
A partial and deprecated attempt to create a D5Man grammar

Oct 17th, 2015
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text 1.98 KB | None | 0 0
  1. # -> add pragmas
  2. # -> add subsections
  4. D5Man Meta Content
  5. Meta SecStart "Meta" SecEnd MetaData TeX?
  6. SecStart SecLines "[ "
  7. SecLines SecLine+
  8. SecLine "-" | "─"
  9. SecEnd " ]" SecLine SecLine \n\n
  10. \n <newline>
  11. MetaData KV+
  12. KV Key \t+ Value \n
  13. Key Identifier
  14. Identifier IdentifierC+
  15. IdentifierC "A" ... "Z" | Lowercase | "." | Numeric
  16. Lowercase "a" ... "z"
  17. Numeric "0" ... "9"
  18. \t <tab>
  19. Value Inline
  20. Inline CDATA | EscapeSequence | EmbeddedTeX | Symbol | Quotation | Link
  22. EscapeSequence "\" CtrlChar | "\,"
  23. CtrlChar \ | " | ` | ' | { | } | ( | ) | * | + | - | ~ % not quoted
  24. EmbeddedTeX "{" TeX "}"
  25. TeX CDATA | EmbeddedTeX | TeX TeX | EPSILON
  26. Symbol "..." | "=>" | Identifier "^" Identifier | "->" | " :) " | " e "
  27. Quotation EnglishQuot | GermanQuot | Teletype | Emphasis
  28. EnglishQuot `` Inline ''
  29. GermanQuot "` Inline "'
  30. Teletype ` Verbatim `
  31. Emphasis "_" Inline "_"
  32. Verbatim (<UTF-8 without "`" and \n> | "\`" )+
  33. Link URL | Refpage | GenericLink
  34. URL [a-z]\+://[a-zA-Z0-9\-.%/#&?=_]\+
  35. Refpage Path "(" Section ")"
  36. Section Numeric+
  37. GenericLink Quotation "(" Path ")"
  38. Path (IdentifierC "/"?)+
  39. Content Section+
  40. Section SecStart Inline SecEnd Text
  41. Text (Block | Inline)+
  42. Block List | Table | RawEnv | SubSection \n
  43. List ListHeading? ListContent
  44. ListHeading Inline \n % => Defintion list
  45. ListContent Indentation (ListMarker Inline \n | List)+
  46. Indentation \t+ | " "+ % TODO require const w/ mult invoc (Tables, Code)
  47. ListMarker "*" | "+" | "-" | Number "." | EPSILON
  48. Number "1" ... "9" Numeric*
  49. Table \n TableHeading? TableLineO TableLine TableLineM TableLine+
  50. TableLineO \n
  51. TableHeading Indentation Inline
  52. TableLineO Indentation TableO \n
  53. TableO "o"+ | "═"+
  54. TableLine Indentation TableCells \n
  55. TableCells TableCell " " TableCells | EPSILON
  56. TableCell Inline
  57. TableLineM Indentation TableM \n
  58. TableM "m"+ | "─"+
  59. RawEnv \n (Indentation CodeLine \n)+ \n
  60. CodeLine <Visible UTF8, tabs and spaces>
  61. SubSection Char SubSection SecLine | \n
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