

Nov 6th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Kelsey pulled her vehicle up to the apartment, parking along the street, She climbed out and looked at Brad, "Can you get him out so I don't put him into Traffic, please." She said giving him a smile as she closed her door and walked around to the other side of the vehicle to wait for the boys. // "Momma, do you think they will have snacky bags again?" Connor asked from the backseat, waiting to be unbuckled.
  2. Tsaaq: "Babe, can you get me a beer?" Ozzie called out from the living room. His medical text book was on one thigh while Lulu sat on the other, continually trying to close the book. "Stop that. Daddy is tryin' to get his learning so we'll be rich." // Katie was doing fucking dishes reluctantly. Her face going red with anger when she heard Ozzie. "I ain't your fucking babe." She shouted but gave him a beer anyways.
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Im mesmerized by whats happening in front of this apartment building.)
  4. Tsaaq: ((FOCUS!))
  5. Covet: [XD I love the fact that there's a hobo XD]
  6. Covet: [Also.. Goth/PVC neighbors downstairs lmao]
  7. Alexithymiaa: (The skating bitches though)
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Brad pushed the door open and climbed out of the car, spinning around to pull his seat up before reaching into the backseat to unbuckle Connor's seat. Once he had him freed, he held his hands out to him because four years olds want to do things themselves, so he just helped him out of the car instead of lifting him. "You'll have to ask Katie very nicely if she has any." He spoke to Connor, pushing the door closed once he was safetly out of the car and on the sidewalk.-
  9. Covet: Kelsey smiled, "Dad's right, But if she doesn't have any you'll just have to be polite and not be upset, okay?" She said holding out her hand for Connor. // He took Brad's hands and climbed out then took Kelsey and Brad's hands as they walked into the building, "Okay, but hopefully she does have them. They're really good, Can I push the button?" He asked as they got to the elevator.
  10. Tsaaq: "I gotta sleep in bed with you every night. You're something." He sighed a bit. Pouting at Katie as she went back to her dishes. Ozzie took the beer and looking down at his lap, wondering how'd he juggle all this shit. He cracked open his beer and rested it on Lulu's head and she began to giggle maniacally. // Katie finished the dishes and returned to the living room. She practically growled. "Don't fucking do that to baby!" She complained. Grabbing the beer and taking Lulu from him as she handed him his can back.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -He took Connor's hand as they walked up the front walkway and into the apartment building, beginning to head up the stairs in their small group. "Yes, you can push the button. But make sure you only push it once."-
  12. Covet: Kelsey stepped into the elevator and leaned against the back wall, as Connor stood on his tip toes to push the button for Ozzie and Katie's floor. The doors closed and the kid was bouncing on his toes because that makes the ride more fun. // "What happens if you push it twice?" He asked as the doors opened again and he ran down the hallway so that he could knock on the door.
  13. Tsaaq: Ozzie sighed as he sipped his brew and continued to highlight shit in his textbook. "She was having fun." He declared. Ozzie lifted his head at the sound of the knock. // Katie curled her lip at him and held Lulu from her armpits, letting her little legs kick as she sputtered her lips in her baby fashion. She turned to the door and pulled it open. "Oh hey guys! Get your asses in here!"
  14. Alexithymiaa: (WHAT ELEVATOR? i ONLY SAW STAIRS)
  15. Tsaaq: ((Lmao there are no elevators xD but hey whatever))
  16. Alexithymiaa: (I assumed he meant their doorbell buzzer!)
  17. Covet: [shhh.. XD idk I used the elevator last time lmao.]
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Brad took his sweet time following Connor down to their apartment door, stopping behind him. "You break things when you push the button more than once." He said matter of factly, trying to dismiss the idea of being annoying from Connor's mind. When Katie opened the door, he sent her a smile, trying to usher Connor and Kelsey inside ahead of him. "Hey Katie. How're you?"-
  19. Covet: Connor walked in and looked at Katie, "Hi Katie, is Lulu here? Can we have snacky bags?" He asked immediately, because one track mind here. // Kelsey smiled at Katie as she opened the door, "Hey, sorry for showing up with out much notice, We haven't talked to you guys in a little bit, so thought it would be nice to come visit." She walked in ahead of Brad and headed past the entry way.
  20. Tsaaq: "Who is it?" Ozzie asked, tossing his text book aside and getting up. "Oh hey Connor! Hey Kelsey, Brad." He began to beam. "Let me get you guys a beer." He said overly excitedly. // "Nah it's okay. Just come in. Hang out." Katie told the two. "How're y'all?" She asked. Smiling down at Connor. "She's right here. Wanna play with her?" She asked Connor.
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Brad stepped in behind Kelsey and glanced around, taking in the decor of the apartment. "This place is really nice." He paused, looking to Ozzie when he went to get beers. "Oh, thanks."-
  22. Covet: Connor waved at Ozzie, and looked up at Lulu, "Yes, I have some cars in my pocket that I brought with me to share." He said as he reached into his pocket to pull out the two hotwheels, one for each of them. "See?"// Kelsey watched Connor and laughed shaking her head at him, then looked at Ozzie as she made her way into the living room, "A beer would be nice. Doing good, school, work. The usual. How are you guys?" she asked.
  23. Tsaaq: Ozzie came out of the kitchen and handed each of them their beer. "Yeah sit. Put her down there, hun." He told Katie, waving at the floor. "Same with me." He went to sit as well. "Just trying to get through work and this semester." // "Aww, I bet she'll love those." Katie laughed. "Come on." She nodde dat Ozzie and put Lulu down even though she was making grabby hands at the cars. "Thanks by the way. I decorated." She told Brad. "It's a pretty good place.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -He took his beer from Ozzie and walked over to take a seat, taking a quick sip of his drink. "That's pretty much how it goes, right? We struggle to get through it so we can get out into the real world and struggle with that too?"-
  25. Covet: Connor handed one of the cars over to Lulu and sat down on the floor, driving it around as he spoke to Lulu, like she understood anything he was saying // "Well, I'm hoping that during Thanksgiving break we can break out of the normal rut for a weekend. Bradley and I are expected at Thanksgiving dinner at my parents place, according to my mother, but I was hoping that Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the six of us could still make a little trip to California."
  26. Tsaaq: "I guess that's what life is about." He shrugged. "Oh that sounds like a great idea!" Ozzie began to grin. "Are we doing what I think we're doing?" He asked. // "Wait, what are we doing?" Katie asked. "Do I need a passport for that?" She genuinely asked, watching Connor and Lulu who was basically trying to eat the hotwheel.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Our little theme park trip?" Brad asked, not wanting to say the words aloud for fear of Connor hearing and losing his shit.-
  28. Covet: Connor looked at Lulu then laughed, "Giving that one a wash, Lulu?" He wasn't really paying attention to the adults right now because Cars were more important. // "Yes we are and no, you don't need a passport. Just your ID for the flight. We're going to cover the price for everyone." She said looking at Ozzie and Katie.
  29. Tsaaq: Ozzie sat up. "Oh you don't have to pay for us guys." He said quickly. "We've got to buy a camera so we can take lots of pictures. And I'll take off work and all that." He went to take a drink of his beer. // Lulu squealed at Connor and smiled, exposing her two baby teeth then went back to sucking the hotwheel again. Katie went to move the car from Lulu's mouth and nodded her head. "Ohhhhh. Okay. Awesome-" She went to glare at Ozzie. "Y'all are the best. We'll pay you back some how."
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Don't even worry about it. We're more than in a position to cover the cost, and it's what friends do for each other, right?" He asked with a smile, taking another quick sip from his beer before dropping his hand onto Kelsey's knee.-
  31. Covet: "You don't have to worry about paying us back either, It was kind of my idea and I want us all to have fun without having to stress." Kelsey said with a smile, putting her hand on Brad's as she watched the kiddos.
  32. Tsaaq: "Right." Ozzie nodded. "I can't wait to go to the beach. Will we have time for the beach?" He asked hurriedly. // She nodded her head and looked between the two. "Well... Great then." Katie said with a smile. "Thank y'all so much. I'm sure the little ones would have a great time too."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "We can make time for the beach easy enough, I'm sure." He said with an easy shrug. "Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching though, so we should probably book soon."-
  34. Covet: "I'll get on that tomorrow, for us while I've got a break between class and cheer." Kelsey said, "Of course we'll go to the beach, plus it will be nice to have a vacation before having to bunker down for Finals, before the Holidays."
  35. Tsaaq: Ozzie cheered and stood up. "Yess!" He hissed to himself. "I'm gonna get ripped before this trip." He said. "I think we should book as soon as possible. Just so we have everything set up- Ya'll need anything?" // Katie got down on the floor with the babbus. "Oh right y'all got finals and stuff."
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Aren't you already ripped?" Brad asked Ozzie, kind of checking him out as he said it without bothering to hide it at all. Really, it was a compliment.-
  37. Covet: "Ozzie, please you look fine." Kelsey said with a laugh. "I don't think so, but I'll make sure to give you guys the booking information as soon as I have it completed." She looked over at Brad, then nodded her head at Katie, "Yeah, Mid terms next week, the Finals right before Christmas. It's nice of them to stress us out right before the Holidays."
  38. Tsaaq: He went to grab a beer for himself and lifted his shirt to show off his abs. "I could be leaner, probably a little more bulky. I want some veins what like Hugh Jackman got." He listed. "I'll be ready by the time we leave." He said as he sat. // "Thank you. He's being ridiculous." Katie said. "Yeah that sounds like some bullshit. I wouldn't deal with that shit." She laughed.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "Uhh..." Brad stared at Ozzie's abs for a moment before letting out a laugh, trying to remember the last time he even stepped foot in a gym. "I really don't think you need veins to be ripped, Ozzie. But whatever makes you happy, I'm on board for." Of course you are, Brad. He quickly diverted his attention back to Kelsey and Katie. "Yeah... it's like a life test or something. How much stress can students handle before they crack?"-
  40. Covet: Kelsey sighed and shook her head, "Maybe you and I should go tanning if the guys are going to work on their beach bods. Well.. Ozzie. Bradley doesn't even like running, let alone any other sort of working out." She said to Katie with a laugh, "Do you think it was as stressful to be a student sixty years ago?"
  41. Tsaaq: "You can come to my gym if you ever feel like it. You don't have to try very hard." He tried to be comforting. "I don't know, sixty years ago was so long! I wasn't even alive." He began to laugh. // "Ooo bitch I need a tan." She said. "Look at how fucking pale I've gotten since I started living here, I gotta get a good bikini for that. Tan lines."
  42. Alexithymiaa: "Hey, I do plenty of working out." He shot back at Kelsey with a quick grin. "Just not at the gym. But I think i'll pass on any future gym ventures, thanks."-
  43. Covet: "Bradley. Children." She told him looking at him, as she shook her head. "I'm not doing anything after lunch with my mom this Wednesday if you'd like to go do that, Katie? I can have Holly watch the kiddos, I'm sure she wouldn't mind keeping an eye on Lulu too, I'll make sure she's compensated for it."
  44. Tsaaq: Ozzie's eyes widened then he lowered his head. "That sounds fun." He said awkwardly. "I better get, these things..." He whispered, grabbing Kelsey and Brad's empty beers. // She nodded as she stood up. "That sounds great. And how is that Holly girl anyways? Is she a good baby sitter?" She asked.
  45. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes at Kelsey's reaction, passing his empty beer bottle to Ozzie. "Thanks." Listening to the two girls make their plans, he looked over at Ozzie again. "When do we want to go do karaoke?"-
  46. Covet: "She's really good. Connor loves her. He's planning dates with her. With Bradley's help." Kelsey laughed, "She's really creative with keeping him entertained, but in an educational way." She added then thought about it, "Hmm, is there anything going on this Thursday?"
  47. Tsaaq: "Nothing. It's just November." Ozzie said as he went to the kitchen and tossed the beer away. "We can go Thursday. Thirsty Thursday is my favorite holiday. I miss celebrating..." He looked to Kelsey then to Katie. "I reckon we should book her if it's possible." // "She good with babies?" Katie asked. "Karaoke where? At Beer Goggles?" She asked.
  48. Alexithymiaa: "Not as far as I know. Do you want to ask Holly to take them Thursday, or did you want to see if Steph would take them?" He asked, adjusting the beanie on his head. "But Thursday is good for me. I don't have any plans."-
  49. Covet: "I think so?" Kelsey said to Katie, "I can ask Steph first, and if she can't then I'll line up Holly. I'd like to do that before mid terms, something fun before the cramming and studying and all that crap." She said with a laugh as she took another sip off of her beer, not really making a dent on it tonight.
  50. Tsaaq: Ozzie was busy thinking about other man's muscles and such to think about babies and babysitting. "Well you guys, I think we have a lot of fun things lined up." // Katie went to pick up Lulu who had fallen asleep. "Good. I always like a good babysitter. Just text us, we'll meet you wherever we're going."
  51. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds like a plan." He said with a smile, watching Katie pick up the sleeping baby. "It's pretty late. We should probably get Connor home and into bed."-
  52. Covet: "Yeah, It's late. He'll probably be out by the time we get back to the dorms." Kelsey said as she stood up, she handed the rest of her beer over to Ozzie, "Finish that for me?" She asked then looked at Connor, "Get your cars Kiddo, time to go home so we can go to bed." She told him. // "Okay momma... Thanks for letting me play." Connor said to Ozzie and Katie as he got his cars and put them back in his pocket and started towards the door.
  53. Tsaaq: He took her beer and began to sip it. "Goodnight kid." He rustled Connor's hair. "Y'all get home okay." Ozzie said with a smile. "We
  54. Tsaaq: ((NOOOO))
  55. Tsaaq: He took her beer and began to sip it. "Goodnight kid." He rustled Connor's hair. "Y'all get home okay." Ozzie said with a smile. "We'll see you around Until we meet again." He waved. "Hopefully soon..." Ozzie stared at Brad and went to walk them to the door. // "Lulu loves when you come over Connor. Don't be a stranger. Y'all have a good night." Katie said as she went to take Lulu to her crib.
  56. Alexithymiaa: -He pushed up to his feet, making his way over to the door behind Connor and returning Ozzie's glance. No secrets, bro. "We'll see you soon." He said with a small wave before taking Connor's hand and stepping out into the hallway so they could head to the STAIRS.-
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