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  1. Session Start: Thu Oct 03 19:46:19 2013
  2. Session Ident: #Chihiro-newstaff
  3. 03[19:46] * Now talking in #Chihiro-newstaff
  4. 03[19:46] * Topic is ' | Henneko BD @ Check (It's in the 1-4 folder), ED @ Kristen'
  5. 03[19:46] * Set by d1st!~name@dod.inuti on Thu Oct 03 19:23:42
  6. 03[19:46] * [Chihiro] sets mode: +qo Kristen Kristen
  7. 01[19:46] <~Kristen> So
  8. 01[19:46] <~Kristen> Why exactly is golden time going on?
  9. [19:47] <&Lenmaer> ?
  10. [19:48] <&d1st> oh, wait a sec S0uten, where is the TL of it?
  11. [19:48] <&d1st> Neither files have it
  12. 01[19:48] <~Kristen> Like, why are we working on it?
  13. [19:48] <&Lenmaer> because?
  14. 01[19:50] <~Kristen> Because why?
  15. 01[19:50] <~Kristen> Like, was it something we voted on or something? It just seemed like it suddenly happened
  16. [19:51] <&Lenmaer> nope, because we were talking about doing with the new recruits and they agreed
  17. 01[19:52] <~Kristen> Um...
  18. 01[19:53] <~Kristen> I won't say anything
  19. [19:54] <begna112> why
  20. [19:54] <begna112> is there a better alternative?
  21. [19:57] <S0uten> d1st: The lines that needed changing of TL had it attached to the end of the line (in the ED1.txt) but I think they were copied (to the .ass file?) so it was just romaji fixes remaining in the FIXME file.
  22. [19:58] <S0uten> from what I remember, anyway
  23. [19:58] <&d1st> There are two lines with English text, yes, but they are nowhere near the lines that had changes
  24. [20:00] <&d1st> Well, OK, 1 lines, because I don't really think wo->o actually changes anything
  25. [20:00] <&d1st> *1 line, Jesus
  26. [20:00] <&d1st> I need to sleep
  27. [20:01] <S0uten> d1st: Yeah, that's because the romaji fixes didn't change the TL (the TL was probably a bit off originally but made better due to the editor?) The bit I changed wasn't quite right from the start, I think.
  28. [20:02] <&d1st> I see, thanks
  29. [20:08] <S0uten> Is Kristen against Golden Time?
  30. [20:10] <@Fan|zZz> I think it's more that she wasn't consulted after what happened last time something was done in the name of the group without her being consulted.
  31. [20:10] <&Lenmaer> she was
  32. [20:11] <@Fan|zZz> She didn't act like she had any clue.
  33. [20:11] <&Lenmaer> we've been talking about it for a couple of days now
  34. 01[20:12] <~Kristen> I thought we were discussing it as a possibility if none of our shows got licensed
  35. [20:12] <@Fan|zZz> Just talking about it, or talking to her about it? I've seen it mentioned a few times, but beyond the name of the show I had no clue what was going on with it.
  36. [20:13] <&Lenmaer> that's because you aren't in the other channel
  37. [20:13] <S0uten> Shouldn't this be the proper channel?
  38. 01[20:14] <~Kristen> It should be. The staff in the other channel and not this really are not to be relied on
  39. [20:15] <S0uten> Also, Kristen, do you mean if all shows got licensed?
  40. 03[20:16] * FujiTora ( has joined #Chihiro-newstaff
  41. 03[20:16] * [Chihiro] sets mode: +o FujiTora
  42. [20:18] <&Lenmaer> going to sleep
  43. [20:18] <&Lenmaer> o/
  44. [20:18] <S0uten> night
  45. 01[20:19] <~Kristen> Yeah
  46. 01[20:19] <~Kristen> We had a meeting
  47. 01[20:20] <~Kristen> And decided it was going to be Strike the Blood 1
  48. 01[20:20] <~Kristen> Machine Dolls 2
  49. 01[20:20] <~Kristen> And Outbreak Company 3
  50. 01[20:20] <~Kristen> If none were licensed by CR, we'd have another meeting
  51. 01[20:20] <~Kristen> Though Gallilei was next in line
  52. [20:22] <begna112> hey hybrid21|sleep u around?
  53. 01[20:23] <~Kristen> And my opinion would have been that we're probably best off not doing 2 shows yet.
  54. 01[20:23] <~Kristen> Recruits are recruits, and they have a much lower retention rate than veterens
  55. [20:24] <@FujiTora> have a nice dream
  56. [20:25] <S0uten> Kristen: Ah okay.
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