

Apr 24th, 2020
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  1. Agrippa (A Book of the Dead), a poem by William Gibson
  2. The Ancient of Days, a design by William Blake
  3. Anglo-Saxon Rune alphabet
  4. Johann Sebastian Bach
  5. Cuneiform
  6. C. Escher
  7. Francisco Goya
  8. Gödel, Escher, Bach, a book by Douglas Hofstadter
  9. Kōans
  10. Liber AL vel Legis by Aleister Crowley
  11. The Lady of Shalott, a painting by John William Waterhouse
  12. The Mabinogion, a series of pre-Christian Welsh manuscripts
  13. Mayan Numerology
  14. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, a book by William Blake
  15. Nebuchadnezzar, a design by William Blake
  16. Newton, a design by William Blake
  17. Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  18. Song of Liberty, a poem by William Blake
  19. Collective consciousness and collective intelligence
  20. Ego death
  21. Esotericism
  22. Gematria
  23. Carl Jung
  24. Kabbalah and Hermetic Qabalah
  25. Søren Kierkegaard
  26. Friedrich Nietzsche
  27. Grigori Rasputin
  28. Jean-Paul Sartre
  29. Robert Anton Wilson
  30. Zen Buddhism
  31. Atbash cipher
  32. Book ciphers
  33. Caesar cipher
  34. Diffie–Hellman key exchange
  35. Factorization
  36. General number field sieve
  37. Kurt Gödel and his incompleteness theorems
  38. GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG)
  39. Francis Heylighen
  40. GNU/Linux
  41. Magic squares
  42. Number theory
  43. Prime numbers
  44. Pretty Good Privacy
  45. RSA Encryption Algorithm
  46. Self-reference
  47. Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme
  48. Steganography in digital images, text, and network protocols
  49. Strange Loops
  50. The Onion Router (Tor)
  51. Transposition ciphers
  52. The Vigenère Cipher"
  54. https://uncovering-cicada.fandom.com/wiki/2014_CICADA_3301_DATA_DUMP
  56. http://www.franks-casket.de/english/extro01.html
  58. I came across this which explains the dots in rune codes and how the multiple the values of the runes number values. if someone more intelligent than I wants to take a look at it to see if it helps
  60. ______________________________________________________________________________
  62. Ok so I decided to leave this for a while cause it was literally driving me insane I'm not sure what the actual cicada 3301 thing is but I think it's fair to say that the amount of detail that's gone into liber primus that this isn't no LARPERS. Some things I gleaned from looking at liber primus without any understanding of cryptography or modular mathematics ;
  64. Sumerian cuneiform
  66. QR codes hidden in the pages. Some of them will take you to what looks like the original text.
  68. The linked text is not in English, it looks like Latin and it has the same style with the red and black text although it is in latin text not runeglish.
  70. Golden ratio
  72. The alignment of the runes on some of the pages is off- this will most likely be deliberate and seems to follow historical ciphers (see bacon)
  74. The numbers given in the grids when plotted out on a x y graph draw a cicada which when *imposed* on some of the pages might be a clue
  76. On the germatria sheet when playing with the color you can see J is blocked out and some of the values are highlighted in gold.
  78. J seems to be significant- see caimeo.freenode.com
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