

Jul 20th, 2019
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  1. lol (((they))) have been pushing climate doomsday countdowns since like the late 80s. I think I actually have an article dated 1989 somewhere...
  3. Basically it was one massive lie pushed by NWO assets. Yes, including Gore. Clintons and Bushes weren't acting alone all these years. :P 70% of our government was/is compromised, minimum. Miiiniiimuuum. This wasn't something Q came up with. Thousands of whistleblowers worldwide all say the same things. One merely has to look for them, and bam, there's a whole world you never knew about, right behind the bookshelf.
  5. The strategy was to make it impossible for small businesses to maintain standards and pay fines; things that interlinked megacorps can weather easy peasy. And to legitimize it, they've been paying for fudged and misleading research for decades. Which they then use as a political weapon. Never heard about the absolute toxic, highly politicized, and anti-intellectual environment of academia (and its related industries)? About studies being plain made up? That's another world hiding right under the rug.
  7. At this point it shouldn't be any surprise that most things we thought were solid irrefutable fact were bullshit all along. The ostracizing and condescending were tactics used to spin the public against itself, like virtually everything else that's obvious but gets called a conspiracy theory.
  9. (((They))) coined the term conspiracy theory so that people investigating the JFK assassination and Gulf of Tonkin false flag could be written off as total idiots.
  11. Like, I get it. Society falls apart if we can't trust any authority whatsoever. But is it really running smoothly to begin with? I don't think so... I could write pages and pages on how obvious it is that they were bleeding our wealth and running our country into the dirt for over a century on purpose --- but I'd probably tailspin into a frothing incoherent fury. lel
  13. Anyway. Climate change is real but so, so far beyond the scope of ordinary industry and commerce. The real problem is localized pollution. And in either case, the people at fault are the ones telling us the world is going to end if we don't stop breeding and start importing third worlders for sweatshop pay. 🙄
  15. But moving forward.
  17. Like, nobody finds it odd that prominent Democrats and Neocon Republicans (like Jeb!) are both for cheap replacement labor? How could that possibly help us? XD Are cheap iPads and McNuggets worth the uniform poverty we'll be subjecting our Mexican grandchildren to?
  19. Anyway. Anyway... I'm going on a tangent.
  21. But it's all related. The scope is extraordinary.
  23. The same ones championing man-made climate change are the ones dumping untold quantities of toxins, drugs, and hormones into our extremely finite fresh water supply. Xenoestrogens are why fully developed men are becoming more and more rare, or why ultra developed teenage girls are so common. Then there is the fluoride that calcifies the gland responsible for spiritual attunement. The list goes on.
  25. And again, you would hear about it every day if it weren't for highly selective YouTube algorithms and television "standards". Outright censorship, 1984 ultra fascist style, even.
  27. The only books banned or censored in America, to my knowledge, have to do with Israel and/or the Cabal. Those are the only two subjects we don't know we're not allowed to hear about. So why isn't the very real Cabal an issue on the Democrat platform? Or the Republican platform?
  29. Well... Duh. It's obvious why.
  31. AHDJVIEKE!!#$~
  33. How am I NOT supposed to tangent indefinitely? There's too much to talk about...
  35. I guess it's still Epstein month. It's just a grind to me because Q & community already laid out everything over a year ago...
  37. To think, I might still be pretending the status quo was legitimate, if those degenerate rainbow danger-hair posers didn't so smugly menstruate all over the vidya gaemz community.
  39. And yes they are connected. How else do you think all of these sleazy transvestikins manage to operate at a perpetual loss in revenue?
  41. No offense to real trannies, of course. I have much more respect for a pretty feminine looking man than I do for these walking rape sirens.
  43. lol there I went again. It would be coherent if I bothered to explain the connections, but then it would be a book.
  45. And I post these more for me than (You), so as long as I feel some satisfaction then my time is well spent.
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