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Mar 14th, 2025
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  1. # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
  2. -H2O
  3. +Neutral Weathers - New Vegas
  4. +Desert Natural Realism Redux NV
  5. +Desert Natural Sandstorms NV
  6. +Desert Natural Weathers NV
  7. +1_Functional Post Game Ending
  8. +Output FNVLODGEN
  9. +NVR
  10. -Lucky 38 Exterior Remastered 1.1
  11. +Atompunk Leather Armor
  12. +Atompunk Vault Suits
  13. +All DLC Clothings 2K with mipmap
  14. +Character Kit Remake - Teeth
  15. +Enchanced Movement Skeleton Patch
  16. +Enhanced Movement BNB First Person Skeleton 1.21
  17. +Dramatic Inertia - 3rd Person Movement Overhaul
  18. -Roberts Boner Addon 3_3
  19. -Roberts Dirty Raiders 3_3
  20. +Robert S Body Replacer 2
  21. +Robert S Body Replacer
  22. +Character Kit Remake - Hands
  23. +02 - Type4 BNB meshes
  24. +00 - Mannequin Races TYPE4
  25. +02 - Body Fix BNB
  26. +00 - Mannequin Races Type6z
  27. +Type 4 Vanilla BNB Conversions 0.3
  28. +T4 - BnB
  29. +Bouncing Natural Breasts - LITE
  30. +T4 - Main
  31. +PM's HD Ranger Outfits - 2K
  32. +Assorted NCR Armor Retexture - 2k
  33. +Legate Armor HD
  34. +All Clothing Retex 2K with mipmap
  35. -FNVLODGen 3.2.1
  36. +Animated Cash Register 2k
  37. +Hi Res Posters
  38. +Vanilla Graffiti Redone - Grime Version
  39. +parking blocks - 2k
  40. +Nut's Street Litter Redone
  41. +Dinky the Deluxe Dinosaur - Definitive Dinky Retexture
  42. +Forgotten Desk Textures
  43. +HD Currencies
  44. +Magazines of Unparalleled Aesthetic Quality - 1K
  45. +HD Memorials and Monuments
  46. +HD Miscellaneous Musical Objects
  47. +HD Miscellaneous Utility Objects
  48. +PM's Med-Textures
  49. +6IXES Clutter Texture Pack NV Edition
  50. +Lumen - Physically Based Beverages Patch
  51. +Lumen 2.0 - Lamps Lightbulbs Lanterns (LLL)
  52. +Lumen 2.0
  53. +Titans of The New West
  54. +Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia
  55. +Animated Pylon Wires Recommended
  56. +Nut's Natural Grass
  57. +More LOD for Wasteland Flora Overhaul
  58. +Desert Palms
  59. +Wasteland Flora Overhaul - Vanilla tree replacer with LOD
  60. +Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul Patch
  61. +WFO Medium Resolution version
  62. +Bouncing Natural Botany(BnB)
  63. +The whole set
  64. +Poseidon gas station sign
  65. +Physically based Parkware Patch
  66. +Animated Park Equipment Pack
  67. +Animated Freeside Wire pack
  68. +Animated Palm Trees - Only Top Leaves
  69. +ItalianCypressTreesAnimatedUpdatedAnimation
  70. +Raider Dressings Animated
  71. +Animated Maize Fields Minor Change
  72. +Animated vault 22 Foliage
  73. +Animated Decorations
  74. +Fixes Molten Texture path
  75. +Animated Barbed Wire
  76. +Alternative Speed (Slower)
  77. +Cut mail box use animation
  78. +Wild wasteland v2 all fixed
  79. +cresonto Bush Smoothness update
  80. +Animated Wasteland Trees (recommended)
  81. +Animated tents - Main
  82. +Animated bridges (slower) - DLC and smoother animations
  83. +Animated Khan Assets (recommended)
  84. +Animated urban Buildings
  85. +Animated sorrows Shacks (7z)
  86. +Animated Campfires and GeckoSpit
  87. +Animated Utility Poles (Ashens2014)
  88. +AnimatedGomorrah(Ashens2014)
  89. -Menu Replacer - Goodsprings Sunrise
  90. +Lady In red
  91. +Animated Chip Poles with Red Light orbs
  92. +Vault22AnimatedSign
  93. +Animated Rivet City Stands
  94. +Wacky decoration Collection with a bit more
  95. +Freeside(GIR) Regular
  96. +Freeside Sign
  97. +Motorcycles Remastered
  98. -Roberts Sexy Legion Patch 3_4
  99. -Roberts - Type 4 Patch
  100. -Roberts Dead Money DLC Patch 3_3
  101. -Roberts Lonesome Road DLC Patch 3_3
  102. -Roberts Old World Blues DLC Patch-Nude 3_3
  103. -Roberts Honest Arts DLC Patch-Nude 3_3
  104. -Roberts Courier's Stash DLC Patch 3_3
  105. -Roberts New Vegas Main - Nude 3_4
  106. +Animated Clothing (Ashens2014)
  107. +Fallout Flag Animation Overhaul
  108. +Awnings of Vegas
  109. +Animated marquee Version 1 Type 2
  110. +Xander Root HD
  111. +White Horsenettle HD
  112. +Broc Flower HD
  113. +Metal Box 2k Version
  114. +Micro Clutter - Update
  115. +Micro Clutter
  116. +Optimized Joshua Trees
  117. +Physically Based Collection
  118. +Physically Based Chems
  119. +Physically Based Wood Crates
  120. +Physically Based Kitchenware
  121. +Physically Based Collection 2
  122. +Physically Based Beverages
  123. +Physically Based Parkware
  124. +Physically Based Terminals
  125. +Physically Based Vehicles
  126. +Physically Based Mail
  127. +Monorail Proper Sounds
  128. +Camp McCarran monorail animation stand alone version
  129. +Fabulous New Vegas
  130. +HD Signs Overhaul Part 2
  131. +F4NV Billboards
  132. +Rectified Water Tower
  133. +Street Signs HD
  134. +Food HD
  135. +Robots 2K
  136. +Creatures HD 2K
  137. +wood wall shelves - 2k
  138. +High Quality Picket Fences
  139. +Windows of the Mojave
  140. +Strip Lighting Overhaul
  141. +One Hand Melee HD
  142. +FO4 Enhanced Blood Textures Screen Blood Subtle
  143. +Interior Rain
  144. +Menace of The New West
  145. +PM's HD Legion Overhaul - 2K
  146. +Immersive Pickup Sound - Remastered
  147. +B42 Inspect for Unarmed
  148. +B42 Inspect for Melee Weapons
  149. +FNV Clean Animations - Anniversary Edition
  150. +Enhanced Bullet Impacts
  151. +Humping the Mojave
  152. +Hotfix H007-2
  153. +Hotfix H
  154. +FNV Sexual Innuendo NPCs plugin version 007
  155. +FNV Sexual Innuendo Animation plugin
  156. +Wasteland Sex Module version H
  157. +FO4 Enhanced Blood Textures Blood Splatter
  158. +Elegant Sun and Sunglare Main
  160. +EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
  161. +Hit - B42 Inject - Meat Anims
  162. +Hit - B42 Inject - Sunset Sarsaparilla Animations
  163. +Hit - B42 Inject - Water Anims
  164. +Hit - B42 Inject - Liquid Courage
  165. +Hit B42 Inject - Random 1
  166. +Hit - B42 Inject - Stimpaks
  167. +Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack
  168. +Hit - B42 Interact Skinning
  169. +B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 2
  170. +Hit - B42 Inject Anim Pack - Season 1
  171. +Windows Ambient Light at Night
  172. +Female Lobotomites Spawn
  173. +Climate Control NVSE 2
  174. +Climate Control - 3D Rain
  175. +Climate Control - Rain
  176. +3D Rain
  177. +Cloud Upgrade
  178. +Sandy Roads - Patch Collection
  179. +Sandy Roads
  180. +Sandstone Desert
  181. +Architecture Retexture Pack - 2k
  182. +Rock Remesh -3- LOD
  183. +Rock Remesh -2- Textures
  184. +Nut Rock Canyon LOD Edit
  185. +Nut Vegas - Nutscapes Medium
  186. +NMC LOD texture fix
  187. +NMCs Texture pack WASHEDOUTWASTELAND Large and Medium
  188. +More Consistent Vanilla Rock Textures
  189. +High Priority Trees - Vanilla
  190. +High Priority Core
  191. +Nuclear Trees - Vanilla
  192. +Nuclear Core
  193. +VNV LOD Guide Plugins Merge
  194. +Decent LOD Kit
  195. +LODIFY FNV Wall_SoGB Editon
  196. +Tales Of the Wanted Lods
  197. +Different LOD mods little tweaks and additions
  198. +Version 1.0
  199. +More LODs Additions and fixes
  200. +TCM's LOD Overhaul
  201. +FNV LOD Supplementation
  202. +1_FNV LOD Supplementation
  203. +LODadditions
  204. +Much Needed LOD - NMC Patch
  205. +Much Needed LOD fixed rocks color
  206. +Much Needed LOD
  207. +FNVLODGen Resources
  208. +Improved LOD noise Texture
  209. +Contrasted LOD Noise 1k
  210. +NVCS Vanilla Weights
  211. +B42 Optics
  212. +B42 Inertia
  213. +Smooth True Ironsights
  214. +Iron Sights Aligned
  215. +New Vegas Animation Overhaul Guns
  216. +HIPControl
  217. +Afterglow
  218. +DiaMoveNVSE Patched
  219. +Casino Posters and Signs HD
  220. +HD Signs Part 3
  221. +Billboards HD Remade 2K
  222. +Various Signs HD
  223. +Regular Rugs HD
  224. +Casino Rugs HD
  225. +Flags HD 2K
  226. +Canvas Backpacks - FNV
  227. +Stupendous Seats
  228. +Inviting Vaults
  229. -Simple Fog Remover
  230. +Dusty Distance Redone
  231. +FNV Intro HD 60 FPS (ENGLISH)
  232. +Rock Remesh -1- Meshes
  233. +I Finally Caved
  234. +PocoBuenoV
  235. +NMC New Vegas Patch for ALL Sized packs
  236. +NMCs Textures NV LARGE Pack Part 3 of 3 FOR NMM
  237. +NMCs Textures NV LARGE Pack Part 2 of 3 FOR NMM
  238. +NMCs Textures NV LARGE Pack Part 1 of 3 FOR NMM
  239. +mtfastforward
  240. +Windows To The Soul
  241. +NVR3R - New Vegas Redesigned 3 Revised
  242. +Fallout Character Overhaul
  243. +Parallax Shaders - Objects
  244. +Performance Of The Titans
  245. +Cartographer
  246. +Energy Visuals Plus 2.0
  247. +NV - Energy Visuals Plus 2 - (STABLE)
  248. +Improved Lighting Shaders
  249. +Real Time Reflections - INI
  250. +Real Time Reflections
  251. +Natural Interiors
  252. +Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch
  253. +Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - FNV - YUP
  254. +Compatibility INI for ALT
  255. -General Lighting Overhaul
  256. +Weathers Revised
  257. +Atlas
  258. -Visuals_separator
  259. -BSO Lite - A Brightweight Strip Overhaul CLOSED
  260. -Lightweight Strip Overhaul
  261. -1_Lightweight Strip Overhaul - No Walls
  262. -Simple Open Strip
  263. +Realistic Stealth Overhaul ESPless
  264. +Lived-In AIO
  265. +Trap Tweaks TTW
  266. +EVEM - Uncut Extra Collection - FPGE Patch
  267. +EVEM - FPGE Patch
  268. +EVEM - Uncut Extra Collection Patch
  269. +EVEM - YUP Patch
  270. +Vanilla Enhancements Merged
  271. -Overhauls_separator
  272. +VNV Patch
  273. +Better Brotherhood
  274. +The Living Desert Main File
  275. +Essential DLC Enhancements Merged
  276. +Functional Post Game Ending
  277. +Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch
  278. +Misc Content Restoration - NV
  279. +Uncut Wasteland - VNV Edit
  280. -Content_separator
  281. +Simple Night Vision
  282. +Strip Markers
  283. +B42 Melee Bash
  284. +Skip Doc Mitchell's Exam
  285. +FlashlightNVSE
  286. +Better Character Creation
  287. +Perk Styled CCC Icons
  288. +JIP Companions Command and Control
  289. +B42 Inject
  290. +B42 Inspect
  291. +B42 Dynamic Pip-Boy
  292. +B42 Loot
  293. +B42 Interact
  294. +EC - NVR INI
  295. +Enhanced Camera 1.4c
  296. +Bad Touch NVSE - Minimalist Preset
  297. +Bad Touch NVSE
  298. +Perk Per Level
  299. +KEYWORDS
  300. +Save Manager
  301. +Faster Sleep Wait
  302. +lStewieAl - Cookable Grenades
  303. +Better Caravan
  304. +Leveled DLC Delay
  305. +Follower Tweaks
  306. +B42 Recoil
  307. +Enhanced Movement INI
  308. +Enhanced Movement
  309. +Clean Just Assorted Mods
  310. +JLM Grab Tweak
  311. +JAM - VNV Configuration
  312. +Just Assorted Mods
  313. -Gameplay_separator
  314. +FNV HQ Main Menu
  315. +FOV Slider
  316. +Pop-Up Message Icons
  317. +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Framework Plugin
  318. +Color Inventory Ycons
  319. +Colorful Icons Support
  320. +Main And Pause Menus Overhaul
  321. +B42 Notify
  322. +Consistent Weapon Mod Descriptions
  323. +Sleep Wait Hardcore Needs
  324. +Modern Minimap
  325. +ySI - Sorting Icons
  326. +yUI
  327. +JIP Improved Recipe Menu ESPless
  328. +lStewieAl - Menu Search
  329. +Faster Start Menu
  330. +High Resolution Screens
  331. +High Res Local Maps
  332. +Clean Companion Wheel 256x256 Edition
  333. +Clean Vanilla Hud
  334. +Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)
  335. +MCM BugFix 2
  336. +The Mod Configuration Menu
  337. -User Interface_separator
  338. +Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix
  339. +Vanilla Weapon Scale Fix
  340. +A Little More Lamplight - Light Toggle Script Fix
  341. +A Little More Lamplight
  342. +Swiming Creatures Fix
  343. +Placement Fixes
  344. +Landscape Disposition Fix
  345. +Landscape Texture Improvements
  346. +Depth of Field Fix
  347. +Viewmodel Shading Fix - NVSE
  348. +Muzzle Flash Light Fix
  349. +High Resolution Water Fog
  350. +FaceGen Tint Fixes for NV
  351. +Doc Mitchell's Window Sunlight Fix
  352. +3rd Person Animation Fixpack
  353. +Gas Trap Performance Fix
  354. +Strip Lights Region Fix
  355. +LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE
  356. +Exterior Emittance Fix
  357. +Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks
  358. +Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix
  359. +MoonlightNVSE
  360. +Elijah Missing Distortion Fix
  361. +Assorted Voice Popping Fixes
  362. +Climate Control NVSE
  363. +ITEM
  364. +MAC
  365. +PipBoyOn Node Fixes SMIM
  366. +skinned mesh improvement mod
  367. +NVMIM - YUP Patch
  368. +New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod
  369. +Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE
  370. +ActorCause Save Bloat Fix
  371. +VATS Lag Fix
  372. +Fast Weapon Lag Fix
  373. +Engine Optimizations
  374. +Stewie Tweaks - VNV Extended INI
  375. +Stewie Tweaks
  376. +Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus
  377. +YUP - Base Game and All DLC
  378. -Bug Fixes_separator
  379. +AnhNVSE
  380. +GlobalImposterRegion - 2.66.209
  381. +Base Object Swapper
  382. +Blood Decal Flashing Fix
  383. +OneTweak
  384. +zlib Updated - NVSE
  385. +Fog-based Object Culling
  386. -ML Utilities Checker
  387. +No Exit to Main Menu
  388. +ISControl
  389. +Shader Loader - NVSE
  390. +Console Paste
  391. +Improved Console
  392. +Crash Logger
  393. +MLF
  394. +UIO - User Interface Organizer
  395. +kNVSE
  396. +NVTF
  397. +ShowOff INI
  398. +ShowOff xNVSE
  399. +All Tweaks Preset
  400. +JohnnyGuitar NVSE
  401. +JIP LN Settings INI
  402. +JIP LN NVSE Plugin
  403. -Utilities_separator
  404. +Fixed ESMs
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