
Some cray shit

May 31st, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [mani :D]
  2. Tsaaq: ((IMVU derped and idk why))
  3. iKamal: [it did it to everyone]
  4. Favole: [Yeah. We all got booted. >.o]
  5. Favole: [Brb one sec]
  6. iKamal: [ryan wont be back for like an hour or so he is on his way to work and when he gets therehe will get on]
  7. iKamal: [imam go ahead and post ]
  8. iKamal: Kam went to the table and grabbed a solo cup pouring some vodka in it. She knew Dior really didn't drink so she only filled it about half way before she went to her fridge and poured kool aid into the cup to mix with the vodka. Sheheard Libi at the door and chuckled making her way to the door and opening it seeing she was already fucked up."hey Libi come in." she turned some music on on her blue tooth speaker from ehr phone. she swayed her hips and grinned. she made her way to her bedroom and slipped in jsut in case Dior wasn't dress she closed the door behind her." damn have a nice body under all that prep clothes." she chuckled and handed her the drink." Made this for you. "
  9. Favole: [Halfway up... gawd. xD]
  10. Tsaaq: ((Did my post from before go through?))
  11. iKamal: [yeah thats why I answered the door]
  12. iKamal: [i was in the middle of reading church's post when imvu decided to boot bitches]
  13. Tsaaq: ((Okay cool.))
  14. Favole: -Dior jumped out of her skin and she whirled around, wrapping one arm around her bare midriff as the other went across her cleavage to somehow protect her modesty- "Oh, it's you." -she sighed in relief, letting her arms drop down by her sides, shoulders sagging. She looked down at herself after Kam's comment, making an unsure face- "Really?" -she asked, taking another glance in the mirror before accepting the cup Kam held out to her. She sniffed it then took a sip before screwing up her face- "Fuck me..." -she exclaimed, before darting a look at Kam's face. She hardly ever swore and she was worried that she'd caused offence.-
  15. Tsaaq: "Heeey." She slurred and came into the room, slamming the door behind her as she stumbled inside. "Where's the rest of the booze?" Libi called out before going to follow behind Kam, standing in the doorway as Kam and Dior spoke to eachother. "If you don't want it I'll drink it." She volunteered.
  16. ChurchAeki: (I'm not rewritting, He opened a big bag full of drinks, weed with lighter cases and pills. He has other drugs on him, but he not showing them yet. Seoncd bag of has other stuff but he hasn't revealed it.)
  17. ChurchAeki: (All of it is spread out on the table.)
  18. iKamal: Kam nodded her head."You look like a downtown white girl." she chuckled and looked over to Libi" There is liquior on the table and Pizza so help yourself." she heard Dior curse and laughed." Jesus I didn't think you had it in you to curse. go on try it I didn't make it to strong." she heard Charles call out to her that he was there."I'll be out there when you are ready to come out." she made her way out and on her way she gave Libi's ass a hard smack and laughed seeing how fucked up she was. she made her way to Charles and looked at the table." Holy shit that's alot of stuff."
  19. ChurchAeki: Grins. "It's just half of the turnup kit." He leans over and kisses her before looked at the drinks, before picking up the Vodka bottle and cracked it open; he drank straight from the bottle. "This is mine for the night." He says after pulling the bottle from his lips.
  20. Favole: -Dior smiled, embarrassed, raising her cup to Libi in greeting before taking another cautious sip. It wasn't so bad that time... maybe she'd get used to it. She watched as Kam left to go back outside, and followed nervously, tugging the short top down to try to cover a bit more skin. She suddenly wished she'd put her jacket back on over the top, but it was too late now. She stood in the kitchen area, an arm around herself as her free hand gripped her drink-
  21. ChurchAeki: Charles looked from Kam smiling and saw Dior appear out the room, his brow arched as he grins. "Who is your friend Babe?"
  22. Tsaaq: She jumped up once she felt Kammie slap her ass. "Hey! Bad touch." She called out as she pulled off her leather jacket, it was falling off her shoulder anyways. She went over to the table she'd been directed to and raised her eyebrows at all of the contraband. "I'm already drunk I need other shit." Libi declared. "Oh, I almost didn't notice that Dior doesn't look like an ass anymore." She slurred. "Great job." She gave a thumbs up.
  23. iKamal: Kam smiled as he kissed her."Hmm that's Dior. I let her borrow my clothes." she looked over at Dior and chuckled."Told you you look hot." she looked at Libi and tossed a baggie of pills at her that was on the table."Will that work?" she grabbed herself a solo cup and some jack filling it before getting some ice from the fridge and sipping letting the whiskey burn her throat.
  24. Favole: -She rolled her eyes at Charles' comment, before frowning at Libi's. No matter what she wore she was the butt of the jokes. It was fine though... at least she was included. She turned to look as Kam tossed something towards Libi, and almost dropped her vodka. Shit. This was already turning into something that smelled a lot like trouble. She decided that once everyone started taking the hard stuff, she was going to leave. Her mother's voice was already ringing in her ears and there was no way she was going to become another Asia...-
  25. Tsaaq: LIbi caught the bag and licked her lips. "Yeah, what is this?" She asked as she went to sit at on the kitchen table. "What
  26. Tsaaq: ((FUCKING ENTER BUTTON.))
  27. Favole: [xD]
  28. Tsaaq: LIbi caught the bag and licked her lips. "Yeah, what is this?" She asked as she went to sit at on the kitchen table. "Molly? Percs? Speed?" Libi listed off as she inspected the bag. She looked over to Dior and rose a curious eyebrow. "What?" She asked with a skeptical look.
  29. Favole: "Nothing." -Dior answered, perhaps a little too quickly. She stepped away from the table, continuing to sip her drink as she looked around the apartment. "Is anyone else coming?" -she asked, glancing over her shoulder to see where Kam was-
  30. ChurchAeki: Tilts his head back once more as he drank from the bottle, he looked over to Libi as she said she wanted something else. "Libi." He pulls the bottle from his lips and made a sign for her to follow him. "I got something that might help you out a bit if you don't want the pills...come to the bathroom." He looks to Kam once more before kissing her again and head to the bathroom. Walking inside he would pull out a rather medium size bag with white powder inside; licking his lips he would sit down on the towel with the lid down and took one of Kam's magazins and placed it on his lap. Placing the bottle on the floor he would pour the white substand onto the magazine and took his wallet out and pulled out one of his cards and a twenty dollar bill, rolling up the bill he would place it to the side and started to make lines in the white substance splitting up in thin lines. Leaning over he took the bill and placed it to his nose before inhaling one of the lines through his nose. "Fuck.." He says leaning up and holding his eyes, his eyes tearing up as his eyes turned red.
  31. iKamal: She smiled as Charles kissed her and went off to the bathroom. She took her jack and downed it. She really wasn't to happy about him taking Libi to the bathroom. She smiled to Dior and made ehr way over to her."You don't have to do any of the drugs that are here. I'm not. I'm just going to drink. You are welcome to stay here tonight if you want." she smiled to Dior abit."I'm not sure if anyone else is coming." she sat down on the couch and toyed with one of her braids.
  32. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows at him, she usually knew how this type of situation went. She tossed the pills and hopped off the table as she followed behind him and closed the door behind them. Her eyes lit up at the the bag and he rmouth hung open a little. "Shit." She whispered as she crouched down, watching him divide the powder into lines. "What do you want for it?" Libi asked carefully with a raise of her eyebrow.
  33. Favole: -Dior sat down next to Kam, climbing onto the couch and sitting cross legged as she continued to sip the vodka. It really wasn't that bad once you got used to it... "Thanks, Kam. I'll see how things go..." -she replied with a cautious smile. She couldn't afford to get into trouble this close to school starting... her uncle would put her ass on a plane home before she even got to her first class. She got comfy, leaning back as admired the sun setting outside.-
  34. ChurchAeki: Seeing Libi follow and close the door behind her, he would grin and shook his head. "Nothing, it's a party....all on me girly." He would lift the magazine carefully and placed it on the sink counter before standing up and moving behind her. He would reach over her shoulder and hold the rolled up bill in front of her face wiggling it slightly. "Dive in."
  35. iKamal: She leaned over to Dior and rested her head on her shoulder. Dior was the only person Kam considered as a friend. she took a deep breath."That sunset is so pretty." she smiled grabebd her jack sipping it some." how is your drink D? You like it?" she looked down at Dior's breast then her own. she never realized how small her tits really were till she looked at Dior's large chest.
  36. Tsaaq: She glared at him a moment. Nothing was on anybody in her mind. She was always skeptical of kindness in situations like this. "I don't like oweing people shit." She whispered as she bit her bottom lip and inhaled sharply. She took the rolled up bill and leaned over so she could snort up a couple of lines. She winced and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I can do one more." She muttered as she wiped her nostril and went to sniff up another line. She threw her head back as she stood to her feet and leaned on the wall. "Shit." She whispered.
  37. Favole: -She rested her head against Kam's as she rested hers on her shoulder. "Yeah. It is." -she agreed before nodding at her question- "Yeah, it's not bad. It doesn't really have a great flavour, but it's interesting..." -she mused, taking another sip. Glancing down she noticed Kam eyeing her chest, and wondered if the top really was too revealing after all. She decided to grab her jacket at the neareat opportunity-
  38. iKamal: Kam smiled D have your tits always been that big I mean jesus" she looked down at her own."I'm wearing a push up bra thats why mine look so big but I mean yours are like perky and perfect" she pouted slightly."I'm jealous." she chuckled some and sighed. she drank more of her jack." you feel anything yet?"
  39. ChurchAeki: Folding his arms as he watched her go at even after her words, this girl likes to get fucked up truely; he thought to himself before he moved over to her. His hand would reach out for the arm that held the bill, if she allowed him to his hand would slip slowly down her arm as it trailed down into her hand to take the rolled up money from her grip; as he did this he eyed her and licked his lips before backing away from her. Moving back over to the counter he would open another bag, dumping it onto the magazine and with the same card made then even lines across the front page. Bending over her snorted three lines quickly before he closed his eyes and let a long groan, before sniffing constantly for few minutes. "You can have the rest..." He says as he opened his eyes, moving over to the side of the tolet to pick up his bottle and opened the door heading out with Kam and Dior.; he ploped beside Kam and started to kiss her neck before looking across from her to Dior. "You enjoying yourself.?"
  40. Tsaaq: Libi flinched when she touched him but let him take the bill from her once she realized that's what he'd been aiming for. Her eyes bounced about the bathroom after seeing him pull out another bag. She was trying to not seem so excited about it. She stayed on the wall as he went to snort again again, lowering her head. Once he spoke she flinched again. "Yeah yeah yeah thanks." Libi resumed her rough demeanor, waiting until he was gone to finish off the rest of the powder. She coughed, forcing herself to stumble out of the bathroom. She staggered back into the main area with the others. "Wooo, that was a huge shit I just took." She called out even though it was obvious, bitch you were doing drugs not taking a shit.
  41. ChurchAeki: (LMAO)
  42. Favole: -Dior shrugged away from Kam as Charles sat down and started to kiss her, shuffling down the couch a little so she had her own space. At his question she nodded raising her cup a little before taking a sip- "Yeah. Thanks." -she replied, before turning to look over the back of the couch as Libi came back. She raised her eyebrows at her announcement, an amused smile hovering on her lips-
  43. iKamal: Kam winced abit as he kissed on her neck. She stood up and got away from him."I need another drink." she held her cup and looked at Libi and smiled."Hope you sprayed." she threw the cup away and grabbed a bittle of jack and swigged from it letting it burn her throat andwarm her tummy.
  44. ChurchAeki: High as kite Charles could help but laugh at Libi's obvious lie of course she knew new exactly why she was in the bathroom so long. "Oh man..." He says as he tried to collect himself, by down some more of his vodka, seeing Kam get up from him would have himarch a brow in question. "Hey..." He says as he struggled to get up from the couch, before actually getting up and moving to her, he lowered his voice as he stood at her side. "What's up?"
  45. Tsaaq: "Totally." She answered in a monotone before laughing, snorting a little after a while. She grabbed her own cup and put some jack in it as well. She went to gulp some of it down. "So what are we doing?" She slurred. Her eyes widening as Charles came over. Libi moved from the kitchen and jumped over the couch, landing on her ass beside Dior. "Sup?" She greeted, her drink not having spilt. She nursed the liquid, her mind moving a mile a minute.
  46. iKamal: [ryan cant get on he has to train someone]
  47. Tsaaq: ((Booo.))
  48. Favole: "Not much..." -Dior answered, her cup still pretty full up. She'd almost spilled some as Libi landed on the couch but managed to hold onto it. She was pretty impressed that she hadn't spilled any of her own. "I was actually thinking about going home..."
  49. ChurchAeki: (Train?)
  50. iKamal: Kam stood there and shook her head. She didn't speak to loud."Nothing." she moved away from him once again grabbing herself some pizza and taking a bite."D You want some pizza?" she leaned against the stove looking at Dior and Libi.
  51. iKamal: [i cant spell sue me!]
  52. Favole: [He has to teach someone stuff. Lol.]
  53. ChurchAeki: He followed after her as she said it was Nothing as it was obviously something, as she moved from the stove he took her by the wrist and stood close to her to not be obvious. "Don't lie to me." If she looked at him she could tell he was fucked up and he kept sniffing as he looked to her, his voice was still low but it was turning very stern in tone.
  54. ChurchAeki: (But what stuff D:)
  55. Favole: [Work stuffff]
  56. ChurchAeki: (Oh he is at work.)
  57. ChurchAeki: (Booo)
  58. Favole: [xD]
  59. Tsaaq: Libi suddenly began to squirm in her seat. "Yeah..." She trailed off in agreement. "Yeah, I might have to get out of here." Libi said quickly. She exhaled and forced herself to slouch in her spot on the couch. She rose and eyebrow at the mention of pizza and bit the inside of her cheek. "Maybe, hang on." She replied loudly. She finished off the remainder of her drink and began to cough. "Where's Damian?" She whispered to herself as she pulled out her phone.
  60. Favole: -Dior watched Libi warily. The girl was all over the place. Fidgeting and squirming where she sat and looking generally agitated. "I don't know anyone called Damian..." -she replied confused, until Libi pulled out her phone and she realised she had been talking more to herself.-
  61. ChurchAeki: (Dies waiting for Kam's post)
  62. iKamal: [im sorry]
  63. iKamal: Kam pulled her wrist away from him and she looked at him. She rolled her eyes seeing he was fucked up already and she had just started to drink. She put the alcho down." Don't start with me tonight." she whispered to him."not when I have guest here." she didn't want to argue infront of Dior especially.
  64. Tsaaq: She began to grind her teeth unknowingly, sending off a text and stuffing her phone back into her pocket. "Shit..." She whispered, going to lay on her side as she began to touch her neck. Libi curled into a ball on the couch. "Well... You still leaving?" She asked.
  65. Favole: "I...uh... are you okay?" -Dior asked, replying to her question with another question. She leaned forward, tilting her head to see her better in her foetal position-
  66. ChurchAeki: He grits his teeth, before moving from. "Fine." He moved from her and over back towards where Dior was, seeing Libi curled up on the couch, he moves to the front and bushes her hair from her face he looked at her. "Libi? many lines did you do?"
  67. iKamal: She watched him move away from her and when his back was turned she flipped him the bird and mouthed mother fucker behind his back. She gripped the counter and watched him."You wanted to go home right D? Want me to take you home? I am good to drive." she gripped the counter the white of her knuckles showing. He really got under her skin but she was trying to not yell at him or cause a scene. IT didn't help that she had jack runnign through her. Her cheeksfelt hot and her leg shook abit.
  68. Tsaaq: She waved her hand at Dior. "Yes shut up." She told the other female firmly. Libi sat up and raked her fingers through her hair a moment before she looked up at Charles. "Fuck off I'm fine." She said sternly. "Oh... You are leaving." Libi looked over to Dior.
  69. Favole: -Glancing away from Libi towards Kam, she assessed the situation. She didn't -look- like she was good to drive. "Um. No, that's okay. I can call an Uber." -she replied with what she hoped was a breezy smile. She looked back at Libi as she told her to shut up, about to reply when she interrupted to tell Charles to fuck off. "Yeah. I think I'd better. My uncle will already be pissed at me for coming in this late..." -she answered. Her uncle was away in Europe for a couple of days on a business trip... but they didn't have to know that. She pushed herself up off the couch, walking to the kitchen and placing her still half full cup on the counter. "See you later." -she said to Kam before raising a hand in Libi and Charles' direction- "Later, guys."
  70. Favole: [Gotta get my ass to bed. It's almost 5am. >.<]
  71. ChurchAeki: Charles put his hands up as Libi told him to fuck off. "This is how you treat someone who just gave you good time I'll be fucking selfish." He looked around. "What up with the girls tonight....fuck." He moved from the couch and over to the table, be began to pack up his stuff he wasn't for this shit tonight.
  72. Tsaaq: ((Aww okies.))
  73. ChurchAeki: (nighty nite)
  74. Favole: (Night night <3)
  75. iKamal: Kam smiled to Dior and nodded."Be Safe. I'll see you around D." she watched Charles pack his shit up and Libi be Libi. she sighed and started to clean up." Some party..." she mumbled to herself.
  76. Tsaaq: She squinted her eyes at him as she turned watch him walk away. "Hey fuck you man! This is why I don't like oweing people anything they get fucking entitled!" Libi said with a scoff. "I said I'm fine! What's so fucking horrible just take my word for it." Libi called out. She sighed as she got up from the couch, she leaned on the end table then on the wall as she made her way to the kitchen. "The party was fine. It's the people who are shit." Libi said, referring to herself.
  77. ChurchAeki: "Yeah what a party, maybe I should stop buy you useless shit and get you a book on how to keep a party going and how not to be a bitch for dumbies." He snaps out as he rought stuffed the drinks and weed back into his bac before zipping it up and putting it over his shoulder, with the other one to follow as he walked into the living room to pick it up.. Hearing Libi he would shake his head. "No one is getting entilitle, trying to be nice to your ass but you make it so got damn hard for anyone to be nice to your ass...."
  78. iKamal: She couldn't hold back anymore as he got smart out of his mouth with her. She turned and looked at him raising her voice at him."You better stop gettig slick out your fuckin mouth with me Charles. I am not the one. I will fuck you up in a heart beat believe me you. I am not in the mood for your fucking smart ass mouth." she threw her hands up."You know what fuck it. go take Libi and go do your fucking drugs. Hey if your lucy ibi will give you some ass tonight because obviously she is what you want." she looked at libi and smiled." Have fun with him Libi he is one hell of a fuckin guy." she grabbed her keys and made her way to her bed room. she grabbed a bag and started to stuff some of her clothes into it.
  79. iKamal: * lucky
  80. ChurchAeki: "Maybe I will fuck her, because you being a real bitch. For what reason I know fucking clue, I did nothing all day and yet you flipping on me once again. I'm tired of this shit, talking out the fucking side of you neck." He moved to the door and opened as he yelled out towards Libi. "You coming or you staying your ass here. Apparently Kam's pawning us of on each other might as well take this fucking chance."
  81. Tsaaq: Libi went to stand near the table and rested her hand on it for support. "Yeah! I'm a pain in the fucking ass. That's how this works." Libi shouted. "Sorry, I don't really come with a fucking warning label." Her voice cracked. Libi could barely stand on her own, she was stumbling while trying to make her way over to Kammie. "What?" She asked in genuine confusion. "No, stop that. I'm petty but I'm not that petty-" She argued. Her eyes widened as she turned to look over at Charles. "Um." Libi suddenly fell silent. She started to grind her teeth as she rubbed her neck. LIbi shook her head. "You're not angry fucking me! Just cause you
  82. Tsaaq: ((FUUUCK))
  83. Tsaaq: "You're not angry fucking me! Just cause you're mad at each other does mean I have to get fucked!" She declared, albeit she looked distressed while making this decision outloud.****
  84. iKamal: She stood in the oor way of her bed room now."fuck you Charles you piece of shit! It's never you! It's always Kammie! I saw you look at her fucking tits at the coffee shop then you take her into the bathroom alone without my permission! You are suppose to be my fucking man! I'm not playing this fucking bullshit with you! The only person in the wrong here is fucking you!" She looked at Libi and she lowered her voice."I'm not mad at you Libi Im made at that fucking dick head. You and me are cool..." she turned back to Cahrles." fucking punk ass bitch. getthe fuck out of my apartment. My mammie was right about you your jsut fucking trouble and care for no one but your god damn self." she was so pissed at him.
  85. ChurchAeki: He slamed the door back shut and turned after hearing what she had to say. "You was talking about fucking boob jobs, what would any guy but look. You act like I examined her fucking breast, pooped them out of her shit and titty fucked her to something on how the fuck you are acting right now. I'm a fucking man and any other guy would of fucked look I even looked at your when youw as talking about." He clenched his fits. "For the fucking bathroom, I wasn't trying to make Dior fucking uncomfortable with doing drugs in front of her, you one sided seeing......" He stopped himself from saying the last bit and punced the fuck out of the wall, the force of the punch would have the skin on his knuckles break causing him to bleed a bit. "You want to be like, fine see how far you get without me." He opened the door back up and walked out slamming the door behind him.
  86. Tsaaq: Libi frowned as her gaze bounced between the two of them. "Fuck." She whispered then crossed her arms over her chest. She looked to Kammie panting a little as she went to hide beside the fridge while the two argued. Libi didn't wince when he punched the wall or when he slammed the door. "Alright uh. See you around. Thanks for the drugs." Libi said. Her heart wasn't beating as fast as before but she was still pretty up. She lowered her head. "Fuck, I was just joking around earlier about my tits. Shit." She told Kammie.
  87. iKamal: She screamed out of frusration at the door as he left. She saw the hole in the wall that he punched."great now I have to get that fucking fixed." she sighed some and looked over at Libi."It's not you libi. IT's his dumb ass. If I am suppose to be his woman he shouldn't be looking at other women but me. I mean he would have a fucking fit If I looked at like mars crotch or something." she sighed and started to clean up the dry wall that scattered across the floor."You are welcomed to stay here tonight if you want. if not thats cool too."
  88. Tsaaq: She shook her head as she looked around. "Fuck... Well..." She trailed off. Libi wasn't good at apologies but she certainly didn't like this situation. Especially since everyone's anger didn't seem funny at all. She finally found her leather jacket and pulled it over her body as she twitched. "I would y'know. I'm all for passing out in people's bathtubs but I really really gotta find Damian." Libi said, almost sounding panicked. She cleared her throat once more. "Or go home and knock out before I get myself into anymore trouble tonight." She muttered.
  89. iKamal: Kammie sighed and nodded her head."Okay. I'll see you around then Libi." she felt like crying but didnt becuase libi was still there."I'm sorry about all this by the way. Just probably the alchol and drugs talking right now." she threw the dry wall away and watched as libi got ready to leave
  90. Tsaaq: "Listen it's okay." Libi said waving her hand at her. "It's not even that bad... I've totally seen way worse. You should see the holes in the walls at my place." She said as a form of comfort. "Those crusties do NOT leave places without destroying a little part of it." Libi slurred and attempted to walk to the door. "Try to get some sleep or something." She shrugged.
  91. iKamal: She smiled and nodded her head."Well that makes me feel better." she stifled a chuckle and sighed." You sure you should be driving libi? You seem pretty fucked up." she leaned against her washer and wouldnt argue with libi but she didnt feel safe with her leavingeither." Maybe I can call you an uber."\
  92. Tsaaq: Libi threw her head back and groaned loudly. "But my hearse is right downstairs! It's only gonna take me like an hour to get down there!" She complained before shaking her head."Fiiiinnneee." She said, plopping down onto the floor as she waited.
  93. iKamal: Kam chuckled some. Seeing Libi fucked up was pretty funny. She called her an uber and knelt down." should be here in five mintues." she helped Libi up to her feet."If I help you it will take less time."
  94. Tsaaq: She sighed and stood though her body felt like a ton of bricks. "Fine... But next time you're not allowed to help me." Libi exclaimed.
  95. iKamal: She smiled" Next time I won't help you ok I can deal with that." she wrapped one of libi's arms around her shoulders and held on to her waist."Your tits do look nice though if I am being honest. she tried to lighten the mood some more.
  96. Tsaaq: "Good then this shit is settled." Libi said, still trying to walk on her own. "That's why I sell my nudes to pervs." She shrugged and started to laugh. "But thanks."
  97. iKamal: She helped her down the steps and smiled." Well at least you are making money some girls do it for free."
  98. Tsaaq: "I know right? Idiots." Libi grumbled and shook her head, holding on as they went down the stairs. "I can't wait to get home and... Do what I'm gonna do there." Libi said before chuckling.
  99. iKamal: "Now that Charles is goen maybe I can be a cam girl and make good money twerking." she laughed some and shrugged." Well you ahv fun at home and try to get rest okay"
  100. Tsaaq: Libi nodded her head. "Thanks Kam." She muttered before yawning. "You should be a cam girl, those bitches make bannnk." Libi declared before leaping into the uber and laying across the backseat. "See you around bitch!" She called out as she rolled over onto her back, the door of the uber closed as the car drove off and shit.
  101. iKamal: She chuckled and watched libi drive off. She went to her hearse and made sure it was locked and the keys were in it. she made her way back upstairs and locked her door heaidng for bed
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