
Fourth dates are for grappling hooks

Dec 7th, 2018
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  1. DGNightwing: -Nightwing had been busy this week with Ivy. Not forgetting about Bane, considering the one night Bane had joined, he took a beating. Grayson could still feel what Bane had did to him, luckily, his back was still in tact. He was perched up ontop of the old casino building in East Bludhaven, He was listening to the police com he had installed in his mask, considering he was a detective in Bludhaven, he had access to it. Kind of. He wasnt done witht he two, he had been searching the city hard. Whatever was going on, it was going to end. Soon.
  2. LastWar: In the mid-winter weather, the cold wind passing through Gotham city's aura of pure peace and the follicle snow swung around until it landed on the dirty swampy floors of the sidewalks. The Batman gained dominance over the city, the villians too scared to come out at night, his passion for justice was evident as the city was at peace....not for long. The door that lead to the roof was slammed open, breaking the chains off of it and slamming into the ground, came a long dark figure, a rusty old jacket that had a Red Hood symbol embedded on the back, black dirty combat boots, a red hood over his head and on his hand, was a leg of the security man he killed. Jason slouched as he walked towards the bat-signal, dropping the chopped off leg that left stains of blood on his jacket and cheeks. He took off his glove and covered his bare hand with the blood of that security guard and covered the bat-signal with the color of blood red, Jason pulled on the level, emitting a large bloody bat-signal that shined through Gotham's sky, it was clear for the citizens that looked at it, the peace was over.
  3. Ban3 The driver pressed his foot on the brake slidding into a stop in front of the Botanical Gardens of Gotham. He pulled the keys out of the ignition and set the truck in park. The hard metal door creeked as he pushed it open slowly. Footsteps made a crunching sound agaisnt the heavy blanket of snow that covered the city streets of Gotham. The man flipped the latch and pulled open the door of the truck. "Gracias Senor." came a voice as cold and Icy as the snow itself. A man dressed in a thick leather Jacket stood in front the open doors of the truck. He adjusted the collar of his jacket and fixed the black leather Luchidore mask that covered his facial features, revealling only eyes and mouth. "Hurry now boys. Get the finished finished product to our. . . " he paused for a second flashing a manical grin. "Associate." he continued, looking up at the red colored Signal in the sky. " Looks like we'll have a special guest tonight. The man in red himself."
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Ivy had been sitting amongst her vines and branches in a makeshift sort of nest she'd built herself to lounge dramatically in since everything she did was rather dramatic anyway. Pushing her long curling hair off her bare shoulder, her eyes flicked to the sky, studying the stars and the moon before throwing a pout over her lips. "Where is he?" Almost on cue, the sounds of a truck could be heard not far off, her torso pushing up to sit up straight as she listened. "About time...." Getting her feet beneath her, she stood upright, giving a little stretch and then continuing to walk through the mass of greenery she'd grown as cover for the area she spent most of her time in. "You have something for me?" She called out, hearing the sounds on the other side of the thick curtain of leaves.-
  5. DGNightwing: -Nightwing had looked up in the sky, a bright light was covering the dark cold air. The bat signal. That signal sent shivers through some criminals. Some of them though, didnt pay any mind to it no matter the ass beating the bats could give them. Nightwing lifted his right hand, he rubbed the blue winged emblem on his suit, which was damaged from the fight he had with Bane. Sore or not, the city needed him he hadnt heard from anyone else in the "family". He then noticed a weird tint in the sky, he looked up, red. Thats all he needed to know. He knew who this was, he smirked a little. Not because of any reason, but for the fact that tonight, he might have to face multiple people. Bane and Ivy causing him problems, but now Red Hood. Unless Red Hood helped him. He used his grappeling gun and swang to another building, he had a lead to where he suspected Ivy was hiding. Assuming Bane would be with her, he headed that direction, pressing the button on his mask -Oracle. Im heading to the location. Im sending the corridnates...however, could you do me a favor and send them t Jason? Dont really know if that could be good or bad. I might be setting my self up. I guess time will tell. Nightwing out- He was closing in on the possible location of Bane and Ivy, waiting on Oracle to hack into the city cameras -"Grayson, A camera on crime Alley picked up a heavy truck speeding on twenty third street, looked like the same truck that Bane used the night in the warehouse. There is a Garden area around that area, could be them- "Nightwing sighed- Thanks O, send the corridnated to Jason. Im headed there now.-
  6. LastWar: Red Hood lifted his leg and placed it on the concrete edge of the building, his hood shivered slightly from the wind, yet his downfall for almost a year lead him to madness, now leaving him darker and more brutal than ever concieved. Soon enough, Oracle was able to hack into his earpiece, sending him a location then broadcasting out. Jason was confused at first, but then came to an understanding, whatever it was, it was family business, and what's best to introduce anarchy by burning them. His buffed up shoulders moved smoothly as he left the roof. Will he side with Nightwing, Bane or Ivy? Neither. He had bigger plans, one that involved complete destruction, a reflection his misery, he thought as he exited the building, in only a seconds, it was blown up in flames, lighting up the sky as the signal cut-out, along with 34 deaths. The Revival of The Red Hood was now a matter of national security, his anger and rage had no limits, neither will his vengeance.
  7. LastWar: of*
  8. Ban3 He planted his large black boots firmly onto the Icy pavement. Hoisting 3 large crates into heavily muscled arms. He opened the door to the Gardens with one hand motioning Trogg, Bird, and Zombie to follow alongside his other men. A familiar voice brought a smile to his face. He knew just who it was taht stood at the end of the narrow glass covered corridor. The pale moonlight colored greem wall that were strewn with all sorts of plants and vines. The cold hard floor was littered green vines. sever small lights lit the corridors that Bane and his men marched along. Bane reached his leather clad hands between the vines and pushed them aside as he stepped into her lair. He scanned the room surveying the all the different kinds of plants that lit up the room. Turning back to her with a Grin on his face. " Special Delivery." He said with a smirk. "You should consider yourself lucky Senora. Not many stores deliver. especially in this kind of weather. Consider it an Early Christmas Present." He said grinning as he set down the crates. "Your special mulch me amigo"
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She paused when the vines parted to reveal the oversized man coming through from the other side, her moutn turning up into a genuine smile. "I like to make my own luck." She said as she watched crates be set down on the ground. "Besides, I know you always deliver." She let her gloved hand run down the length of his arm before returning her attention to the crates, lifting her foot to stomp her thick heel against the floor twice. The floor beneath their feet started to slither, the vines all seemingly making their way towards the crates while the walls followed suit. The entire room they stood in was almost literally crawling and in an instant the crates Bane had brought with him were completely covered in assorted plants. The wood finally snapped under the pressure and the plants dove into their contents, a warmth of power resonating in Ivy's stomach. "Oh they love it, thank you babe. It's just what we needed to give us that edge. Stupid bird won't know what hit him."-
  10. DGNightwing: -Nightwing made it to the location, he stood in the dark on the building top above them, he watched bane go in. he perched down to stay low, he watched men take a number of crates in- What the hell is that? - He watched as the ground brought the crates under, he rose a brow in confusion.- Better stop them before they get ahead- he leaped from the building, he landed right outside the entrance, easily taking out two of the guards, he quickly reached in one of his pouches on his belt and picked up a small tracking device, tossing it on the vehicle, he makes his way inside, and looked at ivy and Bane- Well hello love...plants? Id call you birds, but that occupation is already taken. -he realized how bad he fucked up when walking in there...plants everywhere. Ivy has the upper hand- No small talk. Lets dance- he quickly squarred up, looking at the two.
  11. LastWar: Jason finally reached to the location of the coordinates, reaching from atop a vintage point high as he analyzed and assessed the environment ''Muscles, crates, not quite the complex riddle'' he whispered to himself in a mysterious tone. His eyes zoomed in on the warehouse, noticing the three standing in a position of predictable confrontation. Red Hood took out his grenade launcher and inserted a grenade in the center of the gun, ready to projectile launch into the warehouse ''Killing 3 birds with one stone'' he said in a dark robotic voice that was enchanced by his helmet ''That's quite the record'' he contined as he aimed it towards the warehouse, shooting his launcher as the grenade flew towards it, only a matter of seconds until it blows.
  12. Ban3 a sinister smiled crossed his face watching in awe as the vines slithered beneath his feet. He placed a hand gently over her soft gloved hands. "For you Rosa. I can deliver any time of the night. No charge. " the sound of the cracked wood sent a chill down down his thick spine, lifting his spirits. There would be no coming back from this. It didn't matter what happened tonight. The second the plants began to dive into the chemical mulch contained in the crates He could the reaction slowly start to take place. The vines and man eating plants began to grow thicker and stronger. Man eating plants practically tripling in strength growing to exponential heights. "Lets dance" came the familiar voice of his latest adversary. "Back for more Pajaro?" he said with an evil look. "You're too late Senor. Our plan is already set in motion. Tonight Ivy's plants will feed on the corpse of a dead bird. The sound of shattering glass alerted bane to the oncoming grenade. In a desperate attempt to save her He reached down and scooped Ivy up from the ground knowing he only had but a few seconds to escape the oncoming blast and run from the explosion of the grenade.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She watched in pure amazement at the almost immediate growth of her plants, shooting Bane a fleeting glance of affection before Nightwing crashed their party. "Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners? It's not polite to invite yourself into someone else's house." Her voice came out tense, speaking between clenched teeth since he'd been interrupting a rather precious moment for her. She hardly had any time to react further when Bane grabbed her and swung around to run, her arm looping around his enormous neck in a flurry of massive blurs of green around them.-
  14. DGNightwing: -Grayson saw the reaction of Bane, he heard the shot, he pulled out his grappel gun and aimed it torward the entrance, he would shoot it at the top of the truck Bane had pulled in, the gun would hook on it, Grayson would pull him self out of the building quickly, he would then launch him self off of the truck attempting to get away from the possible explosion, s soon as he hit the ground he would continue to run as fast as he could away from the building, the blast would throw him further away, it wouldnt kill him, but he would hit the ground hard. He was already sore from the other day, he would wince, pushing himself up slowly
  15. LastWar: Jason Todd slided down the building's pavement as he hopped from one window pane to another, seemingly arrived at the sight of the scene where the explosion fired everything around. His eyes followed Bane's movements, his main concern, since his last confrontation with him a year ago wasnt so pleasant. Jason walked towards the gigantic man with an AKM rifle and a suppressor to support it, along 5.56mm caliber bullets that were sharp enough to rip through 5 brick walls at once "Bane'' he said in a voice filled with rage ''This is where your business ends, you along with it'' he said as he approached him.
  16. Ban3 He dove out of the way of the shielding Ivy with his massive exterior. The smile ran away from his face replaced by frustration and anger. Only one member of the Batfamily would use explosives. The one he had teamed up with not so long ago. Haunted by ghosts of his past He stumbled to his feet letting out a quiet but angry roar is displeasure. " You deal with the Bird. I have a . . Traitor to deal with." he said to Ivy. He rose to his feet sliding off the leather coat and making his way toward his former partner. He pressed the buttons on his wrist growling as muscles began grow and pump with Venom. "Ahhh the Traidor returns. I've waited for this moment for a year now. Dark Flash should have known better than to trust anyone associate with the Bat. I break you to Arkham in a body cast Pajaro"
  17. Ban3: ((*and send you
  18. Ban3: ))
  19. Ban3: (( I hate when I do that
  20. Ban3: ))
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Grateful for Bane's protection from the blast, she got back up to her feet, mostly unscathed other than the heartwrenching pain she felt in her chest from some of her damaged plants that had suffered in the explosion. At Bane's word, she gave a curt nod, her original target had been Nightwing anyway and she was happy to oblige his request. "Help Bane, my babies." She said waving her fingers through the air to send giant thick waves after Red Hood in an attempt to restrain his arms down to his sides. After giving her order, she stuck her hand out to be met by blossoming branch which easily hoisted her up high above them, continuing to grow until she was able to get a bird's eye view of the area. "Now where did the bird go?" She mumbled to herself, her eyes scanning the area for Nightwing's figure.-
  22. DGNightwing: -Nightwing forced through the pain and ran back to the action, the scenery was now filled with a building that was on fire, one that was filled with plants that is. Due to the gernade launcher, he heard Red hood call out bane. They seemed like they had something personal going on, he looked at a puzzled ivy, and watched as her palnts attempted to restrain Todd- Cant believe im going to do this...he tried o fucking kill me.- he pulled out a wing ding and launched it torward the plants, if hit perfectly, it would slice the plants in half, letting go of the Red hood. He ran oer to Ivy- Hey gorgeous. Im here to pick you up for our third date. Can i get lucky tonight? -he would clench his fist and swing at her witha right hook, hoping to conect to her jaw
  23. LastWar: The Red Hood was bounded by the plants that held him in his position, but he was more focused on what bane had to say rather than the vines "I didnt betray you, I betrayed what you stood for" he said as one of the vines were sliced by Grayson, the other, not so much. Though Jason Todd, known for his immense physical strength amongst the bat-family, was able to use his biceps to rip the vines in half "You're a fool. Everything you represent, the Dark Flash is as blinded as you are" He said as he continued to approach him with a raging manner, he knew how lethal Bane's punches can be, but as the saying quotes, you can't hit what you cant see. Moments laters, smoke pallets dropped onto the ground creating a cloud of fog, barely anything was visible from it, as Jason's position was no where to be located.
  24. Ban3 Bane motioned Trogg, Bird, and Zombie to take some of the remaining men. "Go Amigos. The lady may require some assistance. I will deal with The Bat's . . . red sheep." He shouted as he veins popped growing to massive proportions. He stomped along the blanketed streets of Gotham in an angry rage toward his former red hooded associate.Bane growled reaching to grab the brid in his tight grasp only to get a fist full of smoke. "You wanted wanted it all! The drugs! The Desecration of Gotham's corrupt population! You knew What you were signing up for Pajaro! And you got Cold feet and ran! You're nothing short of a Pollo. Subdued by his sense of Self Righteousness."
  25. Alexithymiaa: -When she spotted Nightwing coming back toward the building, she descended to the ground from her branch, fluidly stepping off of it so she could stand in front of him. "After you called me a fat lady on our last date? Give me one good reason why I should do you any favors." She snapped quickly at him, moving her forearm up to block the oncoming hit he was throwing at her since she'd been able to see it coming. The venom induced plants were at her sides in seconds since they now had triple the speed and strength they had before the serum. They attacked him in the blink of an eye shooting out and aiming for his throat in an effort to coil around his neck and stifle his breathing. "I'd consider it if you started this little rendezvous with a kiss. I promise, it'll be absolutely breathtaking."-
  26. DGNightwing: -The vine quickly wrapped around his throat, he didnt expect them to be so fast. Nor this strong. However, witht he many many years with batman, and being an acrobat, he could take this. Though, he was sill weak from the last encounter. He held onto the vines around his thraot, putting enough energy so he could speak- Bad choice of Words Grayson. He still had a wing ding in his left hand, very sharp. He started to pry the vines, he was finally able to break free. He fell to the ground, breathing heavily, he quickly reached in his pocket, he held up his left index finger, motioning her to "hold on" Wait...give me a second- he placed a bandage like item around his lips, and smirked looking at her- Okay. Pucker up toots. He would charge ar her, attemppting a flary of punches, he would attempt a3 hit combo, left arm would attempt to hit her ribs, his right hand would attempt to hit the other side of the ribs, and if one of these landed, his next move would be a spinning heel kick, where he would plant his left foot in the ground, spin clock wise as his right foot rose, and his right heel would aim for her head, the kick would oly be attempted if the first two hits would connect, if they didnt, he would most likely attempt to defend himself
  27. LastWar: Amongst the heavy concentration of smoke in which Bane failed to locate Todd, he used his personal skills in stealth to be quiet as he roamed around the gigantic beast "To hell with your beliefs'' his voice spoke through the smoke. The Red Hood then got ahold of Bane's wrist, using his dagger to cut through his device that pumped the venom, he then reached in for a kick to bane's throat, twisting and rotating his hip to reach high enough.
  28. Ban3 Bane snactched Jason by his ankle. A sinister smile returning to his face."To hell with you Pollo! Dark Flash and and I practically handed Gotham to you on Silver platter! We Had Gotham's Citizen's practically under our thumb. You could have lived like a King. My Men. . . Even ithe criminals at your disposal. You threw it all all way! And for what! So you could have the chance to exact your own vengeance driven campaign. And with nothing but your guns. You Disgust me Pollo. You have no Honor." He finished. Bane smiled as the Venom enhanced vines rose out of the ground. He lifted Jason above his head in an attempt to hurl his body toward the strengthened. " I'm sure me Rosa's children will enjoy a delicious snack"
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Gladly." She retorted, stopping for a moment to watch him hunched over and struggling to breathe. Her pride was what made her unprepared for his oncoming attack , bringing her knee up and her arms down to block the first hit which sent her unbalanced for the blow to her other side and his kick at her head. The kick sent her reeling back, but fortunately her trusty plants were there to catch her before she fell to the ground. Craddling her body, they easily turned her back up onto her feet, though her brain was fairly rattled from the strike. "You idiot. Who taught you how to kiss?" She asked through a sneer, thrusting her palm out in front of her which triggered her vines to begin snapping and cracking like whips ahead of her, forcing him to keep his distance from her while she recovered. "You know, I had a feeling I'd be disappointed in your technique. You've always been a little stiff."-
  30. DGNightwing: -He kept his distance due to her vines, he showed his sly smirk, and shrugged a bit- A little stiff? Just because I dont keep to my garden doesnt mean Im stiff. Harsh words. You guys are really digging into my bath time you know? Usually this time of night I like to soak in a tub and play with some bubbles.- he had to think of something to get passed the vines, he checked the surroundings, she was infront of the building that was onfire. He turned to his right and ran around her at an angle, assuming she would follow and still stand guard with her plants. All This did was make them switch spots, he would grab a smoke pellet and throw it in her direction, attempting to distract her, if this would work, he would quickly grab a wing ding and crawl under banes truck, he just needed a little bit...he would stab the gas tank, and flamable gas would come out, grayson would hold one of his pouches under it, filling the pouch up. He would crawl from under the truck and lok at ivy, hopefully the smoke cleared, he would throw the pouch at the plant, if it would hit it, the plant would be covered in a little bit of gas, to where if it would make contact with the fire, it would catch a bit. Grayson didnt know if this would work, but it was worth a try
  31. LastWar: Jason was stuck in a position that was difficult to get out off, yet his intellect in combat fails to hang him out to dry in such tough circumstance. Bane's words sunk into his mind, yet he disagreed with everything he said and felt a load of rage fill his body, a massive rush of testostorone was boiling inside him as he used all that energy to front roll out of Bane's grip, during the processes he quickly tied bane's hand to hi grappling rope gun, all he had to do now was shoot the grappling hook and it'll send him down in the floor. Jason aimed for Ivy, in particularly towards her leg, he thought, if bane's size prevented him from falling, then atleast it would knock Ivy off her feet, its a win-win situation. He shot the grappling hook in a moment's instance ''I hope these children enjoy mexican food, mi amor'' Jason said sarcastically as he stepped back, watching the spectacle unfold in front of his eyes with extreme precision.
  32. LastWar: his*
  33. Ban3 Bane hissed as Jason tied his arm. Stumbing a bit as he almost lost footing due to the grappling hook that was sent toward ivy. He regained his footing and reached into his pocket with a free hand. "Oh they won't be eating Mexican food Pollo. Tonight We'll treat them to chicken Dinner." Bane held up the capsule looking over at his former partner. "You forgot something Senor. My research. to perfect the drug that you helped fill the streets." He grinned dropping it onto his tongue. "A synthesized version of the Venom compound. I've been keepign them as Souvenir."Bane Reached over grabbing Jason by his shirt and pullign him in. His grip growing even stronger as capusule began to act.
  34. Alexithymiaa: -She spun in a small circle so she could stay facing him as he moved around, never turning her back on him because that would just be stupid. When he dropped the smoke pellet, she instantly commanded the plants to spin, creating a vacuum that was able to suck the smoke from the air fairly quickly. She hadnt been paying much attention to what was going on between Bane and Red Hood considering she knew Bane was capable of handling that situation himself and therefore hadnt anticipated the oncoming grappling hook. "Harsh, but true. You know how I do." She said, blowing a kiss in his direction. The hook coiled around her legs, her weight falling to one side as she fell into a thick bed of her flowers. She moved her hands quickly to the wire wrapped around her legs, tugging and pulling with no such luck without something to cut it off with. "I'm really beginning to hate this stupid family." She growled, feeling defeated as she sat there trying figure out what she had available to her to free herself.-
  35. DGNightwing: -Nightwing noticed how tied up ivy was, he looked over at Jason, then back at ivy- Sorry lady. Gotta distract you- he pulled out his grappel gun and shot it at ivy, if it connected, it would tie up the upper half of her body, wether or not i it worked, Nightwing would sprint torwards bane, nightwing was light on his feet so bane couldnt see him coming Nighwing would leap torwards bane,, he would slide on the ground , his feet aiming at the brutes legs, easilly doing a leg sweep to take bane down, Bane would then release Jason, Nightwing would roll to his feet, in the proccess of leg sweeping, Grayson puled out his escrimas, he connested them after the sweep and ran to a building, he would wall run and leap off, flipping torward bane with his feet together Holding his now bo staff down as if he reached it out torwards Jason, hoping in this quick second of action, he would know what was going on
  36. LastWar: Jason was quickly released after the leg sweep as he noticed Grayson using a nearby wall to walljump it and launch himself in the air, in that quick second Jason had to act for a strong combo move. His eyes followed his movements and steps, noticing Bane's unfavorable position, he quickly followed his intuition and jumped in the air as Grayson was launched above him, he grabbed onto both his legs and slammed Grayson down towards Bane's chest, delivering a heavier hit to the masked beast.
  37. Ban3 Bane felt his footing swept out from under him as Nightwing slide under him. He planted his large hands firmly onto the snow covered ground trying to push himself back up to his feet, only to be thwarted by Jason crashing down onto his chest."Ugghh" muttered. He reached down to his chest grabbing the two men and pushing them off. He pushed himself up stumbing to to his feet. With his muscle enhanced strength he planted his food on the rope of the grappling gun and pulled with all his strength slowing tearing apart the fibers. "You birds and your toys. I grow tired of this. If you'll excuse me. I have better things to do with my time." He said brushing himself off and running toward Ivy using his Brute strength ot pull apart the ties that bound her.
  38. Alexithymiaa: -Unable to move or fight back, Nightwing's grappling hook secured her upper body firmly and she just proceeded to lie on the ground, squirming and wiggling in a desperate attempt to free herself. When Bane came to assist her, she kicked her legs free and stood up, blowing him a kiss. "Thanks babe. Let's scram before the birds get any cute ideas." She said quickly, calling for her plants which quickly offered them an easy ride into the sky. But that's it because I'm going to bed.-
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