
Kirk does a failed manual

Oct 14th, 2015
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  1. Jaczac> ====START====
  2. <loosingfinesse> LF:hey Kirk
  3. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Hey.
  4. <loosingfinesse> LF: are you playing the game?
  5. <loosingfinesse> ((Wait shit ))
  6. <loosingfinesse> (( did I do that right?))
  7. <Jaczac> ((yeah sure))
  8. <Jaczac> ((dont forget, you can see kirk on your screen))
  9. <loosingfinesse> ((Ok))
  10. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Well, I've gotten Callum in.
  11. <psionicPskateboard> PP: But that's about it.
  12. <loosingfinesse> LF: do you want to enter?
  13. <psionicPskateboard> ((btdubs tojo is still in my house at this point))
  14. <loosingfinesse> ((ok)
  15. <psionicPskateboard> ((or maybe not))
  16. <psionicPskateboard> ((im still talking w/ brendan on day 1)
  17. <loosingfinesse> ((Okie dokie!!))
  18. <psionicPskateboard> (anyway)
  19. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Sure.
  20. <loosingfinesse> LF: do you want to enter?
  21. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Sure.
  22. <loosingfinesse> LF: I'm not quite sure how to go about this but I know you have to launch the file on your computer
  23. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Yes.
  24. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Then it should kind of just automatically connect to your client.
  25. <loosingfinesse> LF: cool. Beans
  26. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Then there are a lot of menus.
  27. <loosingfinesse> LF: here lemme put some stuff down
  28. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Okay.
  29. * loosingfinesse puts cruxstuder in the corner.
  30. <loosingfinesse> ((What else do I need?))
  31. <psionicPskateboard> ((alchemiter and totem lathe, then a prepucnhed card))
  32. * loosingfinesse places alchemeiter next to the cruxstuder and a totem lathe next to that. She takes a moment to admire the row she has made.
  33. <Jaczac> How pretty.
  34. * loosingfinesse then places a pre-punched card in the center of the room
  35. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Now then, the first thing to do is open the cruxtruder.
  36. <psionicPskateboard> PP: But I don't think I can do that on my own.
  37. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Do you think you could hit it with something?
  38. <loosingfinesse> LF: can you decaptulog a skateboard or something like that for me to use
  39. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Sure.
  40. * psionicPskateboard decaptchalogues one of the many skateboards he has on hand for just such an occasion.
  41. * psionicPskateboard also there is the box it was in but I doubt that'll be important.
  42. * loosingfinesse attempts to use skateboard as a crowbar to peel the lid off
  43. <Jaczac> .roll acro or ath
  44. <loosingfinesse> Roll 1d20+3
  45. <Jaczac> dice you fuck
  46. <loosingfinesse> Oh
  47. * `DICE ( has joined
  48. <loosingfinesse> Roll 1d20+3
  49. <`DICE> loosingfinesse rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=15 ]{18}
  50. <Jaczac> The top pops off under the force of your finessed crobarmanship.
  51. <Jaczac> The kernel and the totem come out from it
  52. <Jaczac> roll 1d20
  53. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=7 ]{7}
  54. <Jaczac> the totem shoots up ten or so feet up and falls back down safely.
  55. <Jaczac> The kernel bounces around
  56. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Okay now I have to throw something in there.
  57. * Vorpas_jabwak ( has joined
  58. <loosingfinesse> LF:maybe the box the skateboard came in?
  59. * psionicPskateboard decaptchalogues a fishtank (with water/fish).
  60. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Hopefully this will work.
  61. <loosingfinesse> LF: that's a great idea
  62. * psionicPskateboard puts the fishtank in the kernel.
  63. <Jaczac> .roll dex
  64. <psionicPskateboard> roll 1d20+2
  65. <`DICE> psionicPskateboard rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=5 ]{7}
  66. <Jaczac> it only glances the kernel and doesnt go in.
  67. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Huh.
  68. <psionicPskateboard> PP: I didn't know that could happen.
  69. <loosingfinesse> Maybe we should try again with just one fish?
  70. <loosingfinesse> *LF
  71. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Sure, why not.
  72. * psionicPskateboard picks an unlucky fish out of the tank and throws it at the kernel.
  73. <psionicPskateboard> roll 1d20+2
  74. <`DICE> psionicPskateboard rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=10 ]{12}
  75. <Jaczac> The fish falls in and prototypes.
  76. <Jaczac> You now have FISHSPRITE
  77. <Jaczac> what breed was the fish
  78. <Jaczac> thats actually gonna do it
  79. <psionicPskateboard> luckily i looked this up just now
  80. <psionicPskateboard> actuually im still looking it up so one sec
  81. <psionicPskateboard> how about this thing
  82. <psionicPskateboard> its called a tang
  83. <Jaczac> cool
  84. <Jaczac> you have created TANGSPRITE
  85. <Jaczac> bubbules bubbles bubbles.
  86. <Jaczac> ok
  87. <Jaczac> You now have to enter actually rather than just prototyping
  88. <psionicPskateboard> yeah i know
  89. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Okay that was successful.
  90. * psionicPskateboard picks up the pre-punched card.
  91. * loosingfinesse has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  92. * psionicPskateboard picks up a cruxite dowel.
  93. <psionicPskateboard> shit
  94. <psionicPskateboard> should i keep going jac
  95. * loosingfinesse ( has joined
  96. <Jaczac> ((yeah shell be back))
  97. <psionicPskateboard> yay
  98. <Jaczac> ((tyep))
  99. <loosingfinesse> ((Sorry))
  100. <psionicPskateboard> s'okay
  101. <loosingfinesse> thank
  102. * psionicPskateboard puts both the cruxite dowel and the card in the appropriate places on the totem lathe.
  103. <Jaczac> A flash of light and a curved dowl appears on the lathe.
  104. * psionicPskateboard picks up the dowel and places it on the alchemiter.
  105. <Jaczac> You place the dowel, and with another, brighter flash, a skateboard appears on the alchemiter, made of
  106. <Jaczac> ((sec))
  107. <Jaczac> amber colored material.
  108. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Well shit.
  109. <psionicPskateboard> PP: I guess I have to at least try though.
  110. <loosingfinesse> LF: what's wrong?
  111. <psionicPskateboard> PP: Well, here goes nothing.
  112. * psionicPskateboard steps onto the skateboard, barely managing to not fall off.
  113. <psionicPskateboard> ((do i have to do a trick))
  114. <Jaczac> ((yes))
  115. <loosingfinesse> ((Doooo it))
  116. * psionicPskateboard tries to do the only trick he knows how, a manual. It is very wobbly, and he almost falls off.
  117. <loosingfinesse> ((Nice))
  118. <Jaczac> .roll dex.
  119. <Jaczac> no
  120. <Jaczac> athletics
  121. <Jaczac> no
  122. <Jaczac> i mean acrobatics
  123. <psionicPskateboard> roll 1d20+2
  124. <`DICE> psionicPskateboard rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=3 ]{5}
  125. <Jaczac> You fail
  126. <Jaczac> But still enter the game.
  127. <Jaczac> Lol
  128. <Jaczac> ==END==
  129. <psionicPskateboard
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