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Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. [u'automation', u'accountant', u'accuracy', u'militia', u'assessment', u'to abate', u'to abide by', u'to abide', u'to abort', u'abortion', u'the "pro-lifers"', u'account', u'accounts', u'bank account', u'to account for', u'to be accountable to sb for sth', u'accountability', u'\xe0 cause de ', u'to take into account', u'to audit', u'to do an audit', u'accurate', u'innaccurate', u'to achieve', u'achievement', u'to acknowledge', u'at the present time', u'adamant', u'to be adamant about sth, about doing sth', u'addiction', u'to be addicted to', u'drug addict', u'video games addict', u'substance abuse', u'to address', u'to advertise', u'an advertisement', u'an advertising campaign', u'jingle', u'to advise', u'advice', u'an advisor', u'to advocate', u'to advocate for', u'an advocate', u'lawyer', u'solicitor, barrister', u'affluent', u'the affluent society', u'to rise to affluence', u'to afford', u'to agree', u'to disagree', u'an agreement', u'a disagreement', u'ailing', u'to ail', u'ailment', u'disease', u'aim', u'to aim at, for, to do sth', u'airplane, aircraft', u'aircraft carrier', u'airtight', u'on the air', u'alien', u'to be alien to', u'mad, insane', u'to allay', u'to allege', u'the alleged assassin', u'to alleviate', u'amazing', u'to be amazed at, by sth', u'surprising', u'amount', u'to be anxious (about sth)', u'anxiety', u'to be appalled at, by', u'appalling', u'to appeal to', u'appealing, attractive', u'appliance', u'household appliance', u'to apply to, for', u'candidate, applicant', u'to send an application', u'to recruit', u'to make an appointment', u'to appoint sb to a job', u'a sought-after appointment', u'to approve of', u'approval', u'disapproval', u'to be apt to', u'to be apt', u'to be apt (at)', u'area', u'to ague with sb about sth', u'to argue (that)', u'arguable, debatable', u'a moot point', u'to arise', u'arms', u'arms sale', u'arms race', u'to be, to rise up in arms against sth', u'the army', u'disarmament', u'arms decommissioning', u'to arouse', u'array', u'disarray', u'assembly line', u'to assemble', u'to automate', u'to assert', u'to assert oneself', u'to be assertive', u'to assess', u'asset', u'assets and liabilities', u'assignment', u'to assign sb a room', u'to assign sb to a case, a mission', u'to assume', u'astounding', u'to be astounded by', u'to go astray', u'to stray from', u'to attain', u'to attempt', u'assassination attempt', u'bombing attempt', u'to assign sb a task', u'appointment', u'allegedly', u'branch', u'to worsen', u'willpower', u'to weigh', u'to wear off', u'weary', u'wearysome', u'to outweigh', u'weight', u'height', u'weird', u'welfare', u'welfare state', u'public welfare', u'welfare rolls', u'whim', u'whimsical', u'to whip', u'parliamentary whip', u'whiplash', u'to whip into a room', u'to whip sb into action', u'whirl', u'to be in a whirl of activity', u'the social whirl', u'whirlwind', u'My head is in a whirl.', u'to widen', u'width', u'widespread', u'to wield', u'unwieldy', u'wild', u'wildlife', u'wilderness', u'shy', u'wild with joy', u'wilful', u'wilfully', u'desire', u'a will', u'to be willing to do sth', u'to wind', u'to wind up', u'to wind up a company', u'wing', u'to wipe out', u'wise', u'to wise up', u'streetwise, streetsmart', u'wisdom', u'wit', u'witty', u'witticism', u'unwittingly', u'to withdraw', u'to witness', u'a witness', u'wizard', u'a whizz', u'woes', u'to wonder', u'wonder', u'wonderful', u'wonder drug', u'to woo', u'workable', u'to work out a solution', u'workmanship', u'(hand) crafts', u'leather crafts', u'craftsman', u'self-employed worker', u'to worry', u'worrisome, worrying', u'to worship', u'worth', u'worth (+ing)', u'worth of', u'worthless', u'worthy (of)', u'praiseworthy', u'worthy', u'dignified', u'dignity', u'worthwhile', u'would-be', u'wannabe', u'to wound', u'wound', u'to wrangle', u'a wrangler', u'to wrap', u'wrapping', u'to be wrapped up in', u'to wreck', u'a wreck', u'shipwreck', u'to wrestle', u'wrestling', u'wretched', u'to behave wretchedly', u'to be destitute, to live in poverty', u'to be miserable', u'misery', u'poverty', u'x-ray', u'x-ray treatment', u'yard', u'yardstick', u'to yield', u'yield', u'youth', u'youthful', u'a youth', u'youngster', u'young people', u'zeal', u'zealot', u'fundamentalist', u'zest', u'zestful', u'to be on welfare', u'welfare to work, workfare', u'to spurn', u'to withhold', u'to give sth a whirl', u'zealous', u'to withstand', u'cassoulets', u'cassoulet', u'braying', u'brays', u'bray', u'bray', u'bray', u'bray', u'to bray', u'to bray', u'to bray', u'to bray', u'brayed', u'brayed', u'brayed', u'brayed', u'brayed', u'conjugates', u'conjugate', u'conjugate', u'conjugate', u'conjugate', u'conjugating', u'conjugated', u'conjugated', u'conjugated', u'conjugated', u'conjugated', u'to conjugate', u'to conjugate', u'to conjugate', u'to conjugate', u'string', u'strings', u'the strings', u'map on a scale of 1: 25,000', u'vocal cords', u"it's raining cats and dogs", u"to put one's cards on the table", u"to play one's last card", u'canopy', u'map', u'maps', u'stand', u'stands', u'exequies', u'watch', u'watches', u'to yearn to, for, after', u'actually', u'a commercial', u'airstrip, landing strip', u'to amount to', u'accounting, accountancy', u'assumption', u'one', u'chair', u'chairs', u'menu', u'menus', u'blackmail', u'blast', u'to breathe', u'a boon', u'bias', u'biased', u'tendentious', u'to bicker', u'to quarrel', u'to bid, to make a bid for', u'to bid', u'takeover bid', u'bill', u'a .. note', u'poster, billboard', u'to be in a bind', u'to bond', u'bonds', u'to issue a bond', u'to go on a spending binge', u'to binge on', u'bishop', u'archbishop', u'priest', u'preacher, clergyman', u'nun', u'parish', u'rabbi', u'to blackmail', u'blast-off', u'blatant', u'to blaze', u'to blaze a path, a trail', u'trailblazing', u'bleak', u'to bleed, bled, bled', u'blood', u'bloodshed, bloodletting', u'to blend', u'a blend, a mixture', u'to bless', u'blessing', u'blessed', u'blizzard', u'a blizzard of shots', u'block', u'block of flats (GB), apartment house / building (US)', u'office block (GB), office building (US)', u'condominium', u'two blocks away', u'to block prices', u'blockade', u'to blow, blew, blown', u'a blow', u'blow-out', u'blowback', u'to blow over', u'to blow up', u'to bludgeon', u'bludgeon', u'blunder', u'to blunder', u'slip-up', u'blunt', u'to answer bluntly', u'to blur', u'board', u'Board of Trade', u'above board', u'to boast', u'to brag', u'to bode', u'to be, get bogged down', u'bog', u'bold', u'to embolden', u'to boost', u'to bolster', u'to bounce', u'to bounce back', u'a bad / bounced check', u'to be bound to do sth', u'to be bound up in', u'to be bound by duty, law', u'to be bound for', u'west-ward bound', u'bounds', u'within the bounds of possibility', u'out of bounds / reach', u'boundary, border', u'borderline case', u'to bow (down) to', u'to kow-tow to', u'to bow out', u'to bow out of public life', u'to brace (up)', u'brace', u'Brace up!', u'bracket', u'high-income bracket', u'to brake', u'a brake (car, motor)', u'to put a brake on sth', u'to branch out (into)', u'to branch off', u'brand (name)', u'brand image', u'to brand sb', u'brand-new', u'breach', u'breach of human rights', u'break', u'to give sb a break', u'tax breaks', u'to break down', u'breakdown', u'nervous breakdown', u'to break even', u'to break into', u'burglary', u'to plunder', u'to break off', u'to break out', u'to break through', u'a breakthrough', u'to break up', u'a breakup', u'breath', u'breathtaking', u'a breathtaking sight', u'breathless', u'to breed', u'to breed cattle', u'to bring up children', u'well bred, illbred children', u'a breed', u'to bind, bound, bound', u'Board of Directors', u'across the board', u'to get a break in a film', u'reliable', u'brilliant', u'reasonable', u'selfish', u'hearts', u'heart', u'honest', u'generous', u'modest', u'altruistic', u'pretentious', u'creative, inventive', u'calm', u'cordial, friendly', u'conscientious', u'audacious', u'responsible', u'direct', u'relaxed', u'serious', u'stressed', u'smart, clever', u'dominant', u'talkative', u'obliging, helpful', u'warm', u'unstable', u'organised', u'hypocritical', u'attractive, appealing', u'happy, pleased, glad', u'smiley, cheerful', u'optimistic', u'ambitious', u'mature, ready', u'enterprising', u'proud', u'boring, dull', u'funny, diverting', u'intolerant', u'authoritarian', u'heartless', u'cruel, ferocious', u'violent', u'naive, gullible', u'resourceful', u'resolute, persevering', u'perfectionist', u'affectionate', u'solitary', u'careful, cautious', u'frail', u'emotional', u'absent minded', u'voluntary', u'strong-willed', u'endearing', u'sociable', u'arrogant', u'superficial', u'attentive', u'aggressive', u'impulsive', u'jealous', u'cowardly', u'deceitful', u'be sure of yourself', u'upset', u'miserly', u'shy', u'reserved', u'busy', u'active', u'extrovert, open', u'indictments', u'indictment', u'arguably', u'Stolen', u'infringe upon', u'defamations', u'defamation', u'harm', u'prior', u'harm', u'libels', u'libel', u'warrant', u'tenures', u'tenure', u'dissent', u'militium', u'militia', u'proponent', u'proponents', u'warrant', u'warrants', u'incorporate', u'provision', u'provisions', u'provision', u'provisions', u'advocating', u'advocating', u'convicted', u'overthrow', u'infrigement', u'standards', u'standard', u'indictments', u'indictment', u'fine', u'fines', u'bails', u'bail', u'retry', u'arguable', u'notify', u'reverse', u'overrule', u'lawless', u'custodial', u'courthouses', u'courthouse', u'infringes', u'infringes', u'nullify', u'assert', u'mandating', u'loophole', u'loopholes', u'wiretap', u'indicted', u'misdemeanor', u'misdemeanors', u'misdemeanor', u'misdemeanors', u'acquittal', u'prosecute', u'terminations', u'termination', u'mistrials', u'mistrial', u'exposures', u'exposure', u'plea', u'examination', u'examinations', u'take the stand', u'to leeway', u'firing squad', u'overturned', u'thresholds', u'threshold', u'double jeopardy', u'liable', u'lies with', u'challenge', u'counselle', u'accomodationist', u'accomodationists', u'avowals', u'avowal', u'dairy', u'fangs', u'fang', u'apricots', u'apricot', u'rams', u'ram', u'gill', u'gills', u'tusk', u'moth', u'pule', u'forlorn', u'muzzles', u'muzzle', u'sparrows', u'sparrow', u'harts', u'hart', u'ermines', u'ermine', u'hummingbird', u'lulls', u'lull', u'outlandish', u'swarms', u'swarm', u'storks', u'stork', u'fledglings', u'fledgling', u'preposterous', u'drakes', u'drake', u'sea bream', u'harbor', u'snouts', u'snout', u'daze', u'graze', u'geese', u'claws', u'claw', u'punt', u'punts', u'poodles', u'poodle', u'helm', u'pluck', u'hutches', u'hutch', u'slothful', u'woodlice', u'woodlouse', u'lurk', u'shanty town', u'ravens', u'raven', u'ruffle', u'prowl', u'howls', u'howl', u'scavengers', u'scavenger', u'honeycomb', u'buoys', u'buoy', u'mutts', u'mutt', u'chirp', u'trounce', u'groundhog', u'bumblebee', u'bumblebees', u'critter', u'hatch', u'squid', u'squids', u'livestocks', u'livestock', u'cullings', u'culling', u'stags', u'stag', u'woebegone', u'percussion', u'wrong note', u'stave', u'guitar', u'burden', u'deem', u'grudges', u'grudge', u'stringent', u'undergo', u'vivid', u'oath', u'cease', u'noteworthy', u'scheming', u'dare devil', u'strive', u'ditch', u'regardless', u'grit', u'play off', u'soak', u'yank', u'gripping', u'deternent', u'drastic', u'stickler', u'monitor', u'retrieve', u'sway', u'resent', u'bequeath', u'fund', u'controversy', u'coward', u'outweigh', u'fulfil', u'snitch', u'sulk', u'caugh', u'inciter', u'sloppy', u'cater to', u'knack', u'cope with', u'rein in', u'tantrum', u'puissant', u'dispel', u'fare well', u'urge sby to', u'incentivize', u'commission', u'flagpole', u'cowed', u'tedious', u'to catch up', u'to leverage', u'pervasive', u'brazen', u'edgy', u'to creep into', u'd\xe9clencher', u'to level off', u'to flutter', u'to break down', u'to bring up', u'to call off', u'to cut back', u'to drop off', u'to end up somewhere', u'to figure out', u'to fall through', u'to fill out', u'to find out', u'to get along with', u'to get by', u'to hand in', u'to hand out', u'to hang on', u'to hang up', u'to keep on', u'to kick out', u'to lay off', u'to look forward to', u'to look into', u'to make up', u'to look up in a list', u'to pass away', u'to pass out', u'to pick up', u'to put off', u'to put up with', u'to rip off', u'to run into', u'to run out of something', u'to show up', u'to take a day off', u'to talk someone into doing something', u'to turn down', u'to work out as planned', u'to kick it up a notch', u'to up the ante', u'a mock-up', u'to leverage someone', u'to give up', u'foreign affairs', u'foreign relations', u'the international community', u'a global issue', u'a sovereign state', u'sovereignty', u'a nation-state', u'international law', u'geopolitics', u'to play a role in sth', u'an ambassador', u'an embassy', u'a cultural/ commercial/ military attach\xe9', u'an envoy, an emissary', u'a diplomat', u'diplomacy', u'tense relations', u'a thaw', u'a chill', u'to normalize relations', u'a great power', u'a superpower/ a hyperpower', u'hegemony', u'imperialism', u'imperialistic', u'expansionism', u'unilateralism/ multilateralism', u'bilateral/ multilateral', u'bipolar/ multipolar', u'a bloc', u'the UN system', u'a member state', u'to debate/ to pass a resolution', u'to maintain peace', u'a peace-keeping operation', u'the duty to interfere', u'military intervention', u'NATO', u'to break off/ to resume diplomatic relations', u'a two-tier society', u'to make ends meet', u'the wealth gap', u'affluence', u'abundance', u'an upstart', u'greed', u'a miser', u'well-off', u'thrifty', u'to be able to afford sth', u'to save', u'destitution = deprivation', u'the needy', u'a beggar', u'an outcast', u'the underclass', u'an eviction', u'a tramp / a bum (US)', u'poverty-stricken', u'squalid', u'to improverish', u'poor relief', u'a claimant', u'means-tested', u'to cater for sb', u'to claim benefits', u'to be entitled to sth', u'to be short of money', u'to slip into poverty', u'to be filthy rich', u'to scavenge garbage cans', u'scroungers', u'to go from rags to riches', u'only the rich get richer', u'to be tight-fisted', u'to be dirt poor', u'ceilling', u'door handle', u'flooring', u'tile', u'switch', u'current', u'pipe', u'screwdriver', u'screw', u'drill', u'garbage can', u'dishes', u'rag', u'bath mat', u'tap', u'pull the flush', u'launder', u'dryer', u'toothpaste', u'toothbrush', u'razor', u'comb', u'towel', u'vanity box', u'hair tie', u'fork', u'knife', u'spoon', u'bowl', u'couch', u'ashtray', u'candlestick', u'curtain', u'heater', u'air conditionning', u'pillow', u'blanket', u'sheet', u'duvet', u'hanger', u'wardrobe', u'skirt', u'underwear', u'water', u'housekeeper', u'quarry', u'incentives', u'incentive', u'put sth at risk', u'tough / drastic standards', u'curb', u"to meet (one's) target", u'to call for', u'state-enforced', u'subsidies', u'utilities', u'meter', u'a power station', u'nuclear-power plants', u'coal', u'fossil fuels', u'renewables', u'wind turbines / wind farms', u'audit', u'implement', u'rely on sth / sb', u'from overseas', u'appliances', u'power cuts / blackouts / power outages', u'clean-energy', u'bills', u'gas-fired', u'waste', u'hinder', u'insulate', u'energy efficient', u'put in place', u'environmental standards', u'housing stock', u'domestic policies', u'a border tax', u'shortage of electricity', u'emissions caps', u'driving more jobs overseas', u'to come into compliance', u'power grids', u'addressing / deal with / tackle', u'intern', u'to dedicate oneself to', u'housewife', u'household chore', u'low status job', u'gender gap', u'schedule', u'demanding job', u'to be on sick leave', u'blue-collar job', u'temporary worker', u'to work overtime', u'training period', u'male chauvinism', u'motherhood', u'to take time off from work', u'menial job', u'to work part time', u'female activism', u'the glass ceiling', u'to juggle jobs', u'a rewarding career', u'an occupation', u'to climb the corporate ladder', u'a woman boss', u'a management job', u'a professional', u'the working population', u'a vacancy', u'to aspire to', u'male preserve', u'self-fulfillment', u'curfews', u'curfew', u'to make the case for', u'law and order', u'law enforcement', u'a crack down on sth', u'crime', u'to mug', u'to take sb into custody', u'to charge', u'to sentence', u'lenient-lax', u'to plead guilty of doing sth', u'public attorney', u'petty crime', u'offence', u'riot', u'theft', u'to break into', u'crook', u'criminal', u'reoffender', u'an embezzlement', u'Attorney General', u'Lord Chancellor', u'to make a claim for damage', u'background check', u'to abide by the law', u'above the law', u'a criminal record', u'to try sb for sth', u'to charge sb', u'self-defence', u'adapt to', u'agree to sb doing sth', u'amount to (sb) doing sth', u'apologize for', u'consist in (sb) doing sth', u'be sorry for / regret (sb) doing sth', u'with a view to', u'get used to (sb) doing sth', u'be used / accustomed to (sb) doing', u'look forward to (sb) doing sth', u'object to (sb) doing sth', u'limit (oneself) to doing sth', u'admit to doing sth', u'take to doing sth', u'persist in doing sth', u'think of / about', u'aim at', u'be afraid of (sb) doing sth', u'agree with (sb) doing sth', u'approve of (sb) doing sth', u'discourage sb from doing sth', u'talk sb into doing sth', u'talk sb out of doing sth', u'blame sb for doing sth', u'criticize sb for doing sth', u'thank sb for doing sth', u'prevent / keep / stop sb from doing sth', u'accuse sb of', u'traffic jam', u'to threaten', u'a nature lover', u'fine', u'recyclable', u'to attack ozone', u'layer', u'to affect marine life', u'hazard', u'unsafe', u'dump', u'waste', u'to reuse', u'earth', u'greenhouse effect', u'sewer', u'to deplete', u'wildlife', u'to flood', u'slaughter', u'endangered', u'to harm', u'rubbish', u'bottle bank', u'dustbin', u'to spray', u'to thin', u'wind farm', u'involues', u'buried', u'enjoy doing sth', u'stop doing sth', u'fancy doing sth', u'start / begin doing sth', u'entail doing sth', u'consider doing sth', u'be busy doing sth', u'avoid doing sth', u'involve doing sth', u'resent doing sth', u"stand (can't) doing sth", u"can't help doing sth", u'deny doing sth', u'delay doing sth', u'postpone doing sth', u'give up doing sth', u'suggest doing sth', u'mind doing sth', u'have difficulty doing sth ', u'there is no point', u'it is worth', u'go / carry / keep on doing sth', u'keep doing sth', u'spend (time) doing sth', u'regret doing sth', u'remember doing sth', u"it's no use", u'there is no', u'unfair', u'tight', u'fast', u'slow', u'good', u'bad', u'thick', u'thin', u'narrow', u'loud', u'feeble', u'heavy', u'light', u'hard', u'soft', u'shallow', u'deep', u'easy', u'difficult', u'weak', u'strong', u'short', u'high', u'low', u'mean', u'true', u'false', u'ugly', u'safe', u'dangerous', u'early', u'light', u'dark', u'open', u'closed, shut', u'full', u'empty', u'alive', u'dead', u'lucky', u'interesting', u'unlucky', u'unimportant', u'right', u'wrong', u'clean', u'dirty', u'nasty', u'pleasant', u'unpleasant', u'excellent', u'terrible', u'fair', u'normal', u'abnormal', u'wet', u'dry', u'reliant', u'tough', u'ongoing', u'loose', u'wide, broad', u'widespread', u'hasty', u'hatreds', u'hatred', u'silly', u'To bother', u'Doubtless', u'to discuss', u'in the wake of', u'to rely on', u'to emulate', u'a nightmare', u'ease', u'a launch', u'to remain', u'problem', u'problems', u'concept', u'concepts', u'brain', u'brains', u'digital', u'monkey', u'monkeys', u'mind-bending', u'resident', u'residents', u'resident', u'jellyfish', u'jellyfish', u'neuron', u'neurons', u'non-understanding', u'custodies', u'custody', u'will', u'far', u'long', u'withdrawal', u'breeding', u'while', u'far', u'nice', u'to melt', u'take up', u'compulsory', u'agreeable', u'die', u'abortions', u'abortion', u'thorny issue', u'ethical issue', u'to cause an outcry', u'to cause public outrage', u'concern', u'stem cells', u'assisted reproduction', u'test-tube baby', u'surrogate mother', u'surrogacy', u'to give birth to a child', u'organ transplant', u'the sale of body parts', u'medical tourism', u'designer baby', u"to give one's consent", u'build', u'built', u'built', u'built', u'built', u'built', u'building', u'builds', u'build', u'build', u'build', u'build', u'at first sight', u'to prove', u'dog', u'outfits', u'outfit', u'daybreaks', u'daybreak', u'fellow', u'flaccid']
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