
Mr Fizzles can sense when you're being a liar

Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was seated at her desk in the office, her eyes staring down into her open notebook in front of her, a pen positioned in her right hand as she wrote a few things and crossed a few things out continuously. The receipt for the cigarettes was on her desk, while the cartons of cigarettes she'd found along with the unopened kit sat on the couch. She was trying to keep herself distracted from the fact that she was going to have to confront him about it when he got home. // Noah was milling around in the kitchen, half knowing what was going on at this point because he's not a complete moron and between what Felix had texted him about, and how he'd observed Steph, he was staying clear out of her warpath. He was in the process of fixing himself a sandwich with literally like everything under the sun strewn out across the counter.-
  2. Covet: Felix pulled up, putting his cigarette out, blowing the smoke out the open window. He rolled up the window and turned off his vehicle. He took a deep breath and looked towards the house. Steph was in a serious mood last night and Felix had mostly pushed it off on her being annoyed. Though, he was starting to suspect it was something else with the way she'd been snapping and being short with him. He walked up to the house and used his key to come inside. He looked over into the kitchen to see Noah with a sandwhich, his stomach growling, cause forever hungry. " Hey man, enough to make another sandwich?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the front door and Felix's voice immediately followed by the pounding footsteps of Penny running down the stairs to meet Felix because happy doggy, Steph's eyes snapped up from her notebook to stare at the doorway a long moment. Her heart started to race in her chest and she forced herself to look back down into her notebook and reread what she'd written. // Noah glanced up from his intense sandwich making to send Felix a nod on his way in, grabbing another slice of bread to slap it on top of his ridiculous tower of food on bread. "Nah, I don't think I want another sandwich." He said sarcastically, picking up his giant sandwich and taking a big bite before setting it back down on his plate and talking through his food. "You might want to uh... fix whatever you did first though. Don't worry though, I got the knives." He said as he grabbed for the knife he'd been using to hold it up.-
  4. Covet: Felix's stomach growled then he glared at Noah, before flipping him off, because dickhead. He turned around then looked towards the bedroom or the office, then turned back to Noah, "Which way to my doom?"
  5. Alexithymiaa: -She toyed with the pen in her hands, twisting it back and forth because she was literally just sitting and listening to their conversation in the kitchen. // Noah lifted the knife to jab it through the air in the direction of the office. "I don't clean up casualties so do you want to go prepared?" He asked, reaching into the drawer for a fork to hold out to Felix. He thinks he's funny.-
  6. Covet: Furrowing his brow, he turned his head and walked over to Noah, " Prepared how exactly, do you know why she's angry yet?"
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Noah thrust the fork into Felix's hand because he still thinks he's funny, giving him a casual shrug before he reached for his sandwich again. "First I thought it was me because she was carrying those cigarettes around. Butttttt I'm not so sure it's me anymore." He leaned in, taking a large bite of the sandwich. "Probably you, dude."-
  8. Covet: Felix looked at the fork then set it down on the counter listening to him. When Noah mentioned the cartons of cigarettes, he pursed his lips and felt his grumbling, hungry stomach drop. "Shit..." He lookede over at Noah, then reached over to take a couple bites of his sandwhich, before setting it back down giving him a thumbs up and flipped him the bird again. Felix wasn't about to go to his death on a completely empty stomach. Chewing the bites he'd taken and swallowing them down on his way over to the office. He hesitated before he stepped into the doorway, looking over to see the two cartons and an unimpressed Steph sitting at her desk.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She could see him in her peripheral vision when he stepped into the office doorway, slowly lifting her head up to glare at him like there has never been another death glare in existence. Setting her pen down on top of her notebook, she folded her hands together, just staring at him in silence. // "HEY!" Noah called out obnoxiously when Felix stole a couple bites of his sandwich, quickly reaching over for the plate to snatch it back. But then he walked to the kitchen table becuase it was closer to the office and he needed to eavesdrop.-
  10. Covet: Felix instantly felt cold from her glare and set his jaw as he cleared his throat. He took another deep breath, before he spoke. His voice was dropped while he looked over at her. " I guess I have some explaining to do..." Was all he could get out as he stood there in the doorway, keeping his distance mostly as a safety precaution.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "You have about five seconds to tell me why I should ever trust you again." She said evenly, her gaze not moving from his face at all. She wasnt even fucking blinking.-
  12. CovetCovet : He looked at her and started to say something, then closed his mouth to rethink it, then sort of panicked before at the last second he sputtered out, "You shouldn't, and you probably won't for a very long time after this." He said to her, then added more calmly "And I'm going to have to deal with that consequence, which I assume is going to be intense, judging by your current mood."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "My current mood?" She repeated his words like they were poison, blinking a few times. "My current mood is that I found out my boyfriend has been LYING to me for... for however the fuck long you intended to pretend you weren't smoking when you were actually doing it behind my back." She set her jaw, her anger bubbling over. "And I fucking found out because you're a fucking DUMBASS he literally put the receipt for your god damn cigarettes in the box with my birthday present!" She slammed her hands down on the desk in front of her, shooting up out of her chair. "And I gave you the fucking opportunity to be honest with me when I said I found the cigarettes and you were perfectly fine with letting that blame fall on Noah when it was YOU! How long were you going to keep lying, Felix?"-
  14. Covet: He flinched when she slammed her hands down on the desk listeining to her. Felix stood his ground as she stood up, nodding his head as she spoke, because it's not like he cold deny any of it at this point. He gave his shoulders a shrug, "Probably not much longer, not that it matters, but the guilt was starting to get to me. You praising me for doing something I knew I wasn't doing, was too much."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She rossed her eyes, shaking her head before picking up her pen from the desk and throwing it at him. "I'm so sorry that you felt guilty for letting me continuously reward you for shit you werent actually doing." She sucked in a deep breath, trying to stop herself from getting so worked up, but honestly she was way past level 10 already. "You intentionally and deliberately took advantage of me and betrayed my trust, two things I thought you of all people would never do. But I guess I say that everytime it happens so I shouldnt be so disappointed anymore."-
  16. Covet: Felix brought his hand up and swatted the pen away blocking it as he threw it at her. "I know. I know. I didn't think you'd compare this to the way you've been lied to from other people, but.. okay.. I'll take it. I don't really get the option to not." Felix said to her. "I really don't have an excuse for myself or for lying. Once it just kept going. It wasn't even about you praising me, it's just that you seemed so happy, and that was encouraging you to stick with your side of our deal... I couldn't fess up to it."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "How could I not compare this to when other people lie to me? How is this any different at all?" She curled her hands into fists, biting down on her tongue before speaking again. "What was encouraging me to stick to my side of our deal was ME. I'm doing this for myself. Not for you, not for my family or my doctors. Me. And I was doing perfectly fine before our deal. That deal was for YOU; to encourage you to actually make the fucking effort to get better." She stepped out from behind the desk, walking over to him. "I was happy because I enjoyed you and the time we spent together. I was happy before you claimed to be quitting smoking. Now? Now I'm just so disappointed in myself that I believed you."-
  18. Covet: "Well I didn't see it like that. Because I didn't want to quit. I don't see it as a problem. I know it is. But that's how denial works. When I made that deal with you, I went along with it for you, because I gave you that promise, that I'd help you keep on track. And if you saw that I wasn't doing my best, I thought you might decide you didn't need to do yours. I wasn't making that deal for me. And If I'm being perfectly honest, it just kind of feels like everyone's trying to make a decision for me, without my input." He said glaring, "But to assume my lie was done to directly hurt or disappoint you, and lumps me in the lies you've told me other people have told you. That stings a bit. But I don't get to be hurt. Save yourself the disappointment in yourself, because you couldn't have helped but believe me.. because I never gave you a reason to think otherwise. You want to see the best in me and where I appreciate that, and where I like to think I am. I'm not perfect. I fuck up just like everyone else."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "No one is making any decision for you. The people in your life give a shit about you and because of that, we shared our opinions with you. At no point did anyone tell you that you didnt have a choice. If you want to smoke, then go right ahead." She leaned down, picking up the cigarettes from the couch and thrusting them into his chest. "Your mother and I just wanted you to be healthy and you're not entitled to fault us for that. We didnt force you. And I'm honestly not even mad that you didnt actually quit. I'm mad that you fucking lied about it. And I dont think you lied to intentionally hurt me. You lied to get what you wanted which is exactly what everyone lies about it. Which is why this isnt any different, so dont make it seem like you're the victim here because I swear I will castrate you." She sucked in another deep breath, feeling a little light headed after how worked up she'd gotten. She staggered to the side a bit, reaching her hands out for the couch so she could sit down.-
  20. Covet: "Yeah... right." He said biting the inside of his cheek. Holding onto the cigarettes for a moment then he watched her stagger and have to sit down. Which only made him feel even guiltier. "Maybe you should take it easy tonight.. and go lay down. I'll, get out of your hair so you're not getting so worked up. I know you're mad and I don't expect that to change any time soon. You're right. I lied to get what I want. Was it because I wanted the cigarettes, no. It was because I wanted the same thing of you that you wanted of me. I just wasn't able to meet your expectations. And that's causing you more stress and strain than you can physically handle, even if you don't want to see it that way. I can see it." He said lowly. Felix looked at the cartons of cigarettes and set them on the arm of the couch. " Take care of those." He told her as he headed out of the office.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Stop." She said quickly because she didnt really want to listen to him at this moment in time. When he set the cigarettes down on the arm of the couch, she moved her hand to shove them off and onto the floor because she just wanted them away from her, putting her head down into her hands to finally release the tears she'd been holding back. // Noah was awkwardly standing in front of the front door where he'd been listening to the entire argument. When Felix stepped out of the office, Noah turned his back to him, looking around the house and trying to act natural like he hadnt been listening even though he looked anything, but natural right now.-
  22. Covet: He nodded his head and paused for a second when she said stop, then heard the clatter of the cigarette boxes hit the ground . He let out a sigh and kept walking, seeing Noah trying to act non-chalant about the fact that he was definitely listening to them. Felix just started at Noah for a second as he placed his hand on the doorknob, "You suck at that. Lock this behind me." He told him flatly opening up the door stepping outside. He rechaed into his pocket and grabbed the partial pack of cigarettes he had and crushed it in his hand, dropping it in the coffee can he had out front as an ash tray before walking down the step and off the porch to his vehicle.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She pushed up to her feet and and grabbed her phone off the desk, turning to step over the cigarettes on the floor and make her way out of the office. Seeing Noah lingering by the door, she wiped the back of her hand over her cheek before continuing on to her room to slam the door closed behind her so she could text Cadence because Cadence makes everything better. Not really. She sets fires. // Noah smirked and shrugged at Felix. "Sorry." Stepping forward, he locked the door behind Felix on his way out before going to hide out in his room.-
  24. Covet: Felix took off and was headed for the OCH because one he hadn't been there in forever, two that's where his bed was, and three he needed to grab some of his camping things before he took off for the weekend.
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