
Socialized food industry

Mar 16th, 2014
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  3. This is my idea for a socialized food industry.
  4. DISCALAIMER: I'm not claiming that I'm a nutritionist and understand the science behind it all (Even though I have a pretty good grasp of it), or that this will ever happen, or that this is how it SHOULD be, or that if this ever does happen, this is the way it will be.
  6. Alright, so what is food? Food sustains life. It is first and foremost a source of nutrition. We need food to provide us with the key ingredients for fueling, repairing, and sustaining our bodies. We need carbohydrates, lipids, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
  8. Secondly, food is substance. It fills us and satisfies us. The psychological effect of eating is therapeutic. The action of eating is ingrained into our being.
  10. Third, especially for the middle class, food is about taste. The chemicals in our food react with receptors in our mouth to create sensation in our brains. We all have different tastes when it comes to us. Tastes mean things to us. They bring forth memories. They feel good. They stay with us for a while, reminding us of that great burger we just had. I could never give up eating, even if I didn't have to eat. It's fun, and it's a social activity that society revolves around to some extent. Everyone eats.
  12. Fourth, it is art. This is where my idea falls a little flat. My idea undermines lots of the high class cooking infrastructure and professions. It could also tear down the restaurants, food carts, and holes in the wall that define certain localities. But at the same time, it could globalize those foods, making them available to all, regardless of location. Make up your own mind as to whether or not that's a good thing. It's up to you.
  14. Finally, to some people, it's a million years old tradition of man triumphing over animal. Human beings showing the natural world who's boss. Killing and eating living creatures. The circle of life, and the horribly inefficient transfer of energy through the food chain. I don't get this. I'm no vegetarian, but the concept of killing animals doesn't appeal to me. I eat once-living things because I have to in order to eat what I want. Not because there's caveman blood circulating through my arteries, with carnal wishes that need to be fulfilled. Unfortunately, my model of eating won't appeal to anyone that feels this strongly, and that's just too bad.
  16. So, on to my idea:
  18. The premise of this is the separation of nutrients from the density and taste of the food.
  20. In essence, each person gets a literal pill that they take 1-5 times a day that, when added together, contains all the nutrients needed to sustain life and maintain what is for them, a healthy diet. That means a concentrated dose of carbs, protein, vitamins, everything. And it can be customized. Want to start losing weight at a certain rate? Need to gain weight, but you don't want to eat? Just tweak the levels of nutrients in this thing, and presto. Obesity/anorexia crises resolved.
  22. Also, another product would be produced to fill the non-life-or-death aspect that food has over us and our lives. This would essentially be a blank slate. A canvas of nutrient-free mass that can be shaped, textured, reformed, and flavored. We can eat as much of this stuff as we want, because none of it will be absorbed by our small intestine. It can taste like any flavor imaginable. We simply isolate the chemicals in things that make them taste the way they are, and create the food, minus the nutrients. This might sound like really hard, space-age stuff, and you're right. This isn't entirely feasible with the tech we have right now, but it's an idea to strive for, and it can fix so many problems that the world has. Starving people in Kenya get their nutrients. They don't die. Obese people can still eat the same amount of food with the same taste, but not gain weight. Anorexic people can stop eating completely if they want to and not die. Vegans get their way. No more harming animals.
  24. Is this playing God? No, there is no god. At least not one that would care, as far as I can tell.
  26. Is it crazy? Not really. It has some flaws, but I've thought it through pretty well, and the idea seems sound.
  28. Is it technologically feasible? Not really right now, but it should be within the near future.
  30. So, feel free to leave feedback. Please do. Tell me I'm an idiot, that I'm a genius, to go run for president or to go slit my wrist. Whatever is fine. I don't care, I just want feedback. Also feel free to point out the glaring scientific problems with what I'm suggesting if you happen to be more knowledgeable about this than me. Don't be afraid to hurt my feelings a bit either. I grew up on the internet, I won't cry.
  32. TL;DR: Separate the nutritional and substantial aspects of food and eating.
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