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Smile Novel details

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Mar 12th, 2018
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  1. Chapter 1: Miyuki didn't succeed with kid's books but she has a handmade book that she likes to read to the kids, and she got to encourage a kid a lot like herself as a child. The bookstore closes though, and she's reunited with Akane for a bit. Candy calls out of the book, and a bookshelf lights up.
  3. Chapter 2: During summer vacation in highschool, Akane went to the UK to sell okonomiyaki on the roadside and was reunied with Brian, stayed with him for the summer. When it was time for college, Brian moved to Japan to study and Akane works at the family business. Akane decides to propose to Brian, and then she finds an email on his computer that he is going back to England to became a Japanese teacher. Yayoi visits the store while Akane is struggling to make the food taste good as usual. Because she wasn't considering Brian's feelings, they're each going to chase their dreams separately. Candy's voice calls out, and Akane questions if Cure Sunny was really just a character in a book. A bookshelf lights up for her to travel through.
  5. Chapter 3: Yayoi debuted as a successful cartoonist in high school, and Miracle Peace is now a popular anime. She lives by herself in the city, when her mom stops by one day that Yayoi is racing against a deadline. They can't have a good conversation, and eventually her mom goes back alone. Yayoi suddenly realizes it's the anniversary of her father's death, which she had never forgotten and had always gone with her mother to his grave. Because of that, she can't draw Miracle Peace with the same feeling anymore, and so they decide to end the series. Miracle Peace ends returning home to family and friends, and Yayoi does the same. Yayoi runs into Yui, who is trying to draw Miracle Peace; she's a shy girl like Yayoi was, but was encouraged by meeting Miracle Peace at a hero show. Yayoi spends time at home, and decides that she wants to draw. Yayoi gets a call from her editor asking who the character Yayoi put in the final chapter was. She drew Candy, who she remembers from Miyuki's book, but isn't sure why she did. That night, Candy calls out, and she heads into the bookshelf.
  7. Chapter 4: Nao coaches at the university where she used to play, and had turned down other stuff for her family's sake. 2 years earlier she lost her ability to play because she saved Yui from an accident. One day she picks up a towel and goes to bring it to her juniors, and hears them shit talking about Nao hanging onto them for her dream since she can't be an athlete herself. Nao is shocked and goes home, she nearly gets hit by a truck before Reika saves her. Nao says she doesn't regret the accident because she doesn't want to leave town and her family is important, but Reika tells her maybe she should travel. Nao and Reika go back and look up Miyuki, Akane, and Yayoi's names because they've forgotten, but they feel like something else is missing. Yui is getting picked on by a boy and Nao helps her. Nao talks to her dad for advice, he encourages her to leave and look straight ahead. She sees Yui being teased again, but Yui gets the courage to repel him herself. The family holds a farewell party, and her siblings saved up money to buy her a makeup compact. She gets a nostalgic feeling, and remembers Miyuki's picture book. Her memories come back when Candy's voice calls out, and she jumps into a bookshelf overflowing with light.
  9. Chapter 5: Reika's grandfather dies. Reika can't notice the students troubles. (Honestly I'm having problems finding a good summary on details of how the transition happens between 5 and 6. But here's the main thing: Joker seems really interested in Reika.)
  11. Chapter 6: The story ends, and time returns to middle school around graduation for highschool. Reika will go to the best school in the district, Nao is going to a school for soccer, the rest are going to the same school. Joker pops out of Miyuki's picture book, because the awful 10 years later were a Bad End. Joker gathers their despair and became Bad Joker, and the Cures transform into Adult Cures. Costumes become more mature and they're prefixed as Eternal Cure [X]. Piss does a janken. Pop appears, the evil trio appears in name only. Miyuki accepts Joker, having spent those years suffering and learning to accept despair.
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