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Oct 7th, 2019
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  1. I was recommended by Carsten Falk Hammerhøj to apply for the internship with Equinor and this sounds like a very good opportunity. I am 23 years and a student in my last year of bachelor studies in Computer technology (Datateknologi) at University of Bergen.
  3. So far in my education I have gained solid experience with two programming languages Java and Python. I find it satisfying to learn logics and of new programming languages, and relatively straight forward to learn the syntax. Through many of my courses I use object oriented programming, along with algorithms, data structures and system construction. I have gained experience with database techniques and language though MySQL, and finally I will mention Haskell as the functional language that I have been acquainted with.
  5. During my entire growing up I have had a big interest for technology and playing various games on multiple platforms, and I have developed a strong understanding of system and architectures.
  7. In my spare time I play volleyball in 1. division, where my abilities as a team player has been refined through a lot of time and a lot of hard work. The most important factor in team sports, both in high level and low level play, is communication. We have to coordinate our goals before each practice and each game, and after we assess the performance and talk about what we need focus on next time. However, the most important part is the constant communication through every rally and every exercise to secure quality and avoid misunderstandings.
  9. During my work in primary school/SFO, I’ve enjoyed taking responsibility, planning days, lead activities and working together with great people towards shared goals. As a coach through an entire season I needed to employ many of the same qualities. I am result focused and I thrive in the process of making things happen in a great team.
  11. To me it sounds like an internship would be an excellent way to start my IT career. I am eager to learn how Equinor as a technology dependent company take advantage of Information and Technology in the operations and development of the company. I believe I posses many qualities that would be beneficial in a team playing role and technical role at Equinor. I sincerely hope that you would consider my candidature.
  14. Kind regards,
  15. Martin Ulland
  17. e-mail:
  18. Mobile: 93891194
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