

Jun 9th, 2013
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  1. Session Start: Sun Jun 09 21:50:38 2013
  2. Session Ident: #RP_Test
  3. 03[21:50] * Now talking in #RP_Test
  4. 03[21:50] * Nimbus ( has joined #RP_Test
  5. 03[21:50] * Angel (Angel@240BB113.917A8DA0.A0EA383A.IP) has joined #RP_Test
  6. 03[21:52] * Angel (Angel@240BB113.917A8DA0.A0EA383A.IP) has left #RP_Test
  7. 03[21:53] * Josephine sets mode: +o Nimbus
  8. 06[21:54] * @Josephine could be found chilling upon the living room coach. She was dressed in a long flowing pink night gown and her long locks of blonde hair had been styled back in a cute high ponytail. Her white bunny ears where standing straight up. She was catching up on some reading.
  9. [22:02] <@Nimbus> Conan was a late night arrival, he watched as they pulled up to the house and he said to himself "Just like any other..." the car came to a stop he got out of the car and grabbed in luggage from the trunk he was dressed in baggy blue jeans and a tight white shirt. He sighed as he came to the door with a social worker behind him. He knocked on the door.
  10. 06[22:05] * @Josephine bunny ears perked up at the sound of the knocking upon the door. After that other boy Jamie his name was, came last night she thought that would be the end of children coming. But it seemed there where and more coming. In a good way like a moths being drawn toward a open flame. Slowly she opened the drawer of the near by coffee table, and with a swift fluid notion of her hand she dropped her copy of 'Fifty shades of gray' into draw before standing up and going to meat there new arrievel.
  11. 02[22:06] * Disconnected
  12. Session Close: Sun Jun 09 22:06:16 2013
  14. Session Start: Sun Jun 09 22:06:16 2013
  15. Session Ident: #RP_Test
  16. 02[22:06] * Attempting to rejoin channel #RP_Test
  17. 03[22:06] * Rejoined channel #RP_Test
  18. 01[22:10] <Josephine> @Josephine bunny ears perked up at the sound of the knocking upon the door. After that other boy Jamie his name was, came last night she thought that would be the end of children coming. But it seemed there where and more coming. In a good way like a moths being drawn toward a open flame. Slowly she opened the drawer of the near by coffee table, and with a swift fluid notion of her hand she dropped her copy of 'Fifty shades of gray' into draw before standing up and going to meet there new arrievel.
  19. [22:16] <@Nimbus> Conan was looking around at the house and into the sky to see the starts It was a nice night. He hears the door open and he quickly turns around to see Josephine standing in the door way "Hi... Im Conan..."
  20. 06[22:18] * Josephine smiled toward the boy. "Hey there little one, I'm Josephine or Josie for short. If you would, you can come in and I'll hand the paper work to one of the rents. And then you can I can have a little talk." She said moving away from the door to allow Conan passage into the house. Then she started to talk to the social worker. Collecting the needed bits and pieces of information.
  21. [22:19] <@Nimbus> Conan sighs "Please dont call me little..." he steps inside
  22. 01[22:23] <Josephine> "Sorry," She said sweat dropping as Cona passed her. "Force of habit." A minute or three later she closed the door. A dark brown folded was tucked under her arms. The fold would soon find its way to the desk of the father figure of the house. After all he kept the books of the house, filed paper work and did other things. Jospehine only cooked, cleaned and grunted with people threaten to break in. Trust me if you ever saw a grunting bunny women, you will flee in terrer. True fact.
  23. [22:28] <@Nimbus> Conan asks "Wait, Were commenting on me being a kid or My height?" Him asking he didnt want to come off as rude on in the first 10 Minuets of arriving
  24. 06[22:31] * Josephine shook her head. "No, Its just a term of endurment around her. Please forgive me if I offend you." She made a note to watch her words around this young man. It was a clear reminder that some children did not like to be called 'little ones' when they where well pass that age. "Would you like to heat us up some pizza, I'm afraid that all we have left over, you know something to tie you offer till morning?"
  25. [22:36] <@Nimbus> Conan shake his head "Its ok... It bothers me when people call me little or the wrong age cause of my size... And yeah.. I guess I could eat a little" He stretched a little that car trip was long
  26. 06[22:42] * Josephine nodded her head as she made a note. "I understand." She said walking into the kitchen. "Now, there a few thing we need to cover. But first would you like a soda or something." She said popping a few slices of pizza into the toaster oven to heat up. It going a few minutes before it was ready and that would give them times to talk.
  27. [22:46] <@Nimbus> Conan followed Josephine into the kitchen and watched her put the pizza in toaster oven then she starts to bring up something like a rules "No soda after x hour?" He asks remembering some of the older homes
  28. 06[22:52] * Josephine blinked and slowly she placed the Soda down in front of him. "Not unless a adult gives it to you and." She said winking as she pulled out a rootbeer for herself. "No here we have a small rule book, There also a phone locoated in your upstairs dresser. Please read the rule book and please keep your phone on you at all times. We keep in touch with you via your phone. So be sure to keep it charged up and on you at all times."
  29. [22:57] <@Nimbus> Conan nods "Got cha, Cell upstairs, Keep it charged, on, and on me at all time, Read the rule book" he picks up the soda and pops it open "Im guessing most of the rules are common know how"
  30. 01[23:07] <Josephine> "Right, also we have a reward chart." She said nodding her head. "Everybody no matter there age has a name on the chart, you do good you will earn a gold star. Starts can be collected and cashed in at the end of the month for nice rewards. Being good and well mannered earn you gold ones, if you are bad or brattish you get those stars removed and a gray one being put up. Get alot of gray ones and you may find yourself losing privilages."
  31. [23:13] <@Nimbus> "A childish system... But If it works it works..." he looks around the kitchen "How many other kid live in the house?" He asks cause he gets stuck in some homes where the rule was Newest leave first when times got hard, He took a swig from the can of soda
  32. 06[23:17] * Josephine looked into Conan eyes, "A house where nobody is left out. I know there some houses in the system that treat children like secound class citizian's. But here you are a member of the family. Once we've invited into are family your here to say. And that a promise." She said standing up and going to remove the pizza from the oven.
  33. [23:24] <@Nimbus> Conan can help but to laugh a little "I know your being serious and all... But I've heard that before... Your hear to stay, your going no where, we're your family... I'll believe it when I'm here for over a month..." he takes a sip of his soda "Im sorry If I come of rude Tonight... You try and take a 5 hour car trip here and nod be a little bit of a grump"
  34. [23:25] <@Nimbus> (Not*)
  35. 06[23:29] * Josephine stood up and walked behind Conan and patted him upon the back. "I know, sleep will do you some good. We can talk more in the morning. But trust me when I say that you are hear to stay." She said smiling as she squeezed his shoulder. "Also, your room is the one with your name engraved upon the door. There a small copper trip with your name on it."
  36. 03[23:32] * Nimbus is now known as Conan
  37. 06[23:33] * @Conan smiles a little "I always hear those words... and I always Hope they're true..." Conan sniff the air "The Pizza smells good..."
  38. 06[23:34] * Josephine walked over and pulled the pizza from the oven. "Trust me, there true here. Just give us time." And with that she placed the pizza upon a paper plate and dropped the steaming hot slices off in front of Conan.
  39. 06[23:37] * @Conan smiles and waves to cool down the pizza "I still never really got a answer to my first question, How many kids live in the house at the moment?"
  40. 06[23:50] * Josephine paused. "A few, most of them are boys." I've meet only one other boy. So with you that makes three.
  41. 06[23:53] * @Conan smiles "Boys..." he blushes then snaps out of it and picks up his pizza and nibbles on it
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