
character skeletons 2.0

Oct 21st, 2012
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  1. Username:
  4. Picture (If Applicable)
  7. Name: (The character's full name)
  8. Nicknames/Aliases: (Other names for the character)
  9. Age: (Self-Explanitory)
  10. Gender: (Self-Explanitory)
  11. Sexuality: (Self-Explanitory)
  12. Species: (Self-Explanitory)
  13. Alignment: (See Here)
  14. Bio: (Character Backstory)
  15. Personality: (How a character acts)
  16. Love Interest: (Self-Explanitory)
  17. Rival: (The character's personal foe, can be any character)
  18. Appearance: (Self-Explanitory)
  20. ATTRIBUTES (300 points to spend, max on any stat is 100)
  21. Strength: (How much damage a character can do with physical attacks, at least 50)
  22. Perception: (The ability to identify objects, at least 1)
  23. Endurance: (How much health, at least 10)
  24. Durability: (How much a character can do before succumbing to exaustion, at least 1)
  25. Charisma: (How well a character can influence others, at least 1)
  26. Intelligence: (How mentally capable a character is, at least 1)
  27. Magic: (How well a character can use magical abilities, at least 0)
  28. Agility: (How fast a character is and how fast they can react, at least 1)
  29. Luck: (How lucky a character is, adds a small amount to each stat. Has to be even, can go to -100)
  31. STATS (Everything out of 20)
  32. Unarmed: (A character's hand-to-hand combat skill)
  33. Swords: (How well a character can use all types of swords)
  34. Blunt: (How well a character can utilize blunt weaponry such as clubs)
  35. Axe: (How well a character can use axes)
  36. Polearms: (How well a character can use pole weapons such as spears)
  37. Small Firearms: (How well a character can use firearms such as pistols and SMGs)
  38. Large Firearms: (The character's ability to use larger firearms such as rifles and larger)
  39. Explosives: (How well a character can use explosive weapons)
  40. Fire Magic: (A character's ability to use fire-based magic)
  41. Water Magic: (A character's ability to use water-based magic)
  42. Shock Magic: (A character's ability to use electric-based magic)
  43. Conjuration: (A character's ability to conjure physical forms)
  44. Alchemy: (A character's ability to change elements)
  45. Medicine: (A character's ability to tend wounds and create medicine)
  46. Engineering: (A character's ability to create simple mechanics)
  47. Technology: (A character's ability to work with advanced mechanics)
  48. Blocking: (A character's ability to defend themselves against attacks)
  49. Speech: (A character's ability to communicate)
  50. Sneaking: (A character's ability to move lightly and silently)
  51. Theivery: (A character's ability to steal without being caught)
  52. Survival: (How well a character can fend from themselves)
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