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Dec 11th, 2012
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  1. Armand Blackheart
  2. Unicorn Male
  3. Cleric
  4. Talent: once per combat a critfail heal becomes a crit heal
  5. Lawful Evil (nightmare moon)
  6. Armand is a leanly-built stallion that is a unicorn who is mysterious,
  7. smooth-talking, and mean-spirited. His coat is black.
  8. He has a mane that is red, and it reminds you of an
  9. elaborate sculpture. His eyes are yellow. His mark is a red cross.
  10. Armand is a black priest of Nightmare Moon sent to heal his brothers in Darkness.
  11. His healing spells are less effective against those that serve the light.
  13. Skills:
  14. 1point in improved spellcasting
  16. 1 point in healing
  17. improved- heal
  18. Mend: spell, recharge 1; can heal fatal injuries and mend severed limbs.
  20. 1 point in cure
  21. imprved- Cure
  22. Bolster: spell, once per combat; target’s next roll to get up from helplessness is successful
  24. 2 points in divine wrath - push enemies away 9+they are helpless
  25. improved divine wrath -Undoing: spell, recharge 2; stop enemy movements for 1 turn. Crit renders them all helpless and kills some.
  27. Racial telekinis
  28. improved telekinis -
  29. Improved Telekinesis: spell, recharge 2; the unicorn racial talent can also be affected by Improved Spellcasting,
  30. allowing its use in highly detailed or complex tasks such as watchmaking, or lifting extreme weights or multiple individuals.
  32. Inventory:
  33. Fancy Red priest robes
  34. Mace of Nightmares
  35. Belt with 2 health potions on it (heal 1 wound per vial)
  36. Black cloak with a red cross on the back
  37. coinpurse with 200 bits in it
  38. An apple (I like apples)
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