
Good Leiko vs Rey

Aug 27th, 2014
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  1. (23:12) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko walked proudly trough the hallways. Her usual up demeanor was showing as usual. She has just beaten up some bullies from class 2-c it seemed that they never learned their lesson. Cocky of herself she walked prous trough the hallways ignoring the comments of the people around her. "Just jelous" she tough to herself
  2. (23:12) <Baku|Haku>(yT)
  3. (23:16) <Rey>"I told you to watch your tongue, slut.ยจ *Rey was standing in the middle of the hallway, with people just passing by, pretending not to see the things he did. He had a very bad reputation on the much that the students ignored him while he mercilessly beated up a girl who called him ยจstupidยจ, and was now stepping on her bruised face, grinding his foot on it.*
  4. (23:17) <Rey>(yt)
  5. (23:19) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko's face turned red from fury and she walked angry towards Rey. She planted her feet firmly and sended a slap towards Rey's face
  6. (23:19) <Baku|Haku>"No fighting on the hallways! How dare you do that to a inocent girl!"
  7. (23:19) <Baku|Haku>(yT)
  8. (23:23) <Rey>*Rey's attention suddenly turned to a girl who, unlike the other students, actually tried to stand up to him. Taking his foot off the beaten girl's face, he grabbed the angry girl's hand before the slap connected to his face, holding it firmly. Though he wasn't muscular, he was still very athletic and pretty strong* "She was the one who insulted me calling me stupid for no reason. I simply teached her a little respect. You want to take the same lesson? I wou
  9. (23:23) <Rey>(yt)
  10. (23:25) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko's eyes widened as her slap was stopped on mid-movement. She looks at Rey and breath heavily mostly out of anger. The girl is not thinking straight and tries to realise her hand from Rey's grip
  11. (23:28) <Baku|Haku>*She rises her foot and tries to kick Rey on his gut to let her go. There is an empty classromm next to them where there are only a few broken chairs that lie around.
  12. (23:28) <Baku|Haku>(yT)
  13. (23:31) <Rey>*Rey simply chuckles at the girl's frustation, and dodges her kick with a simple sidestep. In one fluid motion, he grabs the girl's hair and roughly throws her at the empty classroom next to them, with good enough force so that she would undoubtely fall to the floor. He would simply walk into the classroom and close the door behind him.* "Now I can have some fun with this new punching bag."
  14. (23:31) <Rey>(yt)
  15. (23:33) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko screams and falls flat on her back. She grunts a little as she tries to stand up and looks at Rey. She has one eyed closed and her respitarion has become erratic. She can't explain herself how this man was able to out manouver her. She stands on a basic fighting position and faces Rey. "I'm going to whipe that smug face from you when I'm done with you" said the girl gritting her teeth.
  16. (23:34) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko tried to launch a kick towards Rey's stomach with enough speed to catch him off guard "Hiyaa!"
  17. (23:34) <Baku|Haku>(yT)
  18. (23:37) <Rey>"Well, that's fas--" *Rey's line was cut short by the girl's kick slamming into his stomach. He knew it was too quick to dodge or block it succesfully, so he decided to take the hit instead.* "So...was that your best?" *He simply shrugged off the girl's kick like it was nothing, and immediately threw a quick punch aimed at her face*
  19. (23:37) <Rey>(yt)
  20. (23:39) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko evaded the punch barely she gasped as the fist rose her face. "Too quick!" she tough to herself. She tough of getting herself a distance between her and Rey. However she was distracted by the fact that all the students are looking at her tough the windows of the hallway. "W-What the..."
  21. (23:39) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  22. (23:41) <Rey>*Noticing the girl getting distracted, Rey took this chance to grab the girl's shirt and pull her towards him, then immediately stopping her momentum by kneeing her in the stomach as hard as he could* "Don't you know that you can't get distracted in a fight? Dumb bitch."
  23. (23:41) <Rey>(yt)
  24. (23:44) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko's mind got back the reality as she gasped in surprise as she was pulled. Her eyes went wide and her mouth spitted saliva as she was kneeled on the stomach. She tried to make some distance now but it was too late. Rey was quicker than her and her breathing had been broken "Uggh..."
  25. (23:44) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  26. (23:47) <Rey>*Rey cracked a sadistic smile at the sight of the girl's pain. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face straight into his oncoming knee, essentially kneeing her in the face*
  27. (23:47) <Rey>(yt)
  28. (23:48) <Rey>(Oh wait...she wasn't kneeling bad. Lemme rewrite that)
  29. (23:51) <Baku|Haku>(ok)
  30. (23:51) <Rey>*Rey cracked a sadistic smile at the sight of the girl's pain. Knowing her defense was down, he threw two quick punches to her face, finishing with an uppercut to her chin strong enough to knock her down to the floor*
  31. (23:51) <Rey>(yt)
  32. (23:54) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko recived the first punch on her left cheeck she gasped in pain as her head reeled. The second one made the girl spin and pant trying to regain her compusture but it was futile as the final punch landed on her chin and sended her back to the floor "Uwaaaaah!"
  33. (23:55) <Baku|Haku>*With a loud *Thud* sound the queen of the school had reachen the floor yet again. This had never happened to her even on fights with stronger men that her. She tried to use her elbows to rise herself up "T-This..can't be happening"
  34. (23:55) <Baku|Haku>(yT)
  35. (23:59) <Rey>*Rey chuckled at the girl's disbelief that she was actually losing. He walked up to her before she could rise to her feet and stomped on her head, making her forehead hit the floor.* "Why? Why getting your ass kicked can't be happening? Don't tell're just an arrogant bitch aren't you? Think you're invinsible and no one can ever beat you? *He then grinded his foot on the girl's head, applying more and more pressure*
  36. (00:00) <Rey>"I would just like to remind you...right now, you're lying beaten under my feet, and I'm just playing around with you"
  37. (00:00) <Rey>(yt)
  38. (00:03) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko looked up at Rey and tears were comming out of her eyes as he aproached her. "Noo....I-I can stilAaaaaagh!" The girls brave world were interrupted by reality as the back of her head smashed agaist the floor. She whimpered as Rey's foot made work of her.
  39. (00:04) <Baku|Haku>"Aaah! Aaaaaggh!" The girl screamed and cried as her head was stomped without mercy. She kicked around trying to get up. Thanks to the adrenaline she managued to grab Rey's foot and force it down to make him trip
  40. (00:04) <Baku|Haku>(yT)
  41. (00:07) <Rey>*Rather surprised by the girl's sudden burst of strength, Rey losed his balance, but managed to avoid crashing to the floor by rolling, quickly standing back up again* "Alright, so you still have some fight left into you. Come on then, have your little revenge and beat me up." *Rey simply stood there, without even going into a fighting pose, waiting for the girl to try to attack him, still having his charateristic sadistic smile on his face*
  42. (00:08) <Rey>(yt)
  43. (00:12) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko gasped and sobbed. She looked at Rey rather weakly and unsure. "This is not good...He is quicker than me he can know me out on a second with a barrade of punches....I-I can't lose..." She managued to stand up again and kept her guard up this time taking some distance between her and Rey "If I am far enough I can counter" tough Leiko to herself and she circled around Rey
  44. (00:12) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  45. (00:15) <Rey>*Rey sighed as he found out what he actually thought wouldn't happen so easily. He girl lost her spark. Though her being scared of him was what he wanted, he wanted to enjoy breaking her a little more...although he could still think of other great ways to break her. Suddenly, he quickly charged at her and went for a hard punch aimed at her right breast*
  46. (00:15) <Rey>(yt)
  47. (00:18) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko's plan had worked she had space to counter attack Rey. As soon as Rey entered her rangue she jumped and attemped to do a back kick at Rey's face as his punch was landing.
  48. (00:19) <Baku|Haku>"TAKE THIS!" Leiko was using her last reserves of strenght she needed time to recover from the beating. Time she did not have.
  49. (00:19) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  50. (00:29) <Rey>*Taken by surprise, Rey quickly ducked out of the kicks way; he knew that was her last resort since it was slower than her previous attacks. He quickly incorporated himself back to his previous position and threw a roundhouse kick aimed at the girl's stomach*
  51. (00:29) <Rey>(yt)
  52. (00:30) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko gasped in surprise "No!". Her attack was soon to landing and she was hitted on the stomach and slided on the floor as she was hitted
  53. (00:30) <Baku|Haku>"Aaaaah!"
  54. (00:31) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko coughed as she lied on the floor on her side. She drooled a little from her mouth and tried to stand up again "N-No..Not yet..."
  55. (00:32) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko stood up again on fighting stance but this had no use. She was far to beaten to do anything on that position. She slowly aporached Rey
  56. (00:32) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  57. (00:34) <Rey>*Rey laughed at the girl's attempts to keep fighting. He decided to respond that with a barrage of punches to her face and stomach, even punching her breasts more than just a couple of times. He finished his merciless assault by roundhouse kicking the girl in the face*
  58. (00:34) <Rey>(yt)
  59. (00:36) <Baku|Haku>"Ooff! Aaaugh! Gyaah! Aaaah! Ahhh....!" The barrede of quick punches landed each and every one of them on Leiko's face. The ones on the stomach make her whimper in pain her face had exploted on fear
  60. (00:38) <Baku|Haku>*The woman landed on her kneed drooling blood from her mouth moaning in pain
  61. (00:38) <Baku|Haku>"Uuh...Uh...Noo...."
  62. (00:39) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko was kicked straing on her face. Her eyes going white as she was send of towards some chairs and landed on them. her breats poppoing up from her sweater.
  63. (00:40) <Baku|Haku>*She twitched on the chaird going "uuh...Uh...."
  64. (00:40) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  65. (00:44) <Rey>*Rey smiled at the sight of his work. The girl was clearly broken now...but there was still fun to be had with her. He approached her and pulled on her head, bringing her back on her feet and holding her in place by her hair* "You know...I could still beat you up if I wanted to...I just love beating up girls, they're the greatest punching bags ever! But...there is something you can do to avoid the rest of the beating...wanna know what that is?"
  66. (00:44) <Rey>(yt)
  67. (00:47) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko semi concious at this moment blinked a little. Still twitch from pain. The people outside gasped as they say Rey grabbing Leiko like a ragdoll. The girl was sobbing without control she couldn't even awnser properly. The blood kept rolling from her lips
  68. (00:47) <Baku|Haku>"Uuh..Uh.."
  69. (00:47) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  70. (00:51) <Rey>*Rey whispered in her ear, making sure she would understand every single word, even in her current state* "You're gonna be my personal own little bitch to abuse and command whenever and however I want. And let me tell you...bad slave get punished really badly" *He let the girl's hair go, letting her fall to the floor at his feet. He moved his right foot forward, right in front of her.* "Lick my shoe, now, then this nightmare will end"
  71. (00:51) <Rey>(yt)
  72. (00:54) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko's hands tremble as she falls to the floor yet again. She grunts and looks at the man. "N-Never...Uuh..."
  73. (00:56) <Baku|Haku>*She grabs her foot and tries to rise herself up using Rey's shirt
  74. (00:56) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  75. (00:59) <Rey>*Rey simply jerked his leg, kicking the girl back to the ground onto her back. He then stomped as hard as he could on her breasts* "You better do as I say, it'll hurt much less that way, trust me." *He said with a rather sadistic smile as he grinded his foot on her breasts, making sure to apply more pressure by the second*
  76. (00:59) <Rey>(yt)
  77. (01:02) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko falls on her back. She has no longer any strenght to rise up and gasp. Her pupils going smalled. She gasp and feels the air scaping her as she is stomped. She tries to get the foot away from her but it hurst so much she can't
  78. (01:02) <Baku|Haku>"Noo! Aaaaah!"
  79. (01:02) <Baku|Haku>(yt)
  80. (01:04) <Rey>"Hmm...looks like breaking you will be better than I thought" *He said as he stomped on her breasts several times, laughing sadistically as he did so. He made sure to stomp harder every time, grinding his foot a couple of times as well on the girl's breasts*
  81. (01:04) <Rey>(yt)
  82. (01:06) <Baku|Haku>"Uufff....Aaah! Aaaah! Stooop! Stoppp!
  83. (01:08) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko screamed in each stomping as each one made her chest hurt more and more. She stoped screaming for each stomp to instead spit blood each time. As Rey gridded his foot on the girl's breast she whimpered and tried to work her air back in between the pain
  84. (01:10) <Baku|Haku>"P-please...Stoop! Stop!"
  85. (01:11) <Baku|Haku>*Leiko was stomped again and again. Evenrtually she vomited blood all over herself and stopped moving. She has been knocked out. Her mouth was full of blood as well as her eyes were full of tears.
  86. (01:11) <Baku|Haku>(yT)
  87. (01:14) <Rey>*Noticing the girl was knocked out, Rey used his foot to push her face to the side. He then proceeded to spit on her face and step on it, grinding his foot and letting the dirt on the sole of his shoe stay on her face* "This bitch is all mine...after that beating, she will do everything that I say...unless she wants a worse beating of course." *He chuckled at his own comment while keeping his foot on the girl's face, thinking of all the things he would make
  88. (01:14) <Rey>(end?)
  89. (01:17) <Baku|Haku>End~
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