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Sep 29th, 2017
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  1. Key: Flamestrike
  3. Character: Artyom Rurikovich
  5. Tier S/Skill : Tier 3 UBW
  7. How well do you know your Fate?!: When going up against INCREDIBLE ODDS that of which you CANNOT BEAT, is when UBW takes itself to the next level. It is often in times of strife or pain, when your ideals are put in question, when you look upon the mistakes you may have made and the mistakes you could make in the future, when you realize your TRUE PATH.
  9. Reasoning: I got smacked around by Sharingan Tier 3. I know, he's a tier ahead of me, etc etc, but I don't think my characters arc is done yet. He still has a lot left to do and a lot of potential in him for some cool moments. Besides that, if I do get this, I'm still going to stay with my characters beliefs- There will be no counter lethal. This is purely defensive, and something that furthers his ideals as it's one of the 'mistakes' he made in his past. How he takes this mistake is what would define him as a Unlimited Blade Works User.
  11. Moment: Mitsuaki came to Artyom with one goal and one goal only- To get revenge for having the latter put the former into Facility Zero. In facility Zero, Mitsuaki went across potentially countless horrors, pressed there because he tried to kill someone in a power grab to stop all the madness all together. In some ways, this may have been better. This may have led to a more favorable outcome, with Mitsuaki perhaps gaining strength in the government, beating his way up the stairs, and potentially even stopping the corruption before it began.
  13. But it was his means towards that end that placed him on the path towards madness. And that's what Artyom sees. Artyom wants to save EVERYONE, the lives of every being, good or evil (Save for vampires, which he doesn't believe are alive yet, and thinks they are just walking corpses, but this will change depending on interactions with them). ---
  15. Now Artyom is going to be killed for what he did. Saving everyone. A realization that could be akin to what Shirou had to face when he went against Archer. Where he had to realize that the path he was going down would inevitably lead to some people suffering. Yet, even so... He believes he can push past that. That people are still worth saving. That his ideal is an ideal worth living for. That, even someone like Mitsuaki, who found himself in his own personal hell because of his actions... Can still be saved, and live a normal, happy life with everyone else.
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