
Who ya' Gonna Call? Part 10: SlimeCraft

Nov 25th, 2012
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  1. >”A what?” Twilight said, tilting her head to the side.
  2. “Slime blower.”
  3. >You should probably show her what a slime blower is first, genius.
  4. “Hold on, I'll show you.”
  5. >You reach into your flight suit and take out your handy dandy cellphone, and begin to scroll through the videos.
  6. >Where was it...? Where was it...? You hope you didn't delete to make room for the 'cute ghost-cat' video.
  7. >Though, seeing a ghost-cat chase a laser pointer was the cutest thing-
  8. >Focus, Anon! Focus!
  9. >Ah, there it is!
  10. >It was an old video showing off Ghostbuster: New York's old MKI slime blowers. They were big, heavy, and made obscene noises; but goddamn could they push some slime.
  11. >The p0nies surrounded the small screen and watched as a younger Egon drenched a dummy with pink viscous goo while explaining how it worked in words that required a doctorate to understand.
  12. >Rainbow looked over at you, “You've used one of those before?”
  13. “Yeah. Super heavy, but damn if they aren't good at cleaning up black slime.”
  14. >You have a internal flash back to when you were still considered a 'rookie'. It was suppose to be fairly simple clean-up job. Until one of the black slime puddles started moving on their own, and became a swarm of class two black slime vermin. By the end of the night, everyone and everything was covered in pink slime.
  15. >You were a much better shot nowadays.
  16. >Glancing over at Twilight, you can see her mind moving a mile a minute, “I... I think I could make something that could work. I would need a lot of materials though. It'll take some time.”
  17. >Uh oh.
  18. “How long are we talking?”
  19. >Twilight scrunches her eyes and sighs, “A week, at the least? Its just that its going to take a while to make from scratch...”
  20. >You heard some hoof-beats coming from behind, you turn around and its Rich looking worse for wear, “So, whats the situation Mister Anonymous?”
  21. “Honestly, could be a whole lot worse; but its not looking good.”
  22. >Rich just nodded, looking off to the side, “Well, any idea when I could get my store safely open again?”
  23. >You glance over at Twilight, then back to Rich, “We're looking at one, maybe two weeks before we can get that slime vein neutralized. Listen, I know it sounds bad; but you have got to keep the store closed. If anyp0ny gets close to that hole, it could agitate the stuff and-”
  24. >Rich raises a hoof and gives you a calm smile, “I understand, Mister Anonymous. I am not one to jeopardize anyp0ny else. Though, may I ask why its going to take so long?”
  25. “Well, what it looks like what we're dealing with here is what we call a “slime vein”. Basically, its a pocket of negatively charged ectoplasm. It probably was formed in some kind of old tunnel, or mining system... hard to say really.”
  26. >Twilight peaked up, “It could be some old Diamond Dog tunnels. They used to live around here a long time ago before moving on to more mountainous regions in search of gems.”
  27. >You look over at Twilight and blink.
  28. “Is there anything you don't know, Twilight?”
  29. >She blushes slightly and chuckles, “Well, I live in a library... so... yeah.”
  30. >Just how much free time did she have...?
  31. >You look back to Rich.
  32. “Okay, well we're gonna need to go down there, find the source of all that black slime, and neutralize it. After that, it should be completely safe... In order to do that, we're going to have to use positive slime.”
  33. >You point over at the vat with a thumb before turning back to Rich.
  34. “We got plenty of positive slime, just no delivery system. I asked Twilight, and she thinks she'll have something made in a week or two. So, in the meantime I'll be camping out here to keep an eye on the situation. If it gets too serious...”
  35. >You pause for a moment. A magnitude six cross dimensional rift is the most likely thing to occur. Those are never pretty.
  36. “Well, lets worry about that if it gets that far.”
  37. >Rich looked off to the side and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “Well, that does sound very serious. Is there anything I could do to help the process move along faster?”
  38. >You think for a moment, then... A grin crosses your face.
  39. “Your store... Does it have a hardware department?”
  40. ==========
  41. >Convincing Rich to let you use some of the store stock to build a make-shift slime thrower was pretty easy: especially considering how it could be positive press for his business.
  42. >In other words, you turned on the Anonymous charm, baby.
  43. >Soon enough, Twilight was sitting in the middle of the hardware section; measuring and cutting various pieces of hoses and metal piping, and breaking down several tools for parts. Vacuum cleaners and air compressors mostly.
  44. >While you weren't the smartest cookie in the jar, you did know how to follow directions, so you were helping with the measuring and cutting process.
  45. >Rainbow and Fluttershy were outside watching the pit where that massive fiend jumped out of. Not one to let me go out there unarmed, you showed Rainbow how to use your proton-pack. She was almost giddy when she held that proton wand in her hooves...
  46. >How she held it in the first place confused you, I mean, the p0nies don't have fingers so-
  47. >Stop thinking Anon, just worry about the slime blower.
  48. >You and Twilight worked silently for a few hours; her only words being measurements and instructions for you.
  49. >”...Hey Anon. Can you work and talk at the same time?” Twilight inquired silently, while you heard her screwing together a few lengths of metal pipe.
  50. >You shrug your shoulders, still looking down at the piece of rubber hose you were cutting.
  51. “Sure, whats on your mind Twilight?”
  52. >A sigh escaped Twilight's mouth....
  53. >You knew that tone of sigh anywhere, it meant a serious talk was coming. You hated serious talks.
  54. >”Did you move out because I made you feel uncomfortable?”
  55. >You stopped cutting and looked over to Twilight.
  56. “What?”
  57. >”Well, I know you got kind of self conscious when I was taking notes on your bathing habits, so... I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable around me. It wasn't my intention. I just get... um... too excited about new discoveries sometimes.”
  58. >My god she was so self-conscious it was kinda cute. You release a chuckle, shaking your head before getting back to slicing rubber hoses.
  59. “Well, I'd be lying to say that it didn't bother me a little bit. You were taking notes on my tender anatomy. Its a little frowned upon where I'm from, especially since you didn't even take me out for a date first.”
  60. >”Uh-I-what?” She stutters, your comment catching her off guard as you hear a wrench hit the treated cement floor.
  61. >You snicker a little, looking over to Twilight.
  62. “I'm just messing with you, calm down. I just don't wanna be a mooch.”
  63. >You state before sliding over the pieces of rubber hose.
  64. “You kind of saved my life, Twilight. Thats a pretty damn big deal. I wanna repay you back for it, but... Kinda hard to do it when I'm devouring your food and sleeping on your floor.”
  65. >She levitates the hose pieces over her back still facing you, “Well you kind of eat my food now...”
  66. “And I plan on paying you back every cent... bit... whatever for it. I still don't know how I'm ever gonna repay you for saving my ass; but I promise I'll figure out something.”
  67. >”You don't have to 'repay' me, you know? I did what anyp0ny else would do.” She stated in a matter-of-fact tone of voice as she begun to tighten down some clamps.
  68. “Yeah, I bet any other p0ny in town would have totally let a soaking wet weird alien-thing into their house at midnight.”
  69. >Sarcasm colored your voice as you shook your head. Twilight just sighed again, “Okay... Well, I guess you have a point.”
  70. “Mmhmm. So, hows it coming? Need some more stuff cut?”
  71. >Twilight shook her head, “No... Its ready. I think.”
  72. >You walked over to look over Twilight's shoulder and inspect what you two had been working on for the past three hours....
  73. >You couldn't help but release a wolf-whistle from what you saw.
  74. >A massive red metal tank was the centerpiece, while two smaller gray tanks flanked either side, several pressure gauges were screwed into the top, as bits of rubber hose ran between the three as a long length went into a large conical nozzle made from some heavy duty piping and what looked like some pieces of scrap metal with an adjustable flow handle and a big red button on it.
  75. >Must not touch the big red button. Must not touch the big red button.
  76. >It looked dangerous, untested, held together by duct tape and copious amounts of super glue, and could potentially blow up in your hands.
  77. >You couldn't wait to try it out.
  78. “So, shall we test out your new baby and see how she does?”
  79. >Twilight looked up at you with a dead pan expression, “You do know that there is a good possibility that it could explode, right?”
  80. >Your mouth curves into a mad grin.
  81. “Now your just talking dirty to me...”
  82. >Reaching over, you pick up the new pack and slide it on. It was pretty light! Though, once it got filled with some slime, that could quickly change. You took hold of the nozzle, and pointed it forward making mock-spraying motions.
  83. >It felt about right, too.
  84. “Oh yes... Yeeeeees. I believe this will do quite nicely... You smart-cookie, you.”
  85. >You reach down and ruffle her mane. She blushes slightly and laughs, “Well, lets get it filled up so we can take care of that 'black slime' stuff....”
  86. =========
  87. >As you and Twilight head outside, the sun still hung in the sky. It must have been around two or three o'clock at this point.
  88. >You can hear Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy talking about something, and the distinct sound of the proton stream colliding with some rocks. Rainbow must be doing some target practice... Good.
  89. >Since you'd be wearing the slime blower, you couldn't use the proton-pack. Hopefully, Rainbow didn't mind coming with you to provide some fire support.
  90. >She probably would jump at the chance.
  91. >It seemed that out of all the p0nies, Dash had been hanging out with you a lot lately. Probably because she thought the entire Ghostbuster thing was pretty awesome. Who could blame her?
  92. >Going around, busting ghost with gear that could knock down a wall was a big draw of the job. And you just know that she's been eying that proton-pack ever since she saw what it could do.
  93. >You two walk a little closer and you can see Twilight's ears perk up slightly at the conversation they were having; you couldn't hear it though... Probably something about stunt flying or the Wonderbolts.
  94. >You made the mistake about asking her why she liked the Wonderbolts so much. That was one long ass lecture about how awesome they were.
  95. “Hey! You two talking about boys or something?”
  96. >Rainbow and Fluttershy seemed a little surprised about your sudden appearance, made even more evident by Dash firing off a proton stream into the air.
  97. >You lower your voice to a whisper, glancing over at Twilight.
  98. “I'll take that as a yes...”
  99. >Twilight released a nervous giggle as Rainbow trots over with the proton-wand in her mouth, the pack balanced on her back.
  100. >Was she blushing? No... Couldn't be.
  101. >Rainbow sits, cradling the wand in her hoofs, “Hehe... Hi Anon.”
  102. >Her cheeks were slightly tinted... Eh screw it, not important right now.
  103. “So, anymore signs of our black gooey friends?”
  104. >Fluttershy shook her head, Rainbow Dash did the same, “Nope. I've just been shooting at rocks as target practice. You make it look easy, Anon.”
  105. “I got plenty of experience, Rainbow. Alright, lets get the slime blower filled up, and the down in the hole... I don't suppose I can get some-”
  106. >Rainbow perked up, raising her hoof, “ME!”
  107. >Your gut is right again.
  108. >Twilight just blinks, then rolls her eyes looking over at you with a smile, “If your asking for volunteers, I'll be more than happy to come with you.”
  109. >Well, that makes two. Your pretty damn sure Fluttershy won't want to go.
  110. >”I'll stay up here, if that is okay with you.” She says shyly, having enough of supernatural horrors for one day.
  111. >No surprises there.
  112. “Alright... Looks like its us three. But first, I wanna test out this baby!”
  113. >You grin, stroking the nozzle of the MacGyver special slime thrower.
  114. >Twilight nodded her head, “Time for a field test.”
  115. >She trotted over to the big vat of happy mood slime, and you followed. Without saying another word, she grabbed one of the hoses off the slime-blower and attached it to a faucet. Then, she gave the faucet a turn, “Just hit the red button, Anon.”
  116. >You nod and gave the big red button a press, and the blower made the weirdest sound you've ever heard in your life.
  117. >It was a cross between plunging a toilet and someone going to town on themselves with a handful of lotion.
  118. “Oh... Oh thats just wrong.”
  119. >You laughed.
  120. >Rainbow snickered while Fluttershy tried to hide her blush behind her hair. Twilight didn't seem to get the joke at all, as she was too busy checking all the gauges on the blower.
  121. >Soon, the noise stopped and Twilight unhooked it from the vat, “And done! Anon, give it a quick test fire.”
  122. “You got it.”
  123. >You point the nozzle over at an empty plot of dirt... And pull slowly pull the flow handle back.
  124. >The noise it made was a gooey and gassy noise as the slime worked its way through the hoses and tanks. Finally, a concentrated stream of pink-ectoplasm shot out from the tip, easily going about twenty yards before hitting the dirt with a loud 'splort'. Good lord, this thing must be under an ungodly amount of pressure.
  125. >You blink, looking at the nozzle then stroking it gently while cradling it in your arms.
  126. “Oh. Oh baby, you worked so well. You know, Twilight, you should totally make a ton of these and sell them. It'll be the number one gift on everyp0ny's list.”
  127. >All of them snickered, as Twilight quipped, “Until it explodes, or it tries to strangle somebody, right?”
  128. “Pffft, we'll just put a big warning label on it and it'll be-”
  129. >You quickly snake the nozzle around your neck so it looks like a serpent trying to strangle the life out of you, and you begin to choke loudly.
  130. >All of the three p0nies begin to panic, as they try to free you from the 'possessed' slime-blower... Then you begin to laugh.
  131. “Ooooh... Got you with the old killer slime blower routine!”
  132. >They all just gave you a blank expression for a moment, then Rainbow glared then smirked, “Get him!”
  133. ===========
  134. >After a few minutes of wrestling p0nies off of you, all three of you are now looking down the shaft that the big black goo-monster made.
  135. >It was wide enough for you to fit through without too much squirming, and definitely big enough for your four legged friends. Though, you don't know whats waiting for you at the bottom.
  136. >You try to shine your flashlight down the hole; but its just too deep.
  137. >Rainbow kicks in a rock, and after a second you can hear it hit the bottom of the chasm. Sounded like it hit some solid stone.
  138. “We're gonna need rope.”
  139. >After a quick trip to the sporting department (Shop Smart... Shop Barnyard Bargains), you all were carrying enough rope to conceivably reach the bottom of the shaft.
  140. >Rainbow volunteered to go down first, and make sure the coast was clear... And after giving you the signal, you and Twilight descended into the dark abyss.
  141. >Finally, after what seemed like forever, you make it to the bottom of the pit and look about...
  142. >The darkness was cut by your flashlight, as Twilight's horn begun to glow as well.
  143. >It was a cave... Though, a mine would probably be more accurate. The walls looked like they've been dug out with claws of some kind; with old pick axes, shovels crude rusted mining carts strewn about in a haphazard fashion.
  144. >The ceiling was high, whatever dug these tunnels was probably around human height, give or take a half foot or two.
  145. >Though, the detail that made you uncomfortable was a trail of black slime that was on the cavern floor that stopped just below where you dropped in at.
  146. >A chill ran up your spine. Your spook senses were tingling again.
  147. >Reaching to your back, you retrieved your PKE meter and switched it on.
  148. >A chorus of small beeps and whines came from the device: must be a lot of residual PK energy floating around here.
  149. >Definitely a haunted mine. Though, with how much terrible shit went down in old mines, most of them had at least some degree of ghosts roaming around them.
  150. >With some small tweaks to your PKE, you managed to tune in to a rather large spike heading deeper into the mine system.
  151. “Looks like I got something.”
  152. >Deeper and deeper into the vast system of mines you traveled, with the p0nies in tow. Following the trail of black slime and your PKE meter to the source... No sign of the slime guardian, or anymore of his little ankle bitter pals.
  153. >”Do you think its still down here, Anon?” Asked Twilight, finally breaking the silence, “It feels like we've been walking for a while now and still haven-”
  154. >Suddenly she stopped as her ears perked, as did Rainbow's... Then you heard it too.
  155. >Everyone came to a full stop and begun to listen...
  156. >It was a faint hissing sound. It was probably one of those tiny animated slime blobs that you fought earlier.
  157. >In a flash, you holster the meter, and bring your blower to bear. Your flashlight shining on the source of the sound. And there is was...
  158. >It hissed loudly as the sudden exposure to light made it recoil backward, trying to scamper deeper into the cave.
  159. “Follow it, it'll lead us to the others!”
  160. >You shout and then make chase. Foot steps and hoof-beats echoed through the twisting passages of the abandoned mine, as the little unholy blob didn't escape the carefully trained light of your flashlight.
  161. >After one corner you came to a stop as your eyes widened...
  162. >The two p0nies stopped as well, “Hey why we'd-” Rainbow stopped as she saw something that probably turned that Roy G. Biv mane of her's white.
  163. >It was a large circular room. This was probably the main hub back when it was still a mine, but right now... There was a constant stream of black ooze dripping down from the ceiling, flowing from a light red glowing portal; making a twitching puddle of the vile substance in the middle of the room.
  164. “Thats a lot of slime.”
  165. >Immediately you begun to feel the voiced invade your mind, trying to cripple you with self doubt, you looked over to the others and noticed them begin to shudder and tremble.
  166. “Don't listen to the voices! Its just the black slime talking.”
  167. >You command, then turn around and open the slime blower to full...
  168. >The pink slime sprayed from the tip in a constant stream; bathing the light red portal as the rest of the black slime protested with loud hisses and psychic shouts of pain.
  169. >That portal was the first priority in your mind: that thing was pumping in black slime, and while it was a trickle right now in a few days it could become a river. Who knew how far these tunnels ran, probably all along P0nyville, or the entire country.
  170. >In some form of self-defense, the dark ooze begun to form into those blob creatures and skitter towards you. Only to be blasted away from a sweeping arc from the proton-wand Rainbow was wielding.
  171. >She released a loud shout, and kept firing. Keeping the beast at bay while you continued to bath the light red portal in pink goop...
  172. >The constant stream of black slime slowing to a drizzle, then a drip, and then stopping completely as the portal was forced shut.
  173. >That takes care of that, now to help Rainbow with these little-
  174. >You tensed up as you heard a familiar bellowing.
  175. >Of course, you almost forgot about the damn guardian. It sounded pissed, and rightfully so.
  176. >You just came into it's goddamn house, blew up it's fridge, and drank all of his beer.. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
  177. >Spinning around, you see it... In all of its massive glory, it charges at your group keeping its deathly eye trained on you.
  178. >Awww, it liked you!
  179. >Why did the big angry soul devouring monsters always like you?
  180. >Because you keep buying them flowers and asking them on dates.
  181. “Incoming, fall back, fall back!”
  182. >You point the slime-blower at it, as the arc of positive goo begun to neutralize it.
  183. >The thing released a pained and angry roar, raising one of it's massive arms to protect its body.
  184. “Not so tough now, are ya'?!”
  185. >You shout, and begin to slowly walk towards it as you cover it with more pink ooze.
  186. >...Then, the blower stopped blowing.
  187. >Oh shit.
  188. >You inspected the nozzle and tried to give to a few shakes, but nothing else would come out. Then you begun to hear it make another noise; a loud squeal and the sound of cracking glass.
  189. >”Anon! The slime-blower's clogged, its going to blow! Take it off!” Twilight yelled, her horn still lit up and providing Rainbow with enough light to see where she was shooting.
  190. >... It was at that moment you had a terrible, stupid, idiotic, and brilliant idea.
  191. >The thing was recovering from your slimy assault, and released another angry bellow.
  192. >Heaven or hell? Lets rock!
  193. >You unstrap yourself from the pack, and charge right at it. It watched you with what you could only think to be confusion, as you took the over-pressurizing tank and plunged it right into it's gooey body with a sickening 'sclroooop'...
  194. >... And now your standing in front of it, the clogged slime blower half-way plunged into its 'stomach', easily within striking distance.
  195. >Didn't think this one through at all, did you?
  196. >Without a moment more to regret your current course of action; the guardian grabs you with one of its massive claws and hefts you up in the air with it's immense strength. It's slime-formed fingers begun to crush you like an empty beer can, while it laughed cruelly.
  197. “Shoot the tank!”
  198. >You scream in agony as you can feel your bones pop and your lungs being robbed of precious oxygen.
  199. >”Rainbow, shoot the tank, its going to kill him!” Shouts Twilight, as Rainbow turns about. You can barely make out her face turning white as she fires off a snap shot that clipped the side of the main tank on the slime-blower.
  200. >The expression on the guardian's face changed almost instantly: from pure elation and sadistic pleasure, to that special look when all you can think is 'Oh fuck me'.
  201. >Yup, that look is almost totally worth all the pain your feeling right now.
  202. >The tank blew, the shambling guardian getting ripped in half by the force of the explosion as the immediate area was coated in a positive slime glaze.
  203. >You fell to the ground with a thud, landing on your back.
  204. “Oh... I feel so funky.”
  205. >You moan, as you roll on the ground, trying to clean the slime from your eyes.
  206. >”Oh my gosh, Anon! Are you alright?!” It was Rainbow Dash, she was probably standing over you.
  207. >”Anon, what were you thinking?! You almost got killed!” Twilight joined in.
  208. >You couldn't help but laugh. Maybe it was getting drenched in positive slime, or maybe it was because you managed to escape yet another near-death experience; but you felt good. You cleaned the last bit of slime from your eyes, as you grinned at the pair of the p0nies and suddenly wrapped them up in a hug.
  209. “Have I ever told you that I love you, guys? Seriously, you two are my favorite p0nies in the world.”
  210. >After the initial shock, the two p0nies wrap their hooves around you, as you all have a good laugh.
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