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Oct 4th, 2016
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  1. On October 4th, 2016 at approximately 1:30pm Pacific Time, the Mommy Insurgency began with a mass invitation to the opposition server, mom-general. The invitations were dispersed through multiple acting members of the Dad Secret Police as part of a false-flag operation designed to weed out traitors and the unfaithful from the Dad Discord.
  3. Whilst a number of weak-willed dads accepted with sincerity and joined the fabricated Motherly Legions, there were a fair few who resisted the temptation and remained loyal to the Allfather. These members came to be known as the Loyal Dads after the initial conflict. Their efforts were not unrecognized and were chiefly characterized by reporting to Dad High Command and the White, Suburban Fathers that comprise it. Unbeknownst to the loyal Dads, the entirety of the events up until now was merely a ploy by High Command.
  5. Shortly after the invitations approximately one (1) hour following, High Command began part deus. The real culling began and many dads were outed by virtue of being on the Mom server, by and by far common information to the Secret Police and watchful eye of the Dadministrators. Those who resisted or lied about their status on Mom-general were punished, branded with the shameful tag of "Liar Dad" and told to feel, all-in-all, very bad for what they had done. The decisions made by High Dadship here are widely regarded to be firm, yet fair, all the attractive characteristics of a true Father.
  7. However, shortly after the dust had settled from this, treachery struck. One "Arsenic#5865" (goes by various aliases and nickanes, but this seems to be the fallback name) took the opportunity provided by the chaos to form his own, seperate, and very much *real* insurrection. Earlier in the day as part of the initial test, an alternate account made by him under the name "Coalitious" (Exact details TBD) was invited to the Dad Discord as part of the preperatory stage. It was this account, whose real identity was unknown even to the Dadmins, who declared an actual rebellion against the Dads. Real terror had struck.
  9. The rebel moved swiftly. Coalitious invited no less than a dozen dads to become part of his new army, hoping to swell the ranks with braindead yet loyal shocktroops to launch a pre-emptive strike on the Dad Homeland. However, he had not anticipated the wariness that was now present in most of the Dad population, which for many, was the first time they had seen the horrific results of Dad-on-Mom war. Many resisted Arsenic/Coalitious' call, one of the shining results of the glorious Dad High Command's loyalty operation and one of the primary reasons the Dad discord was able to stand together to this day.
  11. Many dads were already rocked by the first conflict. They greatly feared another, and by solemn virtue and lasting hope did they band together under the banner of Fatherhood to riposte the deceitful Mothers. Many heeded the call to arms, offering their abilities in combat theaters of all varieties from Overwatch to League of Legends to Wild Animal Racing. The Dad Pride stood stronger than ever as teams were drafted and volunteers assembled into the greatest army the Dads had ever mustered. The Moms would not stand a chance.
  13. However, the pressure had proved too much for Arsenic. His troops in disarray, morale low, and buckling under the weight of his crimes, the One Mother broke and disarmed his forces in surrender. The Dads had won the war before it could even begin.
  15. The Traitor Arsenic, no doubt struggling to cope with intense guilt at this point, posted confessions in various channels in Daddy Discord, of which he was still yet an adminstrator, hoping to seek some form of repentance for his sins. The Dadship would have none of it. He was a traitor, and the entire day's events had been about unveiling those of his ilk. His penance was denied.
  17. Arsenic was sentenced to death by shame by High Dad Cross at approximately 7:10pm PST, on that very day. He was given a quick funeral and his burial site to this day remains a mystery as to dissuade attempts at defacing his grave. His service, betrayal, and fate, mark one of the most tumultous periods in Dad History to this day, but at the same time serves as a constant reminder about the virtues of Fatherhood.
  19. We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable, that all dads are created equal and independent, that from that equation they derive rights inherent & inmotherful, among which are the preservation of life, the desire for death, and the pursuit of meme-iness. For we are all fathers, and all fathers one.
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