
AnalShip - "Genji/Soldier VOD" Review

Jun 29th, 2017
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  1. 0:26 - Try not to reflect into zarya bubbles, and overall try to use reflect more for when you know you can do damage/to escape situations (dash is almost off cd)
  3. 0:50 - As a genji you are gonna be focused a lot on the enemy team and it can feel like your whole team abandoned you but you should keep the corner of your eye on the killfeed as well as take advantage of sound to keep track of your team in order to be able to know when to back out/apply more pressure
  5. 1:40 - I find as a general it is more difficult to aim projectile heroes from above people (with the exception pharah b/c of splash) so you may want to position youself more on their level with cover if your team is pushing in, you will hit more shots like that and maybe pull some back to give your team some space to push
  7. 3:04 - Don't peek corners while reloading
  9. 4:20 - Try to learn the lockon/chargeup time for McCree's ult so-as not to reflect early (side note: If you dash to your left he will shoot at you first because High Noon fires right to left on his screen)
  11. 6:30-55 - This whole section was really good, you played aggressive with your tanks, chipped a lot off the road to build your blade quickly and reflected a hook and a shot possible saving a teammate, and backed out when you really needed to. The only thing I would say is that you should have capitalized on the out of position mercy more
  13. 7:40 - The dash into the air was really nice, but you want to use it to fall onto the mercy to get the slash in so when the flies away you can just dash after her and kill her easily. Try looking down as you fall to scope how your surroundings are changing to attack accordingly
  15. 8:49 - you can double jump and climb the little stick out thingy on the double door side of point
  17. 11:35 - Be careful reflecting projectiles you don't know, play through all of the heroes and learn how to aim as them so you learn how to reflect them, you will get a lot more pharah reflect airshots after you play her for a couple hours
  19. 12:20 - You should have stayed in arches so the mercy could see you to fly out
  21. 13:00 - If pharah is that big of a problem, you shouldnt worry about your ult and should have swapped, your ult doesnt matter if it isnt gonna win the fight and is just gonna feed the enemy team 60%
  23. 14:30 - I get the desire to be in the fight, and it worked well, but higher up people are going to start punishing you for being in your team, so you should try to position yourself on high ground, with plenty of space so-as not to let the pharah gank you but not too much that you cant see the fight.
  25. 15:20 - Check for targets before ulting
  27. 17:50 - You should have reset on high ground long before then, your team had advantage and you setting up top secures your superiority against tricklers
  28. General:
  29. - Try to survey your surrounding before ulting, dont just do it off of emotion
  30. Genji
  31. - Use right click more, you seem to have good hitscan aim and right clicks are just faster and quicker making them more suited for people not used to genji's proj speed. Only use left click at long range or once you are more aquainted with the hero
  32. - Your seem to lose targets easily while blading whenever you jump over them so try for a little while only single jumping during blade to learn to keep track of targets
  33. - Try to aim head level more, I get a sense that you come from playing CS, and this applies in this game too
  34. - Lead your shots a bit more, learning the lead and proj speed comes with play but just test out how far you need to go for different distances
  35. Soldier:
  36. - Take advantage of high ground
  37. - Don't switch targets too much, just focus one down at a time, and call who you are shooting at to team chat to let them focus them (the best way to kill someone is to yell their name three times trust me)
  38. - Don't chase for kills you can't get, I only saw hints of this and desires to do so but just make sure you have tanks in front of you before pushing, the less people are shooting at you the more you can shoot at them
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