden mumbled under her breath. Everyone gathered around, The defence tutors all stood around You. While Taco read out some strange enchantment. A white flame appeared in front of you. You grasped it and felt a wave of power flow through you. You became surrounded in armour. “That’s it!? Her defence magic is just putting on Armour!?” Jason exclaimed. “Anything can break that! Watch!” Jason threw a fire ball at you it got absorbed into your armour before your armour disappeared. “Armour that makes you immune to people’s attacks!? Maybe not so bad after all...” Jason gasped. Suddenly the growling began once again. The one from the future and the past... Everyone who had heard it before instantly recognized it. “That’s it!” Jason yelled. He drew his sword as the dog revealed itself. Jason went to go swing his sword at it. A huge star came crashing down from above hitting Jason. “How dare you try and hurt Star!” you heard some yell angrily. Everyone looked up at the voice. “Greetings weaklings, I am 5074R or my normal name, Solar!” The man yelled. Leia ran towards Jason. “Jason wake up! Are you okay!?” She asked. “Oh? What’s this? A resident of LonLon island? I thought I killed all of you years ago!” Solar Laughed. Corina looked mortified. You found yourself at an unfamiliar place. “It’s funny isn’t it? I would have never helped you if it weren’t for your little friend, didn’t you wonder why your armour only worked partially? Because you didn’t have her, therefore you only have a part of your defence magic, not all, and I don’t plan on giving you it. She’s been helping me this entire time... Not willingly of course. An unconscious Voidle began to float up into the air. “A part of me has been inside her, how did you not realize that!? They even told you there was something wrong with her soul!” Solar Laughed. “Its too bad she’s sleeping, I know she would enjoy watching her friends suffer before they die!” Above you were giant stars falling faster than Jason’s Super speed, they were seconds away from hitting you.
  23. To be continued...
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